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Radiation, wind, precipitation, Coriolis
Effects of latitude, land & water,
maritime climate, topography, etc.
Rainshadow effect
Major biome: desert, grassland, forest,
taiga, tundra
What aspect of environmental
factors is relevant?
Maximum, minimum, averages, or the
level of variability? synergistic effect?
thermal profile
Aquatic ecosystem
light, thermocline, salinity, etc.
Physical resources and limiting
Range of the optimum
Liebig's law of minimum
Shelford's law of tolerance
Limiting factors
Effects of abiotic factors on
distribution and abundance
Temperature - treeline and coral
Water and salinity - fog belt and tidal
Nutrient - lemming cycle
Phenotypic plasticity-- environmentally
induced phenotypic variation
Acclimation (vs. acclimatization) -physiological adjustment to a changed
Principle of allocation: trade-offs in
allocating time, energy, and other
resources among various conflicting
Homeostasis--Maintenance of relative
constant internal conditions in the face of
a varying external environment
Adaptation to heat, cold, dry, wet,
pressure, low oxygen supply, etc.
Principle of heat transfer
Hs =Hm ± Hcd ± Hcv ± Hr ± He
Hs = heat storage by the organism
Hm = metabolic heat production (always +
for a living organism)
Hcd, cv = conductive (and convective) heat
Hr = radiation heat exchange
He = evaporate heat exchange
Temperature regulation in plants
Desert plant – ↓ heating by conduction,
↓ rates of radiative heating, ↑rates of
convective cooling
Hs =Hcd ± Hcv ± Hr
Foliage far enough above the ground,
small leaves, open growth form,
reflective surface or dense hair,
changing orientation of leaves and stems
Arctic and alpine plant – ↑ rates of
radiative heating, ↓ rates of convective
Hs = Hcd ± Hcv ± Hr
Dark pigment, cushion growth form,
hug the ground, change orientation
Tropical alpine plant – little annual but
much daily temperature fluctuation
Giant rosette growth form
retain dead leaves
dense and thick pubescence
retaining large amount of water to
store heat
close over the apical buds at night
ectotherm vs. endotherm
poikilotherm vs. homeotherm
E = cm0.67
Body mass ~ metabolic rate ~ food
habits ~ foraging behavior ~ home range
~ social organization
morphological, physiological,
behavioral specialization
Bergman's rule, Allen's rule,
pigmentation, fur, blubber, …
Basking, hiding, shivering, huddle, …
Hypo-, hyper-thermia, countercurrent
heat exchange, torpor…
Other factors
Moisture, nutrient, light, pH, soil, etc.
Tolerance of pollution
Types of fire: surface, ground, crown
Effect of fire
removal of plant cover
removal of litter
effects on minerals
effects on animals
Effect of typhoon
Responses to climatic changes
Ecological indicators
Distribution of snail and
ground temperature
Herbivory and plant defenses
morphological defenses
chemical defenses
associational resistance
enemies hypothesis
resource concentration
Effects of herbivory
Individual, population, communities,
types of animals, productivity
Direct effect: survival, fecundity, and
Indirect effect: changes in competition
between species and microclimate
At ecosystem level
Structure and plant composition
Redistribution of nutrient through
Individual strategies
Making prey location more difficult, e.g.
freezing, camouflage, mimicry (Batesian
vs. Mullerian), removing evidence
Making predator hesitate
Making capture more difficult, e.g.
vigilance, stotting, fleeing, misdirecting
Fight back: physical resistance or
chemical warfare
Cooperative defense
increase vigilance
selfish herd
dilution effect
group mobbing
Alarm call
Optimal theory
The theory used to generate hypotheses
about the adaptive value of characteristics
which analyzes the costs and benefits of
alternative decisions in terms of their fitness
Behavioral strategies be analyzed in terms of
cost and benefit in affecting Darwinian
fitness (survival and reproduction)
Selecting what to eat (optimal diet)
Profitability of prey = E/h
When encounter prey 1, eat prey 1.
When encounter prey 2, eat prey 2
if gain from eating prey 2 > gain from rejecting
prey 2 and searching for another prey 1
E1/ h1 > E2/ h2, eat E2
if E2 / h2 > E1/(S1 + h1) or S1> (E1h2 / E2) - h1
Predator should be either a specialist or
The decision of specializing depends on S1 (or
the availability of prey 1)
The switch should be sudden
Examples: bluegill sunfish, great tit, crows,
oystercatchers, etc.