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Pengaruh lama etsa asam hydrofluoric pada permukaan porselin terhadap
kekuatan geser breket logam ortodonsi
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Abstract :
The Purpose of this study was to determine the influence etching time on porcelain surface to
the shear bond strength of metal orthodontic brackets by using hydrofluoric acid and silane.
Fifty feldsparthic porcelain tablets were divided in to five equally size groups to asses the effect
hydrofluoric acid etching time and silane. Group (1) without hydrofluoric acid etching and
silane, (2) only prime silane, (3) 15 second etching hydrofluoric acid with silane, (4) 30 second
etching hydrofluoric acid with silane and (5) 60 second etching hydrofluoric acid with silane.
And Brackfix NT composite used to bond the metal brackets. Shear bond strength was used to
debond the metal brackets with autograph-Shimadzu with crosshead speed of 5 mm/minute.
After measuring the pattern of S =F/a (KgF/mm2) was applied and then it was conversed to unit
of megapascal (Mpa). The result show that hydrofluoric acid solution was able to provide
enough retention to increase bond strength which can be further improved by chemical
bonding with a silane primer agent on porcelain surface (p < 0,05). Therefore bonding to
porcelain is clinically possible and is an acceptable procedure in orthodontics