Download Identify one of the following from the food web shown above

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Identify one of the following from the food web shown above:
Producer: __Grass_________________
Herbivore: __Grasshopper________________
Carnivore: ____Hognose Snake_______________
Predator: ____Hawk________________
Prey: ____Grasshopper__________________
Identify one organism from each of the following trophic levels:
Energy: ___Sun_______________________
Producer: ___Grass_____________________
Primary Consumer: _____Grasshopper_______________
Secondary Consumer: ______Spider______________________
Tertiary Consumer: ____Garter Snake______________________________
What is lost at each trophic level in the ecosystem? __Heat____________________
In terms of percent, how much is lost per trophic level? __90%___
Which of these organisms are in a trophic level which receives a larger percentage of energy?
____Producers (Grass, Tree, Shrub)_______________________
What do the arrows represent in the food web above? ___Energy flow__________________________
Deforestation changes an ecosystem. Which environmental change would affect the ecosystem for the
Choose one answer.
A. Erosion
B. Loss of soil nutrients
C. Flooding
D. Loss of biodiversity
All of the following can overwhelm the stability of an ecosystem and result in long-term irreversible
changes for organisms EXCEPT ___.
A. loss of grasses and other vegetation due to sustained high temperatures accompanied with
low precipitation
B. loss of fish production in a stream, due to death of invertebrates from copper pollution
C. loss of timber growth, due to nutrient losses caused by mercury poisoning of microbes and
soil insects
D. decline of forests, due to air pollution and acid deposition
DDT is a chemical that was used to kill mosquitoes around the lake. Some DDT was later found in the
water. According to this food chain, which of these organisms most likely contains the greatest
concentration of DDT in its tissues?
A. A minnow
(small fish)
B. An alga
C. An osprey
(large, carnivorous bird)
D. A bass
(large fish)
The greater the variety of species, the healthier the environment is. Why does biodiversity contribute to
A. More species – more links in food webs and food webs are less stable
B. Fewer genes – better chance for survival through natural selection
C. A variety of niches – offers fewer habitats for different species
D. More plants – more food for other animals
Explain how the development of agriculture can be harmful to the environment even though it is
beneficial to society.
A. Deforestation for farming destroys natural habitats and can cause habitat fragmentation
B. Deforestation can cause desertification if the soil is allowed to erode
C. Chemical pesticides sprayed on crops can seep into the ground water
D. All of the above are correct.
Which statement describes a possible consequence if biodiversity were to decrease in the Artic due to
the extinction of polar bears?
A. A decrease in the number of herbivores due to natural predators being gone
B. Changes in the food web, leading to a loss of food resources for native people
C. Disturbances in weather patterns, leading to a higher average water temperature
D. An increase in the number of producers after a herbivore population boom
This is an example of Primary Succession.
How do you know? __The number of species plummets
to nearly zero, suggesting a severe environmental event
(disturbance) that decreases the species diversity and