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Edward A. Feigenbaum
Stanford University
Sometimes it is luck that launches life's work. For me, it was an amazing
piece of luck, to be at Carnegie Tech, and an undergraduate student of
Professor Simon's, at the moment of the birth of the sibling sciences of
artificial intelligence and information processing models of human thought!
Luck was helped along by Herb Simon's always-open door. He led me in, to
the most exciting of intellectual adventures.
Herb Simon once said to me: "Don't waste your time commenting on someone
else's history. Wait until you write your own." This paper will recount some
history— careful, I hope, but not complete (see notes 1,2). I want to
reminisce a
bit on this happy occasion, and acknowledge some personal debts. But I also
want to expose some personal biases, developed over my half -a- lifetime of
work in computer models of thought. And I want to discuss, perhaps
clarify, some basic issues that have arisen during the growth of the science and
technology of artificial intelligence.
Some Moments of Personal History
In the mid-19505, I was an undergraduate engineering student at Carnegie Tech,
bored with thermodynamics and electric motors, sampling the excitement of
behavioral science at a very new and very odd place on campus, the Graduate
School of Industrial Administration. I did experiments one summer with March
and Simon on the decision making behavior of small groups. The
school year
came and I signed up for a seminar Simon was giving— Mathematical Models
in the Social Sciences. What we studied you can read in Simon's Models of
Man (Simon, 1957). Toward the end of the semester came the Christmas break
and the New Year 1956.
The first session after the break brought an unforgettable moment. Herb Simon
came into class and said "Over Christmas, Al Newell and I invented a thinking
contemplating an oxymoron. Machine?
machine " Puzzled looks, from students
He laid on the table
Thinking? Thinking Machine? What could that mean?
IBM 701 Computer. I remember
some copies of an instruction manual for the
manual, undergoing a conversion
staying up all night, absorbing that
IPL-1 (Feigenbaum and
experience. What followed in class was LT and
for graduate school (work
Feldman 1963) and then it was obvious what to do
the summer (learn to program
with Simon and Newell) and what to do for
real machines at IBM).
The GENESIS of the Science (Early Life in the
Search Space)
beginning, so each of
In the beginning ... a science almost never has a unique
time of the Logic
us can select my favorite candidate. In 1955-56, around the
Theorist, Simon wrote a pair of articles that I consider to be the
the articles:
articles for the founding paradigm of AI research. These are
the Structure
Behavioral Theory of Rational Choice; and, Rational Choice and
essentially a positive
of the Environment (Simon, 1957). The BTRC is
theoretical counterpoint to the theme that led to Simon's Nobel award:
immense (assumed)
omniscient Economic Man, the decision maker, with his
implausible fiction,
information processing power and prowess was an
BTRC, Simon
unworthy of a place at the foundations of economic theory. In
proposes a model of the decision maker characterized by limited information
must be
processing and information gathering capabilities; who therefore
satisfied with decisions less than optimal; who uses strategies and tactics
behaviors that
thought (what later we would call heuristic processes) to achieve
processing power. RCSE is
are "good enough" in spite of the limitations on
Simon's first statement of the now-famous theme that the observed
goal seeking and problem
of behavior arises not from the complexity of the
essentially simple mechanism
solving mechanism but from the responses of an
Later, this viewpoint was to be
to the complexities of the task environment.
and in this
captured in metaphor as Simon's "ant on the beach" (Simon, 1970)
ideas. Unfortunately, in
form became enshrined in Al's pantheon of powerful
along systematically, so even
a young science, the culture is not always passed
today waves of new scientists waste the early parts of their careers
complex task
ever-more-elaborate "reasoning engines" "planners", etc., ignoring
and the analysis and representation of their complexity.
The Whole Man
With his view of the essential simplicity of the problem solving
mechanism- -the simple goal-seeking ant on the complex beachSimon
assessed the experimental results of the Genesis period as indicating that we
were approaching an understanding of "the whole man" (by which he meant
Cognitive Man), an assessment that was not popular either inside or outside of
AI. More than twenty years have passed since his assessment, a great deal of
system building and experimental work. The empirical evidence to date is that
Simon was right. The essential structures and processes are simple. The model
builder need not postulate much mechanism to make an experimental system
"work", that is to build artifacts that behave intelligently with competence or
to explain complex human cognitive phenomena.
Once again, the main theme: the apparent complexity of a cognitive system's
behavior arises from its model of its "world", its task environment, its
knowledge base. To use the terms currently in vogue, the knowledge base of
the intelligent system is large and rich with descriptions of objects, relations
among them, and rules pertaining to them. The system's inference engine is
small and simple.
The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis
In the beginning (also) . . . was a credo, shared by all but rarely articulated. It
was later stated and named by Newell and Simon in their Turing Award
lecture (Newell and Simon, 1976): The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis. It
states that:
A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for general
intelligent action.
law. It was (let me try
& feadge rf
The PSSH was stated as an
various metaphors): an article
belonging to the Al
generalization. Thus, we an
M«~£ was^
The Search
model of problem
was Search The breakthrough
..LT). was
controlled search.
solving (exemplified
was the proble m
called it the "maze model
be discovered by using
space". Solution states or solution
to^ Problem solving was
In the beginning (also)
('primarily) heuristics for pruning
as the
Growth. The hero's crude but ettecuve
with his
of he
n wa
Heuristic Knowledge
dominant was the concept of the
sometimes called .
Operations Research AI was
indeed even today the collection
the Heuristic Programming
P g
£ th^
reducer.> esse^e
\"^ J^^^^ discussedw
Systems Laboratory at
powerful idea. In 1963, in me
"heuristic" in terms of search
point, can we assert that
"knowledge"? I
"experiential knowledge":
From today's
was and is
--- made
a row,
than N negation . signs in
p to
. LT: the subgoal
using n
prune it (rationale: shun the
contains more
rid of negation signs; try something else). N could be set by the heuristic
Chess: "It's good to move rooks to open files".
Search, in Its Prime
However, the focus of the scientific attention of the early years was not on the
structure, codification, and representation of such knowledge but on problem
solving processes and search. To illustrate this:
the 1958 paper on the NSS Chess Player attends primarily to the processes
for searching the game tree effectively. The words "a practical body of
knowledge about . . . chess play" appear once, but in an incidental way, not
woven into the main line of exposition. The table comparing the characteristics
of various chess programs never mentions "amount of chess knowledge" as a
characteristic, although all modern tables comparing expert systems would do
just this.
in 1956, Simon told me that propositional calculus had been chosen as the
first task environment because "the p's, q's, and r's carried no meaning" (i.e.
the difficult problem of meaning could temporarily be factored out of the
scientific problem of understanding problem solving as search).
. ..
Similarly, cryptarithmetic was chosen as a task environment because it
allowed a careful study of problem solving as search. The knowledge employed
was extremely simple and its representation and use played no important role
in the research. In fact, there was a mildly humorous pun in adding DONALD
to GERALD to get ROBERT, since the semantics associated with these symbol
strings relates to digit assignment and not to people.
. . . the
design of GPS focussed on the simplicity and elegance of the problem
solving machinery for generating and selecting paths. What GPS knew about its
task environment was relatively little, and was contained in an impoverished
(by modern standards) "knowledge base", the operator- difference table. One
might think of the O-D table as a kind of "rule base", but even so it would be
considered very small by today's standards. Newell and Simon were certainly
aware of the issues relating to knowledge, but their scientific strategy did not
lead them to attend to these issues.
. . . those AI scientists oriented toward mathematical models sharpened their
pencils and proved theorems about best search strategies (A*, etc.). Others who
constructed models of problem solving using methods imported from
mathematical logic, were also concerned primarily with search and
search-reduction techniques (primarily because the search trees generated by the
resolution method were enormous for any problem of interesting scope,
rendering the methods ineffective from a practical viewpoint).
In short, in the Genesis period (1956-66), search and the search model of
problem solving dominated the research agenda of the science of computer
models of thought. This was to change in the years that followed.
An Interlude: The Dimensions of Intelligence
Some AI programs solve problems with a level of competence equalled by only
a few world-class experts, and yet critics claim that they are not "really"
intelligent (sometimes expressed as not "truly" intelligent). What can this
criticism possibly mean?
"Intelligence" is a broad-spectrum term that names a collection of different
behaviors. Intelligence is clearly multidimensional. A critic viewing
achievement along a dimension that is not his favorite says that the system is
not "really" intelligent unless it achieves along the critic's favorite dimension.
Several "favorites" have displayed their banners over the history of AI.
. . . competence
(or performance). A system is intelligent if it displays a high
level of competence in solving intellectually difficult problems. (This is the
banner that I wave).
.. .
learning. A system is intelligent if it is able to increase its store of
knowledge by reasoning or experience and thereby perform more competently
over time.
. ..
generality. A system is intelligent if its problem solving processes are so
adaptable that the problem solver can perform effectively over a broad span of
tasks, using one unvarying set of mechanisms. (This banner was first inscribed
with the initials GPS).
common sense. A variation of the generality dimension. A system is
intelligent if it can perform cognitive acts over the full spectrum of the
human knowledge and experience that we call "common sense". (From 1958,
associated with John McCarthy, and currently very popular in AI).
.. .
natural language understanding. The essentially (perhaps uniquely) human
cognitive act is communicating with language;
hence the system is intelligent
only to the extent that it is competent in the use of natural language for
This may not be an exhaustive list but it will serve for the ensuing discussion.
Each of these dimensions of intelligence received investigative
attention in the
Genesis period. As I will discuss later, the competence/performance dimension
received the most attention. Learning, "adaptivity", was highly attractive
proved to be an early dead-end (but this is not the place to tell
that story). It
was put into a state of hibernation by a very significant paper by Newell
(Newell, 1963) in which learning was correctly set in relation to
processes. Learning research awoke again only when AI
was able, with relative
ease, to build programs of significant competence, whose performance
could be
improved by learning in the manner indicated by Newell in 1962. (Waterman,
1970;Buchanan and Feigenbaum, 1978).
Competence/Performance Dimension
dimension of competence/performance
wTlld by'some
myth and
decade, and
Newell, Shaw, and Simon fo i a
compe ««
predictions about achievable
experiments about the scope
oi mc y>
ot Chapter 1 of Wh.Ktad
p.ob.em ».vinB (the famo» s
competence (how many theorems
nrnve7\ and the quality of its
""tote") "« «- «» "
ptotf^'^fSl.M.n Hao
testing it with the New York State
And when
G"» P
at an ORSA
what made the
(thats w
on extraordinary
predictions so unpopular at the
The Eclipse of the Competence/Performance
the Competence/Performance
several reasons for this.
Remarkably, the focus shifted, and
There were
went into temporary eclipse.
rPS The GPS ideas
commanded the attention of
its generation of
connectionist experiments).
models of humar
success of the information processing learning and Feldman s
EPAM model of nonsense syllable
for' fxLnptM
the early
model of binary choice decision making (Feigenbaum and Feldman, 1963). This
work was exciting, important, and leading somewhere, but the somewhere was
NOT high levels of competence/performance, but rather the detailed
understanding of the microprocesses of human thought.
. . . the
early attempts at high levels of competence were difficult, troublesome,
and not all that successful (e.g. after all the work invested, the actual
competence in chess playing achieved by the NSS chess playing program was
modest). With our current understanding of the role of knowledge as a source
of power for problem solvers, we now understand why high levels of
See Note 3.) Yet the early
competence were difficult to achieve then.
enthusiasm for the competence dimension diminished. Scientists found other
pastures were greener.
The Shift to the Knowledge-Based Paradigm
Yet, during this period of eclipse, the scientific ground work was being laid
for the later return of the competence/performance dimension as Al's primary
focus. In Minsky's lab at MIT, a generation of graduate students began work on
"semantic" information processing. Moses began his important work on highly
competent programs for performing symbolic integration tasks (McCorduck,
1979). The work at Carnegie in this 1961-66 period was especially important:
Quillian's work on semantic nets and the work of Newell and Simon on
productions as the basis for problem solving procedures. These, in my view,
were the critical scientific events that would serve as prelude to the major shift
in focus that was to occur in the 1966-76 period, the change that was called
(Goldstein and Papert, 1977) "the shift to the knowledge-based paradigm".
Since the power of programs to behave at high levels of competence derives
from the knowledge the programs have about their respective "worlds", this
shift was responsible for the reemergence of the competence/performance
dimension as the primary focus of the AI science (and now the applied AI
The Exodus: From the Search-Based to the
Knowledge-Based Paradigm
The work of Newell and Simon impressed upon AI the methodological
paradigm of empirical science. The methodology dictates this "scientific loop":
a. design
b. test
. . . based
. . . based
on an information processing model
on computer programs you write to represent your design
c. measure . . . based on actual computer runs of those programs (not
"pencil-and-paper", not "armchair thinking", not "theorems")
d. redesign
. ..
based upon the discoveries made about the behavior of the
This is the "coin of the realm", as Newell labeled it recently.
evidence really counts in shaping new directions.
In AI, empirical
The Empirical Evidence
By 1966, a great deal of evidence from the first decade of Life in the Search
Space was in, and amounted to this: though the work had been enormously
fruitful in stimulating the development of the basic concepts of the field, it
produced almost no "powerful" programs, i.e. programs that performed
intellectually difficult tasks at world-class levels of competence (performance).
The weak methods of the search paradigm were indeed weak in the sense of
not leading to high levels of competence on "big thinking tasks". The
two-handsful of problems that GPS had been able to solve were all relatively
simple puzzles; the NSS Chess Player was not a strong player; and no one
(except maybe Gelernter) had been able to do much better. Where now were
the visions of Simon's ORSA talk and his book The New Science of
Management Decision(Simon, 1977)?
The First Knowledge Engineer
The Genesis years had of course laid the foundation for Al's next big move.
The methodological imprint described above was central, and the strength of its
impression is one of the greatest of the Newell-Simon contributions to the
field. Indeed, the concepts that were later to come to primary importance could
not be ignored, and were not ignored, during the Genesis period: concepts of
knowledge representation, use, and acquisition. They were there, but they were
not at the scholarly focus of attention.
The best example of this is to be recalled from the years of experiments with
the NSS Chess Player by those (like me) who were witness. While Newell and
Shaw were handling the issues of development and testing, Simon was deeply
immersed in CHESS itself as a domain, reading chess books, studying chess
lore, even playing an order of magnitude more chess himself than he had done
before— all with the purpose of acquiring and codifying chess knowledge for
use by the emerging program. These are the images I have in my mind when I
think of Herb Simon as probably the first Knowledge Engineer (as such
technologists are now called). Yet the papers on the NSS Chess Paper are
mostly quiet on issues related to chess knowledge.
Why was this? The field's view of the role of knowledge in problem solving
can perhaps be brought back to mind with a personal anecdote. The
DENDRAL program, to be discussed later, solved problems in analytic
chemistry. My first presentation of the results of DENDRAL was made at the
1966 DARPA Principal Investigators Conference. One of the smartest of the
young AI scientists of the time, now a senior AI statesman, rose to ask this
question: "It sounds like great Chemistry, but what does it have to do with
AI?" As it turned out, I believe: a great deal, perhaps almost everything.
For we are all ants on beaches of knowledge.
The View that Knowledge is Power
The search paradigm, which had been leading the science, was also misleading
it. First of all ,there was the simple question of what issues should get priority
of attention. As the knowledge-based programs of the Exodus era (beginning in
1966) were built, it became clear that the most simple, almost rudimentary,
search techniques would suffice for the construction of high-performance
systems. The backchaining of MYCIN was not more complicated than the
backchaining of LT! In some cases, like MYCIN'S, the search spaces were
extremely small anyway and could be handled by exhaustive search.
Yet MYCIN was evaluated to have the competence level of nationally
recognized physicians in infectious disease diagnosis and therapy. How come,
with such rudimentary methods? Because the power of MYCIN (i.e.
competence) derived from the good and useful knowledge it had of blood and
meningitis infections and antibiotic therapies (Buchanan and Shortliffe, 1984).
The same can be said for all the expert systems that are MYCIN clones
(presently, thousands) and indeed for virtually all other expert systems. In fact,
most system builders do not even bother to build their own search engine these
days; they simply buy one off-the-shelf. The real system-building "action" is
not in the search engine but in the knowledge and its representation.
In the knowledge lies the power. The polestar has shifted.
Even in subfields other than problem solving systems, knowledge is the focus.
The basis for "understanding" in Image Understanding, Speech Understanding,
and Natural Language Understanding is taken to mean: what does each program
know about its particular "world" to guide its understanding of signals and
symbols from that world?
The Knowledge-is-Power Hypothesis, I want to emphasize, is not sloganeering.
It is an empirical hypothesis, within the imprint of the Newell-Simon
methodology. It summarizes a very large body of evidence accumulated over
twenty years. I will return to this hypothesis in a later section.
The Knowledge-Search Tradeoff
An objection that might be raised is based upon the "knowledge-search
tradeoff". This is a plausible and useful conception that was introduced in the
early 1970s as an intellectual bridge between the search-based and
knowledge-based paradigms. Imagine a two dimensional space, knowledge x
search. The space is filled with "equal competence" curves. For each level of
competence, more knowledge implies less search, and less knowledge more
search. Hence, the objection would go, if a program lacks knowledge, it could
always just substitute more search to maintain equivalent performance.
Because it leads to just this objection, the K-S tradeoff is misleading. It can
not be said to be "false" because it is plausible at some abstract level. But it is
misleading because it is not a good guide to system design and construction. It
conceives too simplisticaily the relationship between knowledge and the control
of search, assuming (without saying so) a simple transformation between
knowledge applied and search nodes pruned. This conception works reasonably
well for "closed worlds", such as chess-playing or cryptarithmetic, with no
variety of exogenous sources of knowledge that are potentially effective. But
the conception fails for even as simple a case as MYCIN. There is no way
that MYCIN can "trade off" more search of its space of diagnoses for less
medical knowledge of presenting symptoms, disease states, characteristics of
infecting organisms (e.g. their morphology, their staining characteristics) and so
on. I will give a more dramatic example later, with respect to nuclear magnetic
resonance knowledge used by DENDRAL. But these are not isolated, peculiar
cases. They are merely two (and early) instances of the general case.
It might be argued that in some globally-conceived nesting of search spaces,
knowledge can be traded for search. But such a argument is unfruitful (because
it leads regressively through a hypothetical chain of search spaces in which
eventually some "fundamental" knowledge really does trade for search); and
impractical (since, in any event, real systems are not built to work this
way)(see note 4).
Knowledge arises from a variety of sources exogenous to the problem solver
that can not be "traded" for: to mention a few examples, human pattern
recognition ultimately transduced by a knowledge engineer into the knowledge
base; statistical routines; books reporting a field's "lore" and "facts", also
transduced by a knowledge engineer.
This topic deserves an extended treatment, and this is not the right place . But
perhaps a metaphor will help. The simplistic K-S tradeoff pictures a kind of
bidirectional "titration" of knowledge and search, such as is found in
cryptarithmetic solvers; the real situation is more like a unidirectional
"precipitation" of search by knowledge, such as is found in MYCIN.
DENDRAL As a Catalyst of Change
Among the events of early significance to this Exodus period were the
DENDRAL experiments. DENDRAL (1965-1983) was at the time of its
demise, I think, the longest-lived continuous set of experiments in the history
of AI, but the important experiments for the Exodus took place in the first
several years. To recap briefly, DENDRAL was a program to solve problems of
the induction of chemical structure hypotheses from spectral data (initially
mass spectral data) and (optionally) the chemical formula. DENDRAL used
several knowledge sources: valence (which gave the most basic topological
knowledge); stability of molecules; mass spectral fragmentation processes; and
some components of human judgment in mass spectrometry. It evolved through
an intense collaboration with world-class experts in mass spectrometry, in a
pattern that is now familiar and routine, but was rare for its time.
The DENDRAL team gave special attention to issues
representation, again for reasons that are now commonplace:
of knowledge
. .
. . to facilitate knowledge
for "transparency", so that the chemist-collaborators could easily
understand what the program was doing, and what it knew.
acquisition, both human-to- machine and by a
learning program (Meta-DENDRAL).
to simplify the symbolic manipulation that DENDRAL needed to do.
The first two of these reflected a strategic decision that to model the behavior
of the chemists, maximizing their contribution, it was necessary to adhere
closely to the concepts, structures, representations with which they understood
their domain. List structures were, of course, ideal for representing the
molecular graphs that chemists use. To represent other kinds of chemical
knowledge, e.g. mass spectral fragmentation processes, we adapted the
Newell-Simon productions into a style that we called production "rules". This
style later mutated several times in MYCIN and other systems we did at the
Stanford Heuristic Programming Project.
At Carnegie Mellon, the
Newell-Simon productions mutated into the OPS rule formalism, and together
these two streams were the parents of today's technologies for rule-based
What was the reason for the intensity of our focus on knowledge and its
representation? The DENDRAL experiments began in late 1965, on simple
tasks. As we proceeded to more complex problems, it became clear that search
methods (our legacy from the Al's first period) were necessary but not
sufficient. The only way to make progress was to add more and more of what
the chemists knew specifically and in detail about their science and about the
families of molecules they were observing. To overcome the lack of power
(competence), knowledge was needed—not only to prune and steer, but also to
define smaller search spaces for the particular problems presented.
Enter NMR Knowledge, Exit Search
most dramatic
totally "W*">
hypothesis (also startling and
acyclic amines with many carbon
"branchy" carbon atoms, our search
rf the large number of
case, the
fifteen ii
search space of l«*d
oximateiy one million plausible
could be
methodology told us to
high f « »
, which turned out to be
""do what the chemists
straightforward: bring new
much up-fro nt
J««^ J
were not NMR
specialists, we
tSer' TheVy!
dubbed it our
we uuuu*
wasn't even a first approximation,
" YiTnation on,
three i«
« was capable of giving DENDRAL
previously used, this was
terms of the metaphor I
search by knowledge.
truly apt-
results and
We packaged up the experimental
anan, nd Le
hypothesis into a paper (Feigenbaum Buch
closely the title ot trnsi ana
title was designed to match
monograph (Ernst and Newell, 1969).
Achieved With Packages
knowledge- based
large number of these
environments in
real woria task
in complex real-world
Urrr zzrJrrrxrz
-- -
Nil, 1988).
knowledge (Feigenbaum, McCorduck,
Expert Systems and Their
A Living Monument to Simon's
of the Journal*
Two years ago, the editor
e kn W
concerning the
\nf in.Ln
SU?"terCems is° L m.or advance
»- °
decade" (Bobrow and
concerning the most
(roughly 1975-85).
am concerned, that the
in the field during the last
Hayes, 1985)
surveying the
",P ntlv been surveying
stories, large and small, of this
McCorduck, Nn, 1988) Th t»to c
even the classes oi ias_s
hrnart ranee that
key ingredient is a good mode of
All the
iudement and experience needed to
development; facilitation
of the productivity
the system
and the improvement
onals and semi-professionals;
measurable now
in monetary terms, tne wro
are capturing the
become r ea Companies
of the
and using n to c
knowledge of the expert skills important to them
training and the
death, and job changing; as well as
«, n
Semfof retirement,
immediate enhancement of the productivity of entry- level workers. Finally, an
entirely new industry is now in place to serve and enhance this economic
There are several living monuments to Herb Simon's scientific insights, his
visions of the future course of events, and his tireless championing of the
fields of AI and Cognitive Science. The economic impact of the technology
that is based on his science is one of those living monuments. As a champion
of our collective work, he was prophetic in predicting the range of applications
and importance of the economic impact (The New Science of Management
Decision; The Shape of Automation). It is a source of joy for me that the
realization of his predictions has occurred within his lifetime.
Along the dimension of intelligence that early dominated the attention of AI
scientists—the dimension of competence/performance— we have entered the
land promised by Simon. Perhaps we should call it the land of promise, for
we have just entered and have not yet explored all the fruitful arbors.
Leviticus: Laws in the Land of Promise
Since by now there is a mass of empirical evidence regarding intelligent
systems, in both the science and the applied technology, it is time to reexamine
the two hypotheses discussed above: the physical symbol system hypothesis
(PSSH) and the knowledge-is-power hypothesis (KPH). How much evidence
must we require before these hypotheses can be regarded as confirmed? The
answer to such an unanswerable question reveals one's scientific biases. So be
The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis Transformed
The PSSH is framed in terms of "general intelligent action". As I discussed,
the concept is multidimensional and very broad. If we ask, for example,
whether "general intelligent action" involving common sense reasoning has been
empirically demonstrated, the answer is no. However, since I am inclined
toward the dimension I called competence/performance, I assess the evidence as
providing strong confirmation of the PSSH.
Though Newell and Simon were correct in calling this an hypothesis in 1976, I
suggest a renaming of the PSSH, perhaps along these lines:
Al's First Law: the Law of Intelligence of Physical Symbol Systems
The Knowledge-Is-Power Hypothesis Transformed
The KPH is not as all -encompassing a statement as the PSSH. It addresses
itself specifically to the "power" or competence issue. The experimental
evidence that has accumulated over the past twenty years has provided massive
confirmation of the KPH, so much so that I feel it should now be renamed
the Knowledge Principle (Lenat and Feigenbaum, 1987).
Knowledge Principle. A system exhibits intelligent understanding and action at
a high level of competence primarily because of the specific knowledge
that it
can bring to bear: the concepts, representations, facts, heuristics,
models, and
methods of its domain of endeavor.
A corrolary of the KP is that the reasoning processes of intelligent systems
generally weak and are not the primary source of power.
The KP should inform all decisions about what is possible in the AI science
and with the AI technology. For example:
it leads one to important observations and measurements, such as the
Simon made two decades ago: that chess masters get their masters' edge
less competent players not because they are more powerful reasoners but
because they have stored about 50,000 "patterns" that arise in high- quality
chess play.
. ..
it leads to new directions in the design of problem solving architectures,
such as those called "memory-based" or "case-based" or "analogy- based".
it leads away from the chase for raw speed in "logical inferences per
second", since "knowledge-brought-to-bear per second" is much more powerful.
Thus, it can shape and direct scientific mega-projects aimed at advancing the
field of artificial intelligence, for example, the Japanese Fifth Generation
Project (Feigenbaum and McCorduck, 1983).
it facilitates assessments of new approaches and directions.
You say your new neural network will solve
problems in Field X? What does it know about Field X? How will that
knowledge be acquired? represented? deployed?
You say you are building a "voicewriter" to do
automatic transcription of dictation in business English?
What does your system know about the things that are being
said in business English?
performing learning tasks competently are no
different from performing any other task competently. The
learning must be supported by specific knowledge. Hence, learning
can take place only at the "fringes" of what is already known
by the system. Learning at the "fringes" of a very small kernal
of knowledge will be very slow and difficult (see note 5).
it leads toward the construction of very large
knowledge bases to handle the problem of common -sense reasoning in
AI systems. For it asserts that there is no "magic bullet" in
common-sense reasoning processes. There is only common-sense
knowledge, undoubtedly many millions of things to know that
are "common sense" about our world.
The point is clear, and more examples will not illuminate it further. The
chaining methods, the means-ends analysis methods, the island- driving
methods, generate-and-test methods, the theorem proving methods, and others,
that the AI science classes as "weak methods" are indeed weak and are not the
important source of power for achieving high levels of competence in problem
The word "specific" in the Knowledge Principle is important. The reason was
treated earlier in this paper, in the discussion of the knowledge- search
tradeoff. The empirical evidence from the many systems that have been built is
that the tradeoff is (in almost all cases, hence the general situation?)
unidirectional, from specific knowledge to reduced search and higher quality in
the selection of "satisfactory" solutions. Thus, with specific knowledge, better
solutions are achieved faster; and with a given amount of information
processing resources, more complex problems can be solved.
To repeat an old refrain, "The expert is the specialist, with a specialist's
knowledge of his area and a specialist's methods and heuristics" (Feigenbaum,
Buchanan, Lederberg, 1971).
Conclusion: The Many Manifestations of Simon
Simon is not One. He is Many. To his grateful friends, former students,
colleagues, and fellow scientists, he appears in several manifestations.
Simon as Monomaniac
does he live in many fields?
Political Science, Administrative Behavior, Management Science, Operations
Research, Psychology, Computer Science, Philosophy of Science, and (oh, I
almost forgot) Economics. Except for Economics, each claims that he is its
first Nobel laureate.
When I arrived at Berkeley in 1960 (thoroughly
Simon-ized by my graduate study) to teach Administrative Behavior in the
Business School, the School of Public Administration was still using Simon's
textbook on Municipal Budgeting (how many of you know that Simon wrote
such a book?). I asked him once how he managed such diversity. He denied the
diversity. He said: "I am really a monomaniac. All my
life I have been
studying one thing:
human decision making". This is the key to an
understanding of what the Nobel Award committee was calling to the
attention in the citation accompanying his award.
Simon as Pied Piper
the study of
. . . attracting dozens of graduate students over the years
behavioral science,
cognitive psychology, and
Simon as Teacher and Colleague
no one who has worked with him as
student or colleague, can ever forget the warm friendship,
the openness
generosity, and of course the intellectual
excitement. We can adequately repay
our debt to him only by emulating his example, in our science
and in our care
for the generations of young people that
will follow us.
Charles Darwin described his mentor and friend, the great geologist
Lyell, in words that describe our
mentor and friend, Herb Simon:
"His delight in science was ardent...He was very
kind-hearted...and he felt the
keenest interest in the future progress of mankind." (Boorstein,
1985, p. 468)
1. The best history of the
formative period of the science of artificial
intelligence is that of McCorduck
(McCorduck, 1979)
2. What a problem we amateur
historians have (especially those of us who
su fer the complexities of actually having been
on the scene)! How do we
out the Simon from the Newell?
Following the allusion in my title
ne 0rd
mStenCeS HCrb Sim n nee called our
environment here
h t perhaps it was
Athens , but
° 7 - "
"IthenT T°
° °
3 Ironically chess turned out
to be the major
to the Knowledge is
Power principle discussed later. Hicher level . nfexception
r,m n t
were achieved by
more and faster search.
4 It
difficult to make this argument concisely. The
key point is the
diffe ence between problem solving in specific
task, e.g.
infectious disease, and problem solving in more general diagnosing a patien.
concepts o
the domain, e.g. discovering
the relation between
organisms. A doctor diagnosing a
patient's condition if he lacks
staining, does not shift his attention
to the task
characteristics of organisms. If he knows it, he uses it If
not Ws
is d ff nt frora the situation f
knOW Certain digit assignments, he can
ub titute
more search to make up for that lack of
knowledge. The aiscussion
continues in note 5 below.
_S! Ze
° *" iXSI£
;Tdo ; r
5. Continuing the example of diagnosis,
the diagnosis of a case is an act
d ng rule to aid in diagnosis
1 f h
f the deVeloP ment f -P-tise.
How can a
b3Se need6d f r C mpetent
P^ormance? By
being told
to _" and by
hv learmng from experience
(data)". In learning tasks, there
syerdevelooT °/ : fT °
p^r Tisi;
° °
are usually far fewer knowledge- based constraints applicable; much more
search must be done. Hence, search reenters the picture strongly at levels
above the performance level. But even in learning tasks, knowledge plays a
significant role in defining the space in which the search for new knowledge
takes place, and in pruning and steering in that space. Learning itself is a
knowledge-based task. Therefore, learning takes place at the fringes and
interstices of what we already know. The more the learner knows, the easier it
is to know more (Lenat and Feigenbaum, 1987).
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