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Computational Intelligence Methods
Machine learning
Pavel Kordı́k, Martin Šlapák
Dept. of computer science, Faculty of Information Technology,
Czech Technical University in Prague
MI-MVI, ZS 2011/12, Lect. 2
Evropský sociálnı́ fond
Praha & EU: Investujeme do vašı́ budoucnosti
Pavel Kordı́k, Martin Šlapák (FIT ČVUT)
Computational Intelligence Methods
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ML intro
Machine learning roots
Alan Turing - british mathematician and logician, AI pioneer
Intelligent Machinery, (1947) - machines will learn from the experiences
Herbert Simon - ML pioneer, wrote programs:
Logic Theory Machine (1956)
General Problem Solver (GPS) (1957) - possibly the first method of separating
problem solving strategy from information about particular problems
”Learning is any process by which a system improves performance from
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ML intro
ML history
Samuel’s checker player
Selfridge’s Pandemonium, Rosenblatt’s Perceptron
Pattern recognition
Minsky and Papert prove limitations of Perceptron
Symbolic concept induction
Expert systems and the knowledge acquisition bottleneck
Quinlan’s ID3
Advanced decision tree and rule learning
Learning and planning and problem solving
Resurgence of neural networks (connectionism, backpropagation)
Valiant’s PAC Learning Theory
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ML intro
ML history, cont.
Data mining
Adaptive software agents and web applications
Text learning
Reinforcement learning (RL)
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)
Ensembles: Bagging, Boosting, and Stacking
Bayes Net learning
Support vector machines
Kernel methods
Graphical models
Statistical relational learning
Transfer learning
Sequence labeling
Collective classification and structured outputs
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ML task examples
Machine learning tasks
Regression, prediction
Predict temperature based on historical measurements.
Based on training examples, classify cars into 3 categories.
Cluster cars into groups based on their similarity.
Problem solving / planning / control
Navigate robot from the maze and then win the robotic soccer game.
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ML task examples
Cluster analysis versus Classification
Cluster analysis or clustering is the assignment of a set of observations into
subsets (called clusters).
So that observations in the same cluster are similar in some sense.
It is a method of unsupervised learning.
On the other hand, the classification requires supervised learning - categories
are predefined.
Figure: Clustering example
Pavel Kordı́k, Martin Šlapák (FIT ČVUT)
Figure: Classification example
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Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
Supervised learning
Supervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function from
supervised training data.
The training data consist of a set of training examples.
In supervised learning, each example is a pair consisting of an input object
(typically a vector) and a desired output value.
Output is classifier (discrete) or regression function (continuous).
The inferred function should predict the correct output value for any valid
input object.
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Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
Unsupervised learning
What it is?
Unsupervised learning refers to the problem of trying to find hidden structure in
unlabeled data.
The training data consist of a set of training examples.
There is no error or reward signal to evaluate a potential solution.
No pair: vin =⇒ vout
This distinguishes unsupervised learning from supervised learning and
reinforcement learning.
Many methods employed in unsupervised learning are based on data mining
methods used to preprocess data.
clustering (e.g., k-means, mixture models, k-nearest neighbors, hierarchical
neural network models,
self-organizing map (SOM)
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Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
Classification examples
Assign object/event to one of a given finite set of categories.
Medical diagnosis
Credit card applications or transactions
Fraud detection in e-commerce
Worm detection in network packets
Spam filtering in email
Recommended articles in a newspaper
Recommended books, movies, music, or jokes
Financial investments
DNA sequences
Spoken words
Handwritten letters
Astronomical images
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Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
Problem Solving / Planning / Control examples
Performing actions in an environment in order to achieve a goal.
Solving calculus problems
Playing checkers, chess, or backgammon
Balancing a pole
Driving a car or a jeep
Flying a plane, helicopter, or rocket
Controlling an elevator
Controlling a character in a video game
Controlling a mobile robot
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Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
Measuring the performance
Regression/prediction error (RMSE, MAPE)
Classification Accuracy
Specificity, sensitivity, F-ratio
Confusion matrix
ROC curve, AUC
Clustering performance - average silhouette, CPCC
Solution correctness
Solution quality (length, efficiency)
Speed of performance
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Learning systems
Defining the Learning Task
Improve on task, T, with respect to performance metric, P, based on experience, E.
T: Playing checkers
P: Percentage of games won against an arbitrary opponent
E: Database of games, playing practice games against itself
T: Recognizing hand-written words
P: Percentage of words correctly classified
E: Database of human-labeled images of handwritten words
T: Categorize email messages as spam or legitimate.
P: Percentage of email messages correctly classified.
E: Database of emails, some with human-given labels
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Learning systems
Designing a Learning System
Machine Learning system definition
A system capable of acquiring and integrating the knowledge automatically. The
capability of the systems to learn from experience, training, analytical observation,
and other means, results in a system that can continuously self-improve and
thereby exhibit efficiency and effectiveness.
A machine learning system usually starts with some knowledge and a
corresponding knowledge organization so that it can interpret, analyze, and test the
knowledge acquired.
Build the training database, prepare training data.
Choose exactly what is too be learned, i.e. the target function.
Choose how to represent the target function.
Choose a learning algorithm to infer the target function from the experience.
Supply the algorithm with the performance metric.
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Checker machine learning system example
Sample learning problem
Learn to play checkers from self-play
We will develop an approach analogous to that used in the first machine
learning system developed by Arthur Samuels at IBM in 1959.
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Checker machine learning system example
Training Experience - building the database
Direct experience
Given sample input and output pairs for a useful target function.
Checker boards labeled with the correct move, e.g. extracted from record of
expert play
Indirect experience
Given feedback which is not direct I/O pairs for a useful target function.
Potentially arbitrary sequences of game moves and their final game results.
Credit/Blame Assignment Problem:
How to assign credit blame to individual moves given only indirect feedback?
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Checker machine learning system example
Source of Training Data
Provided random examples outside of the learner’s control.
Negative examples available or only positive?
Good training examples selected by a “benevolent teacher.”
“Near miss” examples
Learner can query an oracle about class of an unlabeled example in the
Learner can construct an arbitrary example and query an oracle for its label.
Learner can design and run experiments directly in the environment without
any human guidance.
see the Reinforcement learning.
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Checker machine learning system example
Training vs. Test Distribution
Generally assume that the training and test examples are independently
drawn from the same overall distribution of data.
IID: Independently and identically distributed
If examples are not independent, requires collective classification.
If test distribution is different, requires transfer learning.
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Checker machine learning system example
Choosing a Target Function
What function is to be learned and how will it be used by the performance
For checkers, assume we are given a function for generating the legal moves
for a given board position and want to decide the best move.
Could learn a function: ChooseMove(board , legalmoves ) =⇒ bestMove
Or could learn an evaluation function, V (board ) =⇒ R, that gives each
board position a score for how favorable it is. V can be used to pick a move by
applying each legal move, scoring the resulting board position, and choosing
the move that results in the highest scoring board position.
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Checker machine learning system example
Ideal Definition of V (b)
If b is a final winning board, then V (b) = 100
If b is a final losing board, then V (b) = – 100
If b is a final draw board, then V (b) = 0
Otherwise, then V (b) = V (b0 ), where b0 is the highest scoring final board
position that is achieved starting from b and playing optimally until the end of
the game (assuming the opponent plays optimally as well).
How to compute it?
Search the finite game tree!
Brute force search?
Dynamic programming?
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Checker machine learning system example
Approximating V (b)
Computing V (b) is intractable since it involves searching the complete
exponential game tree.
Therefore, this definition is said to be non-operational.
An operational definition can be computed in reasonable (polynomial) time.
Need to learn an operational approximation to the ideal evaluation function.
Target function can be represented in many ways: lookup table, symbolic
rules, numerical function, neural network.
There is a trade-off between the expressiveness of a representation and the
ease of learning.
The more expressive a representation, the better it will be at approximating an
arbitrary function; however, the more examples (or more time) will be needed
to learn an accurate function.
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Checker machine learning system example
Approximating V (b) by a linear function
Lets use a linear approximation of the evaluation function:
b (b) = w0 +w1 ∗bp(b)+w2 ∗rp(b)+w3 ∗bk (b)+w4 ∗rk (b)+w5 ∗bt (b)+w6 ∗rt (b)
bp(b): number of black pieces on board b.
rp(b): number of red pieces on board b.
bk (b): number of black kings on board b.
rk (b): number of red kings on board b.
bt (b): number of black pieces threatened (i.e. which can be immediately
taken by red on its next turn).
rt (b): number of red pieces threatened.
How the weights can be computed?
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Checker machine learning system example
Obtaining Training Values
Direct supervision may be available for the target function.
[(bp=3,rp=0,bk=1,rk=0,bt=0,rt=0), 100] (win for black)
With indirect feedback, training values can be estimated using temporal
difference learning (used in reinforcement learning where supervision is
delayed reward).
Estimate training values for intermediate (non-terminal) board positions by the
estimated value of their successor in an actual game trace.
b (successor (b)),
Vtrain (b) = V
where successor(b) is the next board position where it is the program’s move
in actual play.
Values towards the end of the game are initially more accurate and continued
training slowly “backs up” accurate values to earlier board positions.
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Checker machine learning system example
Learning Algorithm
Uses training values for the target function to induce a hypothesized definition
that fits these examples and hopefully generalizes to unseen examples.
Attempts to minimize some measure of error (loss function) such as mean
squared error:
E =
b (b))2
(Vtrain (b) − V
A gradient descent algorithm updating weights in order to minimize the error:
while weights not converged do
for each training example b do
b (b )
compute absolute error error (b) = Vtrain (b) − V
for each board feature fi do
update its weight, wi = wi + c ∗ fi ∗ error (b); //c is the learning rate.
end for
end for
end while
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Checker machine learning system example
Evaluation of Learning Systems
Conduct controlled cross-validation experiments to compare various methods
on a variety of benchmark datasets.
Gather data on their performance, e.g. test accuracy, training-time, testing-time.
Analyze differences for statistical significance.
Analyze algorithms mathematically and prove theorems about their:
Computational complexity
Ability to fit training data
Sample complexity (number of training examples needed to learn an accurate
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General remarks
Various Function Representations
Numerical functions
Linear regression
Neural networks
Support vector machines
Symbolic functions
Decision trees
Rules in propositional logic
Rules in first-order predicate logic
Instance-based functions
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Naı̈ve Bayes
Bayesian networks
Hidden-Markov Models (HMMs)
Probabilistic Context Free Grammars (PCFGs)
Markov networks
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General remarks
Various Search Algorithms
Gradient descent
Dynamic Programming
HMM Learning
PCFG Learning
Divide and Conquer
Decision tree induction
Rule learning
Evolutionary Computation
Genetic Algorithms (GAs)
Genetic Programming (GP)
Swarms ...
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General remarks
Particle swarm optimalization and Ant colony optimalization are methods
of Swarm intelligence.
Swarm intelligence (SI) is the collective behaviour of decentralized,
self-organized systems, natural or artificial.
SI systems are typically made up of a population of simple agents or boids
interacting locally with one another and with their environment.
Natural examples of SI include ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding,
bacterial growth, and fish schooling.
Individual agent (ant/fish) has limited abilities.
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General remarks
Agents and multi-agents systems
An agent is something that acts in an environment.
An intelligent agent is an agent that acts intelligently:
its actions are appropriate for its goals and circumstances
it is flexible to changing environments and goals
it learns from experience
it makes appropriate choices given perceptual limitations
and finite computation
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General remarks
Evolutionary algorithms
Evolutionary algorithm techniques differ in the implementation details and the
nature of the particular applied problem.
Genetic algorithm This is the most popular type of EA. One seeks the solution of
a problem by applying operators such as recombination and
mutation. This type of EA is often used in optimization problems.
Genetic programming Here the solutions are in the form of computer programs,
and their fitness is determined by their ability to solve a
computational problem.
Evolutionary programming Similar to genetic programming, but the structure of
the program is fixed and its numerical parameters are allowed to
Neuroevolution Similar to genetic programming but the genomes represent
artificial neural networks by describing structure and connection
weights. The genome encoding can be direct or indirect.
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Neural networks
Neural networks
It is a computational model that is
inspired by the structure and/or
functional aspects of biological
neural networks.
It consists of an interconnected
group of artificial neurons.
ANN is an adaptive system that can
change its structure during the
learning phase.
They are usually used to model
Figure: Artifical neural network
complex relationships between
inputs and outputs or to find
patterns in data.
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Neural networks
Most simple binary classifier.
It maps input vector to output f (x ).
ωi · xi − θ
i =1
Z = S (ξ) is transfer function
Figure: Perceptron model
(common is Heaviside step f. or
Sigmoid f.) and θ is treshold.
The perceptron learning algorithm
does not terminate if the learning
set is not linearly separable.
Pavel Kordı́k, Martin Šlapák (FIT ČVUT)
f (x ) =
if ω · x + b > 0
where ω is vector of weights, b is
constant term
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Neural networks
Multilayer perceptron – MLP
An MLP consists of multiple layers of nodes in a directed graph, with each
layer fully connected to the next one.
Each node is a neuron with a nonlinear activation function.
MLP is a modification of the standard linear perceptron, which can distinguish
data that is not linearly separable.
MLP user supervised learning.
Figure: Multilayer perceptron
Figure: Activation functions
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Neural networks
Decision trees
Are a decision support tool that
uses a tree-like graph or model of
decisions and their possible
consequences, including chance
event outcomes, resource costs,
and utility.
They represent a decision
They are aesy to understand by
Can be simple combined with other
Figure: Handwritten decision tree
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Neural networks
Self organization maps (networks) – SOM
Demo applet:
Also called Kohonen’s maps.
It is based on dimensionality
Pattern recognition use case of
Figure: Kohonen Applet
Figure: Input vector mapping
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Neural networks
Artifical life – Alife
It is a field of study of systems related to life, its processes, and its evolution
through simulations using computer models.
There are three main kinds of alife, named for their approaches:
soft from software
hard from hardware
wet from biochemistry
The term ”artificial life” is often used to specifically refer to soft alife.
Basic techniques:
Cellular automata were used in the early days of artificial life.
Neural networks are sometimes used to model the brain of an agents.
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Neural networks
Artifical life – simulators
Noble Ape
and many applets. . .
Figure: Noble Ape simulator
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Neural networks
Artifical life – simulators – 2
Figure: AnimatLab develope enviroment
Figure: AnimatLab examples
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Neural networks
Raymond J. Mooney, CS 391L: Machine Learning Introduction, University of
Texas at Austin
Demo applets – neural networks
Backpropagation example
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