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Name ______________________
Quiz 4 – The Cardiovascular System
1. Decide whether the blood in each of the following structures is oxygenated (oxygen-rich) or deoxygenated
___B___1. right atrium
___B___6. pulmonary artery
A. Oxygenated
___A___2. left atrium
___A___7. aorta
B. Deoxygenated
___B___3. right ventricle
___B___8. superior vena cava
___A___4. left ventricle
___B___9. umbilical artery
___A___5. pulmonary vein
___A___10. umbilical vein
_____2. Blood in the right atrium will pass through the _____ valve to enter the right ventricle.
a) bicuspid
b) tricuspid
c) aortic
d) pulmonary
c) axillary
d) spinal accessory
_____3. The _____ nerves innervate the heart.
a) vagus
b) phrenic
_____4. The pericardium that lies directly on the surface of the heart ________.
a) is an example of a serous membrane
b) is called visceral pericardium
c) secretes fluid that aids in reducing friction
d) all of the above
5. Use the word bank on the right to fill in the blanks. (Place the letter of the correct answer in each blank)
The __e__ bring oxygen-poor blood into the receiving chamber of the
a) right atrium
heart called the __a___. The blood will pass through a valve into the
b) right ventricle
next heart chamber which is the __b___. This chamber pumps blood
c) left atrium
into the blood vessel called the __h___ which splits into the left and
d) left ventricle
right pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary arteries travel to the lungs
e) SVC, IVC, coronary sinus
where the blood will pick up fresh oxygen. Freshly oxygenated
f) pulmonary veins
blood is carried back to the heart by the four __f__ which empty
g) aorta
into the __c__of the heart. It will enter the heart chamber called
h) pulmonary trunk
the ___d__. This thick, muscular chamber pumps the oxygen-rich
blood into the ___g__ which carries it to all parts of the body.
_____6. The fetal foramen ovale persists as the _____ in the adult heart?
a) ductus arteriosus
b) ductus venosus
c) fossa ovalis
d) pulmonary valve
_____7. The atrioventricular valves are_____.
a) located between the atria and ventricles
c) called the bicuspid and tricuspid valves
b) attached to chordae tendinae
d) all of the above
_____8. The apex of the heart _____.
a) points toward the left hip
b) is found posterior to the clavicle
c) points toward the right shoulder
d) is found anterior to the sternum
9. Match the following. Choose the one best answer for each.
__c___ atrium
__b___oxygen-poor blood
a) right side of heart
__c___ ventricle
__c___a-v valve
b) left side of heart
__a___ pulmonary pump
___c__semilunar valve
c) both left and right sides
___b__ systemic pump
d) neither left nor right
___b__ oxygen-rich blood
_____10. Arteries always carry_____.
a) blood away from the heart
b) oxygenated blood
c) deoxygenated blood
d) blood toward the heart
_____11. Cardiac muscle tissue is found in the _____.
a) pericardium
b) epicardium
c) myocardium
d) endocardium
_____12. The outermost layer of blood vessels _____.
a) provides support and protection
b) is made of connective tissue
c) is called the tunica externa
d) all of the above
_____13. Which of the following is the correct order of blood vessels?
a) elastic arteries, arterioles, muscular arteries, capillary beds, veins, venules
b) elastic arteries, muscular arteries, arterioles, capillary beds, venules, veins
c) arterioles, elastic arteries, capillary beds, muscular arteries, venules, veins
d) capillary beds, arterioles, veins, muscular arteries, elastic arteries, venules
_____14. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a) The aorta consists of the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and descending aorta.
b) The aorta does not need its own blood supply because it is full of oxygen-rich blood.
c) The aorta supplies oxygen-rich blood to structures above the diaphragm, while the IVC supplies
oxygen-rich blood to the body below the diaphragm
d) The aorta is the largest vein in the human body.