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Chapter 26
Lecture Outline
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Stable with equal energy intake and output
around a homeostatic set point
Determined by combination of environmental and
hereditary factors
30-50% of variation between individuals due to heredity
rest due to eating and exercise habits
Appetite regulators
short term
 effects last minutes to hours
long term
 effects last weeks to years
Hunger – Ghrelin
 Peptide YY
 Cholecystokinin (CCK)
 Leptin
 Insulin
Ghrelin – hunger
from parietal cells of empty stomach
Peptide YY (PPY) – satiety
from enteroendocrine cells in ileum and colon
 secreted in proportion to calories consumed
 acts as ileal break (slows stomach emptying)
Cholecystokinin (CCK) – satiety
from enteroendocrine cells of duodenum and jejunum
appetite-suppressing effect on brain
Leptin – secreted by adipocytes in proportion to
body fat stores
Insulin – pancreatic beta cells
effect similar to leptin (but weaker)
One calorie - amount of heat required to raise
temperature of 1 g of water 1 °C
Fats contain about 9 kcal/g
Carbohydrates and proteins, about 4 kcal/g
1000 calories is a kilocalorie or Calorie
sugar and alcohol are “empty” calories -- few nutrients
Substance used for fuel is oxidized primarily to make ATP
Definition - Ingested chemical used for growth,
repair or maintenance
 Macronutrients consumed in large amounts
Micronutrients needed in small amounts
Recommended daily allowances (RDA)
safe estimate of daily intake for standard needs
Essential nutrients can not be synthesized
proteins, fats and carbohydrates
minerals, vitamins, 8 amino acids and 1-3 fatty
acids must be consumed in the diet
Nearly all dietary carbohydrates come from plants
The RDA for carbohydrates is greater than for any
other nutrient
Carbohydrates are found/stored in 3 places in body
Most carbohydrate serves as fuel
neurons and RBCs depend on glucose
Sugars do serve as structural components
muscle and liver glycogen; blood glucose
nucleic acids, glycoproteins and glycolipids, ATP
Blood glucose carefully regulated by insulin and
Fibrous material that resists digestion
Fiber is important to diet (RDA is 30 g/day)
Water-soluble fiber (pectin)
 blood cholesterol and LDL levels
Water-insoluble fiber (cellulose, lignin)
excess interferes with mineral absorption - iron
absorbs water in intestines, softens stool, gives it
bulk, speeds transit time
Most of the body’s stored energy
Fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) absorbed with dietary fat
hydrophobic, contains 2X energy/g, compact storage
glucose and protein sparing (no protein utilized for energy)
ingest less than 20 g/day risks deficiency
Chemical precursors (cholesterol and fatty acids)
phospholipids and cholesterol are components of plasma
membranes and myelin
Should be less than 30% of daily calorie intake
Most fatty acids synthesized by body
animal origin -- meat, egg yolks and dairy products
found in nuts, seeds and most vegetable oils
Coconut and palm oil
Unsaturated fats
essential fatty acids must be consumed
Saturated fats
typical American gets 40-50%
found in egg yolks, cream, shellfish, organ meats and
other meats
Lipids transported in blood as lipoproteins
protein and phospholipid coat around a hydrophobic
cholesterol and triglyceride core
Categorized into 4 groups by density
more protein means higher density
Form in absorptive cells of small intestine
enter lymphatic system, then blood
transports ingested fat to cells
produced by liver to transport lipids to adipose tissue for storage
when triglycerides removed become LDLs (mostly cholesterol)
absorbed by cells in need of cholesterol for membrane repair or
steroid synthesis
Production and function
liver produces an empty protein shell
travels through blood, picks up cholesterol
delivers cholesterol to liver, for elimination in bile
Desirable to maintain total cholesterol concentration
of < 200 mg/dL
most cholesterol is endogenous
dietary restrictions lower blood cholesterol levels
 by 5% with restriction of dietary cholesterol
 by 15 to 20% with restriction of certain saturated fats
vigorous exercise lowers blood cholesterol
12-15% of body mass
mostly in skeletal muscles
muscle contraction
 movement of body, cells, cell structures
cell membranes (receptors, cell identity, pumps)
fibrous proteins (collagen, keratin)
 structural
globular proteins (antibodies, myoglobin, enzymes)
 functional
plasma proteins: blood osmolarity and viscosity
RDA - 44-60 g/day for meat eaters
RDA - 60-100 g/day for vegans
Nutritional value depends on proportions of
amino acids
8 essential amino acids can not be synthesized
 isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine, tryptophan and valine
Cells do not store surplus protein
Animal proteins (meat, eggs, dairy) are “complete proteins”
Plant sources must be combined in the right proportions
beans – have very little tryptophan or cysteine
rice – is deficient in isoleucine and lysine
Examples of protein combinations
Beans with a corn tortilla
 Lentils with rice
 Peanut butter on toast
 Soy protein is complete on its own
Positive nitrogen balance
occurs in children; they ingest more than they excrete
promoted by growth and sex hormones
Negative nitrogen balance
body proteins being broken down for fuel (muscle atrophy)
glucocorticoids promote protein catabolism in states of stress
Calcium and phosphorus
cofactors for enzymes
Iron - essential for hemoglobin and myoglobin
Chlorine - component of stomach acid (HCl)
Mineral salts
phospholipids, ATP, CP, buffers, nucleic acids
Calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese
bones and teeth
electrolytes; govern function of nerve and muscle cells;
regulate distribution of body water
Vegetables, legumes, milk, eggs, fish and shellfish
Animal tissues contain large amounts of salt
carnivores rarely lack salt in their diets
herbivores often supplement by ingesting soils
Recommended sodium intake is 1.1 g/day
Typical American diet contains 4.5 g/day
Body synthesizes some vitamins from precursors
niacin, vitamin A and D
vitamin K, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid
 produced by intestinal bacteria
Water-soluble vitamins (C, B)
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
absorbed with water in small intestine; not stored
absorbed with dietary lipids; stored
Dietary carbohydrate burned as fuel within hours of
absorption (glucose catabolism)
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O
Transfers energy from sugar to ATP
Series of small steps to efficiently transfer energy
to ATP (reduces energy lost as heat)
Glycolysis (yields 2 ATP)
Aerobic respiration (yields 34-36 ATP)
completely oxidizes pyruvic acid to CO2 and H2O
Anaerobic fermentation (if no O2 available)
glucose (6C) split into 2 pyruvic acid molecules (3C)
pyruvic acid reduced to lactic acid
Capture energetic electrons from glucose
during its catabolism
NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide)
derived from niacin (Vitamin B3)
derived from riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
38 ATP
Which need
Without oxygen, your muscles switch to lactic acid
Only 2 ATP are made (the glycolysis portion of the
Fate of pyruvic acid depends on oxygen availability
In an exercising muscle, demand for ATP is greater than
oxygen supply; ATP produced by glycolysis
Lactic acid travels to liver to be oxidized back to pyruvic
acid when O2 is available (oxygen debt)
then stored as glycogen or released as glucose
Fermentation is inefficient, not favored by brain or heart
Without oxygen, yeast fermentation produces CO2
and ethanol as waste products.
Only 2 ATP are made (the glycolysis portion of the
Read this section from pg 1029
Hepatic cirrhosis
Patient presentation
 Ascites
Patient presentation
vomiting blood
Patient presentation
Thiamine deficiency
Alcohol interferes with
Patient presentation
 agitation
 termors
 fever
 hallucinations
 paranoia
Delirium tremens
“the DTs”
caused by acute
alcohol withdrawal
may be fatal
1 out every 10 American men
between 18 and 29 is an
Antabuse (Disulfiram) is used to treat alcoholism
Causes an “instant hangover” if patient drinks alcohol
Notify doctor attending to patient
ATP is quickly used after it is formed - it is not a storage
Glycogenesis -- synthesis of glycogen
stimulate by insulin
Glycogenolysis -- glycogen  glucose
extra glucose will be stored
stimulated by glucagon and epinephrine
only liver cells can release glucose back into blood
Gluconeogenesis -- synthesis of glucose from
noncarbohydrates, such as fats and amino acids
Triglycerides are stored in adipocytes
constant turnover of molecules every 3 weeks
 released into blood, transported and either oxidized or redeposited in
other fat cells
Lipogenesis = synthesizing fat from other sources
amino acids and sugars used to make fatty acids and glycerol
Lipolysis = breaking down fat for fuel
glycerol is converted to PGAL and enters glycolysis
fatty acids are broken down 2 carbons at a time to produce
acetyl-CoA (beta oxidation)
Amino acid pool
Dietary amino acids plus
100 g of tissue protein
broken down each day into
free amino acids
As fuel - first must be
deaminated (removal of
NH2)--what remains enters
the citric acid cycle
the NH2 becomes ammonia
(NH3) which is toxic and
which the liver converts to
urea (excreted in urine)
Liver converts
ammonia (NH3) to
urea which is
removed from
blood by kidneys
This is called the
ornithine cycle.
Lasts about 4 hours during and after a meal
blood glucose is available to all cells for ATP synthesis
excess is converted by liver to glycogen or fat
time of nutrient absorption and use for energy needs
taken up by fat cells from chylomicrons in the blood
primary energy substrate for liver, fat and muscle cells
Amino acids
most pass through the liver and go onto other cells
in liver cells, may be used for protein synthesis
Regulated by insulin secreted in response to elevated
blood glucose and amino acid levels and the hormones
gastrin, secretin and cholecystokinin (CCK)
increases the cellular uptake of glucose by 20-fold
 stimulates glucose oxidation, glycogenesis and lipogenesis but
inhibits gluconeogenesis
 stimulates active transport of amino acids into cells and
promotes protein synthesis
Homeostasis of blood glucose critical to brain
glucose is drawn from glycogen reserves for up to 4 hours and
then synthesized from other compounds
when stomach and small intestine are empty- stored fuels are
adipocytes and liver cells convert glycerol to glucose
free fatty acids are oxidized by liver to ketone bodies
Protein metabolism
used as fuel when glycogen and fat reserves depleted
wasting away occurs with cancer and other diseases from loss
of appetite and altered metabolism
By sympathetic nervous system and glucagon
Blood glucose drops, glucagon secreted
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis raise glucose levels
lipolysis raises free fatty acid levels
Promotes glycogenolysis and lipolysis under
conditions of injury, fear, anger and stress
Adipose, liver cells and muscle cells respond to
Cortisol promotes increased blood glucose
Fat and protein catabolism and gluconeogenesis
More about this when we study the
endocrine system
Amount of energy used in the body in a given
period of time (kcal/hr or kcal/day)
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Factors affecting total MR
relaxed, awake, fasting, room comfortable temperature
pregnancy, anxiety, fever, eating, thyroid hormones, and
Homeostasis requires heat loss to match heat gain
Hypothermia - excessively low body temperature
Hyperthermia - excessively high body temperature
Thermoregulation - ability to balance heat
production and heat loss
“Normal” body temperature varies about 1.8
degrees F. in a 24-hour cycle
Core body temperature is temperature of organs in
cranial, thoracic and abdominal cavities
low in morning and high in late afternoon
rectal temperature is an estimate of core temperature
adult varies normally from 99.0 - 99.7 degrees F.
Shell temperature is temperature closer to the
surface (oral cavity and skin)
adult varies normally from 97.9 - 98.6 degrees F.
Comes from energy-releasing chemical reactions
such as nutrient oxidation and ATP use
Exercise greatly increases heat production
Radiation - loss of body heat to objects around us
Conduction and convection - loss of body heat to
the air which when warmed rises to be replaced by
cooler air
Evaporation - heat loss as sweat evaporates
caused by molecular motion producing infrared radiation
extreme conditions as much as 2L of sweat lost per hour,
dissipating heat by as much as 600 kcal/hour
A part of your brain, the hypothalamis
monitors the temperature of blood
Too warm
 cutaneous vasodilation
 sweating
Too cold
cutaneous vasoconstriction
arrector pili muscle contraction
shivering thermogenesis (if needed)
nonshivering thermogenesis -  thyroid hormone
and BMR (seasonal adjustment)
Behavioral thermoregulation
Hyperthermia - exposure to excessive heat
protective mechanism that elevates BMR which produces
more heat elevating the BMR, etc.
heat cramps are muscle spasms due to electrolyte imbalance
from excessive sweating
heat exhaustion -- severe electrolyte imbalance producing
fainting, dizziness, hypotension
heat stroke -- body temperature > 104 °F, may cause delirium,
convulsions, coma, and death
Hypothermia - exposure to excess cold
as core body temperature , BMR  causing a further body
temperature decrease, etc. (fatal if body temperature  75 °F)