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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
Developer Notes
 Check Hewitt's definition of energy! Interesting.
 Do a worksheet with practice of PE to KE?
 I'd still like to tie d = at2/2 to KE = mv2/2 in some understandable way. Why are they the
same form? They're obviously related.
 Other suggestions for work-PE-KE-work - there are two main things I haven't been able to
get cleanly around - some of the PE going into rotational energy, and measuring the sliding
force of the receptor cup at the end.
 dynamics cart - but steel wheels still take a large amount of rotational energy
 pinewood derby cart - the wheels are light, it might work, didn't try it (Could these
possibly be a cheap source of dynamics carts? How to mount a spring?)
 croquet balls, bigger ball bearings, or pool balls - still have rotational energy, but the
sliding force should be bigger and easier to measure than for a 1" ball bearing
 pendulum - no friction, but how do you capture the KE and convert it to measurable work
at the end? Or how could you measure its velocity?
 ice on wax paper - the ice sticks, besides it being messy
 Hot Wheels cars - the wheels are light, but measuring the sliding force is tough because
they're so small, and you also should have Hot Wheels track to guide the cars. Besides,
the axles bend easily so the wheels rub on the bodies.
 Launch a ball bearing up off of a spring. Check the compression constant on the spring,
check how far it is compressed, multiply to get PE, then see how high it goes. Calculate
the velocity of the ball when it leaves the spring based on ht=at2/2. This doesn't give
work, however.
 Another exercise - how high will a ball go given its initial velocity?
Updated to new format
Revised the exercises
Minor editing- including
measuring at the 0.100
m mark, & a note about
measuring the height
 Students should understand that work can transform energy.
 Students should know that potential energy is Fd, or wtht, or mgh.
 Students should understand that potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy and
 Students should know that kinetic energy is (mv2)/2.
 Students should know that work, PE, and KE are all measured in Joules.
 Students should know that energy is the ability to do work.
Concepts & Skills Introduced
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
Potential energy
Kinetic energy
Energy is the ability to do work
Energy can be converted into different forms
Time Required
Warm-up Question
First, you need to make the transition from work to potential energy and kinetic energy.
In the work activity we demonstrated that the work to raise an object is the same (ignoring
friction) whether you lift it straight up or take a longer path with less force. Fd = fD. The final
summary question introduced the idea that the work you put in can allow you to get work out.
Dropping a bowling ball onto a soft drink can demonstrates the idea.
"Stored work" is called energy. If you do work to lift an object, that object now has energy,
called potential energy, or energy of position, due to its relative position compared to something
else. The potential energy is equal to the work done on the object. The Fd to lift it is equal to its
weight times its height. Weight is a force (mass times gravity), and height is a distance. So
potential energy is also weight times height.
If you drop the object, it will fall, so that its potential energy decreases as its height decreases. At
the same time, however, its speed increases. The increase in speed makes up for the decrease in
height. The energy of speed, or motion, is called kinetic energy. The loss of potential energy is
made up for by the increase in kinetic energy (ignoring friction).
Do the activity at this point. Prior to the activity, the students now know about potential vs.
kinetic energy, but they don't know the equations. The goal of the activity is to find the
relationships between potential energy, kinetic energy, and work.
When the activity is done, students should have found that:
 the work an object can do is directly proportional to its potential energy, and
 the work an object can do is directly proportional to the square of its velocity.
They won't have been able to find the exact relationships, however, because they are hidden in
some of the effects of the lab setup.
 Friction, of course, always gets in the way. In the case of a ball rolling down a ramp, it is
only about 5%, so it's not too bad.
 Much worse is the effect of rotational kinetic energy (RKE) on a rolling ball. If a ball were to
just slide down a ramp with no friction, all of the PE would be converted to KE. However,
the ball is initially not spinning, and some of the PE has to go into making it spin, so that
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
energy can't be used to accelerate the ball down the ramp. It turns out that 29% of the PE
goes to RKE. See the note at the end of this section for the derivation.
Now you can lead the students through the derivation of KE = mv2/2, which is shown in their
reading. This could be done as a group exercise.
One of the exercises asks the students to compare their lab data using KE = mv2/2 and KE =
0.71PE to see if it works out. It should.
An interesting thing to note is that Ft is related to the change in momentum. Fd, on the other
hand is related to the change in energy. (This is related to acceleration, and dt2.)
Work and PE are straightforward - they're both Fd. KE is not quite so obvious. The square of
velocity is significant. If you double the mass of an object, its PE and KE will both double. On
the other hand, if you double its velocity, its energy will quadruple.
The students have probably all heard of Einstein's famous equation, E = mc2. This would be a
good time to point out the similarity to the formula for KE. Einstein's equation says energy
equals mass  the velocity of light squared, just like KE is mass  velocity squared/2. KE is
divided by 2 because it's the average. The speed of light is always the same, so it is not averaged.
Energy can take many forms. A good class discussion is to try to list as many as possible:
potential, kinetic, chemical, heat, light, nuclear, gravitational, sound, wind, solar, wave, gas,
Work transforms energy. Energy gives you the ability to do work. It's a circular definition. But it
can't go forever because friction gets in the way.
Note on derivation of rotational kinetic energy (RKE) vs. kinetic energy (KE).
 You don't need to know this derivation, but it's here for reference. The derivation is based on
rotational inertia and velocity, I2. We've used revolutions in this course, but if you use
radians in the derivation, it works out very nicely. We want to know how KE and RKE are
 Just like KE = mv2/2,
RKE = I2/2.
 For a sphere, the rotational inertia is
I = 2/5(mr2).
 Substitute for I,
RKE = 2/5(mr2)2/2
 Linear and rotational velocity are related by v = r, or  = v/r.
 Substitue ,
RKE = 2/5(mr2)(v/r)2/2
 Re-arrange,
RKE = 2/5(mr2v2/r2)/2
 The r s cancel, and
RKE = 2/5(mv2)/2
 Since (mv2)/2 = KE,
RKE = 2/5KE = 0.4KE
 In summary, for a sphere rolling down a ramp (and ignoring friction),
 PE = KE + RKE (+ friction)
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
PE = KE + 0.4 KE
PE = 1.4 KE
0.71PE = KE
The translational linear kinetic energy is only 71% of the potential energy. 29% goes
to rotational kinetic energy. And a little bit more is lost to friction, 5% by experiment.
Here is an alternate derivation of kinetic energy
 Remember that d = (at2)/2. Substitute (at2)/2 for d.
 Fd = ma(at2)/2
 Fd = ma2t2/2
 Fd = m(at)(at)/2
 Remember that a = ∆v/t, so ∆v = at. Since we're starting from rest, ∆v is the final speed,
which we can then call simply v. Substitute v for at.
 Fd = mv2/2
Writing Prompts
Answers to Exercises
Answers to Challenge/ extension
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
 In the last activity you saw that the work done on an object is the same whether you lift it
straight up or push it up a ramp.
 You've been told that the raised object has potential energy and you've seen that it can do
work, like a bowling ball crushing a can.
 Finally, you've been told that as an object falls, it gains speed, and the potential energy turns
to kinetic energy.
What is the relationship between work, potential energy, and kinetic energy?
steel ball bearing about 2.5 cm diameter (or pool ball, or croquet ball)
track about 1 m long
prop for the track, about 10 cm high
smooth surface (press board) about 30 cm long, and props to raise it even with the end of
the track
meter stick
metric ruler
stop watch
paper cup, cut out and flattened on one side as shown
Side view
End view
Set up the equipment as shown. Ensure that the lower end of the track is just above the lip of the
cup so there is a minimal drop-off and no bump.
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
1) Roll the ball down the ramp and into the cup, and let the cup and ball slide to a stop. Start the
ball from five different distances, 0.100 m, 0.200 m, 0.400 m, 0.600 m, 0.800 m, and 1.000
m. Start the ball so that its center is on the starting distance.
Align with start distance
2) For each distance, record
a) the distance the ball rolled,
b) the vertical distance the ball descended (the height- be careful and think carefully about
the actual height the ball descends),
c) how far the cup and ball slid, and
d) the time it took for the ball to roll down the ramp. You don't need to record the time at the
same time you are measuring sliding distance.
Find how potential energy, kinetic energy, and work are related.
 The height (vertical distance) the ball descended represents potential energy.
 The velocity of the ball represents kinetic energy.
 The sliding distance represents work.
1) Make three graphs.
a) Graph the vertical distance the ball descended vs. the distance the cup and ball slid.
b) Graph the vertical distance the ball descended vs. the final velocity of the ball.
c) Graph the final velocity of the ball vs. the distance the cup and ball slid.
2) Manipulate the numbers and graph until you find the relationships. You don't need to find
exact numbers. Use the terms direct, inverse, linear, and exponential.
a) How are potential energy and work related?
b) How are potential energy and kinetic energy related?
c) How are kinetic energy and work related?
d) How are work and velocity related?
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
What do we call the ability to do work? We could call it stored work. Instead we use the word
energy. Work and energy are two sides of the same coin. It takes energy to do work. Doing work
on an object changes its energy.
If you want to pound a stake into the ground by dropping a big rock onto it, you have to pick the
rock up first. You do work on the rock to lift it, and the rock can then do work on the stake. If the
rock were left on the ground, it couldn't do much pounding. When you lift the rock, you increase
its energy, giving it the ability to do work. The energy it has when it has been lifted is called
energy of position, or potential energy. The higher the rock is above the stake, the more potential
energy it has - it can pound the stake harder.
But when you drop the rock, it falls and, the closer it gets to the stake, the lower it is, and the less
potential energy it has. Where does the potential energy go? The rock gains speed. The potential
energy changes into energy of motion, or kinetic energy. What the rock loses in potential energy,
it gains in kinetic energy.
For example, a pendulum hanging straight down has neither potential nor kinetic energy - it is at
its lowest energy position. But if you put some work into the pendulum and raise it, it gains
potential energy. When you let it go, it loses height but gains speed until it reaches the bottom,
then it loses speed but gains height up the other side. Potential energy changes to kinetic energy,
then potential energy, then kinetic energy… back and forth.
Work can create potential energy. Potential energy and kinetic energy are interchangeable and
can do work. It makes sense that they are all measured in the same units, Joules. Work is Fd.
Potential energy is weight times height, but weight is a force and height is a distance, so it is also
Fd. Since a Joule is Fd, in SI base units it is (kgm/s2)m, or kgm2/s2.
Kinetic energy is also measured in Joules, of course. Look at the units for Joules - kgm2/s2.
Those can be re-arranged as kg(m/s)(m/s). In symbols they are mvv, or mv2, mass times
velocity squared. The units are right, but there's a little more to it. Here's the derivation, starting
with work and potential energy. Begin with Newton:
Start with
F = ma
Multiply both sides by d.
Fd = mad
(You can remember it as “work makes me mad.”)
a = vf/t, substitute
Fd = mdvf/t
Fd = mvfd/t
d/t = vav, substitute
Fd = mvfvav
vav = vf/2, substitute
Fd = mvfvf/2
Fd = mvf2/2
vf is the final speed. We can call vf simply v.
Fd = mv2/2
So kinetic energy = mv2/2. This is a nice equation, because acceleration is taken out of it - all
you need to know is an object's mass and velocity. If you get hit in the head with a coconut, it
doesn't matter whether it fell from a tree or was thrown at the same speed; it will hurt just as
much either way.
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
Sometimes it seems like you can do some work to create energy, then the energy can do an equal
amount of work, which creates energy, which can do work, on and on. But don't forget our old
friend friction! Since nothing operates without friction, there is always loss, and you can't create
a machine that goes on forever - a perpetual motion machine. All of the rock's energy doesn't go
into the stake - some is lost to air resistance, sound, and heat.
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
1) If you do work on an object, does its energy change?
2) How can you increase the potential energy of an object?
3) What happens to your potential energy as you go up in an airplane? Compared to what?
4) If an object weighs 500 N and you lift it 2 m,
a) how much work have you done on it?
b) how much potential energy does it have relative to its starting point?
5) If an object has 100 J of PE, how much work can it do (with that PE)? Ignore friction.
6) How much energy does a 2 kg ball sitting on a 1m high table have?
7) If a 1,000 N rock falls 10 m, how much work will it do when it hits?
8) What is the PE (relative to the moon's surface) of a 1 kg rock that is 1 m above the moon's
surface? The acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s2.
9) How can you increase the kinetic energy of an object?
10) What happens to your kinetic energy as you up in an airplane? Compared to what?
11) If a car is traveling at a steady speed, but you double its mass,
a) what happens to its momentum?
b) what happens to its kinetic energy?
12) If you double a car’s speed,
a) what happens to its momentum?
b) what happens to its kinetic energy?
13) Two cars are traveling with the same momentum – one is light and fast, and the other is
heavy and slow. Assuming you apply the same braking force to each,
a) which takes more time stop?
b) which takes more distance to stop?
14) When you throw a ball thrown up in the air, when is its kinetic energy greatest? When is its
potential energy greatest?
15) Draw a picture of a 20 N rock falling from a 100 m high cliff. Give its PE and KE when it is
100 m high, 75 m, 50 m, 25 m, and 0 m. Ignore air resistance.
16) Galileo (supposedly) dropped two balls from the leaning tower of Pisa. If the bigger ball had
twice the mass of the smaller one, what was its KE compared to the smaller one just before
they hit?
17) By what factor does the KE of a small plane change if it cuts its speed in half?
18) Static friction (the amount of friction before something starts sliding) is greater than sliding
friction, and sliding friction stays the same regardless of speed. That's one reason why
braking your car so hard that you skid is a bad idea, and it's why anti-lock brakes are a good
safety feature. So, if you skid your tires, how much farther does it take you to stop if you're
going 50 mph as opposed to 25 mph?
19) Two identical rocks are dropped from different heights. The higher one starts out four times
as high as the lower one. How much faster is the higher one going just before they hit?
Ignore air resistance.
20) A 1 kg ball on a simple pendulum is lifted so that it is 1 m above the bottom point of the
pendulum. What is its PE compared to the bottom point? What will its velocity be at the
bottom point?
21) In the activity, we didn't compare potential energy, kinetic energy and work directly. That's
because some of the PE is lost as the ball goes down the ramp. About 5% of the PE is lost to
friction. Making the ball spin (rotational kinetic energy) takes up another 29% of the PE,
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Work, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy
making 34% total. Check your data. Compare the PE of the ball at the starting position, less
34%, with the KE of the ball. (Hint: vf = 2vav)
22) In the diagram, the ball's velocity is 2 m/s, and the height
of the ramp is 0.2 m. Will the ball make it to the top of the
ramp? Use 9.8 for g. Ignore friction.
23) For a ball thrown straight up in the air on Earth, if you are given the ball's KE just as it leaves
the hand, can you calculate how high the ball will go? Derive and show one formula that will
give you the answer. Ignore air resistance. d = ?
24) If a 1 kg ball is thrown straight down on Earth with a KE of 50 J, what will its velocity be
after 5 s? Ignore air resistance.
Challenge/ extension
 Joule - A Joule is the unit for work and energy. It is abbreviated J. The SI base units for
Joules are kgm2/s2.
 Energy - Energy is the ability to do work.
 Potential energy - Potential energy is energy of position. It is Fd, measured in Joules. Most
commonly potential energy is weightheight.
 Kinetic energy - Kinetic energy is energy of motion. It is (mv2)/2, measured in Joules.
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