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CH 17 Study Sheet
Major Vocabulary:
 Axis – an _____________________ around which the _______ rotates (the Earth’s
axis is tilted ______ degrees)
 Moon Phase –
 Solar system – the ______ and all the bodies that orbit it
 Space Probe – a spacecraft that gathers data ___________ a crew
 Asteroid –
 Rotation – one whole __________ of an object on its _______
 Revolution – one full __________ of an object around ____________
 Comet – a _______________________________ orbiting the sun
 Terrestrial – planets that are made of rocks
 The four gas giants are:
 _________________
 _________________
 _________________
 _________________
Draw a picture below representing the difference between a meteor, meteorite, and
Main Concepts: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4
1) How do the planets move around the sun? In a(n) ________________ orbit.
2) Why do moons orbit planets and planets orbit the Sun?
3) Order of the 8 planets from the sun, location (inner/outer) and their composition
4) Some planets have moons and/or debris that orbit them.
5) Besides planets, __________, ____________, and ______________ orbit the sun
6) Earth’s orbit is nearly ________________ (seasons are NOT due to its orbit)
7) _____________, a former major planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet
8) Which other planet shows discoveries of possibly once having life/water?
9) Know days and hours of the Earth’s revolution and rotation
10) Earth’s rotation causes everything to appear to change position
11) Earth’s axis tilt _______ degrees (this, along with revolution, affects the amount of
sunlight earth receives)
12) What causes the Earth’s seasons?
13) Average daily temperature is related to amount of direct sunlight received – changes in
average temperature throughout the year are identified as seasons
14) Moon phases - Label each phase and place arrows in the direction of the phases:
15) High tides and low tides happen because:
16) Why is the moon bright/lighted?
17) Why don’t we have eclipses each month?