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Chelsea Dodd
Professor: Alex Bal
November 7th, 2012
New Media Research Methodology: Artificial Intelligence
Imagine we live in the year 2050. Technology has finally caught up with human
intelligence. Living, breathing humans now walk amongst cold, metal, robots. Man-made people
with artificial intelligence roam the earth. Although a robot infested reality seems distant,
technology is becoming increasingly intelligent. Each new development supersedes it’s
counterparts in speed, functionality, programming, and knowledge. Within New Media studies,
artificial intelligence is very fascinating. However, with fascination comes controversy. Many
people ponder the question; how far is too far? In essence, the study and practice of New Media
poses the same question. Similar to the evolution of AI, the definition of New Media is always
changing. New media has no limits, and encompasses each technological art form, from video art
to Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence dates all the way back to Homer, referring to “mechanical ‘tripods’
waiting on the gods at dinner” (Buchanan 2). However, it has only been in the past century that
AI innovators have been able to create machines that compare to Homer’s “robotic assistants”.
Conversely, Innovators still continue to struggle to develop mechanisms of thought. Even
philosophers have explored the possibility of machines to aid in self-realization as humans. Rene
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Descartes, a french philosopher and mathematician from the 1600’s; used the idea of a
“mechanical man” as a metaphor; while Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a german philosopher and
mathematician saw the legitimacy of machines and their reasoning devices. Leibniz later created
an early version of the ‘calculator’, which at the time could be considered a development in New
Media. However, Leibniz never believed that his creation could think independently. (Buchanan
When we think of robots in our world today, we recall units like Wall-E, the terminator,
and even the robots we play chess with on the computer. One of the most memorable chess
games took place in May 1977, when an IBM Supercomputer named Deep Blue competed
against the world champion Garry Kasparov. Deep Blue’s victory was considered a triumph in
the AI world, however the founding pioneer, John McCarthy was doubtful of the
accomplishment. He quotes "The fixation of most computer chess work on success in
tournament play has come at scientific cost". McCarthy states that Deep Blue’s success was not
based upon it’s understanding of the game itself, but merely it’s computing power. Meanwhile,
IBM was also creating Watson, a program that was able to compete in the game show
“Jeopardy!”. Once again, the computer prevailed, yet the AI community had the same argument.
A philosopher by the name of John Searle argues that “IBM invented an ingenious program, not
a computer that can think” (Vardi 4). As a New Media discipline, Artificial intelligence has been
in the works for quite some time. Despite the controversial ideas of Artificial intelligence verses
mechanical engineering, the development of new mechanical beings continue to advance much
like the world of New Media.
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Although robots have always been associated with AI, earlier stages of the robot explored
mechanical engineering rather than independent thought process. Today, much of the mechanical
engineering has been developed, and scientists are concentrated on creating units that test
intelligent behavior. Computers are used as experimental devices to understand the human
nature, and how it can be digitally translated. Throughout the years Artificial Intelligence has
been influenced by several areas of study, such as; engineering (e.g. cybernetics), biology (e.g.
neural networks for simple organisms), psychology (e.g. communication theories), game theory,
mathematics, statistics, logic, philosophy, and linguistics. (Buchanan 11). In the past decade
many advances have been made in the field of AI. Considerable amounts of progress have been
made when it comes to machines and their modes of reasoning, such as case-based reasoning,
analogies, induction, reasoning under uncertainty, and default reasoning (Buchanan 26). By
combining each method of reasoning, the system would be deemed successful.
One of the most important methodologies regarding Artificial Intelligence is
Argumentation. Argumentation is the process in which problems are proposed, discussed, and
resolved through mathematical reasoning, This idea has long been one of the key ideas in the
development and programming of AI. Much like the Jeopardy controversy, the computer must
not rely on it’s computing power, but it’s power to draw conclusions without concrete
information, much like a human being. Mathematical algorithms are used to create scenarios
where the computer can analyze the validity of the problem, along with possible outcomes. Two
main elements are utilized when analyzing the settings of Artificial Intelligence; logic, and
deductive reasoning. The theories of Argumentation play a large role in creating an effective
computational thought process, and continue to assist in programming AI.
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Exploring the ethics surrounding Artificial Intelligence reminds humans of how powerful
the development of AI truly is. Although our knowledge regarding AI has greatly increased over
the years, humans cannot predict the future, nor can we predict the outcome of creating artificial
intelligence. There is an increased responsibility when dealing with technology that thinks on it’s
own. The ethics of AI is a section in the ethics of technology that is specific to robots and any
other type of artificially intelligent beings. The term “Roboethics” was created to illustrate the
ethical issues regarding the moral behavior of humans as they design, construct, use and treat
artificially intelligent beings, and the term “Machine Ethics” was created to illustrate the ethical
issues regarding moral behavior of artificial moral agents (AMAs) (Anderson 16). “Roboethics”
was coined by Gianmarco Verruggio, a roboticist, in 2002. This term contemplates the
possibilities of robots being used to harm humans, and the possibilities of robots being used to
help humans. The first section of Roboethics is “Robot Rights”. Robot Rights are the
responsibilities of society towards machines. Robot rights are very similar to the rights of
animals, and even the rights of humans. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the right
to life are some of the rights robots are allowed. Although the idea of putting these Robot Rights
into effect may seem dubious, inventor Ray Kurzweil, inventor and futurist; believes that in 2029
humanoid robots will appear; and perhaps these Robot Rights will need to be advanced. The
threat to privacy is another ethical issue surrounding humans and robots. Theoretically, robots
have the capabilities with proper processors to record/listen to telephone conversations, read
emails, and access files, this poses a great privacy risk to society. The last point of Roboethics is
the threat to human dignity. In 1976 Joseph Weizenbaum stated that artificially intelligent beings
should not replace positions in the work force that require human care and compassion
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(McCorduck 356). He believed that jobs like police officers, judges, nurses, therapists, and
customer service representatives should be reserved for human beings, rather than robots. Above
all, empathy is required to properly perform each of the duties. If an artificially intelligent being
was used in this way, a threat to human dignity would present itself. “The possibility of machines
in these positions suggests that we have experienced an ‘atrophy of the human spirit that comes
from thinking of ourselves as computers’" (McCorduck 356). Comparatively, Machine Ethics
pertains to the research concerned with designing Artificial Moral Agents (AMAs), artificially
intelligent computers, or robots that behave morally. Machine Ethics deals with the hazards of
“cockroach intelligence” (i.e. self-sufficient robots), and touches on The Singularity. As New
Media Artists it is important to understand the ethics surrounding life-altering technologies like
Human intelligence is a very complicated, and fascinating topic. Abilities like
understanding languages, reasoning, observations, understanding emotion, problem solving, and
learning are only a few parts that make up the composition of the brain. On one hand, artificial
intelligence has the same beautiful composition as human intelligence, but on the other hand, it is
viewed as morally wrong. There are many advantages and disadvantages to the development of
Artificial Intelligence. Artificially Intelligent robots have the ability to explore worlds that a
human otherwise could not; for example, the universe. While the atmosphere in space would be
toxic for humans, robots could further our knowledge in space exploration. Robots would be a
great asset to the work force, they never need sleep, they never die, and they never become ill.
Ultimately, they have the ability to get much more work done than a regular human can. Having
infinite functions means that robots can almost do everything, except operate with human
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intelligence. Although there are several advantages to AI, there are also many disadvantages.
Most importantly, artificially intelligent beings do not have the “human touch”. As much as we
can try to create compassion, empathy, even love, artificial intelligence will never be human
intelligence. There are also many moral and ethical issues surrounding AI. Some believe that
intelligence is God’s gift, and should be treasured; while others think that self-sufficient AI
beings will create mass destruction in our world. Due to the fact that artificially intelligent beings
are infinite in their abilities, jobs will be taken from people, and feelings of inferiority between
human and robot would arise.
In conclusion, the issues surrounding the development of Artificial Intelligence are
bountiful. In theory, living amongst robots would make life easier, however it is predicted that
AI innovators still have quite some time before The Singularity. Artificial Intelligence is an everchanging technology, similar to New Media, and it is very important that New Media artists
understand their moral obligations when dealing with technology as powerful as AI. The
fantasies of artificially intelligent machine live on because we as New Media artists, are
dreamers. We crave new technology, create amazing things; and need to be conscious about our
decisions and how they may impact the future.
Works Cited
Anderson, Michael; Anderson, Susan Leigh (Winter 2007). “Machine Ethics: Creating and
Ethical Intelligent Agent”. AI Magazine (American Association for Artificial Intelligence
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Bench-Capon, T. J. M., and Paul E. Dunne. "Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence." Artificial
Intelligence 171.10 (2007): 619-41. Print
Bruce G Buchanan. "A (very) Brief History of Artificial Intelligence." AI Magazine 26.4 (2005):
53. Print.
Joseph Weizenbaum, quoted in McCorduck. (2004) pp. 356, 374–376
Kurzweil, Ray. (2005) The Singularity is Near. Penguin Books
Levinson, Stephen E. "Ethical Implications of an Experiment in Artificial Intelligence." World
Englishes 22.3 (2003): 217-26. Print.
Michael Anderson, and Susan Leigh Anderson. "Machine Ethics." IEEE Intelligent Systems 21.4
(2006): 10. Print
Oak, Manali. "Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence." Buzzle. N.p., 22 2011. Web. 7 Nov
Pollock, John. "Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence." Philosophical Perspectives 4 (1990):
461-98. Print.
Vardi, Moshe. "Artificial Intelligence: Past and Future." Communications of the ACM 55.1
(2012): 5-. Print.