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PHY 155 2.0 – Applied Electricity and Basic Electronics
Tutorial 2
Transient Analysis
01) An inductor of self-inductance 300 mH and resistance 5 is connected to a battery of
negligible internal resistance. Calculate the time in which the current will attain half its final
steady value.
02) The charge on a perfect capacitor of capacitance 2 F falls to 50% of its value in 6 minutes,
when the two plates of the capacitor are joined by an unknown resistance. What is the value of
unknown resistance?
03) Examine if the discharge of a capacitor in a series LCR circuit is oscillatory when R = 300
, L = 0.2 H and C = 2F.
04) An inductor of 5H and resistance 8 is connected to a battery of e.m.f. 12 V and of
negligible internal resistance. Calculate,
(a) The initial rate of increase of current in the circuit,
(b) The rate of increase of current at the instant when the current in the circuit is 1A.
(c) The instantaneous value of current 0.2 s after the circuit is closed.
(d) The final steady state current,
(e) The power input to the inductor at the instant when the current is 0.5 A.
(f) The rate of development of heat at this instant.
(g) The rate at which the energy of the magnetic field is increasing at this instant.
(h) The energy stored in the magnetic field when the current has attained its steady value.
05) A condenser of capacity 0.02F is discharged through an inductance of 12 mH and
resistance 110. Calculate the frequency of the discharge of oscillation. What additional
resistance should be included in the circuit so that the Oscillations may just stop?
Alternative circuit Theory
06) In a series circuit containing pure resistance and a pure inductance, the current and the
voltage are expressed as:
i (t) = 5 sin (314 t + 2 π/3) and v (t) = 15 sin (314 t + 5 π/6)
(a) What is the impedance of the circuit?
(b) What is the value of the resistance?
(c) What is the inductance in henrys?
(d) What is the average power drawn by the circuit?
(e) What is the power factor?
07) In a circuit the equations for instantaneous voltage and current are givn by
v =141.4 sin 23 t volt and
i = 7.07 sin 2t amp, where ω = 314 rad/sec.
Sketch a neat phasor diagram for the circuit.
Use polar notation to calculate impedance with phase angle.
(iii) Calculate average power & power factor.
Calculate the instantaneous power at the instant t = 0.
08) The potential difference measured across a coil is 4.5 V, when it carries a direct
current of 9 A. The same coil when carries an alternating current of 9 A at 25 Hz, the potential
difference is 24 V.
Find the current, the power and the power factor when it is supplied by 50 V, 50
Hz supply.
09) In a particular R-L series circuit a voltage of 10 V at 50 Hz produces a current of 700 mA
while the same voltage at 75 Hz produces 500 mA. What are the values of R and L in the circuit?
10) A series circuit consists of a resistance of 6 Ω and an inductive reactance of 8 Ω.
A potential difference of 141.4 V (r.m.s.) is applied to it. At a certain instant the applied voltage
is +100 V, and is increasing. Calculate at this current,
the current
the voltage drop across the resistance and
(iii) Voltage drop across inductive reactance.
11) A 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage V = 141 sin ωt is applied to a series R-L circuit. The values of
the resistance and the inductance are 3 Ω and 0.0106 H respectively.
(i) Compute the r.m.s. value of the current in the circuit and its phase angle with respect to the
(ii) Write the expression for the instantaneous current in the circuit.
(iii) Compute the r.m.s. value and the phase of the voltages appearing across the resistance and
the inductance.
(iv) Find the average power dissipated by the circuit.
(v) Calculate the p.f. of the circuit.
12) In an alternating circuit, the impressed voltage is given by V = (100 − j50) volts
and the current in the circuit is I = (3 – j4) A. Determine the real and reactive power in the
13) A two-element series circuit is connected across an a.c. source e = 200
(ωt + 20°) V. The current in the circuit then is found to be
i = 10
cos (314 t − 25°) A.
Determine the parameters of the circuit.
14) Transform the following currents to the time domain:
− 6 + j8
(iii) − j5.
15) A choke coil takes a current of 2 A lagging 60° behind the applied voltage of 200 V at 50 Hz.
Calculate the inductance, resistance and impedance of the coil. Also,
determine the power consumed when it is connected across100V, 25-Hz supply.
16 When a voltage of 100 V at 50 Hz is applied to a choking coil A, the current taken is 8 A and
wthe power is 120 W. when applied to a coil B, the current is 10 A and the power is 500 W.
What current and power will be taken when 100 V is applied to the two coils connected in
17) An inductive circuit draws 10 A and 1 kW from a 200-V, 50 Hz a.c. supply.
The impedance in cartesian from (a + jb)
The impedance in polar from Z ∠ θ
(iii) The power factor
The reactive power
(v) The apparent power.
18) A resistance of 20 ohm, inductance of 0.2 H and capacitance of 150 μF are connected in
series and are fed by a 230 V, 50 Hz supply.
Find XL, XC, Z, Y, p.f., active power and reactive power.