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Atomic Radii
•Atomic radius – one-half the distance between the
nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together.
•The left hand diagram shows bonded atoms.
•As you move across the period on the periodic
table the size of the atoms gets smaller.
•The trend to smaller atoms across a period is
caused by the increasing positive charge of the
nucleus. The electrons are pulled closer to the
more highly charged nucleus.
•As you read down a group on the periodic table the
size of the atoms increase.
•Electrons are farther from the nucleus.
Ionization Energy
•An ion is an atom or group of bonded atoms that
has a positive or negative charge.
•Sodium (Na), for example, easily loses an
electron to form Na+.
•Any process that results in the formation of an ion
is referred to as ionization.
•The energy required to remove one electron from a
neutral atom of an element is the ionization energy
•To compare the ease with which atoms of different
elements give up electrons, chemists compare
ionization energies.
•The ionization energies of the main-group elements
(the s-block and p-block elements) increase across
each period.
•This is due to the increasing nuclear charge.
•A higher charge more strongly attracts electrons in
the same energy level.
•Among the main-group elements, ionization
energies generally decrease down the groups.
•Electrons are farther from the nucleus and
removed more easily.
Electron Affinity
•The energy change that occurs when an electron is
acquired by a neutral atom is called the atom’s
electron affinity.
•Electron affinity is, essentially the opposite of the
ionization energy. Instead of removing an electron
from the element we add an electron to create an
•Electron affinities become more negative across a
period (easier to gain electrons).
•Electrons add with more difficulty going down a
Ionic Radii
•A positive ion is known as a cation (formed by the
loss of one or more electrons).
•A negative ion is known as a anion (formed from
the addition of one or more electrons).
•The metals tend to form cations and the
nonmetals tend to form anions.
•Cationic radii decrease across a period due to
increasing nuclear charge and anionic radii
decreases for the elements in groups 15-18.
•There is a gradual increase of ionic radii down a
•The outer electrons in both cations and anions are
in higher energy levels as one reads down a group
and are less affected by the nuclear charge.
Valence Electrons
•The electrons available to be lost, gained, or shared
in the formation of chemical compounds are
referred to as valence electrons (in the outer s and p
•For main-group elements, the valence electrons
are the electrons in the outermost s and p sublevels.
•Valence electrons hold atoms together in chemical
•In many compounds, the negative charge of the
valence electrons is concentrated closer to one
atom than to another.
•This uneven concentration of charge has a
significant effect on the chemical properties of a
•Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an
atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons
(the most electronegative element is fluorine).
•Electronegativity increases across each period.
•Electronegativity decreases or stays the same down
a group.
Writing Prompt #13
Using 5 to 10 sentences, answer the following:
Electronegativity, Ionic Radii, Electron
Affinity, Ionization Energy and
Atomic Radii are often referred to as
Periodic Trends. Why is that an
appropriate name for these
properties? What does each trend
explain? How does each property
change across the periodic table?