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Are There Property Patterns
Chemists often look for patterns in the properties of different tested materials in order to predict the
properties of untested samples. For example, it seems plausible to imagine that substances containing
“lighter” molecules or atoms will melt at lower temperatures than substances made up of “heavier”
atoms or molecules. The chemist will test this idea by determining whether a set of samples exhibit a
mass and melting-point pattern and, based on results, will either refine or discard the idea. In this
investigation, your team will test ideas relating atomic or molecular structure and a property. Your task
is to identify groups of substances where the correlation works and explore possible reasons for its
failure when it doesn’t.
Use the Internet and chemical reference books to obtain property data about elements and compounds.
Plot properties against atomic structures of elements and note any patterns including periodic trends.
Experimentally test the property and reactivity of compounds and look for structure and property
Use atomic and molecular structures of elements or compounds to explain regularities or discontinuities
in properties.
This inquiry asks you to use the Internet, chemical reference books, and text books (Part I), and experimental tests
(Part II) to obtain and plot property data about samples. Part I may be conducted in lab if computers are available
or done as a pre-lab prior to conducting Part II.
Internet Web sites such as webelements at are available that allow one to determine or
plot properties of the elements against atomic structure. Such data can alternatively be found in the CRC
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and then plotted by hand or with the aid of a software program. The
procedure below refers to the site, but your instructor may refer you to other Internet
Web sites.
Part I – Properties and Atomic Number
Start your inquiry by recording your hypothesis regarding a possible relationship between the property
and atomic number. The hypothesis needn’t be correct in fact. A hypothesis is a reasonable statement
that can be tested and disproved by experiment.
When you have completed the plot, record any noticeable trends:
1. Is there a general trend in the property as atomic number increases?
2. Is there an observable property pattern across a period of elements?
3. Is there a group of elements that exhibit a particularly high or low property value?
Access the Web site as indicated by your instructor. On the main page, you will
observe a periodic table. To obtain property data and graphical plots, you will need to click on any
element in the periodic table and follow the directions indicated below. After completing a property
investigation, return to the home page of webelements by clicking on the tab “WebElements Home” at
the bottom left of the page. Then, click on any element in the periodic table, and proceed with the next
Melting Point Patterns
Click on the tab “Periodicity” at the top of the webpage. Scroll down and click on the heading Melting
Point. Record its definition below.
Hypothesis…In general, do you expect to find a general trend in the melting point of elements as atomic
number increases in general? Across a period? Down a group? Record your hypothesis.
View a melting point (y-axis) versus atomic number (x-axis) plot. For example, select Ball chart or
thermometer chart in the select box under the Full table charts. Answer the following questions based on
any noticeable trends in melting points.
Is there a general trend in the property as atomic number increases?
Is there an observable property pattern across a period of elements?
Is there an observable property pattern down a group of elements?
Does the data support your hypothesis
Density Patterns
Go back to the homepage using the WebElements tab at the bottom left. On the homepage, click on
Periodicity, scroll down, then click on Density. Record the definition for Density.
Hypothesis…Do you expect to find a general trend in the density of elements as atomic number
increases? Record your hypothesis.
View all of the charts of density versus atomic number listed under the graph. Answer the following
questions based on trends in density and atomic number.
Is there a general trend in the property as atomic number increases?
Is there an observable property pattern across a period of elements?
Is there an observable property pattern down a group of elements?
Does the data support or contradict your hypothesis?
Atomic Radius Patterns
6-2 Atomic Radii (Whitten, Page 222 – 223)
For all practical purposes, the size of an individual atom _______________ be uniquely defined. An
indirect approach is required. The size of an atom is determined by its immediate ___________________,
especially its interaction with surrounding ______________. ______________________ _____________
of many elements can be calculated from known ___________________________ of each atom. We
derive atomic radii from the observed _________________________ between atoms that are combined
with one another. Basically, the atomic radius is the radius of an atom.
Why is the Effect Nuclear Charge less in outer shell electrons than that of inner shell electrons?
Hypothesis… Do you expect to observe a general trend in the atomic radius of elements as the atomic
number of elements increases? Record your hypothesis.
Go back to the homepage using the WebElements tab at the bottom left. On the homepage, click on
Periodicity. Look on the right side of the webpage and find Atomic Properties. Under Atomic Properties,
click on Atomic Sizes. View a Ball chart of atomic radius versus atomic number.
Is there a general trend in the property as atomic number increases?
Is there an observable property pattern across a period of elements?
Is there an observable property pattern down a group of elements?
Does the data support your hypothesis?
On the left side of the webpage, select periods 2, 3, 4, 5spd, and 6 to view the plots and look for patterns
of the main group elements, as well as the transition elements. Explain the trend.
Electronegativity Patterns
Go back to the homepage using the WebElements tab at the bottom left. On the homepage, click on
Periodicity. On the right side of the webpage, scroll down and click on the word Pauling. Record the
definition of Pauling Electronegativity.
Hypothesis… Do you expect a general trend in the electronegativity of elements as atomic number
increases? Record your hypothesis.
View a bar plot of electronegativity versus atomic number from among the choices found at the bottom
of the chart. Record any noticeable trends.
On the left side of the webpage, select periods 2, 3, and 4. Record any electronegativity patterns within
the periods of the main and transition group elements.
On the left side of the webpage, select groups 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. Record any electronegativity
patterns within the families (groups) of the main group elements.
Does the data support or contradict your hypothesis?
Give the names of Groups 1, 2, 17, and 18.
Ionization Energy Patterns
Go back to the homepage using the WebElements tab at the bottom left. On the homepage, click on
Periodicity, scroll down, then click on Ionization Energy. Record the definition for Ionization Energy. Click
on First Ionization energy and record that definition as well.
Hypothesis…Do you expect to find a general trend in the First Ionization Energy of elements as atomic
number increases? Record your hypothesis.
View all of the charts of Ionization energy versus atomic number listed under the graph. Answer the
following questions based on trends in Ionization energy and atomic number.
Is there a general trend in the property as atomic number increases?
Is there an observable property pattern across a period of elements?
Is there an observable property pattern down a group of elements?
Does the data support or contradict your hypothesis?
Electron Affinity
6-4 Electron Affinity (Whitten, Page 227 - 228)
Electron affinity is the amount of energy __________________ when an electron is ______________ to
an isolated gaseous atom to form an ion with a -1 charge.
Elements with very _______________________ electron affinities gain electrons easily to form negative
ions ( ____________).
Hypothesis…Do you expect to find a general trend in the Electron affinities of elements as atomic number
View all of the charts of Electron Affinities versus atomic number listed under the graph. Answer the
following questions based on trends in Electron Affinity and atomic number.
For the main group elements, is there a general trend in the property as atomic number
Is there an observable property pattern across a period for the main group elements?
Is there an observable property pattern down a group for the main group elements?
Does the data support or contradict your hypothesis?
Ionic Radii
Go back to the homepage using the WebElements tab at the bottom left. On the homepage, click on
Periodicity, scroll down, then click on Ionic Radius (Pauling).
Hypothesis…Do you expect to find a general trend in the Ionic Radii of elements as atomic number
increases? Record your hypothesis.
View all of the charts of Ionc Radii versus atomic number listed under the graph. Answer the
following questions based on trends in Ionic radii and atomic number.
For the main group elements, is there a general trend in Ionic Radii as atomic number
Is there an observable property pattern across a period for the main group elements?
Is there an observable property pattern down a group for the main group elements?
Does the data support or contradict your hypothesis?
Data Analysis and Implications
 As you go up or down a group ( ↑, ↓ ), draw an arrow depicting the general
trend for each property as that property increases.
 As you go left or right across a period ( →, ← ), draw an arrow depicting the
general trend for each property as that property increases.
 Focus on the Main Group elements only.
a. Melting Point
b. Density
c. Atomic Radius
d. Electronegativity
e. Ionization energy
Electron Affinity
g. Ionic Radii