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CH 115 Fall 2014
Brief overview of topics/concepts to review for exam 1
General model of an atom – what is it made of, how is it organized
Dalton’s atomic theory –
 Be able to explain in your own words
 Exceptions
Subatomic particles – what are they
 Atomic number
 Mass number
 Atomic weight
 Atomic mass
 Isotopes + calculating atomic weight of an element, vice versa
 Mass spectra diagram
Two equations used when talking about light
 E = hv
 C = (wavelength*frequency)
Bohr diagram
What does it mean for something to be quantized?
Four quantum numbers –
 Range
 Abbreviation
 What do they each determine
 What makes a set of quantum numbers invalid
 Know shapes of the s and p orbitals
Electron configurations –
 Pauli exclusion principle
 Hund’s rule
 Aufbau principle
 Condensed vs. noble gas vs. orbital diagrams
 Transition metal exceptions!
Periodic trends – atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity
 What does each term mean
 What is the trend
 Why is the trend the way it is
Common monatomic ions
Valence electrons
Differences between an ionic and molecular compound
Difference between a molecule and a compound
Rules for naming covalent compounds – know your Greek prefixes
Rules for drawing Lewis structures – MAYBE
Exam I Review