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Test I Review: The Journey to Civilization, Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt
Overview: The test will include three sections and they are as follows – Multiple Choice (Knowledge and
Understanding 25 Marks), Visual Deconstruction (Thinking 25 Marks) and a Journal (Communication 25
Marks and Application 25 Marks).
Sample Questions
Section I – Multiple Choice (Knowledge and Understanding 25 Marks)
In this section there will be 25 Multiple Choice questions. Following are the instructions that will appear
on the test and an example question.
Instructions: Select the best answer by blacking out the letter adjacent to the best answer and then
blacking out the same letter on the answer key next to the corresponding question number.
1. In Sumer writing developed:
a. Originally, to record taxation and trade
b. Into cuneiform
c. From pictographs to a syllabary to an alphabet
d. All of the above
e. Both a and b
Section II – Visual Deconstruction (Thinking 25 Marks)
Instructions: Carefully view the following visuals and answer the accompanying questions.
1. The image of Hatshepsut is chipped away. Who was the perpetrator and what motivated this
2. Wall reliefs are an excellent source of historical evidence, but they can distort the truth.
Describe two manners of distortion.
Section III – Journal (Communication 25 Marks and Application 25 Marks)
Note: The journal question will be exactly the same on the test. Research and plan it ahead of time.
Instructions: Write a historical journal from the perspective of one of the following individuals –
a. Gilgamesh
b. A Sumerian peasant
c. Imhotep
d. A skilled Pyramid builder during the Old Kingdom
e. Akhenaton
f. A common woman during the New Kingdom
g. Hatshepsut
h. Ramses II
The journal should be double spaced. It should be about two pages. The journal should include the
Reference to real places, individuals and events
Use of era specific vocabulary and terminology
Description of experiences and surroundings extrapolated from class lessons and readings on
the respective time period
First person perspective
Realistic emotion, opinions and perspective
Journal Rubric
Below Level 1
0 – 49%
Level 1
50 – 59%
Limited ideas were communicated
with way too many grammatical
and spelling errors.
Below Level 1
0 – 49%
Real places, individuals
and/or events were not
incorporated and
description of emotions,
opinions, perspectives,
surroundings and
experiences were
0 2 3 4 5 7
Some ideas were
communicated with
many grammatical and
spelling errors.
10 11 12 13 14 15
Level 1
50 – 59%
Real places, individuals
and/or events were
minimally incorporated and
description of emotions,
opinions, perspectives,
surroundings and
experiences were barely
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
60 – 69%
70 – 79%
80 – 100%
Ideas were
Ideas were well
Ideas were eloquently
communicated with
communicated without
communicated, with superior use of
some grammatical
many grammatical and
historical vocabulary.
and spelling errors.
spelling errors.
Level 2
60 – 69%
Real places, individuals
and/or events were
incorporated and
description of emotions,
opinions, perspectives,
surroundings and
experiences were
Level 3
70 – 79%
Level 4
80 – 100%
Real places, individuals
and/or events were well
incorporated and
description of emotions,
opinions, perspectives,
surroundings and
experiences were
Real places, individuals and/or
events were excellently
incorporated and description of
emotions, opinions,
perspectives, surroundings and
experiences were rich in detail.
Overall Review with Topics of Importance
You should have knowledge of the following topics:
1. Evolution of humans – Australopithecus, Lucy, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthals,
Homo Floresiensis , Homo Sapiens
2. The Paleolithic
3. The Great Leap Forward – Cave paintings, Tool and Clothing Improvements
4. Neolithic Revolution – Reasons, Plant and Animal Domestication, Gobekli Tepe, Jericho, Catal
5. Elements of a Civilization – Agricultural Intensification, Science and Technology, Artisan and
Craftsman, Trade and Commerce, Social Hierarchy, Government and Laws, Religion
6. Sumerian Civilization – The Development of Writing, Ziggurats, Ur and Uruk, Gilgamesh, Gods
and Religion, Collapse of Farming and Decline
7. Babylonian and Assyrian Civilization – The Tower of Babyl, the Hanging Gardens, The Ishtar Gate,
Hammurabi’s Code, Nebuchadnezzar II
8. Egyptian Civilization (Early Dynastic) – Menes (Narmar), the unification of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Mastabas, Memphis
9. Egyptian Civilization (The Old Kingdom) – Djoser, Step Pyramid, Imhotep (architecture and
medicine), Viziers, Sneferu, Pyramid at Meidum, Bent Pyramid, Red Pyramid, Saqqara, Khufu,
the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, Khafra, Menkaure, Giza, First Intermediate Period, Nomarchs
10. Egyptian Civilization (Middle Kingdom) – Mentuhotep II, Mentuhotep IV vs. Amenemhot I,
Senusret III, Sobekneferu, Second Intermediate Period, Hyksos Invasion
11. Egyptian Civilization (New Kingdom) – Ahmose, Thebes, Hatshepsut, Valley of the Kings,
Thutmose III, Akhenaton, Tutankhamen, Ramses II, Sea People, Kadesh
12. Egyptian Civilization – Daily Life in Home and in Town, Mummification, Pyramids, In Temple,
Party, Hieroglyphs
13. Ancient Israel – Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jerusalem, the First and Second Temple, the
Old Testament