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Chapter 10
Dynamics of
Rotational Motion
PowerPoint® Lectures for
University Physics, Thirteenth Edition
– Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.
Goals for Chapter 10
• To learn what is meant by torque
• To see how torque affects rotational motion
• To analyze the motion of a body that rotates as it
moves through space
• To use work and power to solve problems for
rotating bodies
• To study angular momentum and how it changes
with time
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Loosen a bolt
• Which of the three
forces in the figure
is most likely to
loosen the bolt?
• Fa?
• F b?
• Fc?
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Loosen a bolt
• Which of the three
forces in the figure
is most likely to
loosen the bolt?
• F b!
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• Let O be the point around
which a solid body will be
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Line of
• Let O be the point around
which a solid body will be
• Apply an external force F
on the body at some point.
• The line of action of a force
is the line along which the
force vector lies.
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F applied
Line of
• Let O be the point around
which a body will be
• The lever arm (or moment
arm) for a force
The perpendicular distance
from O to the line of action
of the force
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F applied
Line of
• The torque of a force with
respect to O is the product of
force and its lever arm.
• Greek Letter “Tau” = “torque”
• Larger torque if
• Larger Force applied
• Greater Distance from O
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F applied
Larger torque if
• Larger Force applied
• Greater Distance from O
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Line of
• The torque of a force with
respect to O is the product of
force and its lever arm.
• Units: Newton-Meters
• But wait, isn’t Nm = Joule??
F applied
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• Torque Units: Newton-Meters
• Use N-m or m-N
• OR...Ft-Lbs or lb - feet
• Not…
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• Torque is a
• Directions:
• “Counterclockwise” (+)
• “Clockwise” (-)
• “z-axis”
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• Torque is a
• Directions:
• “Counterclockwise”
• “Clockwise”
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• Torque is a
• Directions:
• “Counterclockwise” (+)
• “Clockwise” (-)
• “z-axis”
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• Torque is a
• But if r = 0, no torque!
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Torque as a vector
• Torque can be expressed
as a vector using the
vector cross product:
t= r x F
• Right Hand Rule for
direction of torque.
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Torque as a vector
• Torque can be expressed
as a vector using the
vector cross product:
Line of
t= r x F
• Where r = vector from axis
of rotation to point of
application of Force
q = angle between r and F
• Magnitude: t = r F sinq
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F applied
Torque as a vector
Line of
• Torque can be evaluated
two ways:
t= r x F
t= r * (Fsin q)
F applied
remember sin q = sin (180-q)
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Torque as a vector
Line of
• Torque can be evaluated
two ways:
r sin q
t= r x F
t= (rsin q) * F
The lever arm L = r sin q
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F applied
Torque as a vector
Line of
• Torque is zero three ways:
t= r x F
r sin q
t= (rsin q) * F
t= r * (Fsin q)
If q is zero (F acts along r)
If r is zero (f acts at axis)
If net F is zero (other forces!)
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F applied
Applying a torque
• Find
if F = 900 N and q = 19 degrees
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Applying a torque
• Find t if F = 900 N
and q = 19 degrees
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Torque and angular acceleration for a rigid body
• The rotational analog of Newton’s second law for a
rigid body is tz =Iz.
• What is  for this example?
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Torque and angular acceleration for a rigid body
• The rotational analog of Newton’s second law for a
rigid body is tz =Iz.
t = I
and t = Fr
 = Fr/I
and a = r 
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I = Fr
Another unwinding cable – Example 10.3
• What is acceleration
of block and tension
in cable as it falls?
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Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
Identify that smooth rolling can be considered as a combination of
pure translation and pure rotation.
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Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
Assume objects roll smoothly (no slipping!)
The center of mass (com) of the object moves in a
straight line parallel to the surface
Object rotates around the com as it moves
Rotational motion is defined by:
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Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
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Rolling without slipping
• The condition for rolling without slipping is vcm = R.
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11-1 Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
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11-1 Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
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11-1 Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
Answer: (a) the same (b) less than
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Rigid body rotation about a moving axis
• Motion of rigid body is a
combination of translational
motion of center of mass and
rotation about center of mass
• Kinetic energy of a rotating &
translating rigid body is
KE = 1/2 Mvcm2 + 1/2 Icm2.
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Forces and Kinetic Energy of Rolling
Combine translational and rotational kinetic energy:
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The race of the rolling bodies
• Which one wins??
• WHY???
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A sphere smoothly rolls down a slope and accelerates…
• What are acceleration & magnitude of friction on ball?
• Use Newton’s second law for motion of center of mass
and rotation about center of mass.
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Acceleration of a rolling sphere
For smooth rolling down a ramp:
(If slip occurs, then the motion is not smooth rolling!)
1. Gravitational
force is vertically
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Acceleration of a rolling sphere
For smooth rolling down a ramp:
1. Gravitational
force is vertically
2. Normal force is
perpendicular to
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Acceleration of a rolling sphere
For smooth rolling down a ramp:
1. Gravitational
force is vertically
2. Normal force is
perpendicular to
3. Force of STATIC
friction points up
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Acceleration of a rolling sphere
• Use Newton’s second law for the motion of the center
of mass and the rotation about the center of mass.
• What are acceleration & magnitude of friction on ball?
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Acceleration of a rolling sphere
• Use Newton’s second law for the motion of the center
of mass and the rotation about the center of mass.
• What are acceleration & magnitude of friction on ball?
Note that static frictional force produces the rotation
Without friction, the object will simply slide
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Answer: The maximum height reached by B is less than that
reached by A.
For A, all the kinetic energy becomes potential energy at h.
Since the ramp is frictionless for B,
all of the rotational K stays rotational,
and only the translational kinetic energy becomes
potential energy at its maximum height.
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A yo-yo
• What is the speed of the
center of the yo-yo after
falling a distance h?
• Is this less or greater than
an object of mass M that
doesn’t rotate as it falls?
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Acceleration of a yo-yo
• We have translation and rotation, so we use Newton’s
second law for the acceleration of the center of mass
and the rotational analog of Newton’s second law for
the angular acceleration about the center of mass.
•What is a and
T for the yo-yo?
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As yo-yo moves down string, it loses
potential energy mgh but gains
rotational & translational kinetic energy
1. Rolls down a “ramp” of angle 90°
2. Rolls on an axle instead of its outer surface
3. Slowed by tension T rather than friction
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Example Calculate the acceleration of the yo-yo
M = 150 grams, R0 = 3 mm, Icom = Mr2/2 = 3E-5 kg m2
Therefore acom = -9.8 m/s2 / (1 + 3E-5 / (0.15 * 0.0032))
= - .4 m/s2
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Work and power in rotational motion
• Tangential Force over angle does work
• Total work done on a body by external torque is equal to the
change in rotational kinetic energy of the body
• Power due to a torque is P = tzz
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Work and power in rotational motion
• Electric Motor provide 10-Nm torque on
grindstone, with I = 2.0 kg-m2 about its shaft.
• Starting from rest, find work W down by
motor in 8 seconds and KE at that time.
• What is the average power?
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Work and power in rotational motion
• Analogy to 10.8: Calculating Power from Force
• Electric Motor provide 10-N force on block, with m =
2.0 kg.
• Starting from rest, find work W down by motor
in 8 seconds and KE at that time.
• What is the average power?
• W = F x d = 10N x distance travelled
• Distance = v0t + ½ at2 = ½ at2
• F = ma => a = F/m = 5 m/sec/sec => distance = 160 m
• Work = 1600 J; Avg. Power = W/t = 200 W
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Angular momentum
• The angular momentum of a rigid body rotating about a
symmetryaxis is parallel to the angular velocity and is
given by L = I.
• Units = kg m2/sec (“radians” are implied!)
• Direction = along RHR vector of angular velocity.
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Angular momentum
• For any system of particles t = dL/dt.
• For a rigid body rotating about the z-axis tz = Iz.
Ex 10.9: Turbine with I = 2.5 kgm2;  = (40 rad/s3)t2
What is L(t) & L @ t = 3.0 seconds; what is t(t)?
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Angular Momentum
Angular momentum has meaning only with respect to a
specified origin and axis.
L is always perpendicular to plane formed by position &
linear momentum vectors
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Angular Momentum
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11-5 Angular Momentum
a) Rank particles according to magnitudes of Angular Momentum about O
1 & 3, 2 & 4, 5
b) Which have negative ang. Momentum about O?
2 and 3 (assuming counterclockwise is positive)
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Conservation of angular momentum
• When the net external torque acting on a system is zero, the total
angular momentum of the system is constant (conserved).
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A rotational “collision”
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Angular momentum in a crime bust
• A bullet (mass = 10g, @ 400 m/s) hits a door (1.00 m wide
mass = 15 kg) causing it to swing. What is  of the door?
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Angular momentum in a crime bust
• A bullet (mass = 10g, @ 400 m/s) hits a door (1.00 m wide
mass = 15 kg) causing it to swing. What is  of the door?
• Lintial = mbulletvbulletlbullet
• Lfinal = I = (I door + I bullet) 
• Idoor = Md2/3
• I bullet = ml2
• Linitial = Lfinal so mvl = I
• Solve for  and KE final
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Gyroscopes and precession
• For a gyroscope, the axis of rotation changes direction.
The motion of this axis is called precession.
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Gyroscopes and precession
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Gyroscopes and precession
• For a gyroscope, the axis of
rotation changes direction.
The motion of this axis is
called precession.
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A rotating flywheel
• Magnitude of angular momentum constant, but its direction
changes continuously.
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A precessing gyroscopic
• Example 10.13
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