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Coast to Coast Conference 2014 - Coastal Knowledge for Coastal Change October 27-31, Mandurah (WA)
Monday Workshop Day
The Monday of the Conference is devoted to two full day workshop streams. The first is a national focused one titled “Practical Engineering Advice on Adaptation to
Climate Change and Variability for Australian Coastal Development”. This will be run by Engineers Australia National Committee on Climate Change and Ocean
The second session will be four separate workshops specifically designed for the Western Australian coastal community.
Stream 1 - Practical Engineering Advice on
Adaptation to Climate Change and
Variability for Australian Coastal
Stream 2 - Western Australian coastal community workshops
8:30 – 10
Contemporary issue in coastal management and planning in WA – an open forum – Dr Garry Middle
Morning tea
Morning tea
10:30 – 12:30
Workshop commences - Session 1
10:30 – 12:00
Challenges and Solutions in Managing Vehicles in the Coastal Zone, South Coast WA and Beyond - Brett Dal Pozzo &
Dylan Gleave, South Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Inc with the South Coast Management Group
Climate Change and Sustainability Guidelines
– case study
Session 2 - Adaptation Guidelines – case study
South West and Peel Harvey Coastal Management Group (CoastSWaP) - South West Regional Coastal Stakeholders
Forum / Workshop - Blair Darvill
Afternoon Tea
Afternoon Tea
Final session - Putting three guidelines
together – case study
Coastal Adaptation Planning in Western Australia – Ashley Robb
Stream 1: Practical Engineering Advice on Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability for Australian Coastal Development
Who should attend: planners, managers, engineers, consultants, contractors – anyone involved in decision making, designing, building or maintaining structures,
infrastructure, residential, commercial or leisure facilities in the coastal zone. It will be particularly relevant to local and state government authorities and their consultants.
The Guidelines: Three documents by Engineers Australia National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering with comprehensive and practical advice on how we can
respond to threats from climate change and more general environmental advice for coastal development were updated and released in October 2012.
Workshop format
Presentations will be made on each of the guidelines followed by hands-on practical case study exercises aimed at familiarising attendees with use of the guidelines. The aim
will be for attendees to gain an understanding of the role of coastal engineers in this area, when advice should be sought and what sort of advice can be expected.
Dr Tony Webb, PhD MIEAust, CPEng
Director, Environmental Hydraulic Pty Ltd. Visiting Fellow, UNSW, Canberra
Dr Webb has worked, taught and researched in coastal and the broader environmental hydraulics areas for 40 years. His work spans academic,
public and private sectors. He has engaged with the coastal community through membership of the National Committee on Coastal and Ocean
Engineering including a period as Chair. He has had close involvement with the recently released and previous editions of the guidelines, being a
contributing author and co-editor.
Associate Professor Ron Cox, PhD FIEAust, CPEng,
Convernor ACCARNSI, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW
Associate Professor Ron Cox has had extensive experience in the coastal engineering and coastal zone management areas, working with
industry and government, (local, state and federal) both within Australia and overseas. In 2008 Ron was awarded Engineering Australia’s
prestigious Sir John Holland Award for Civil Engineer of the Year, in recognition of his long standing and continuing contribution to the
profession and community, particularly in the field of coastal engineering.
Tanya Stul, BEng/BSc, GradDip Coastal Eng, MIEAust
Seashore Engineering, Damara WA
Tanya is a coastal engineer and geomorphologist, with wide interests in coastal science, engineering and management. Tanya has experience in the
investigation of coastal, estuarine and fluvial systems; particularly related to assessments of active sediment transport processes, landform and shore
stability, design and construction of structures, beach nourishment and dredging. Tanya was a recipient of the Doug Foster Award from Engineers
Australia, is WA’s representative on NCCOE and was involved in preparation of the Guidelines.
Stream 2: Western Australian coastal community workshops
This stream has been specifically designed for the Western Australian coastal community – being coastal managers, volunteers working at the coast, practitioners and
coastal planners. Four sessions will be held as follows:
Session 1: Contemporary issue in coastal management and planning in WA. This session aims to identify what are the key coastal management and planning for
WA. The session is primarily interactive focused with participants asked to contribute ideas. There will be a limited number of short presentations at start to
provide some initial thoughts, then there will be at least an hour of discussion involving all participants. Dr Garry Middle, who is an independent member of the
Western Australian Planning Commission and chair’s WA’s peak coastal planning authority, the Coastal Planning Coordination Council, will facilitate the session. A
paper will be prepared which summaries the key outcomes and themes of the session.
Session 2: Coastal Adaptation Planning in Western Australia. The WA State Planning Policy 2.6 (Coastal Planning Policy) is the key coastal planning document and
recognises the increasing risk that coastal communities face as a result of changing coastal processes, such as sea level rise. The policy recommends a process of
coastal hazard risk management and adaptation planning (CHRMAP) to help communities identify and mitigate coastal hazard risk. This session has three broad
aims: Increase the WA coastal planning community’s knowledge of planning mechanisms that are being used by coastal planners nationally and internationally to
adapt to coastal hazard risk; Explore the usefulness of these mechanisms for WA local governments considering WA’s planning framework; and, Identify gaps in
our understanding to inform future research. Ashley Robb will run this session with support from Curtin University, Prof Jan MacDonald, Dr Charles Lester, the WA
Dept. of Planning, and the WA Dept. of Transport.
Session 3: Challenges and Solutions in Managing Vehicles in the Coastal Zone, South Coast WA and Beyond. Coastal ecosystems are some of our most fragile, and
are easily impacted on by offroad vehicle use inWestern Australias predominately sandy coastal zone. Impacts and ongoing cost of Management of vehicles in the
coastal zone was highlighted as an issue of concern by communities across the South Coast Region in the review and update of Southern Shores 2009-2030. An
initiative between South Coast NRM and the South Coast Management Group and partners has been underway for the last few years looking at the sustainable
management of vehicles in coastal areas of the south coast of Western Australia. An outcome was setting up the South Coast Vehicle Working Group as a
subcommittee of South Coast Management Group, as well as investement in projects directly addressing the impact of vehicles on the coastal zone. The workshop
is a forum where experiences and knowledge from the South Coast WA and will be shared and solutions beyond the region relating to the sustainable use of
Vehicles in the Coastal Zone will be discussed. The session will be run by Brett Dal Pozzo & Dylan Gleave, South Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Inc in
a partnership with the South Coast Management Group.
Session 4: South West and Peel Harvey Coastal Management Group (CoastSWaP) - South West Regional Coastal Stakeholders Forum / Workshop – This workshop
has two key aims: To present key topics from the 2014 CoastSWaP sub-regional forums and invite feedback and advice from stakeholders; and provide an
opportunity for key regional stakeholders to discuss priority coastal issues and identify potential planning and management solutions, with specific focus on
methods of information exchange and delivery. Blair Darvill, CoastSWaP Project Officer, will run this session