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Unit 4: Electrical Principles and Technologies
1. What would happen between the following combinations of atoms?
a. + and + atoms_____________________________________________________
b. - and – atoms______________________________________________________
c. + and – atoms______________________________________________________
d. N and +atoms______________________________________________________
e. N and - atoms______________________________________________________
2. Explain the difference between static electricity and current electricity.
3. What is voltage?
4. How is electrical energy produced from chemicals?
5. Describe the differences between a ‘dry cell’ and a ‘wet cell’.
6. How does an electrochemical cell work?
7. What is a conductor?
8. What is an insulator?
9. What is resistance?
10. What is current?
11. What is Ohm’s Law?
12. What units are resistance, voltage and current measured in, and what devices are used to
measure them?
13. What is the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit? Know how to draw circuits
and recognize errors in circuit drawings.
14. Identify or illustrate the electrical circuit component or symbol in the table.
15. How is thermal energy transformed into electrical energy?
16. How is electrical energy transformed into mechanical energy?
17. What is power and how is it calculated?
18. What is energy and how is it calculated? What are the units of energy?
19. What are the main parts of a motor and what are their functions?
20. How can efficiency be calculated?
21. How can efficiency be improved?
22. Describe alternative sources of energy.
a. Fossil fuels – _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________ - _________________________________________________________
c. _____________ - _________________________________________________________
d. _____________ - _________________________________________________________
e. _____________- _________________________________________________________
23. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources?