* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Canadian Mineraloglst Vol. 12, pp. 509-519 (1974) ARCHEAN METAVOLCANIC ROCKS FROM THACKENAY TOWNSHIP. ONTARIO T. H. PEARCE eNp T. C. BIRKETT Departmentol GeologicalSciences, Queen'sUniversity,Kingston, Ontario, Canada.K7L 3N6 township is Lat., 48o27lN, Long., 8o"01{il}The rocks in this area form part of the KenojeThe iron-rich Archean submarine metabasaltsof vis Group @. Pyke, pers. commun. 1974). This Thackeray Township, Ontario, are thought to repre- area was selected for detailed study after discussent a distinctiv: magma type: high-iron basalt. High-iron basalt is defined as having )t2Vo by sion with L. Jensen, who has mapped several \peight FeO (total iron as FeO in the anhydrous townships, -including Thackeray, at a scale 1: tA mile) for the Ontario Division analysis). Two well-exposedflows, one of which is I584O (I' a typical high-iron basalt, have been studied in of Mines, (Jensen1969, l97la, L97Ib, 1973). detail. The metamorphism of the region is preh- The area has: good outcrop exposure, a subnite-pumpellyite erade yet both flows have original greenschistgrade of regional metamorphism, pdtexturesand mineralspreserved.The chemicalcom- mary textures and minerals, no structural composition of the massiveparts of the flows appears plications such as penetrative deformations or to be unchangedby the metamorphism,exceptfor folding on the of scale an outcrop, and good acH2O and COz. Plagioclasewas the inferred liquidus phase in bctth lavas. Pyroxene, hornblende,and cess by logging roads. Accordingly, this was Fe/Ti oxide grew during post-eruptive crystalliza- judged an excellent area for detailed study of tion. The presenceof skeletaland frond-like horn- one of the important rock types comprising Arblende in the upper part of the iron-rich flow sug- chean greenstonebelts. geststhat hornblendemay have grown as a quench The basaltsof Thackeray Township lie above, phase,and was probably metastable.The differentiation of the flows car be modelled by crystal and are probably part of, a 20,000' (6100 m) fractionationin which amphibolefractionationplays series of basalts in Garrison Township to the a key role. north. Goodwin (1,972)rsports an average analysis of seven samplesfrom unspecified locations in Garrison Township which were reported to cover the entire section of 6100 m. and this INrnoouctroN is similar to our results. The metavolcanic and metasedimentary greenstonebelts of the Archean shields are of Frst-p DescnlprloN great theoretical and economic importance. Detailed chemical and petrographic descriptions of A general description of the rocks of Thackthe basaltic rocks which are common building eray Township is provided by Jensen(1973). The blocls of the greenstone belts are necessary for are the interpretation of the Earth's early history. In rocks in the northern part of the township -@ig. this work, we describe a rock type from the a series of pillowed and massive basalts Abitibi greenstone belt, 'high-iron' basalt. We 1a), intercalated with thin chert layers and some define high-iron basalts as rocks of generally thin volcaniclastic units (Fig. 1c). The basalts basaltic composition (45-52% SiOa) containing are typically dark green, fine- to medium-grained, )I2Vo by weight total iron expressedas FeO hard, and have a conchoidal fracture. Outcrops calculated on an anhyrous basis. This magma are generally rounded and of low relief. The type appears to have occrured as subaqueous, massive, coarser-grained, centers of the flows hydrous, lava flows which were tlick enough to tgn{ to weattrer high and commonly display a have differentiated during solidification. We distinctive texture whicho for want of another have since recognized this rock type in other term, and to draw attention to its significance, greenstone belts of the Superior Province of the we call "reverse-diabasid's.In this texture. latls of euhedral hornblende are set in a matrix of Canadian Shield. plagioclase. Close scrutiny of the weathered The rocks of this study are located in northern surface is necessary to distinguish this texsrre Thackeray Township, in the central part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt (the NE corner of the tsee footnote on p. 510 ABsrRAcr 509 510 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST from normal ciiabasic texture (euhedral plagioclase set in a matrix of pyroxene-see flg. it). The fine-grained flow margins are commonly exposedat the edgesof outcrops and .may easily be missed in routine field work. The hieh-iron basalts locally exhibit skeletal quench hornblende in the upper parts of the flows, and in pillows. Minor veins of two ages cut the basalt: an older set containing quariz and epidote, and having diffuse boundaries, and a younger set containing quartz, calcite and minor epidote with sharp boundaries. Meta-domain. ui d"sqibed by Smith (1968)and Jolly & Smith (1972) are not developed except as thin selvagesalong joints and near quartz-bearing faults. D,eforma- tion on the outcrop scale (-3Om) has apparenfly been accomplished by movement on widely spaced, discontinuous fractures now lined with chlorite. Veins of albite are present locally, especially in breccia units (see Fig. 1c). 'rWe call this textur: "reverse diabasic" because the role of the dark and light minerals are reversed (compared with a diabasic texture). The dark mineral forns euhedral prisms surrounded by the light feldspar. lt is important to distinguish these two textures because the one is usually present in intrusions such as dykes, while the other is crmmonly exhibited by Archean submarine flows. We do not yet know how common this ..rev:rse diabasic" texture is in either Precambrian or phanerozoic rocks. *:,;..,'.'i:; FIc. la: Pillow basalt 30 m below Flow 2, Ftc. 1b: Reverse-diabasictextures on an outcrop 10 m below Flow l. Frc. 1c: Albite vein cutting volcaniclasticunit immediatelv below Flow 2. Flc. -1d: Altered plagioclase phenocrysts interpreted to have floated up in Flow 2. White veins are considered .to be the last liquid to crystallize in the flow. The hammer handle points towarJs the top of the flow. METAVOLCANIC Fre. Frc. Frc. Ftc. 2a: 2b: 2c: 2d: ROCKS FROM THACKERAY TOWNS,HIP. ONTARIO Radiating amphibole in a matrix of amphibole and plagioclase, Flow 1. Contact between shards and spherulites at base of Flow 1. Quartz-prehnite-actinolite-epidote-chlorite-magnetite-pumpellyitevein in chert below Flow 2. Swallowtail quench plagioclase in the centre of a spherulite, Flow 1. 511 SKIN ,,( ,|( +t- VESICLES c>* RADIATING AMPHIBOLE GRANULAR BASALT a a" at o a aa'a o.' ro!l,o'r li:.i:.':i CUMULATE a taa a a aa ao' SPHERULITES S H A RD S Columnar Section of Flow 1. Frc. 3a: Spherulites with radially grown chlorite forming an interference mosaic matrix. Flow l. FrG. 3b:_ Microporphyritic pyroxene and amphibole with a matrix of hornblende,plagioclaseand.quanz, Flow 1 cumulate zone. Frc. 3c: Skeletal radiating amphibole, Flow 1. Frc. 3d: Amygdule, formerly a segregationvesicle, Flow 1. Frc. 3e: Concentrically zoned shards in flow-top skin, Flow 1. Note: that the thicknessof the zones in tle column have been exaggerated.See text for the true thicknesses. METAVOLCANIC ROCKS FROIVT TIIACKERAY MlcRoscoPrc DrscrupnoN The first of two flows selected for study is a 30- to 35-meter thick flow of high-iron basalt exposed near the main logging road. The base of the flow is a 1- to 2-cm thick layer of flattened structures which we interpret as former glass shards (Fig. 2.b). They are now chloritized. Above this layer, there is a 10-cm zone of spherulites (Fig. 3a). These spherulitesare radial intergrowths of plagioclaseand a mafic mineral which have nucleated on skeletal quench plagioclase microlites (Fig. 2d). The spherulites now occur in a matrix of chlorite which has grown radially from the spherulites into a polygonal mosaic of mutually interfering domains, (Fig. 26, 3a). Overlying the spherulitic zone is a 10-m microporphyritic layer @ig. 3b) containing microphenocrystsof hornblende, some of which rnay be in part pseudomorphousafter pyroxene, since they have pyroxene cores. Skeletal magnetite occurs locally. The microporphyritic zone grades upward into a zone of granular hornblende basalt approximately 10 meters thick which, in turn, grades upward into a zone containing radiating hornblende (Fig. 2a), locally skeletal (Fig. 3c). We interpret this as a quench product'F.The quench texture appears at its lowest point in the flow as clusters of stubby, radiating hornblende crystals in an otherwiseequigranular hornblendeplagioclasebasalt, and reaches full development near the top of the flow as sets of frond-like growths of crystals several millimeters long, intergrown with plagioclase,and including some skeletal plagioclase microlites. No preferred orientation of the hornblende or plagioclasewas observed. Near the flow-top, composite amygdules similar to th6se described by Smith (1967) as segregation vesicles make up a few per cent of the rock (Fig. 3d). The segregation vesicles have sharply defined inner surfaces resulting from the re-entry of lava into the vesicles. Surrounding each vesicle is a darker zone with gradational outer boundaries.The segregationvesiclesoccut in a fine-grained radiating amphibole rock, and typically contain late fillings of quartz, chlorite, epidote, and sulphides, with occasional actinolite. The flow is capped by a thin skin of ropy lava containing former glass fragments (Fig. 3e) which shows the effects of repeated fracturing as the flow moy€d. The shards of broken *By quench product we mean crystals gtown from t1le liquid during relatively rapid cooling of the flow. The grorrth rate is relatively rapid for the mineral species involved so that the typical form is skeletal or feathery. TOWNSHIP. ONTARIO 513 glass contain skeletal plagioclase microphenocrysts. Like all of the finest-grainedrocks in the study area, the flow top is veined with quartz on a fine scale, and is thoroughly chloritized. The second flow selected for detailed study lies in the noftheasternpart of Thackeray Township. The lower 65 m of the flow are exposed and it is not high-iron basalt by our definition. The base of the flow is a fine-grained, chloritized, basalt.Above the baseis a microporphyritic layer, containing mostly pyroxene, with some horn.blende,and amphibole of deuteric origin. Plagioclase phenocrysts up to 3 cm in size iucrease in amount upward in the flow, then end abruptly in a thick layer (Fig. 1d). Flow 2 contains no radiating amphibole in the exposed part. INrunpnererroN oF Trxruner VeruerroNs We interpret the textural features of Flow I as follows. The shards at the base are the chloritized skin or rubble formed as the flow was moving, and were flattened by the weight of the overlying flow. The spherulitic layer immediately above the base is due to devitrification of the glassybottom of the flow after the flow had stopped moving (since the sph,erulitesare not deformed). The skeletal microlites of plagioclase are quench crystals formed during post-eruptive crystallization of the flow. The amphibole and pyroxene phenocrysts of the microporphyritic zone are cumulate minerals formed while the flow slowly cooled, and which have settled towards the base. There is some evidence of magmatic reaction between the pyroxene and amphibole, but we ile not sure of its extent. The radiating amphibole fronds associatedwith quench plagioclaseare quench crystals. We feel they cannot be metamorphic minerals because they show definite stratigraphic variations (in size and amount) within the flow, and they are not present in some of the nearby flows which have the same grain size and mineralogy, and have presumably undergone the same metamorphism. The alteration of the glassy parts of the flow may have begun during the eruptive phase by reaction with sea water, but this is difficult to prove. Flow 2 is similar to Flow I except that it lacks quench amphibole, implying, we feel, a lower water content at eruption. It atso has a layer of large plagioclase phenocrysts, which we interpret as due to crystal fractionation by flotation. The upper contact of the flow is not exposed, and the features at the base are Dot clear because tle base is intiniately assoaiated with a 15-m thick underlying fragmental unit. 51.4 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST TABLE1' WHoLE RocKANALYSES FRoMTHACKEMY Tol'lNsHIP,s0MEPUBLISHED ANALYSEs F0RC0MPARIsoN, pRSBE ANDELE6IRS1{ ANALysEs 0F 123456789]01.1 si02 4 7 . 1 0 49.9q ' 'v2 u.vJ -g . g i Al z0r 14.45 1!.70 Fe;oi 2.23 -\ .77 leu 12.66 1 0 . 0 6 Mno; 0.22 g.?0 Mgo B .1 5 9 . 2 8 Cao 1 3 . 4 3 1 1. 7 7 Nad ?.00 9 . 9 8 KZo 0.23 0 . 4 7 PZlS 0 . 1 9 0 .1 3 suM 101.59 98.63 ilelght* O 3,4 47.00 0.83 14.38 1. 6 6 9.39 o.le 9. 0 2 l l .90 1.63 0.32 0 .1 4 96.46 7.A 47.10 0.78 14.00 1. 7 1 9.69 0.18 9.85 l '' l,.t0. 5 30 47.70 0.75 14.43 I .58 8.95 0.18 9.86 11. 8 0 1.37 0.34 0.28 0.12 0..13 96.12 97.03 7.4 LL.1 rerzrsr9z1t Si0r I r u 2' At 203 5l.t0 1.42 13 . 6 0 2 .04 3 Fe0 II.56 Mn0 0.19 r'190 7.00 Ca0 9.34 Na20 2.02 K2d 0. 6 8 Pzos 0 . 2 2 sUM 99.17 lleighlt* J.J 49.80 1.72 12.90 2.14 12.t5 0.22 6.B0 9.40 I.80 0.61 0.25 97.79 1.5 48.30 0.73 1. 4t . 7 5 .40 7.95 0.07 8.90 12.04 1.20 0.32 o . ,tl 95.77 17.8 48.20 2.65 10.50 2..52 I5.98 0.25 6 .I 5 6.32 I.90 0 . . I1 0.3B 95.26 50.50 51.20 1.75 I .Bl I 2.50 12.95 ' 122. .1023 2 . 3 1 13.09 0.19 0.20 5.95 6.70 8.40 8.82 2.10 2.10 0.65 0.55 0.28 0.28 96.47 t0o.o.t 50.30 1.82 12 . 3 0 2.15 12.20 0.20 6.60 8.75 1.45 0.55 0.27 96.59 14.8 20.4 29.3 25.2 46.50 47.@ 0.73 0.69 14.03 15.30 1 . 6 6 1. 4 4 9. 4 4 8 . 1 3 0.t9 0.16 5 9.80 ' l9l ., 32 5 II.96 o.75 1.?3 0.21 0.29 0.15 0.13 94.26 96.V3 2 1 .L 22 5' 0I . 0 0 .70 12.60 2.23 12,66 0.20 6.95 9 ' 1. 5 5 ,68 0.36 0.20 98..13 1.1 23.3 12 46.90 49.30 52.00 4 7 . 4 0 0 . 7 3 0 . 7 4 0. 7 4 0 . 8 0 1' l5 , 4 0 1 6 . 5 0 . 1 5 . . 1 01 4 . 3 0 '1.73 .54 1. 4 2 I .63 8.76 8.03 9.24 9 . 8 2 0.17 0.14 o.l7 0.19 8 . 2 5 7 , 4 5 8 . 4 2 8.80 1 2 . 3 8 9 . 9 0 1 0 . 8 8 10.77 l.40 .1.70 1.82 0.09 0 . 3 7 0 . 3 9 1. 0 2 0 . 9 3 0.17 0.19 0.15 0.13 9 6. 0 7 9 s, 7 6 1 0 1, 1 7 9 4. 9 6 28.b 32.2 34.4 40.? 24 23 50.05 I.58 I 3.20 2.05 II.64 0 .1 9 6.72 8.75 2.48 0.57 0.25 97.qB 4 9 . 0 0 5 t . 9 0 49.34 ' 112. .9075 1 , 6 7 ' 119. .4094 1 2 . 7 0 'l .99 ' I22. 1 . 14I 2 , 0 4 1 1 . 5 6 6.82 0.25 0.22 0.17 5.97 5.87 7.19 9 . 9 0 8 . 9 8 t 1. 7 2 2.W 2.95 2.73 0 .. 4 '0 3 21 0 . 3 7 0 . t 6 0 . 2 4 0 .1 6 96,sz 98.50 9B.81 1L.9 34.8 zs 26 nn.22 2.03 13.62 ?.21 12.36 0.26 4.36 8.47 3.26 0.36 0.35 9 7. 5 1 't4 13 15 47.10 47.m 49.50 0 . 6 6 0 . 7 0 0. 7 1 1 4 . 6 0 ' 1 3 . 9 0 7. 4 0 .1..43 I .59 1.26 8 . 12 9 . 0 4 7. 1 4 0 . 16 0.18 0.22 7 . 5 8 ' 182. 0. 1 02 I3.70 12.77 12.65 2.10 r.00 1.72 0.59 0.45 1.70 0.t4 0.14 0.20 9 5. 2 5 9 4. 3 2 9 6 . 2 0 41,b 48.5 49,6 ZB- - d--- 48.50 51.16 0.48 0.36 9.60 3.81 ' 127. 2. 158 22.51 0.57 0.61 8.63 8.64 r0.20 n,52 0.66 0.61 0 . 0 8 0 . 1I 0.00 9 8 . 15 9 9. 3 3 30 49.91 0. 4 3 5.30 18.47_ 0 . 4 1t i1.09 11.68 0.71 0 . 11 9 9. 0 1 2 7. 8 FL0l,l2-rocksfrcmtieT.73series:ana1ysls(l)T-73-93,(2)?9.:(3]-97,-(4)9s,(5)99m ( e ) r 0 4 ,( l o ) l o 5 ,( n ) r o z ,t i 2 j - i o g (; r c 1 ' i r o l ' t r cl lt t , . t h eT - 7 3 ' s e r l e(si o: 1 ' r - z r l t ) '( r i j - i a ) t i a j ' i i , 'trli56)l ni 2 i , ( 2 0 )3 3 , ( 2 r ) 3 4 ,( z z ) 3 5 ,( 2 3 \ 3 8 ,( 2 4 ) 4 2 , "ott filf'ufrom az're65)' !:i?ffii,i:',;iH.offl,ll:.'* &shaw ,e74). i?ii IiiJ ( 3 0 ) fiiili;r:",:3:l',fl;:::iil;n'?;l:1,1fi?T.l'3erFe' Q u e n c ha m p h i b o l ef r c m a h . i g h - i r c n b a s a l t . *Height in meters a D o v et h e f l o h b a s e . Cnetvrrsrny Analyses of the two Thackeray basalt flows are presented in Table 1. All analyses were produced by XRF techniquesexcept MnO which was done by atomic absorption. Because of FLOW I o FLOW 2 ' O T H E R T H A C K E R A YB A S A L T S O Frc. 4; AFM -diagram for Thackeray Township. meta-basalts from variable oxidation in the coarser parts of flows, all analyseshave had their iron content adjusted to make FerOs : 1,5Voof total iron as FeO in weight units. This is the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio for the quench amphibole rocks which are thought to be the least altered. Flow 1 is a high-iron basalt similar to other basalts in Thackeray Township (other analyses will be presentedat a later date), and similar to the high-iron basalts of Garrison Township to the north (Goodwin L972). These rocks probably represent a single high-iron basalt series(trig. a)These basalts are broadly similar to the osean tholeiite of Engel et al. (1965),seeTable 1 #26, but they have substantially more iron and less AlrOs and CaO. This rock type closely resembles the diabasedykes which form major swarms in the Canadian Shield (Fratta & Shaw 1.974),see Table 1 ft27. We have .found similar high-iron basaltsin other greenstonebelts in the Su.perior Province, for example,Pickle Crow. It may be, therefore, that this magma type was a fairly common product of Archean volcanism and possibly characteristic of certain stages in the growth of the volcanic edifices. More work remains to be done on this subject. Flow 2 is not a high-iron basalt by our definition; it more closely resemblesa typical tholeiite. At the present time we do not have a good explanation for the high iron content of these METAVOLCANIC ROCKS FROM THACKERAY TOWNSI{IP, ONTARIO 515 tion, is shown in Figure 5. The amphibole which we have used is a cumulate amphibole analysed by electron microprobe (Table 1, no. 28). Point P in Figure 5 is the assumedparent composition of the flow - a well-preserved quench amphibole rock (#2O in Table 1). Point D is the model differentiateo the parent wth 3O% by Dtrpen'eNtlAttoN weight of hornblende removed. Point C is the A fractionation model has been developed model cumulate rock, the parent wilh 3O% of based on our interpretation of the textures and hornblende added. Addition of about 40Vo tested using the chemistry of the flows. For hornblende to the parent adequately accomFlow 1 we postulate a homogeneous magma plishes the most extreme chemical differentiaerupted as a thick flow on the ocean floor. The tion observed(#22 in Table 1). Deviations from 'on the molecular liquidus phase under the conditions of eruption simple linear relationships was plagioclase which grew as microlites on ratio diagrams are probably the result of rninor quenching of the margins of the flow. As the pyroxene fractionation, and minor movement flow cooled further, conditions of temperature, of plagioclase crystals enclosed in cumulate pressure, and composition (especially water amphibole or pyroxene. Becauseof the generalcontent) were such that amphibole formed as ly good fit of the model to the data we feel that variations and errors in PgOshave not signifiquench crystals; these are fine near the flow top, but become coarser due to slower growth cantly affected the results. lower in the flow. Within the still liquid part MOLECULAR RATIO OIAGRAMSFLOW t of the flow, more equant amphibole, and some pyroxene, formed and settled to the bottom, giving a depleted zone near the centre of the flow. Tt o2 and a cumulate layer near the base (the micro"2o5 porphyritic zone). We are not cetrain at this point of our modelling what proportion of pyN o zO roxene was originally present in the cumulate, .6-.-_ '2 'S but it may have been relatively srnall. At some stage Fe/Ti oxide formed, and may have settled at2 o3 -' 2 e 6 to some extent. We have,testedthis model using the available chemical data, and the method of graphical analysis using molecular ratio diagrams developed by Pearce (1968). Interested readers should Mgo review this work in order to understand our Frosreasoningin detail. Briefly, in a series of rocks related by crystal fractionation. if the molar amounts of two chemical speciesin a seriesof chemical analyses are divided by the molar amount of a species ._ co O 'z not involved in the fraotionation (a constant "a species),and the resulting points are plotted on a diagram, the diagram is a molecular ratio o diagram. The slope of the trend for any pair too of speciesis the molar ratio of those speciesin F 6 O+ F e Z0 3 ----;-=the fractionated mineral or mineral mixture. '2-6 Becausethere is no evidence for the crystallization of any phosphorus-bearingmineral before the crystallization of the Thackeray flows aio2 / P2o6 was well-advanced, we posfulate that phosphorus was a constant element during the fractionation diagrams for Flow 1. Point of the Thackeray flows, and can be used to Frc. 5: Molecular ratio "P" is the model parent composition, 'oC" is the normalize the molecular ratio diagrams for the model cumulate composition, and "D' is the flows. model ditferentiate composition. Points lying to Our analysisof the data and our fractionation the right of "P" are cumulate rocks, those to tbe model, assumingdominant amphibole fractionaleft are depleted rocks in the flows. Archean magmas. Modelling work which will be presented at a later date appears to indicate that this is probably a feature of the original primitive magma rather than a result of differentiation. 5r6 THE XOL€CULARNAlIO 26l 1to2 -F 2 v 6 ^l P2o 5 O I A O P A T SF L O W 2 . 5oT Nq2o :--- CANADIAN I 200 At?o3 -'2" 6 MINERALOGIST are not involved in the fractionation process (mainly the so-called incompatible elements)are "increased' or "decieased", while the major elements involved in the fractionation show "less" change in simple weight comparisons. The net result is that weight per ceDt comparisons do not show the fractionation processin an easily understood mann€r. Molecular ratio diagrams as used hereo on the other hand, illustrate the process in a more readily comprehensible manner. This flaw in traditional methods of analysis (such as Harker diagrams) has been documented for the Palisade Sill (Pearce r97O). Mntetvtonp.Htstvt stoz / P2oa Frc. 6: Molecular ratio diagrams for Thackeray Flow 2. The molecular ratio diagrams for Flow 2 (Fig. 6) show more scatter than those for Flow 1. This difference is believed to be the result of fractionation. and uneven accumulation. of pyroxene, amphibole, and plagioclase. Because fractionation of these three phaseswould have different intersecting trends on several molecular ratio diagrams, and the relative contribution of each phase has not been evaluated, no quantitative model has been formulated at this time for Flow 2. Cursory examination of the major and minor element in the analyses of Flow 1 in Table I shows that, for the most part, tle major constituents such as SiOz, AlgOg, MgO' and CaO do not appear to vary (in weight 7a) as much as some of the minor elementssuch as Kso and PrOs. At first, it might seem paradoxical that differentiation can apparently affect major elements less than minor or traca elements. This is a necessaryconsequenceof crystal fractionation involving a phase whose major element chemistry closely resembles that of the parent liquid (for example, clinopyroxene or amphibole fractionating from basalt). The elements which Generalizing from the study of Flows L and 2, metamorphism in Thackeray Township can be described as having taken place in three stages (excluding late quartz-vein formation). The earliest $tage was the initial deuteric alteration of the flows, the second stage was prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism, and the third stage was later, low-pressuremetamorphism related to the emplacement of the Garrison Syenite. We emphasize again that the metamorphism of these rocks is incomplete and that most of the original igneous mineral species have been locally preserved. During the initial deuteric alteration the finergrained parts of the flows were partly hydrated, and probably reacted with sea water. Features which we infer to have formed at this stage and that survived to the present include sening in originally glassy volcanic fragments, quartz veining on a fine scale in flow marginso and albitization along fractures, usually in brecciated units (Fig. 1c). Some chlorite probably grew directly from the glass at this stage (Fig. 2b), The second stage of metamonphism was marked by continued burial, with P-? conditions reaching those of the prehnite-pumpellyitequartz facies. In this stage the central parts of the flows were partly hydrated. Plagioclase phenocrysts were partly replaced by prehnite, clinozoisite, calcite, quartz, and possibly calcium montmorillonite. Pumpellyite formed in pyroxene crystals. Vesicles contain assemblagesof prehnite, quartz, chlorite, calcite, and albite with epidote, or pyrite. All assemblagesexisted in close contact with magnetite and sphene. Muscovite is present in small amount$ in the rocks, and may have been a stable mineral at tlis stage. During burial metamorphism, monomineralic aggregates of calcite, clinozoisite, or albite developed, generally on a microscopic scale, indicating that sodium and calcium (and po*sibly METAVOLCANIC ROCKS FROIVI TTIACKERAY TOWNSHIP, other elements)were able to migrate in the rock over a distance greater than several millimetres. Quartz-calcite-chloriteveins probably also formed during this second stage of metamorphism. During the third stage of metamorphism, prehnite was restncted .to calcium-rich environments (former plagioclase phenocrysts), leaving in its place in the groundmass distinctive aggregates of quartz grains (Jolly, personal communication, L974). The prehnite co-exists with clinozoiaite, quartz, albite, chlorite, muscovite, and probably calcium montmorillonite. Pumpellyite remained the stable phase replacing pyroxene phenocrysts,while in the groundmassthe stable metamorphic assemblage is some or all of quartz, epidote, actinolite, chlorite, albite, calcite, muscovite.All phasesexist in close proximity with sphene and magnetite. Worthy of special consideration are two seven-mineral assemblages. ONTARIO st7 \uhere z"ro is the number of moles of water involved in the reaction, and dlz" is the change in volume of the solid phasesin the reactant and product assemblages. Figure 7a illustrates that increasingthe chemical potential of COzrelative to that of HzOsuppressesthe stability fields of pumpellyite and epidote-actinoliteassemblagesin favour of calFigure 7b, shows that cite-chloriteassemblages. decreaging& (g! constant T, Furo l.rcoo)would havethe sameeffect. FlG.7o quartz-chlorite-epidote-actinolite-pumpellyitemagnetite-calcite inferred from observations of Flow 2. 2. quartz-prehnite-pumpellyite-opidote-actinoliteo chlorite-magnetite, observed in a single thin N E section from a vein in chert about 100 m stratiCraphically below Flow 2 (see Fig. 2c). l. If we assume that the compositions of all the minerals are adequately represented in the model systern SiOz-ALOa-FezOe - (Fe, Mg) then both assemblages O-CaO-COa-HzO, would be isothermally univariant in pcozpgro-P.oilu" space. On any two-dimensional isothermal section of this space (such as the isobaric F*r- Lrrro diagram) all seven minerals of each assemblage could co-exist stably only at an invariant point. Using the mineral formulae in Table 2, the "reactions" among these mineral assemblages have been deduced and balanced. The equilibrium curves of the 7phase assemblagesare shown in Figures 7 and 8. The slope of an equilibrium curve on a P"puro dia8ram is given bY lPs dp^"o : d?,'" dvt (41.84) TABLE2. STRUCTUML AIIOIOLARVOLU}iIES FORI'IJLAE OFI'IINERALS USED TO CALCI,ILATE THE TNVARUNTPOINTSOF FIGURES7 PTPQCCIE 3.00 6,00 1.00 1 .90 4.00 0.00 ?|d: 0.10 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Cao 2 ' 1. .0000 4 . 0 0 0 , 0 0 Hfr 3.50 0.00 w2 0.00 0.00 0.00 vGc/mle) l4t.l0 298.00 22.69 5.l02 tiIilSro AcM 0.00 5 . 4 6 3 . 0 0 8.00 0.00 0.00 5.04 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.75 0.00 1.00 0.00 9.46 0.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.50 I .00 0.00 l.Q0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 36,90 426.30 139.00 280.00 44.52 Pr prdrnlte P pmpellylte Q quartz C ca'lclte E epldote Ac actimlite !l nagnetlte Cl chlorlte ALL ASSEMBLAGES T N c L U DeEu A R T z A N DM A G N E T I T E coNsrANT 'T 3 /l co2 (c,cl) Flc.7b Ps (A) C o N S T A N TT , <-il Co, l. Hzo Fig. 7a: The invariant point quartz-magaetiteepidote-actinolite- calcite-chlorite-pumpellyite at constantRand ?. Fie. 7b: The invariant point of Fieue 7a at constant T, p'(;c,2.The two diagams represent orttrogonal planesin Ps- pa2o-peo2spaceat constant ?. Solid circlesindicate observedassemblages of metamorphicminerals. Q-quartz, M-magnetite Bepidote A-actinolire Gcalcite, Cl-chloritg P-pumpellyite Jl6 THE CANADIAN Figure 8 shows that the prehnite-pumpellyite stability field is relatively unaffected by changing P(at constant T, Fszofcor) but that the assemblage chlorite-prehnite has an upper limit of P that is independent of p-r. The assemblagesassociated with the late thermal event are similar to those reported by Coombs et al. (1970) .for the Northern Appalachians. Since the stratigraphic interpretation of the Abitibi GreenstoneBelt implies prehnitepumpellyite facies metamorphism at considerable depth because of the great thickness of volcanic rocks, we infer that there must have been a break in time between stages 2 and 3, although the maximum temperatures during these stagesmay have been quite similar. (P^r,Cl) MINERALOGIST Since prehnite is still present in the Thackeray rocks, and assuming equilibrium, conditions of the last thermal metamorphic event could not have exceeded400'C, the upper thermal sta,bility limit of prehnite (Liou 1971). We feel that the pressureon the rocks at the time of the last thermal event may have been quite low, perhaps as low as 2 kb. Samples selected for chemical analysis were generally massive rocks, although samples with small amounts of veins or amygdules were also analyzed. Despite wide variations in grain size, and degree of hydration, the rocks within each flow show coherent trends on molecular ratio diagrams (Fig. 5, 6). The position of the rocks in the molecular ratio diagram is consistentwith the position inferred from our interpretation of the rock texture. We believe that this indicates that, except for the addition of water, and some carbon dioxide, the massive rocks of the flows have suffered little change in their bulk composition. We do not extend this interpretation to zoned volcanic fragments or to rocks with large amounts of quartz or quartz-chlorite veining. CoNcLustoNs The two Archean submarine metabasaltflows from Thackeray Township which have been reported in this work, have been metamorphosed to prehnite-pumpellyite quartz facies conditions. Their well-preseryed textures and primary minPr erals suggest that, apart from COz and HzO, the central parts of the flows have retained their original composition. The basalts have a high(e iron content and we suggestthat this is a magma type which is probably widespread in the Archean. The flows are about 35 meters thick, and have differentiated during post-eruptive sl crystallization. The flows crystallized skeletal plagioclase (the inferred liquidus phase), hornCONSTANT T blende, and Fe-Ti oxide. The presenceof skeletal and frond-like hornblende in the upper part of an iron-rich basalt flow suggeststhat the hornll 14HO blende may have grown as a quench phase. and I was probably metastable. The differentiation of the flows can be modelled by crystal fractionaA L L A s s e r v r g u a ] e IsN C L U D E Q U A R T Ztion in which hornblende plays a key role. In the A N DM A G N E T I T E iron-rich flow, crystal settling of hornblende (40Vo by weight added to the parent composiFlC. 8 The invariant point quartz-magnetitetion) produces the most extreme cumulate comepidote-actinolite-pumpellyite-prehnite-chlorite at position. We feel that the iron-rich naturb of constant 1, below a threshold value of pco, which these basalts, which are similar to the ones in would add calciteto theobserved assemblage. Garrison Township to the north, probably re$lid circle indicates the observed assemblage. flects the original composition rather than fracQ-quzxtz, M-magnetite, B.epidote, A-actinolite, P-pumpellyite, Pr-prehnite. Cl-chlorite tionation of a more "primitive" magma type. ,1 I I,IETAVOLCANIC ROCKS FROM THACKERAY AcrNowleocEMENTs This research was supported financially by Queen's Research Awards 279-AL9-OI and 273019-31 and National Research Council of Canada Operating Grant 48709. We are indebted to Larry Jensen of the Ontario Division of Mines for showing us the area, and for useful discussion in the field, particularly concerning the 'oteverse-diabasic"texture. B. E. Gorman provided able field assistanceand critical discussi'on.Critical reading by P. L. Roeder, D. M. Carmichael and L. D. 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