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Nutrition and Wellness
WVEIS 0739
Within this course, students will examine nutrition in relationship to the maintenance and/or restoration of wellness.
Components of this course include food composition, nutritonal guidelines, therapeutic diets, eating disorders, menu
planning, and patient teaching. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to
develop an understanding of course concepts. Teachers will provide each student with real world learning opportunities
and instruction related to healthcare. The West Virginia Standards for 21 st Century Learning include the following
components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia
teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards
and objectives. Students are encouraged to become active members of Health Occupations Students of America
(HOSA), the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for health science education students.
Grade 11-12
Standard: 1
Health Science Education: Nutrition and Wellness
Digestive System
Students will demonstrate knowledge of structures and functions of the digestive system and accessory
Students will
examine the structure and functions of the digestive system.
distinguish the digestive and absorption processes.
relate the function of enzymes in digestion.
examine the roles of accessory organs in digestion.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.1)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in the digestive
standard in the digestive system. The
standard in the digestive system. The
system. The students name the structure
students can incorporate knowledge of
students can examine the structure and
and functions of the digestive system;
the structure and functions of the
functions of the digestive system;
explain the digestive and absorption
digestive system with that of the
distinguish the digestive and absorption
processes; state the function of enzymes
digestive and absorption processes;
processes; relate the function of
in digestion; and describe the roles of
communicate the function of enzymes in enzymes in digestion; and examine the
accessory organs in digestion.
digestion; and evaluate the roles of
roles of accessory organs in digestion.
Performance needs further development
accessory organs in digestion. The
Application of knowledge and skills is
and supervision.
student can independently solve
thorough and effective, and the student
problems and is self-directed.
can work independently.
Standard: 2
Students will demonstrate an understanding of metabolism and the relationship between metabolism,
nutrition, and activity.
Students will
determine the process of metabolism and its role in the production of energy.
compare anabolism and catabolism.
interpret basal metabolic rate (BMR).
calculate BMR given the formula and client scenarios.
relate the factors that influence metabolic rate.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.2)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in metabolism.
standard in metabolism. The student
standard in metabolism. The student can The student can define metabolism and
can integrate knowledge of metabolism
determine the process of metabolism and its role in the production of energy,
and its role in the production of energy
its role in the production of energy;
anabolism and catabolism; define basal
into overall knowledge concepts of
compare anabolism and catabolism;
metabolic rate (BMR); calculate BMR
health; evaluate anabolism and
interpret basal metabolic rate (BMR);
given the formula and client scenarios;
catabolism; formulate basal metabolic
calculate BMR given the formula and
and relate factors that influence
rate (BMR), given the formula and client client scenarios; and relate factors that
metabolic rate. Performance needs
scenarios; incorporate factors that
influence metabolic rate. Application of
further development and supervision.
influence metabolic rate and health. The knowledge and skills is thorough and
student can independently solve
effective, and the student can work
problems and is self-directed.
Standard: 3
Basic Nutrition and Food Composition
Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic nutrition and food composition.
Students will
examine nutrition including its relationship to physical well-being.
determine the essential nutrients including function and source.
examine the basic chemical composition of fat, carbohydrates, and protein.
examine the function and storage of carbohydrates.
determine how glucose is made available to the body.
compare simple and complex carbohydrates.
examine the three categories of lipids, including use and storage in the body.
compare saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.
examine cholesterol, differentiating between cholesterol made by the body and dietary cholesterol.
evaluate the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease.
compare LDL and HDL, explaining their relationship to the risk of heart disease.
define amino acids.
examine the function and storage of protein.
correlate the significance between essential amino acids and complete protein.
define calorie and compare the caloric values of carbohydrates, fat, and protein.
calculate individual minimum caloric requirement, given the formula.
determine the function and source of vitamins and minerals in the body.
distinguish between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.
evaluate the vitamin and mineral content of various foods.
relate vitamin and mineral deficiencies to the diseases that result.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.3)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
application of knowledge and skills that knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in nutrition basics
exceed the standard in nutrition basics standard in nutrition basics and food
and food composition. The student can
and food composition. The student
composition. The student can examine
define nutrition and its relationship to
can interpret concepts of nutrition and nutrition and its relationship to physical
physical well-being; list the essential
its relationship to physical well-being;
well-being; determine the essential
nutrients including their function and
differentiate the essential nutrients
nutrients including their function and
source; discuss the basic chemical
including their function and source;
source; examine the basic chemical
composition of fat, carbohydrates, and
evaluate the basic chemical
composition of fat, carbohydrates, and
protein; define carbohydrates including
composition of fat, carbohydrates, and protein; examine the function and storage function and storage in the body; explain
protein; incorporate knowledge of
carbohydrates; determine how glucose is how glucose is made available to the body;
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
made available to the body; compare
define simple and complex carbohydrates;
including function and storage in the
simple and complex carbohydrates;
name the three categories of lipids,
body and the caloric value of each into examine the three categories of lipids,
including use and storage in the body;
the assessment and planning of diets
including use and storage in the body;
define saturated, monounsaturated, and
and therapeutic diets; assess how
compare saturated, monounsaturated,
polyunsaturated fats; define cholesterol,
glucose is made available to the body; and polyunsaturated fats; examine
understanding between cholesterol made
compare and contrast simple and
cholesterol, differentiating between
by the body and dietary cholesterol; state
complex carbohydrates; evaluate
cholesterol made by the body and dietary the relationship between cholesterol and
saturated, monounsaturated, and
cholesterol; evaluate the relationship
heart disease; define amino acids; define
polyunsaturated fats; examine
between cholesterol and heart disease;
proteins, including use and storage in the
cholesterol, differentiating between
define amino acids; examine the function body; understand the significance between
cholesterol made by the body and
and storage of proteins; correlate the
essential amino acids and complete
dietary cholesterol; communicate the
significance between essential amino
protein; define calorie and state the caloric
relationship between cholesterol and
acids and complete protein; define
value of carbohydrate, fat, and protein;
heart disease; define amino acids;
calorie and compare the caloric values of calculate individual minimum caloric
assess the significance between
carbohydrate, fat, and protein; calculate
requirement, given the formula; determine
essential amino acids and complete
individual minimum caloric requirement,
the function and source of vitamins and
protein; define calorie; calculate
given the formula; determine the function minerals in the body; define water-soluble
individual minimum caloric
and source of vitamins and minerals in
and fat-soluble vitamins; look up the
requirement, given the formula;
the body; distinguish between watervitamin and mineral content of selected
determine the function and source of
soluble and fat-soluble vitamins; evaluate foods; and name vitamin and mineral
vitamins and minerals in the body;
the vitamin and mineral content of
deficiencies to the diseases that result.
evaluate water-soluble and fat-soluble selected foods; and relate vitamin and
Performance needs further development
vitamins and the vitamin and mineral
mineral deficiencies to the diseases that
and supervision.
content of selected foods; and compile result. Application of knowledge and
information on vitamin and mineral
skills is thorough and effective, and the
deficiencies that result in diseases.
student can work independently.
The student can independently solve
problems and is self-directed.
Standard: 4
Nutrition Guidelines
Students will apply nutritional guidelines in order to promote and preserve good health.
Students will
examine the USDA’s Food Guide and DASH Eating Plan.
interpret food intake recommendation tables and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) tables.
use food intake recommendation tables to create a balanced eating plan for selected client scenarios.
determine nutritional requirements throughout various stages of life.
relate the effects of culture and religion on nutrition.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.4)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent and
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
and sophisticated application of
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in Nutrition Guidelines. The
standard in Nutrition Guidelines. The
omissions in Nutrition Guidelines. The
student can incorporate the USDA’s Food student can examine the USDA’s Food
student can identify the USDA’s Food
Guide and DASH Eating Plan, food intake Guide and DASH Eating Plan; interpret
Guide and DASH Eating Plan; read
recommendation tables and Dietary
food intake recommendation tables and
food intake recommendation tables
Reference Intakes (DRI) tables to create a Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) tables;
and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
balanced eating plan given client
use food intake recommendation tables to tables; with assistance, use food
scenarios; compare and contrast
create a balanced eating plan for selected intake recommendation tables to
nutritional requirements throughout
client scenarios; determine nutritional
create a balanced eating plan for
various stages of life; communicate the
requirements throughout various stages of selected client scenarios; identify
effects of culture and religion on nutrition. life; and relate the effects of culture and
nutritional requirements throughout
The student can do a twenty-four hour
religion on nutrition. Application of
various stages of life; and describe the
recall and dietary analysis. The student
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effects of culture and religion on
can independently solve problems and is
effective, and the student can work
nutrition. Performance needs further
development and supervision.
Standard: 5
Regular Diet
Students will plan menus based on the USDA’s nutritional and caloric recommendations.
Students will
create a sample menu for a regular diet based on nutritional guidelines and caloric requirements.
calculate the caloric value of the sample menu.
calculate the nutritional value of the sample menu.
analyze the information on food labels.
use information on food labels to analyze meal plans.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.5)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in regular diet.
standard in regular diet. The student can standard in regular diet. The student can The student can describe a sample menu
construct a sample menu on a regular
prepare a sample menu for a regular diet for a regular diet and recognize the
diet computing the caloric and nutritional computing the caloric and nutritional
caloric and nutritional value; recall the
value; compare and contrast the
value; analyze the information on food
information found on food labels; and
information on food labels; and
labels; and use information on food
understand how to use food labels to
incorporate the information on food
labels to analyze meal plans. Application analyze meal plans. Performance needs
labels to analyze meal plans. The
of knowledge and skills is thorough and
further development and supervision
student can independently solve
effective, and the student can work
problems and is self-directed.
Standard: 6
Therapeutic Diets
Students will understand therapeutic diets in relationship to the physiology and pathology of the body.
Students will
examine diet therapy.
demonstrate the similarities and differences in a therapeutic diet and a balanced eating plan.
determine common therapeutic diets and the rationale for use.
differentiate between food allergies and food sensitivities.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.6)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in therapeutic
standard in therapeutic diets. The
standard in therapeutic diets. The
diets. The student can define diet
student can incorporate knowledge of
student can examine diet therapy;
therapy; state the similarities and
diet therapy and a comparison of a
demonstrate the similarities and
differences in a therapeutic diet and a
therapeutic diet and a balanced eating
differences in a therapeutic diet and a
balanced eating plan; match common
plan, with that of determining common
balanced eating plan; determine common therapeutic diets and their rationale for
therapeutic diets and their rational for
therapeutic diets and the rationale for
use; and explain the difference between
use; and compare and contrast between use; and differentiate between food
food allergies and food sensitivities.
food allergies and food sensitivities.
allergies and food sensitivities.
Performance needs further development
The student can independently solve
Application of knowledge and skills is
and supervision.
problems and is self-directed.
thorough and effective, and the student
can work independently.
Standard: 7
Eating Disorders
Students will describe eating disorders and the appropriate dietary plan for each.
Students will
examine types of eating disorders and compare their symptoms.
assess the factors that contribute to eating disorders.
compare the methods of treatment for eating disorders.
create a dietary plan for a patient with an eating disorder.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.7)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in eating
standard in eating disorders. The
standard in eating disorders. The
disorders. The student can describe
student can integrate knowledge of
student can examine types of eating
types of eating disorders and their
eating disorders including types,
disorders and compare their symptoms;
symptoms; list the factors that contribute
symptoms, contributing factors, and
asses the factors that contribute to eating to eating disorders; identify the methods
methods of treatment in order to
disorders; compare the methods of
of treatment for eating disorders; and
effectively create and implement a
treatment for eating disorders; and create with assistance, create a dietary plan for
dietary plan for a patient with an eating
a dietary plan for a patient with an eating a patient with an eating disorder.
disorder. The student can independently disorder. Application of knowledge and
Performance needs further development
solve problems and is self-directed.
skills is thorough and effective, and the
and supervision.
student can work independently.
Standard: 8
Patient Teaching
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the development of a teaching plan that addresses the
nutritional needs of an individual.
Students will
examine the healthcare professional’s role in patient teaching regarding nutrition.
develop the communication skills necessary for effective patient teaching.
determine a nutritional teaching plan based on USDA’s dietary guidelines.
analyze the factors that influence patient compliance.
create a patient teaching plan for selected therapeutic diets.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.8)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in patient
standard in patient teaching. The
standard in patient teaching. The
teaching. The student can discuss the
student can model the healthcare
student can examine the healthcare
healthcare professional’s role in patient
professional’s role by creating and
professional’s role in patient teaching
teaching regarding nutrition; list the
implementing an instructional teaching
plan, based on USDA’s dietary
guidelines, for patients on therapeutic
diets. The student can make
conclusions regarding compliance and
modify a patient teaching plan as
necessary. The student can
independently solve problems and is
regarding nutrition; develop the
communication skills necessary for
effective patient teaching; determine a
nutritional teaching plan based on
USDA’s dietary guidelines; analyze the
factors that influence patient compliance;
and create a patient teaching plan for
selected therapeutic diets. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective, and the student can work
communication skills necessary for
effective patient teaching; with
assistance, write a nutritional teaching
plan based on USDA’s dietary guidelines;
state the factors that influence patient
compliance; and create a patient
teaching plan for selected therapeutic
diets. Performance needs further
development and supervision
Standard: 9
Students will apply knowledge of computers and their use within the classroom and healthcare system.
Students will
implement the use of software and hardware.
utilize the Internet as a resource/research tool.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.9)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in technology.
standard in technology. The student
standard in technology. The student can The student can use software and
integrates the use of software and
implement the use of software and
hardware to master standards within this
hardware to master standards within this hardware to master standards within this course and uses the Internet as a
course and interpret data and utilize the
course and the healthcare system and
resource/ research tool. Performance
Internet as a resource/research tool.
utilize the Internet as a resource/
needs further development and
The student can independently solve
research tool. Application of knowledge
problems and is self-directed.
and skills is thorough and effective, and
the student can work independently.
Standard: 10
Career and Technical Student Organization
Students will participate in the local chapter of the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
Students will
participate in the local chapter of the appropriate Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
use parliamentary procedures in chapter meetings.
demonstrate team membership/leadership and problem solving skills.
participate in local, state or national projects impacting healthcare and healthcare education.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.10)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of fundamental
and sophisticated application of knowledge thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
and skills that exceed the standard in
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in career and
career and technical student organization. standard in career and technical student technical student organization. The
The student correlates participation in the
organization. The student participates in student participates in the local chapter
local chapter of the CTSO to classroom
the local chapter of the CTSO; uses
of the CTSO; discusses the use of
instruction; integrates parliamentary
parliamentary procedure in
parliamentary procedure in
procedure in organizational meetings;
organizational meetings; demonstrates
organizational meetings; understands
models team membership skills, such as
team membership skills, such as
team membership skills, such as
cooperation and leadership; and
cooperation and leadership; and
cooperation and leadership; and
collaborate in local, state, and national
participates in local, state, and national
identifies local, state, and national
healthcare and education projects. The
healthcare and education projects.
healthcare and education projects.
student can independently solve problems Application of knowledge and skills is
Performance needs further development
and is self-directed.
thorough and effective, and the student
and supervision.
can work independently.
Standard: 11
Literacy and Numeracy
Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world problems
associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning skills.
Students will
utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to complete
career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical work required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects.
analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.11)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application of
knowledge and skills that exceed the
standard in literacy and numeracy. The
student chooses a variety of technical
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals,
directions, reports, etc.) to complete
career/technical assignments and
projects; performs writing skills required to
complete career/technical assignments
and projects; communicates accuracy in
calculating and measuring graphical work
required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects; and evaluates
tables, charts, graphs and multiple data
sources to complete career/technical
assignments and projects. The student
can independently solve problems and is
Standard: 12
a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in literacy and
standard in literacy and numeracy. The numeracy. The student selects a variety
student utilizes a variety of technical
of technical sources (e.g., Internet,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
manuals, journals, directions, reports,
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
etc.) to complete career/technical
complete career/technical assignments assignments and projects; reproduces
and projects; demonstrates writing
writing skills required to complete
skills required to complete
career/technical assignments and
career/technical assignments and
projects; illustrates accuracy in calculating
projects; demonstrates accuracy in
and measuring graphical work required to
calculating and measuring graphical
complete career/technical assignments
work required to complete
and projects; and explains tables, charts,
career/technical assignments and
graphs and multiple data sources to
projects; and analyzes tables, charts,
complete career/technical assignments
graphs and multiple data sources to
and projects. Performance needs further
complete career/technical assignments development and supervision.
and projects. Application of knowledge
and skills is thorough and effective and
the student can work independently.
21 Century Learning Skills
Students will
 access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using appropriate
technology skills.
 apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.
 exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a
group member.
Students will
search online using a range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
problem solving.
create information for oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright laws.
engage in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in
order to independently solve problems.
adapt to new situations by considering multiple perspectives and a commitment to continued learning.
exhibit ethical behavior and positive leadership while working collaboratively in the school and/or
model legal and ethical behaviors in the use of technology.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.12)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application of a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in 21st century
standard in 21 century learning skills.
standard in 21 century learning skills. learning skills. The student explains online
The student assesses online technology
The student searches online using a
technology tools and media to access
tools and media to access relevant
range of technology tools and media to relevant information needed for problem
information needed for problem solving;
access relevant information needed for solving; identifies information for oral,
critiques information for oral, written, and
problem solving; creates information for written, and multimedia communications,
multimedia communications, adhering to
oral, written, and multimedia
adhering to copyright laws; discusses
copyright laws; integrates problem solving communications, adhering to copyright problem solving and critical thinking
and critical thinking processes to create
laws; engages in problem solving and
processes to create and evaluate complex
and evaluate complex strategies in order
critical thinking processes to create and strategies in order to independently solve
to independently solve problems;
evaluate complex strategies in order to problems; discusses new situations by
interprets new situations by considering
independently solve problems; adapts
considering multiple perspectives and a
multiple perspectives and a commitment
to new situations by considering
commitment to continued learning;
to continued learning; incorporates ethical multiple perspectives and a
reviews ethical behavior and positive
behavior and positive leadership while
commitment to continued learning;
leadership while working collaboratively in
working collaboratively in the school
exhibits ethical behavior and positive
the school and/or community; and
and/or community; and reinforces legal
leadership while working collaboratively describes legal and ethical behaviors in
and ethical behaviors in the use of
in the school and/or community; and
the use of technology. Performance
technology. The student can
models legal and ethical behaviors in
needs further development and
independently solve problems and is self- the use of technology. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Standard: 13
Entrepreneurship Skills
Students will access the opportunities, concepts, processes, and personal traits/behaviors associated with
successful entrepreneurial performance.
Students will
assess global trends in entrepreneurship that are related to their career/technical program.
determine entrepreneurial opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program.
examine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.NW.13)
Above Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The
student critiques global trends in
student assesses global trends in
entrepreneurship that are related to their
entrepreneurship that are related to
career/technical program; evaluates
their career/technical program;
entrepreneurial opportunities in venture
determines entrepreneurial
creation related to their career/technical
opportunities in venture creation related
program; and assesses desirable
to their career/technical program; and
entrepreneurial personality traits. The
examines desirable entrepreneurial
student can independently solve
personality traits. Application of
problems and is self-directed.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates basic but
inconsistent performance of fundamental
knowledge and skills characterized by
errors and/or omissions in
entrepreneurship skills. The student lists
global trends in entrepreneurship that are
related to their career/technical program;
describes entrepreneurial opportunities in
venture creation related to their
career/technical program; and identifies
desirable entrepreneurial personality
traits. Performance needs further
development and supervision.