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By: Marshall Lockyer
Table of contents
Mercury: 3
Venus: 4
Earth: 5
Jupiter: 7
Saturn: 8
Uranus: 9
Pluto: 11
Sun: 12
• Mercury is the closets planet to the sun of all
eight of the planets in the solar system. Mercury
is the smallest of the planets, and it has the
fastest orbit around the sun. Every 88 earth days
mercury has orbited the sun. Surprisingly,
mercury is the closest to the sun, and it is not the
hottest. Since mercury is so hot humans would
die before we even got to it. Astronauts are not
sure if there is any life on Mercury, and are also
not sure if there is any water. Mercury has no
moons! Mercury is basically made out of rock.
• Venus is the second closest orbit from the sun. It
orbits once every 222 earth days. This planet is
named after Venus the roman goddess, of love
and beauty. Venus is the second brightest natural
object in space, apart from the moon. Venus'
diameter is about 7,520 miles! Its has a iron core,
and a molten rocky mantle, like earth's interior.
Venus is very dry, it is like a huge desert. This
planet is the 6th largest in the solar system.
Venus and Earth are pretty much the same size.
Venus is the hottest planets out of all of the
• Earth is the only planet that humans can live on.
This is only planet that is known to have life.
Earth is the only planet with water. This planet is
very similar in size to Venus. This has four parts
of the interior, the crust, the mantle, the outer
core, and the inner core. This one of the two
planets that can support life. Earth has the third
closest orbit to the sun. Earth has one natural
satellite, the moon. Since earth has an Iron core it
has a magnetic field. Earth has many different
• Mars is the only completely red planet. It is the
fourth closest planet from the sun. Mars is the
second smallest planet in our solar system. This
planet is named after the roman god of war. Mars
is the only planet in detail from earth. Mars looks
red because it is very rusty. Mars’ diameter is
4,200 miles, just barley bigger than half of earth.
One of its moons is moving closer and closer to
mars! A hundred pound man would weigh about
40 lbs. Mars orbits the sun every 687 days.
• Jupiter is the biggest of all the planets! This is
the 5th closest planet from the sun. Jupiter is
named after the king of all roman gods. Jupiter is
large enough to contain 1,300 earths! If you
weighed 100 pounds on earth you would be
about 260 pounds. A day on Jupiter is only 10
hours long. But it takes 12 years to orbit the sun.
Jupiter’s biggest moon Ganymede is bigger than
mercury and Pluto. Jupiter has a ring. Jupiter's big
red dot is a storm that has been going on for 300
• Saturn has more rings than any other planet.
Saturn is the second largest planet, behind
Jupiter. It’s diameter is about 75,000 miles almost
10 times bigger than earth. Saturn could float on
water if there was a big enough ocean. Saturn is
a giant ball of gas. Saturn has about 30 known
natural satellites. Only one of Saturn's moons has
atmosphere, that is Titan. Every 30 years Saturn
has orbited the sun once. A 100 pound object,
would weigh 115 pounds. Saturn can be seen
with an unaided eye but it s rings cant. Saturn is
the sixth closest orbit from the sun.
• Uranus is the coldest planet of them all. This
planet has a tilted rotation. Some of the
nights in Uranus can last up to 40+ years!
Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar
system. It is named after the Greek god of the
sky. It takes about 31,000 days to orbit the sun
once. Uranus is the 7th closet planet to the
sun. Uranus was discovered in 1781. Uranus
is 14 times bigger than Earth. Uranus has
about 30 known natural satellites.
• If you don’t include Pluto as a planet, then
Neptune is the farthest planet away from the sun.
Neptune takes about 165 years to orbit the sun
once. Neptune is almost 4 times bigger than
earth. Neptune is the stormiest planet, It can
reach winds up 1,000+ mph. Neptune’s core is
very rocky. Neptune has at least 8 moons. Earth is
30 times to the sun than Neptune. Neptune has
its own heat source that is not the sun. It is
named after the roman god of sea.
• Pluto is not a planet anymore! From Pluto the
sun would look like a bright star, since it is so far
away. Pluto is still the farthest thing rotating the
sun. Pluto is smaller than earths moon. Pluto is a
bagge color. Pluto has 3 moons. Pluto has a big
moon since it is over half the size of Pluto. Pluto
was discovered in 1930. Sometimes Pluto is
sometimes closer to the sun than Neptune,
because of its irregular orbit. Some people
believe Pluto was a moon of Neptune, that got
The Sun
• The sun has 8 planets and Pluto orbiting it. The
sun is a average size star. The sun is a huge ball of
fire, and gas. You would die before you even got
to the sun, since it is so hot. The sun is just at its
medium stage. It will hurt your eyes if you look at
the sun. The Sun was a god of many religions
back in the day. The sun is half way through its
lifetime. More than 1 million earths would fit
inside of the sun. In the suns core it is about 30
million degrees Fahrenheit!
• Irregular= not normal
• Orbit= to go around something
• Natural Satellite= something that orbits a
This is Mercury
This is Venus