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Συγγραφή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος
Μετάφραση :
Καλογεροπούλου Γεωργία ,
Καριώρης Παναγιώτης
Για παραπομπή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος , "Battle of Eurymedon, 470/469 ή 462 BC",
Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, Μ. Ασία
URL: <>
Περίληψη :
The battle of Eurymedon ended with the crushing defeat of the Persians by the Greeks. It took place in Pamphylia, at the estuary of Eurymedon River, between 470/469 and 462 BC.
470/469‑462 BC
Γεωγραφικός Εντοπισμός
Eurymedon River, Pamphylia
1. Introduction
The battle of Eurymedon, an event during the war of Athens and her allies against the Persians in an effort to defend their dominions in
the Aegean, ended with the crushing defeat of the Persians, similar to the outcome of the battle of Plataea. The battle took place on
the coast of Pamphylia, at the estuary of Eurymedon River between 470/469 and 462 BC.1
An epigram preserved in the Palatine Anthology2 was inscribed on the monument for those died in battle which was erected at the
Demosion Sema in Ceramicus, as described by Pausanias.3
2. The events
The first testimony of the battle is recorded by Thucydides, who writes some decades after the events. He reports that both an
infantry and a naval battle took place at Eurymedon River between the Persians and the Athenians and their allies on the same day.
The Greeks destroyed 200 Phoenician triremes and captured a considerable number of ships.4 The two battles are described in great
detail by Diodorus Siculus, who writes in the late 1st cent. BC. However, he has probably adopted the description of Ephorus,
historian of the 4th cent. BC from Athens. A second version of the events was written by Plutarch in the 2nd cent. BC, who also cites
accounts from the 4th cent. BC, as those of Ephorus, Phanodemus of Athens and Callisthenes of Olynthus.
According to Thucydides account of the battle, after Cimon’s first operations in the Eastern Aegean, the Persians began to assemble
infantry and fleet in Pamphylia. Pherendates, Xerxes' nephew, was appointed commander of the infantry, whereas Tethraphstes, the
illegitimate son of the Persian king, commanded the navy, which comprised ships from Phoenicia, Cyprus and Cilicia. As soon as
Cimon was informed that the hostile navy sailed in the open sea of Cyprus, he headed against it. Despite the numerical supremacy of
the Persians (350 to 250), the Athenians and their allies destroyed a great number of their enemy’s ships and captured a hundred of
them. Those who escaped, fled to Cyprus, where the crews were abandoned, and consequently they were also captured by the
Then Cimon manned the Persian ships with his most capable men, dressed in Persian costume and tiaras. Taking advantage of the
oncoming darkness, the Greeks reached the banks of Eurymedon River without being noticed by the Persian infantry who had
camped there. Thus, when the Greeks attacked, the Persians were so panicked and frustrated that they believed they were being
attacked by the residents of nearby Pisidia, who were hostile to them. Consequently, they ran to the ships to save themselves, only to
be slaughtered by Cimon’s army. It is delivered that Cimon managed to bring the soldiers back to the ships running around the camp
with a torch in his hands, as the men had already begun to plunder the Persian tents. A total of 340 ships were captured by the
Greeks and 20,000 Persians were killed or taken prisoners in land and sea. Pherendates died as well. The victors set up a trophy and
sailed to Cyprus.
Plutarch quotes the evidence provided by Ephorus concerning the two commanders of the Persian army, but he adds that
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Σελίδα 1/6
Συγγραφή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος
Μετάφραση :
Καλογεροπούλου Γεωργία ,
Καριώρης Παναγιώτης
Για παραπομπή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος , "Battle of Eurymedon, 470/469 ή 462 BC",
Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, Μ. Ασία
URL: <>
Callisthenes mentions a certain Ariomandes, son of Gombryus, as the head of the army.
When Cimon was informed about the concentration of the Persian troops in Pamphylia, he directed 200 ships there from Cnidus and
Triopio, in an attempt to prevent the Persians from sailing to the west of the Chelidonian Islands, which were probably located
somewhere in Pamphylia. When he arrived at the Greek city of Phaselis, the residents did not accept the Greek ships, since they did
not wish to defect from the Persian king. Cimon plundered the country and besieged the city, but, after the intervention of the Chians,
who participated in the Greek army and were in friendly terms with Phaselis, he accepted to resolve the siege under the conditions
that they would join the Greek army and they would offer 10 talents in tribute.
When Cimon reached Eurymedon and heard that 80 Phoenician ships were sailing from Cyprus to reinforce the Persians, he tried
unsuccessfully to challenge the enemy to fight a battle in the open sea prior to their arrival. Only when they saw Cimon heading
towards the estuary of the river did they sailed against him with 600 ships, according to Phanodemus, or 350 according to Ephorus.
Nevertheless, Cimon had improved the ships by having them made wider and constructed platforms on the deck, where heavily
armed men could stand. Hence, he increased the effectiveness of the triremes which Themistocles had built for the naval battle of
Salamis (480 BC) and they successfully destroyed several hostile ships, while they captured 200 vessels. The surviving Persian crews
fled to land and joined the infantry.
Cimon considered it risky to lead his exhausted troops against the rested and bigger Persian army. However, when he realised that
his soldiers, feeling vigorous and proud of their victory at sea, were eager to fight man to man, he disembarked them and they plunged
into the battle. The Persians resisted and fought hard. Many brave Athenians died in battle, prominent men of high ranks, but after
hours of fighting, they finally predominated. They killed the Persians and took prisoners, whereas they looted their camp and
plundered money and other valuable objects.
Nevertheless, Cimon did not rely on his laurels. When he heard that the 80 Phoenician ships lay anchored at Ydros,5 he commanded
his crew to sail at full speed and rammed the hostile fleet, who were ignorant of the fate of their main force. The panic-stricken
Phoenicians could not resist and as a result they lost all their ships with most men.
Plutarch’s description of the battle appears to be more accurate due to the fact that the Athenians could not have been engaged in a
naval battle off Cyprus and then reach the coast of Pamphylia in the evening of the same day. In as much as the naval battle in Cyprus
must have had a considerable duration on account of the numerical disproportion of the two fleets.
Diodorus, copying Ephorus, correlated a later in date naval operation in Cyprus with the battles at Eurymedon. This is attested in an
epigram quoted in Diodorus’ text, referring to the one-tenth of loot (tithe) dedicated by the Athenians to gods after the operations in
Cyprus, since Cyprus is mentioned in the text.6
3. Votive offerings-the importance of the battle
The tithe (dekate) possibly provided the funds for the gold or golden-plated statue of Pallas Athena, which was set up on a bronze
palm-tree, as an offering to Apollo at the sanctuary in Delphi. Pausanias specifies that it was dedicated after the battle of Eurymedon,
while Plutarch states generally after the victories against the Persians.7
Apart from this offering, finds from the Acropolis of Athens are associated with the battle of Eurymedon as well. On a fragment from
a red figure clay votive shield, a female figure in a Doric peplos holds aphlasta (sterns) decorated with anthropomorphised chenisci in
a head dressing of eastern type.8 In addition, on a red figure skyphos, a man is offering similar sterns to a woman who is putting a
wreath on his head. The figures on the skyphos have hypothetically been identified with Theseus or Cimon and Athena. This victory
might also be represented symbolically on an Attic red figure amphora in the British Museum, attributed to Nikon painter: Athena,
holding two aphlasta, chases a female figure, who might symbolise Asia.9 Besides, Nike with an aphlaston on a lekythos in the
Museum of Berlin, as well as Athena on another one in the Metropolitan Museum of New York,10 may be related with the naval
battle of Artemision or Salamis, since they are dated to 480-460 BC.
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Σελίδα 2/6
Συγγραφή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος
Μετάφραση :
Καλογεροπούλου Γεωργία ,
Καριώρης Παναγιώτης
Για παραπομπή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος , "Battle of Eurymedon, 470/469 ή 462 BC",
Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, Μ. Ασία
URL: <>
Moreover, offerings were dedicated in the other Greek cities which participated in the battle with the Athenians. Hence, the statue of
Maiandrios, who excelled in that battle, was dedicated in the Heraion of Samos. The statue was holding the effigy or the stern itself of
the Persian ship captured by the Samian, whereas one shield of every ship or their effigies adorned his monument, as testified by an
epigram inscribed below the list of the Samians who died in the battle of Eurymedon.11
Repair works or restoration of the Maiandrios monument in the 3rd cent. BC reveals that this victory was commemorated much later.
The impact of the battle is implicitly revealed in a comical scene on a red figure oenochoe: a naked Greek man, holding his erection,
reaches forward to the naked buttocks of a Persian archer, whereas an inscription says “I am Eurymedon and I stand bend forward”.
Some historians believe that the victory at Eurymedon led to the first peace treaty between the Greeks and the Persians, which was
followed by the Peace of Callias. Regardless the accuracy of this idea, the Persian troops eliminated by Cimon at Eurymedon, were
definitely the last Persian force to attack the Greeks. From now on, the Persians become defensive, since any attempt to transfer
troops to Greece would be doomed due to the fact that the Greek fleet controlled the shores of Asia Minor from Bosporus to
Pamphylia. The Aegean had become a Greek, or rather, an Athenian Sea.
1. Lombardo, C., Cimone (Roma 1934), pp. 79‑81 (470/469 BC); Costanzi, V., “L’Anno Attico Della Battaglia presso L’Eurimedonte”, RFC 31 (1903), pp. 258‑260 (469/468 BC); Kolbe, W., “Diodors Wert für die Geschichte der Pentekontaetie”, Hermes 72 (1937),p. 253 (469 BC); Meritt, B.D. – Wade‑Gery, H.T. – McGregor, M.F., The Athenian Tribute Lists III (Princeton 1950), p. 175 (469 BC); CAH² V, p. 45 ( J.K. Davis); Sordi, M., “La svolta del 465/4 e la data della battaglia dell’ Eurimedonte”, Gerion 12 (1994), p. 68 (Autumn 465 BC); Schreider, J.H., Hellanikos, Thukydides and the Era of Kimon (Aarhus 1997), pp. 38‑49. For the problems in the chronology of the period, see CAH² V, pp. 1‑
14 (D.M. Lewis), and Unz, R.K., “The Chronology of the Pentekontaetia”, CQ n.s. 36 (1986), pp. 68‑85 (p. 73 on the battle of Eurymedon, 466/465 BC). 2. Cf. Appendix 1. Wade-Gery, H.T., “Classical Epigrams and Epitaphs”, JHS 53 (1933), pp. 79-81.
3. Paus. 1.29.14‑15. 4. Thuc. 1.100.1. 5. Perhaps this is the city Idyro, 60 Km N to Phaselis, according to Beloch, K.J., Griechische Geschichte 2,2 (Strassburg 1916), pp. 161‑162, or the city Syedra, on the borders between Pamphylia and Cilicia, 100 Km East to Phaselis. 6. D. S. 11.62; Schreider, J.H., Hellanikos, Thukydides and the Era of Kimon (Aarhus 1997), pp. 50‑59, for both for and against views, p. 115, n. 12.
7. Paus. 10.15.4; Plut., Nic. 13.3. It has been supported that the palm tree is a Persian symbol, and the composition of the votive monument is an
allegory of the predominance of the Athenians over the Persians. Cf. Stähler, K., “Die Palme der Herrschaft. Eurymedon-Votiv und persiches
Repräsentationszeichen”, in Başgelen, N. – Lugal, M. (eds), Festschrift für Jale Inan Armağanı (Istanbul 1989), pp. 308-317.
8. The aphlaston is the high upcurving stern with its ornaments. One of these ornaments is the cheniscus, resembling the curved neck of a goose; cf. Luc., VH II.41. The odd head‑dresses are an attempt by the painter to imitate the elephant heads or the faces on the sterns of the Phoenician ships, Hausmann, U., “Akropolisscherben und Eurymedonkämpfe”, in Schauenburg, K. (ed.), Charites. Studien zur
Altertumwissenschaft, Festschrift E. Langlotz (Bonn 1957), pp. 145‑147, pl. XX.1‑2. They are attributed to Boreas painter, ARV2, 539, no. 48. 9. Hausmann, U., “Akropolisscherben und Eurymedonkampfe”, in Schauenburg, K. (ed.), Charites. Studien zur Altertumwissenschaft,
Festschrift E. Langlotz (Bonn 1957), pp. 144‑151, tab. XX.1‑2. Δημιουργήθηκε στις 29/4/2017
Σελίδα 3/6
Συγγραφή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος
Μετάφραση :
Καλογεροπούλου Γεωργία ,
Καριώρης Παναγιώτης
Για παραπομπή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος , "Battle of Eurymedon, 470/469 ή 462 BC",
Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, Μ. Ασία
URL: <>
10. ARV², 384, no. 211 and 423, no. 125; Lonis, R., Guerre et Religion en Grece a l’ epoque classique. Recherches sur les rites des dieux, l’ ideologie et la
victoire (Centre de Recherches d’ Histoire Ancienne 33, Paris 1979), pp. 161, 251b4, fig. 18. 11. Cf. Appendix 2. The epigram is fragmentary and various completions have been proposed which were combined in the translated text. Klaffenbach, G., “Samische Inschriften”, AM 51 (1926), pp. 26‑28; Buschor, E., “Maiandrios”, Philologus 86 (1931), p. 424‑426; Wade‑
Gery, H.T., “Classical Epigrams and Epitaphs”, JHS 53 (1933), pp. 97‑101; Peek, W., “Die Kämpfe am Eurymedon”, in Athenian Studies
Presented in W.S. Ferguson, Supplement Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 1 (Harvard 1940), pp. 116‑120.
Βιβλιογραφία :
Lombardo G., Cimone, Roma 1934
Schreider J.H., Hellanikos, Thukydides and the Era of Kimon, Aarhus 1997
Sordi M., "La vittoria dell’Eurimedonte e le due spedizioni di Cimone a Cipro", RSA, 1, 1971, 33-48
Wade-Gery H.T., "Classical epigrams and epitaphs. A study of the Kimonian age.", JHS, 53, 1933, 71-104
Wade-Gery H.T., McGregor M.F., Meritt B.D., The Athenian Tribute Lists III, Princeton 1950
Costanzi V., "L’Anno Attico Della Battaglia presso L’Eurimedonte", RFC, 31, 1903, 258-260
Sordi M., "La svolta del 465/4 e la data della battaglia dell’Eurimedonte (465/4 piu che nell’estate autunno del
465)", Gérion, 12, 1994, 63-68
Peek W., "Die Kämpfe am Eurymedon", Athenian Studies Presented in W.S. Ferguson, Harvard 1940,
Supplement Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 1, 97-120
Stähler K., "Die Palme der Herrschaft Eurymedon-Votiv und persiches Repräsentationszeichen", Başgelen, N.
– Lugal, M. , Festchrift für Jale Inan Armağanı, Istanbul 1989, 307-317
Lonis R., Guerre et Religion en Gréce a l’époque classique. Recherches sur les rites des dieux, l’idéologie
et la victoire, Paris 1979, Centre de Recherches d’Histoire Ancienne 33
Hausmann U., "Akropolisscherben und Eurymedonkämpfe", Schauenburg, K. , Charites. Studien zur
Altertumwissenschaft, Festschrift E. Langlotz, Bonn 1957, 144-151
Buschor E., "Maiandrios", Philologus, 86, 1931, 424-426
Klaffenbach G., "Samische Inschriften", AM, 51, 1926, 26-28
Unz R.K., "The Chronology of the Pentekontaetia", CQ n.s., 36, 1986, 68-85
Kolbe W., "Diodors Wert für die Geschichte der Pentekontaetie", Hermes, 72, 1937, 241-269
Δικτυογραφία :
The Battle of Eurymedon
Δημιουργήθηκε στις 29/4/2017
Σελίδα 4/6
Συγγραφή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος
Μετάφραση :
Καλογεροπούλου Γεωργία ,
Καριώρης Παναγιώτης
Για παραπομπή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος , "Battle of Eurymedon, 470/469 ή 462 BC",
Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, Μ. Ασία
URL: <>
Γλωσσάριo :
amphora, the
from the greek words "αμφί"(on both sides) and "φέρω" (carry): vessel with long ovoid body and a considerably narrower neck made in various sizes
from the smaller perfume oil container to the large storage receivers of liquids and solids. It stands on a small foot and it bears two invariable vertical
handles on either side. Some of the distinguished types of the amphorae are these whose lower part is tapering to the point (narrow bottomed), the
neck type, the Nicosthenian, the Nola, the Panathenaic, the Tyrrhenian, the SOS type.
The high upcarving stern of a ship with its ornaments.
an ornament of the stern, resembling the head of a goose.
lekythos, the
A perfumed oil container with a narrow mouth and one vertical handle. There are lots of variants of this shape. They are predominant during the 5th
c. BC. A common find is also the aryballoid lekythos with a globular and squat body. White lekyhtoi were used solely as votive offerings in burials.
From the greek words "οίνος" (wine) and "χέω" (pour). Ovoid, single-handled wine jug usually taller than it is wide. There have been distinguished
10 types based on variations of profile, mouth type and handle form.
Palatine Anthology
The Palatine Anthology is a collection of poems, mostly epigrams, that span the classical and Byzantine periods of Greek literature. The
edition was compiled by Constantine Cephalas, archpriest of the byzantine palace in 900 AD. The only extant copy was discovered in the
Palatine library at Heidelberg. The collection comprises 4.000 epigrams and it is arranged in ten books (i.e. epitaphs, amatory, votive,
A deep vessel with an open rim and an almost hemispherical shape.
talent, the
Numismatic weight unit. The silver talent equaled 60 mnai or 6000 silver drachmas.
A kind of headdress worn mainly by the kings in Persia, Medea, Armenia, Chaldea and Assyria. In Persia the kings wore it upright, whereas the high
state officials wore it in a slant position. It is probably identical with cyrbasia and kidaris. A generic kind of tiara was the phrygian pilos.
Diodorus Siculus, Library 11.60.5‑11.61.
Plutarch, Vitae Parallelae: Cimon 12‑13.3. Παραθέματα
1. Epitaph in memory of those who died in the battle of Eurymedon.
οἵ δε παρ’ Εὐρυμέδοντά ποτ’ ἀγλαόν ὢλεσαν ἥβην μαρνάμενοι Μήδων τοξοφόρων προμάχοις αἰχμηταί, πεζοί τε και ὠκυπόρων ἐπί νηῶν
Κάλλιστον δ’ ἀρετῆς μνῆμ’ ἔλιπαν φθίμενοι. Anthologia Palatina VII 258. 2. Epigram praising the bravery of Maiandrios, inscribed under the list of the Samians who died in the battle of Eurymedon.
[σκληρά παθεῖν Τυρίοις] Μαιάνδριος, εὖτ’ ἐπί καλῷ Δημιουργήθηκε στις 29/4/2017
Σελίδα 5/6
Συγγραφή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος
Μετάφραση :
Καλογεροπούλου Γεωργία ,
Καριώρης Παναγιώτης
Για παραπομπή :
Ζάχος Γεώργιος , "Battle of Eurymedon, 470/469 ή 462 BC",
Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, Μ. Ασία
URL: <>
ἐστήσαντο μάχην Εὐρυμέδ[οντι, πόρων] [εὖ ζωήν ἤμειψεν ἀριστ]ευσας γάρ ἐκείνῃ
ναυμαχίῃ πάντων, κλέως ἔθετ’ ἀθάν[ατον.] [ὀκτώ νῆας ἕλεν Μαιάν]δριος, ὧν ἑκάστης
ἀσπίς πρύμναν ἒχει χείρ θ’ ὑποδεξ[αμένη] [τας δε βαθύς τηλεκλε]ιτάς ὑπεδέξατο πόντος
κρυφθείσας Μήδων συμμαχ[ίδας, πελάγει.]
Wade‑Gery, H.T., “Classical Epigrams and Epitaphs”, JHS 53 (1933), pp. 97‑101. Δημιουργήθηκε στις 29/4/2017
Σελίδα 6/6