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Support Vector Machine
Random forest
1042. Data Science in Practice
Week 14, 05/23
Jia-Ming Chang
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Homework 2 @ 3/21~4/11
• Hw2_studentID_yourname.R -target male/female -query F1 AUC sensitivity
specificity -files set1 set2 … setx –out out_folder
– Read in multiple folders (# of input folds is random)
– Find one file which contains the max/min one
• Inputs : set1/method1.csv
• Output : out_folder/set1.csv
• Create folder automatically
• Out file name: test0/HW2_**_**/set1,.csv
MOSS (for a Measure Of Software
• A System for Detecting Software Plagiarism
– an automatic system for determining the similarity of programs.
To date, the main application of Moss has been in detecting
plagiarism in programming classes. Since its development in
1994, Moss has been very effective in this role. The algorithm
behind moss is a significant improvement over other cheating
detection algorithms (at least, over those known to us).
• ~/Documents/codes/ -l matlab ../codes/*.R
Exploring advanced methods
Weaknesses of the basic approaches
• Training variance
– Reducing training variance with bagging and random forests
• Non-monotone effects
– Learning non-monotone relationships with generalized additive
Linearly inseparable data
– Increasing data separation with kernel methods
– Modeling complex decision boundaries with support vector machines
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Training variance
• Training variance is when small changes in the
makeup of the training set result in models
that make substantially different predictions.
• Decision trees can exhibit this effect.
• Both bagging and random forests can reduce
training variance and sensitivity to overfitting.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Non-monotone effects
• Linear regression and logistic regression (see chapter 7) both treat
numeric variables in a monotone matter: if more of a quantity is
good, then much more of the quantity is better.
• This is often not the case in the real world. For example, ideal
healthy weight is in a bounded range, not arbitrarily heavy or
arbitrarily light.
• Generalized additive models add the ability to model interesting
variable effects and ranges to linear models and generalized linear
models (such as logistic regression).
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Linearly inseparable data
Often the concept we’re trying to learn is not a linear combination of the original
– BMI , or body mass index : weight/height2 , not a linear combination of w and h
– so neither linear regression or logistic regression would directly discover such a relation.
It’s reasonable to expect that a model that has a term of w/h2 could produce
better predictions of health appraisal than a model that only has linear
combinations of h and w . This is because the data is more “separable” with
respect to a w/h2-shaped decision surface than to an h-shaped decision surface.
Kernel methods allow the data scientist to introduce new nonlinear combination
terms to models (like w/h2)
support vector machines (SVMs) use both kernels and training data to build
useful decision surfaces.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Generalized Additive Models
Drawbacks of the linear & logistic
• Linear and logistic regression models are powerful tools to understand
the relationship between the input variables and the output.
• They’re robust to correlated variables (when regularized), and logistic
regression preserves the marginal probabilities of the data.
• BUT, these models
– assume that the relationship between the inputs and the output is monotone.
– if more is good, than much more is always better.
– ie, for underweight patients, increasing weight can increase health. But
there’s a limit: at some point more weight is bad.
Generalized additive models
• a way to model non-monotone responses within the framework of a
linear or logistic model (or any other generalized linear model)
• Original form
– f(x[i,]) = b0 + b[1] x[i,1] + b[2] x[i,2] + ... b[n] x[i,n]
• y[i] is the numeric quantity you want to predict
• x[i,] is a row of inputs that corresponds to output y[i]
GAM model relaxes the linearity constraint
– f(x[i,]) = a0 + s_1(x[i,1]) + s_2(x[i,2]) + ... s_n(x[i,n])
• finds a set of functions s_i(), smooth curve (splines) fits that are built up from
polynomials. The splines are designed to pass as closely as possible through the data
without being too “wiggly” (without overfitting).
A spline
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Preparing an artificial problem
• set.seed(602957)
• x <- rnorm(1000)
• noise <- rnorm(1000, sd=1.5)
• y <- 3*sin(2*x) + cos(0.75*x) - 1.5*(x^2 ) + noise
• select <- runif(1000)
• frame <- data.frame(y=y, x = x)
• train <- frame[select > 0.1,]
• test <-frame[select <= 0.1,]
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Linear regression applied to our
artificial example
• lin.model <- lm(y ~ x, data=train)
• summary(lin.model)
• #calculate the root mean squared error (rmse)
• resid.lin <- train$y-predict(lin.model)
• sqrt(mean(resid.lin^2))
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Response vs. Prediction by linear model
an R-squared
~ 0.04 => a very poor fit
the errors
Homoscedastic: the errors would be evenly distributed (mean 0) around the predicted value everywhere
Heteroscedastic : regions where the model systematically underpredicts and regions where it
systematically overpredicts.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
GAM applied to our artificial
glin.model <- gam(y~s(x), data=train)
# y ~ x => the same with lm
# The converged parameter tells you if the algorithm converged. You should only trust the output if this is
# The smooth terms are the nonlinear terms.
# the effective degrees of freedom (edf) used up to build each smooth term. An edf near 1 indicates that
the variable has an approximately linear relationship to the output
# R-sq (adj) = adjusted R-squared.
# Deviance explained = the raw R-squared (0.834)
# calculate the root mean squared error (rmse)
resid.glin <- train$y-predict(glin.model)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Response vs. Prediction by GAM
R-squared of 0.83
the model explains over 80% of the variance
over the training data is less than half the RMSE of the linear model
any given prediction is as likely to be an overprediction as an underprediction
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Comparing linear regression and GAM
performance on test data
actual <- test$y
pred.lin <- predict(lin.model, newdata=test)
pred.glin <- predict(glin.model, newdata=test)
resid.lin <- actual-pred.lin
resid.glin <- actual-pred.glin
# Compare the RMSE
# Compare the R-squared
cor(actual, pred.lin)^2
cor(actual, pred.glin)^2
Any overfitting?
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Extracting the nonlinear relationships
• plot(glin.model)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Extracting a learned spline from a GAM
sx <- predict(glin.model, type="terms")
xframe <- cbind(train, sx=sx[,1])
ggplot(xframe, aes(x=x)) + geom_point(aes(y=y), alpha=0.4) + geom_line(aes(y=sx))
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
CDC 2010 natality dataset
• predict a newborn baby’s weight (DBWT )
– mother’s weight (PWGT )
– mother’s pregnancy weight gain (WTGAIN )
– mother’s age (MAGER )
– the number of prenatal medical visits (UPREVIS )
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Using GAM on actual data
train <- sdata[sdata$ORIGRANDGROUP<=5,]
test <- sdata[sdata$ORIGRANDGROUP>5,]
# Build a linear model with four variables.
form.lin <- as.formula("DBWT ~ PWGT + WTGAIN + MAGER + UPREVIS")
linmodel <- lm(form.lin, data=train)
# Build a GAM with the same variables
form.glin <- as.formula("DBWT ~ s(PWGT) + s(WTGAIN) + s(MAGER) + s(UPREVIS)")
glinmodel <- gam(form.glin, data=train)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Plotting GAM results
terms <- predict(glinmodel, type="terms")
tframe <- cbind(DBWT = train$DBWT,
colnames(tframe) <- gsub('[()]', '', colnames(tframe))
pframe <- cbind(tframe, train[,c("PWGT", "WTGAIN", "MAGER", "UPREVIS")])
p1 <- ggplot(pframe, aes(x=PWGT)) + geom_point(aes(y=scale(sPWGT, scale=F))) +
geom_smooth(aes(y=scale(DBWT, scale=F)))
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Checking GAM model performance on
hold-out data
• pred.lin <- predict(linmodel, newdata=test)
• pred.glin <- predict(glinmodel, newdata=test)
• # Calculate R-squared
• cor(pred.lin, test$DBWT)^2
• cor(pred.glin, test$DBWT)^2
• Any overfitting?
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Using GAM for logistic regression
predict the birth of underweight babies (defined as DBWT < 2000 )
# GLM logistic regression
form <- as.formula("DBWT < 2000 ~ PWGT + WTGAIN + MAGER + UPREVIS")
logmod <- glm(form, data=train, family=binomial(link="logit"))
# GAM logistic regression
form2 <-
glogmod <- gam(form2, data=train, family=binomial(link="logit"))
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
GAM takeaways
GAM s let you represent nonlinear and non-monotonic relationships between
variables and outcome in a linear or logistic regression framework.
In the mgcv package, you can extract the discovered relationship from the GAM
model using the predict() function with the type="terms" parameter.
You can evaluate the GAM with the same measures you’d use for standard linear
or logistic regression: residuals, deviance, R-squared, and pseudo R-squared.
The gam() summary also gives you an indication of which variables have a
significant effect on the model.
Because GAM s have increased complexity compared to standard linear or logistic
regression models, there’s more risk of overfit.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Using decision trees
Using decision trees
• a procedure to split the training data into pieces and
use a simple memorized constant on each piece
• involves proposing many possible data cuts and then
choosing best cuts based on simultaneous competing
criteria of predictive power, cross-validation strength,
and interaction with other chosen cuts.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Building a decision tree
fV <- paste(outcome,'>0 ~ ', paste(c(catVars,numericVars),collapse=' + '),sep='')
tmodel <- rpart(fV,data=dTrain)
Any problem? Why?
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Why a bad decision tree?
possible sources of the failure
we have categorical variables with very many levels
we have a lot more NA s/missing data than rpart() ’s surrogate value strategy was designed for.
What we can do to work around
fit on our reprocessed variables, which hide the categorical levels (replacing them with numeric predictions)
remove NA s (treating them as just another level)
tVars <- paste('pred',c(catVars,numericVars),sep='')
fV2 <- paste(outcome,'>0 ~ ',paste(tVars,collapse=' + '),sep='')
tmodel <- rpart(fV2,data=dTrain)
Any problem? Why?
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Why a bad decision tree?
possible sources of the failure
overfitting is because our model is too complicated
What we can do to work around
monkey a bit with the controls by rpart.control
complexity parameter: save computing time by pruning off splits that are obviously not worthwhile. => any split which does not improve the fit by cp will
likely be pruned off by cross-validation, and that hence the program need not pursue it.
the minimum number of observations in any terminal <leaf> node.
If only one of minbucket or minsplit is specified, the code either sets
minsplit = minbucket*3
minbucket = minsplit/3
the minimum number of observations that must exist in a node in order for a split to be attempted
Set the maximum depth of any node of the final tree, with the root node counted as depth 0
tmodel <- rpart(fV2,data=dTrain, control=rpart.control(cp=0.001,minsplit=1000, minbucket=1000,maxdepth=5))
Any problem? Why?
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Variable selection
logLikelyhood <- function(outCol,predCol) {
selVars <- c()
minStep <- 5
baseRateCheck <- logLikelyhood(dCal[,outcome], sum(dCal[,outcome]==pos)/length(dCal[,outcome]))
for(v in catVars) {
pi <- paste('pred',v,sep='')
liCheck <- 2*((logLikelyhood(dCal[,outcome],dCal[,pi]) -
if(liCheck>minStep) {
print(sprintf("%s, calibrationScore: %g",
selVars <- c(selVars,pi)
for(v in numericVars) {
pi <- paste('pred',v,sep='')
liCheck <- 2*((logLikelyhood(dCal[,outcome],dCal[,pi]) -
baseRateCheck) - 1)
if(liCheck>=minStep) {
print(sprintf("%s, calibrationScore: %g",
selVars <- c(selVars,pi)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Why a bad decision tree?
possible sources of the failure
this dataset is unsuitable for decision trees and a method that deals better with overfitting issues is
needed—such as random forests
What we can do to work around
using decision trees was from using our selected variables (instead of all transformed variables)
f <- paste(outcome,'>0 ~ ',paste(selVars,collapse=' + '),sep='')
tmodel <- rpart(f,data=dTrain, control=rpart.control(cp=0.001,minsplit=1000,
trying different settings of the method argument
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
How many nodes?
What does * mean?
Why node is not ordered by continuous number?
– the parent of node k is node floor(k/2)
three numbers reported for each node
– # of training items that navigated to the node
– the deviance of the set of training items that navigated to the node (a measure of how much
uncertainty remains at a given decision tree node)
– the fraction of items that were in the positive class at the node (which is the prediction for
leaf nodes)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Plotting the decision tree
• par(cex=0.7)
• plot(tmodel)
• text(tmodel)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Advantage : decision tree
They take any type of data, numerical or categorical, without any
distributional assumptions and without preprocessing.
• Most implementations (in particular, R’s) handle missing data; the
method is also robust to redundant and nonlinear data.
• The algorithm is easy to use, and the output (the tree) is relatively
easy to understand.
• Once the model is fit, scoring is fast.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Drawbacks : decision tree
• They have a tendency to overfit, especially without
• They have high training variance: samples drawn from the
same population can produce trees with different
structures and different prediction accuracy.
• Prediction accuracy can be low, compared to other
• Solution?
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Drawbacks : decision tree
• They have a tendency to overfit, especially without pruning.
• They have high training variance: samples drawn from the same
population can produce trees with different structures and
different prediction accuracy.
• Prediction accuracy can be low, compared to other methods.
• Solution
– bagging is often used to improve decision tree models
– random forests directly combines decision trees with bagging
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Ensemble learning
Ensemble learning
• An ensemble model is composed of the
combination of several smaller simple models
(often small decision trees).
– Bagging
– Random forests
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Using bagging to improve prediction
draw bootstrap samples (random samples with replacement) from your data.
– From each sample, build a decision tree model
x is an input datum, y_i(x) is the output of the ith tree
The final model is the average of all the individual decision trees
c(y_1(x), y_2(x), ... y_n(x)) is the vector of individual outputs
y is the output of the final model
Final model
– For regression, or for estimating class probabilities
y(x) is the average of the scores returned by the individual trees
y(x) = mean(c(y_1(x), ... y_n(x))) .
– For classification
the final model assigns the class that got the most votes from the individual trees.
Bagging decision trees stabilizes the final model by lowering the variance
A bagged ensemble of trees is also less likely to overfit the data.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Preparing Spambase data
• spamD <- read.table('spamD.tsv',header=T,sep='\t')
• spamTrain <- subset(spamD,spamD$rgroup>=10)
• spamTest <- subset(spamD,spamD$rgroup<10)
• spamVars <- setdiff(colnames(spamD),list('rgroup','spam'))
• spamFormula <as.formula(paste('spam=="spam"',paste(spamVars,collapse=' +
'),sep=' ~ '))
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Defining performance
loglikelihood <- function(y, py) {
pysmooth <- ifelse(py==0, 1e-12,
ifelse(py==1, 1-1e-12, py))
sum(y * log(pysmooth) + (1-y)*log(1 - pysmooth))
accuracyMeasures <- function(pred, truth, name="model") {
dev.norm <- -2*loglikelihood(as.numeric(truth), pred)/length(pred)
ctable <- table(truth=truth,
accuracy <- sum(diag(ctable))/sum(ctable)
precision <- ctable[2,2]/sum(ctable[,2])
recall <- ctable[2,2]/sum(ctable[2,])
f1 <- precision*recall
data.frame(model=name, accuracy=accuracy, f1=f1, dev.norm)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
evaluating the performance of
decision trees
• library(rpart)
• treemodel <- rpart(spamFormula, spamTrain)
• accuracyMeasures(predict(treemodel,
newdata=spamTrain), spamTrain$spam=="spam",
• accuracyMeasures(predict(treemodel,
newdata=spamTest), spamTest$spam=="spam",
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
sapply vs lapply
• sapply
• lapply
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Bagging decision trees
Use bootstrap samples the same size as the training set, with 100 trees
ntrain <- dim(spamTrain)[1]
n <- ntrain
ntree <- 100
Build the bootstrap samples by sampling the row indices of spamTrain with replacement.
samples <- sapply(1:ntree, FUN = function(iter) {sample(1:ntrain, size=n, replace=T)})
Train the individual decision trees and return them in a list.
treelist <-lapply(1:ntree, FUN=function(iter) {samp <- samples[,iter]; rpart(spamFormula,
predict.bag assumes the underlying classifier returns decision probabilities, not decisions
predict.bag <- function(treelist, newdata) {
preds <- sapply(1:length(treelist), FUN=function(iter) { predict(treelist[[iter]], newdata=newdata)})
predsums <- rowSums(preds)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Measure Bagging decision trees
• accuracyMeasures(predict.bag(treelist, newdata=spamTrain),
spamTrain$spam=="spam",name="bagging, training")
• accuracyMeasures(predict.bag(treelist, newdata=spamTest),
spamTest$spam=="spam", name="bagging, test")
• The improvement is more dramatic on the test set: the bagged
model has less generalization error than the single decision tree.
– Generalization error is the difference in accuracy of the model on data
it’s never seen before, as compared to its error on the training set.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Using random forests to further
improve prediction
• Motivation
– In bagging, each tree is built by considering the exact same set of
– Hence, the individual trees will tend to be overly correlated with each
– If there are regions in feature space where one tree tends to make
mistakes, then all the trees are likely to make mistakes there.
• The random forest approach tries to de-correlate the trees by
randomizing the set of variables that each tree is allowed to use.
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
random forest method
• Draws a bootstrapped sample from the training data
• For each sample, grows a decision tree, and at each node of the tree
– Randomly draws a subset of mtry variables from the p total features
• randomForest() function
– for regression trees : mtry = p/3
– for classification trees : m = sqrt(p)
• In theory, random forests aren’t terribly sensitive to the value of mtry.
• If you have a very large number of variables to choose from, of which only a small
fraction are actually useful, then using a larger mtry is better.
– Picks the best variable and the best split from that set of mtry variables
– Continues until the tree is fully grown
• The final ensemble of trees is then bagged to make the random forest
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Using random forests
fmodel <- randomForest(x=spamTrain[,spamVars], y=spamTrain$spam,
ntree=100, nodesize=7, importance=T)
– # Specify that each node of a tree must have a minimum of 7 elements, to be compatible
with the default minimum node size that rpart() uses on this training set ?
spamTrain$spam=="spam",name="random forest, train")
spamTest$spam=="spam",name="random forest, test")
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Spam data by decision tree, bagging,
random forest
Performance on the training set and the test set
0.9104514 0.8799127
Random Forest
0.9884142 0.9541485 0.9706611 0.8845029 0.1428786 0.3972416
0.7809002 0.7091151
0.5618654 0.6702857
0.9061135 0.8072953 0.7646497 0.4702707
Performance change : training - test
Random Forest
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
• To estimate the “importance” of a variable v
– the variable’s values are randomly permuted in the out-of-bag
samples, and the corresponding decrease in each tree’s
accuracy is estimated
• the average decrease over all the trees is large, then the variable is
considered important
• varImp <- importance(fmodel)
• head(varImp)
• varImpPlot(fmodel, type=1)
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Fitting with fewer variables
• reduce the number of variables in this spam example from 57 to 25
• selVars <- names(sort(varImp[,1], decreasing=T))[1:25]
• fsel <- randomForest(x=spamTrain[,selVars],y=spamTrain$spam,
ntree=100, nodesize=7, importance=T)
• accuracyMeasures(predict(fsel,
spamTrain$spam=="spam",name="RF small, train")
• accuracyMeasures(predict(fsel,
spamTest$spam=="spam",name="RF small, test")
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Bagging and random forest takeaways
Bagging stabilizes decision trees and improves accuracy by reducing variance.
Bagging reduces generalization error.
Random forests further improve decision tree performance by de-correlating the
individual trees in the bagging ensemble.
Random forests’ variable importance measures can help you determine which
variables are contributing the most strongly to your model.
Because the trees in a random forest ensemble are unpruned and potentially
quite deep, there’s still a danger of overfitting. => limiting how deep the trees can
be grown by using the maxnodes parameter in randomForest()
Be sure to evaluate the model on holdout data to get a better estimate of model
Zumel, N. & Mount, J. Practical Data Science with R. (Manning, 2014)
Any Question?