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PHM142 Fall 2016
Coordinator: Dr. Jeffrey Henderson
Instructor: Dr. David Hampson
Newest Drugs for Hepatitis C
Matthew Luu, Yuan Fang (Pearl) Cai, Shiming Sun,
Ziyi Cheng
What is Hepatitis C?
Flaviviridae virus family
Liver cells are primary host cells
(+) single-stranded lipid-enveloped RNA virus
Genotype variants and sub-variants (eg. genotype 1,2)
60-85% Chronicity
Liver cirrhosis → Hepatic Failure → Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatitis C Life Cycle
Flaviviridae binds hepatocytes to trigger receptor-mediated
endocytosis and undergoes decapsidation in cytoplasm
Translation of viral genome in rough ER produces a
Cleaved by cellular and viral proteases to structural and
nonstructural proteins (NS) functioning in viral replication
NS5A forms membranous web
NS5B RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
NS3/4A serine protease
Core protein binds lipid droplet for assembly
Assembled virion bud out of cell via membrane
Bartenschlager, R., Cosset, F., & Lohmann, V. (2010). Hepatitis C virus replication cycle. Journal of Hepatology, 53(3), 583-585.
NS5A Protein: Overview
Interact with other nonstructural proteins
Consists of a lead sequence followed by three
The α-helix anchor NS5A into cell membrane
A pivotal component of membranous web replication
All three domains necessary for viral replication
NS5A protein: Structure
Domain I contains Zinc-binding and RNA-binding
Domain II and III are unfolded
Domain I is essential for HCV replication.
Domain II is associated with RNA replication and
Domain III is important for virus assembly
Dimeric structure is consistent with surface
interactions with other proteins, RNA molecules and
cell membranes
Crystal Structure of NS5A Dimer Domain I
Genotype 1a (A), and 1B (B)
NS5A inhibitors
Exact inhibitory mechanisms of these molecules on
HCV is unknown
Conserved symmetrical molecules
Suggest that they act on dimer of NS5A proteins
Examples include Daklinza and Ledipasvir
• Highly specific and potent NS5A inhibitor
• Directly binds to HCV NS5A at dimer interface
• Induces an alteration in the subcellular
localization of HCV NS5A proteins, which
inhibits the formation and activation of HCV
replication complexes
• Blocks intracellular HCV RNA synthesis, virus
assembly and secretion
Sofosbuvir: NS5B Inhibitors
• In Canada, sofosbuvir is the only available
nucleoside inhibitor of NS5B
• There are 3 therapies:
1. Genotypes 1 and 4: Sofosbuvir + Peginterferon +
2. Genotypes 2 and 3: Sofosbuvir + Ribavirin
3. Most recently, genotype 1: Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir
Ledipasvir inhibits HCV RNA replication and virion
production by targeting the HCV NS5A protein.
Mechanism: Sofosbuvir
Sofosbuvir: prodrug
antiviral agent 2'-deoxy-2'-αfluoro-β-C-methyluridine-5'triphosphate.
The triphosphate acts as a
defective substrate for the
NS5B protein.
NS5B is the viral RNA
polymerase, thus sofosbuvir
acts as an inhibitor of viral RNA
Drug-drug Interactions: Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir
Sofosbuvir and ledipasvir: substrates of drug
transporter P-gp.
P-gp/MDR1: ATP-dependent efflux pump;
expressed in the intestinal apical side; pumps
drugs back into the intestinal lumen
P-gp inducers decrease sofosbuvir and
ledipasvir plasma concentration; reduced
therapeutic effect; loss of virologic response.
P-gp inhibitors may be coadministered with
sofosbuvir or ledipasvir
Protein involved in viral replication with both a protease and helicase domain
Protease activity - important for generating viral non-structural proteins that are required for HCV replication
Cleavage of four sites of the HCV polypeptides (post-translational processing) - essential of viral replication
Helicase activity - important for RNA replication
Cofactor involved in enhancing the activity of NS3
NS3/4A Inhibitors
• Serine Protease Inhibitors
Linear alpha-ketoamide derivatives that
covalently bind to the active site (located
between the His57 and Asp81 of the N terminal,
and Ser139 of the C terminal). I.e. Boceprevir,
Prevents the cleavage of the HCV polypeptide at
four sites: NS4A,NS4B, NS5A, NS5B
• Used in combination with other HCV drugs
Fixed-dose combination drug containing elbasvir (NS5A inhibitor) and grazoprevir
(NS3/4A inhibitor) for treatment of HCV genotype 1 and 4.
Works by stopping the viral replication and assembly.
Hepatitis C is a (+) single-stranded RNA virus from the Flaviviridae family
Translation in host cell (hepatocytes) RER creates polyprotein which is cleaved into structural and non-structural proteins by host and viral proteases
Treatments of HepC targets NS5A, NS5B and NS3/4A protease
Effect of compounds targeting NS5A on HCV replication is unknown
Daclinza is a potent NS5A inhibitor and is most effective and resistant to mutations when used with other HCV drugs like Harvon
NS5B Inhibitor Sofosbuvir acts as a defective substrate which binds with RNA polymerase. By blocking RNA polymerase, the RNA synthesis and life cycle of HCV is stopped.
Sofosbuvir and ledipasvir are substrates of efflux transporter P-gp. To maintain effective plasma concentration of these drugs, we may need to co-administer P-gp inhibitors.
It is highly anticipated that sofosbuvir may play a key role in future all-oral regimens for the treatment of genotype 1 HCV infections
N3/4A serine protease inhibitors works by inhibiting the formation of new replication sites
NS3/4A serine protease inhibitors works in combination of other HCV drugs
Zepatier is a combination of Elbasvir (NS5A inhibitor) and Grazoprevir (NS3/4A inhibitor)
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Drugs, N. E. W. (2015). Daclatasvir. Australian Prescriber, 38(6), 217–219.
Bartenschlager, R., Cosset, F., & Lohmann, V. (2010). Hepatitis C virus replication cycle. Journal of Hepatology, 53(3), 583-585.
Carrion, A., Martin, P. (2016). Safety and efficacy of elbasvir and grazoprevir for treatment of hepatitis C. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 15(6): 883-890.
Dugum M, O'Shea R. Hepatitis C virus: here comes all-oral treatment. Cleve Clin J Med 2014;81(3):159-72.
Lambert, S. M., Langley, D. R., Garnett, J. A., Angell, R., Hedgethorne, K., Meanwell, N. A., & Matthews, S. J. (2014). The crystal structure of NS5A domain 1 from genotype 1a reveals new clues to the
mechanism of action for dimeric HCV inhibitors. Protein Science : A Publication of the Protein Society, 23(6), 723–734.
Liang, J., Ghany, MG. (2013). Current and Future Therapies for Hepatitis C Virus Infection. The New England Journal of Medicine, 368:1907-1917
McGivern DR, Masaki T, Lovell W, Hamlett C, Saalau-Bethell S, Graham B. (2015). Protease Inhibitors Block Multiple Functions of the NS3/4A Protease-Helicase during the Hepatitis C Virus Life Cycle.
Nakamoto, S., Kanda, T., Wu, S., Shirasawa, H., & Yokosuka, O. (2014). Hepatitis C virus NS5A inhibitors and drug resistance mutations. World Journal of Gastroenterology : WJG, 20(11), 2902–2912.
Salam, KA., Akimitsu, N. (2013). Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Inhibitors: Current and Future Perspectives. BioMed Research International. 467869, 9 pages.
Nakamoto, S., Kanda, T., Wu, S., Shirasawa, H., & Yokosuka, O. (2014). Hepatitis C virus NS5A inhibitors and drug resistance mutations. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20(11), 2902–12.
Obrien, C., & Agresti, N. (2012). NS5A inhibitors. Current Hepatitis Reports.