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Definition: A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. (Sun’s
A thread--sometimes called an execution context or a lightweight process--is a single
sequential flow of control within a program. You use threads to isolate tasks.
Threads vs. processes
Processes have their own resources such as memory. They are isolated by O/S such that
one process cannot overwrite memory that belongs to another process. In a machine with
a single processor, the O/S switches back and forth between multiple processes (known
as time slicing), giving the illusion that they are running in parallel. But the switching is
expensive as compared to using multiple threads that all share the resources assign to the
same host process.
Why use threads?
- separate I/O activities and processor-heavy tasks (such as number-crunching)
- process requests from multiple clients concurrently
- modeling multiple objects that perform activities concurrently (such as flowing
Ways to create and run threads in Java
Basic support for threads in all versions of the Java platform is in the java.lang.Thread
class. It provides a thread API and all the generic behavior for threads. These behaviors
include starting, sleeping, running, yielding, and having a priority. To implement a thread
using the Thread class, you need to provide it with a run method that performs the
thread’s task.
public class SimpleThread extends Thread { //subclassing
public SimpleThread(String str) {
//named thread
public void run() {
//provide a run
... ...
public class TwoThreadsDemo {
public static void main (String[] args) {
new SimpleThread("Jamaica").start(); //start a
new SimpleThread("Fiji").start();
Since multiple-inheritance is not supported in Java, an alternative way is provided for
creating a class of objects that needs to inheritance from a class other than Thread yet
still needs to be executed in a separate thread. The class can implement the Runnable
interface, like the Thread class itself does. The same trick will be used as is with using
the Thread class directly is to provide the run method, the only method defined in the
Runnable interface. The slight different is in the way to create a thread for this
Runnable type as demonstrated in the example given below.
public class Clock extends Applet implements Runnable {
private Thread clockThread = null;
public void start() {
if (clockThread == null) {
clockThread = new Thread(this, "Clock");
public void run() {
... ...
Life cycle of a thread
A thread may be in one of the following states:
Upon creation, a thread enters the new state, and it becomes after the start method is
invoked. A runnable thread may be blocked (and thus becomes not runnable) for one
three reasons: 1) blocked by an I/O resource; 2) chooses to delay a (finite or infinite)
period of time (by invoking the sleep method); and 3) choose to wait until certain
conditions become true (by invoking the wait method). Such a thread may then transit to
the runnable state when 1) the I/O resource becomes available; 2) the period expires or
got interrupted; or 3) got notified (by invoking the notify method), respectively.
How to stop a thread
A program doesn't stop a thread like it stops an applet (by calling a method). Rather, a
thread arranges for its own death by having a run method that terminates naturally. (The
stop and suspend methods in the Thread API are deprecated because they are inherently
Active threads
Being active simply means that a thread has been started and has not yet been stopped.
An active object can be modeled with an object symbol with a bolder outline.
Thread synchronization
A program has at least one thread. Using multiple threads that won’t share any common
resources usually won’t cause any problem, such as the programming exercise in
workshop 4.
When threads share access to a common object, they can conflict with each other.
Consider several threads trying to access the same bank account, some trying to deposit
and other to withdraw: these activities need to be synchronized.
Java objects were designed with multithreading in mind: for every object there is a lock
associated with it. The object can only be accessed by a thread that possesses the lock at
any given time. To prevent competing threads from accidentally corrupt the state of the
shared object, use one of the following two common synchronization mechanisms:
a) Synchronized method. In the definition of a class for objects that require mutual
exclusive access, define critical methods using the synchronized keyword in
their headings. A thread that holds the object lock may choose to wait until a
certain condition becomes true. The operation that may trigger the condition
change should invoke the notifyAll method to wake up all threads that are
waiting on the lock (or the notify method for just one waiting thread.)
public class Queue {
public synchronized void add(Object obj)
throws InterruptedException {
while (isFull()) wait(); //choose to block
... ...
//until space available
public synchronized Object dequeue() {
... ...
Object r = elements[head];
notifyAll(); //unblock all waiting threads
return r;
... ...
b) Synchronized block. Instead of specifying the whole method as synchronized, it
is also possible to use a synchronized block, such as
synchronized (anObject) {
... ...
Java Online Tutorials. Essential Java classes/Lesson: Thread
Wigglesworth and McMillan, Java Programming: Advanced Topics, 3rd edition,
Course Technology 2004
Horstmann, Object-Oriented Design and Patterns, Wiley 2004