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-2Islam is the fastest growing religion in America.
Today, the number of followers of Islam in the
United States has reached 4 to 6 million. The
number of Muslims in the United States is now
greater than that of Christian Scientist, Jehovah’s
Witnesses, Mennonites, Quakers, Seventh-day
Adventists and Unitarians combined.
Islam was founded by Mohammed (the praised
one) in AD 622, and it derives its name from the
Arabic infinitive “to submit” (to Allah); Moslems are
those who submit to Allah. He received his
revelations in a cave (Hira) by the so called angel
Gabriel, and wrote them in a book called the Koran.
A leaflet prepared by the Institute of Islamic
Information and Education titled “Introducing Islam
to Non-Muslims” states, “Mohammed is the very last
Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final
messenger of God. His message was and is still to
the Christians, the Jews and the rest of mankind. He
was sent to those religious people to inform them
about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, David, Jacob,
Isaac, and Abraham.” The leaflet continues,
“Mohammed is considered to be the summation and
the culmination of all the prophets and messengers
that came before him. He purified the previous
messages from adulteration and completed the
Message of God for all humanity. He was entrusted
with the power of explaining, interpreting and living
the teachings of the Koran.” Of interesting not,
Muhammad was afflicted by a disorder that caused
him to foam at the mouth and fall into unconscious
trances…(devil possession??)
There is substantial “pagan” roots to Islam. For
example, examine the pagan origin of their god.
“llah” is generic Arabic for “god” or deity. The god
ll or llah was originally a phase of the Moon God
[crescent moon]. Muhammad never felt it necessary
to define “Allah” in the Qur’an because he
understood that the pagan Arabs were already
completely familiar with Allah’s identity. The moon
god was worshipped by praying toward Mecca
several times each day, embarking on an annual
pilgrimage to the Kabah, the tample of the moon god,
running around the Kabah seven times, caressing the
-3idol of the black meteorite stone set in the wall of the
Kabah, running between two hills, making animal
sacrifices, gathering Fridays for prayers, and in
giving alms to the poor. Reknown Christian author,
Dr. Robert Morey, reveals these were all pagan rites
practiced by the Arabs long before Muhammad was
3 main sects of Islam are: Wahhabi – strict (Saudi
Arabia);Shites – only those of Muhammad’s linage
are spiritual (Iraq); Sunnites – most popular (90%);
tradition, political. One of the more recently formed
groups is the Nation of Islam, currently led by Lewis
Farrakhan, and is a militant Black racist group hiding
under the guise of “religion”.
Muslims trace the “true religion” from Abraham
through Ishmael, but the Bible absolutely contradicts
this notion. Genesis 17: 15-21 makes it clear that
God rejected Ishmael, confirming the covenant
blessings-including the fulfillment of the true
religion- to Isaac alone. In Genesis 21 Hagar and
Ishmael are cast out of Abraham’s house with the
sanction of God:
Christians must be aware that while some of the
teachings of Islam come from the Bible, the Muslim
religion actually combines portions of the Word of
God with the man-made doctrines found in the
Koran, the holy book of Islam. Furthermore, one
must realized that leaving this religion can potentially
cost a Muslim his life, for Islam is an unforgiving
and uncompromising system, even though it may
outwardly appear to be quite accommodating.
The Muslim confession of faith states: “There is no
god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of
God” (The Shahada). A person becomes a Muslim
by declaring in public an oath known as the Kalima
Shahada. The Kalima contains the two basic points a
Muslim has to believe: that there is only one GodAllah, and that the Holy Prophet Muhammad is
Allah’s Messenger to mankind”.
The five main precepts of their faith are; 1. Reciting
the Shahada; 2.Daily prayer toward Mecca (5); 3.
Almsgiving (zakat) (@2.5%); 4. Fasting during
Ramadan; 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Haji) (once in a
-4lifetime). The six main articles in the theoretical
faith of Islam are: belief 1, in God; 2, in His angels;
3, in His scriptures; 4, in His prophets; 5, in the
resurrection and day of judgment; 6, in
predestination. Other beliefs of Islam: 99 bead
rosary (Allah’s names); Mass service for the dead;
circumcision; women veiled and wearing the chador;
polygamy; no pork; meet for worship at noon on
Salvation found at the Day of Judgment where a
Muslim’s works will decide his destiny…usually
heaven, with multiple virgin wives. Islam states that
“Jews are damned by Allah”, and that those that put
“faith in Christ as God incarnate is blasphemy…and
the Fire will be his abode”. The Koran states, “Then
those whose scales are heavy, they are successful.
And those whose scales are light are those who lose
their souls, in hell abiding” (Sura, 23:102, 103). In
fact, Muslims are encouraged to “vie one with
another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a
Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth,
prepared for those who ward off (evil)” (Sura, 3:133).
Muslims believe that people are born free of sin. It is
only after they reach the age of puberty and it is only
after they commit sins that they are to be charged for
their mistakes. No one is responsible for or can take
the responsibility for the sins of others.” [Rom. 5:1214]!
“Islam refutes the idea that any human being,
however great, was a ‘manifestation’ of God on
earth, or a Divine incarnate” (Aziz 9).
[Nevertheless, the Word of God is plain: “God was
manifest in the flesh” (1 Tim. 3:16). Jesus is the selfexistent I AM (Jn. 8:58)].
“Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the
doctrine of Christ, HATH NOT GOD” (2 Jn.9). An
even greater condemnation is pronounced by God in
2 John 7: “For many deceivers are entered into the
world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in
the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.”
One must obey the Koran and its teachings
concerning any matter of doctrine. It is the final
-5word in any matter, even if evidence to the contrary
can prove a different course of action. The Koran
supersedes everything, even the Bible.
Interesting facts:
Under “Islamic law” (Shariah), slavery is legal.
Sadly, this issue is basically ignored in the United
States. According to Muslims, Arabic is the only
language of heaven (though ironically, the Koran
contains certain foreign words that are Hebrew,
Greek and Persian). The traditional Arab dress
(Ihran) must be worn at certain festivities and rituals,
especially when one embarks on the final stages of
his hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca- a journey that should
happen at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime. As with
Judaism, pork is forbidden. Only certain foods can
be eaten, and they must be prepared in the prescribed
way. The Koran states that the husband can beat his
rebellious wife to keep her in subjection. “Men are
in charge of women, because Allah hath made the
one of them to excel the other, and because they
spend of their property (for the support of women).
So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret
that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from
whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish
them to beds apart, and scourge them” (Sura, 4:34).
Most Islamic women are not permitted to travel
freely or even possess a passport in Islamic states
(Jordan is the only nation that is more lenient). Some
devout Muslims display a round spot on their
foreheads which memorializes the thousands of times
they have touched the ground in respect to
Muhammad’s command to bow before Mecca five
times daily. Today, the crescent and star of Islam fly
on the flag in at least 7 countries.
Brutal Religion
“If any one desires a religion other than Islam, never
will it be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will
be in the ranks of those who have lost.” (Surah 3:85).
How about the right of a Muslim to change his own
religion? Would he be given this right or would he be
punished according to the apostasy rule which states
that such a person should be punished by death??
Muhammad said “Whoever changes his religion, kill
him.” Al Bukhari Vol. 9:57.
-6According to Islam, the Quran is the principal source
of legislation: “We have sent down to thee the book
in truth, that you might judge men as guided by
God.” (Surah 4:105). If the Quran is the law, what
are some of the rules and regulations that will be
imposed? Here are just a few examples: stealingpunished by hand amputation (Surah 5:38); adultery
– punished by public flogging (Surah 24:2); drinking
– punished by 40 or 80 lashes (Al Bukhari 8:770);
resisting Islam – punished by death, crucifixion or
the cutting off of the hands and feet (Surah 5:33).
Muhammad says that a Muslim may not be killed if
he kills a non-Muslim. “No Muslim should be killed
for killing a kafir (infidel or non-Muslim).” Al
Bukhari Vol. 9:50. In most nations where Islam is
the predominant religion, Muslims have their own
police force, and anyone who does not participate in
public worship at the time of prayer is severely
beaten or incarcerated. Islamic governments
regularly terrorize their people under the banner of
their religion. The making of an Islamic state is often
achieved by force and sometimes through ethnic
cleansing, as was the case in the Balkans. In the
Sudan and Nigeria, and especially in North Africa,
this same ethnic cleansing occurs under the name of a
holy war, also called jihad, and is fought against the
“infidels” that comprise any population that is nonMuslim, regardless of creed. Prisons in Muslims
countries are known to be centers of torture rather
than rehabilitation. Muslims claim that they should
have the sole claim to the Dome of the Rock in
Jerusalem, where Muhammad is said to have
supposedly ascended into Heaven. However, that
landmark stands upon the foundation of Solomon’s
temple, thus, one among many contentions exists
with the Jews. Ayatollah Khomeini: “To kill and to
be killed for Allah is a Muslim’s greatest joy.”
Islam is the fastest growing religion in America.
Today, the number of followers of Islam in the
United States has reached 4 to 6 millions. It is a
matter of time before Islam will become the religion
of the majority. America, then will be labeled an
“Islamic country”, ruled by the “Quran” and the
“Hadith” or what Muslims call Sharia (The Islamic
code of ethics).
Pastor David Warner
Faithful Baptist Church