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Review of Standard 7-1 with Answers
Name ________________________
Standard 7-1:
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the
growth and impact of global trade on world civilizations after 1600.
Enduring Understanding
European expansion during the 1600s and 1700s was often driven by
economic and technological forces. To understand the influence of these
forces, the student will utilize the knowledge and skills set forth in the
following indicators:
7-1.1: Compare the colonial claims and expansion of European powers through 1770.
Color the map to indicate the European land claims using the following key:
England: blue
Spain: green
France: yellow
Portugal: red
Netherlands: brown
What European countries were interested in exploration?
England, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and France
Why was Spain able to gain more land in the Americas?
Spain was the first to establish land claims in the Americas because of Columbus.
Conquistadors conquered lands with superior weapons. In addition, in drawing the
Line of Demarcation, the Pope granted more land to Spain than to Portugal.
7-1.2 Explain how technological and scientific advances contributed to the power of
European nations.
What navigational advances enabled Europeans to navigate the open waters?
improved maps, astrolabe, compass, and the caravel
How did gunpowder and superior weaponry help the Europeans?
This enabled the Europeans to conquer people in foreign lands even though they were
How did the Europeans dominate the world economically?
The Europeans established a world-wide trade that involved the colonies of the Americas,
the slave trade in Africa, and mutually beneficial trade in Asia.
How did the Europeans dominate the world culturally?
The Europeans took their way of life and religion with them wherever they went. The
Spanish, Portuguese, and French tried to spread Roman Catholicism everywhere
they went. The English established Protestantism in their colonies.
How did the Europeans dominate the world politically?
The Europeans extended the power of their nations throughout the world. They spread
their systems of government to the colonies.
7-1.3 Summarize the policy of mercantilism as a way of building a nation’s wealth,
including government policies to control trade.
Fill in the chart showing products of the Columbian Exchange:
Items from the Americas
to Europe, Africa, and Asia
sweet potatoes
Items from Europe, Africa, and Asia
to the Americas
grains (oats, wheat)
livestock (horses, cattle, pigs)
citrus fruits
Prior to the 17th century, what was the basis of the European economic system?
The economic system was the simple feudal system, based on land ownership.
What changes took place as trade increased with the expansion of European powers?
The economy became more complex with the growing merchant class, governments
sought to achieve a favorable balance of trade.
Under mercantilism, what was the goal of European nations?
The goal was to build up the country’s supply of gold and silver to make the mother
countries wealthy.
How did they hope to achieve a favorable balance of trade?
Every country tried to establish that the value of exports would be more than the value of
imports. High tariffs were placed on imports.
Why were colonies so important to a mercantilist system?
The colonies provided inexpensive raw materials and resources for the mother country.
They also provided a market for the mother country because colonies had to buy
products from the mother country.
What new social class emerged under mercantilism and who were the members of this
social class?
A middle class of merchants and artisans began to grow in Europe.
7-1.4 Analyze the beginnings of capitalism and how it was affected by mercantilism,
the developing market economy, international trade, and the rise of the middle
Who took the risks in international trade?
Merchants and ship owners took the risks and enjoyed the profits of international trade.
What social class began to develop?
The middle class began to grow as these merchants and businessmen became wealthier.
What is a market economy?
A market economy is a system in which individual buyers and sellers interact in the
marketplace to exchange goods and services.
What is capitalism?
Capitalism is a system in which people, rather than governments, own property, make
goods, and buy and sell them freely.
What factors were critical in the creation and advancement of capitalism?
Mercantilism, international trade, rise of the middle class, and the developing market
economy was critical in the growth of capitalism.
7-1.5 Compare how European nations developed political and economic influences
differently, including trade and settlement patterns, in the continents of Asia,
Africa, and the Americas.
How was trading in Asia mutually beneficial to both European and Asian countries?
The Asian culture was highly developed, so the European nations could not simply take
over these lands. Instead, there were items the Europeans wanted from Asia (silk,
fine china, artwork…) and items Asian countries wanted from the Europeans
(clocks, eyeglasses, firearms…).
Why didn’t Europeans dominate in Asia?
Asian nations were highly advanced, prosperous, relatively modern, and militarily strong.
How did Europeans influence the cultures in Asia?
Asian nations had long practiced isolationism. Trade relationships, however, exposed
these nations to European ideas, especially Christianity. And because of
Christianity, the Asians again resorted to isolationism.
The Americas:
What European countries colonized the Americas?
England, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and France
What were the three types of colonies and how were they different?
Trading post – These were small buildings placed in areas for the purpose of trade. Few
people were needed for a trading post. They were dependent on the Native
Americans so the Europeans learned their culture and language. The French were
known for their trading post empire—the empire of Fish and Fur.
Plantation – These settlements grew one or two cash crops that were labor intensive.
Often slave labor was used.
Settlement – These colonies had the most people. The Europeans came to live
permanently. Some were established for religious purposes.
What were the economic activities of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies?
At first gold and silver were mined but then sugar cane plantations developed.
What people were first used as slaves in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies?
Under the Encomienda System, Native Americans could be used as slaves.
What was grown on the plantations in the Caribbean area?
Sugar cane was the cash crop on Caribbean plantations.
What were some crops grown on the plantations in the southern English colonies?
Tobacco, rice, indigo, and some sugar cane were grown in the English colonies.
Where did the English, French, and Dutch colonies get their slaves?
They imported slave labor from Africa.
What were indentured servants and what two countries used them?
Indentured servants agreed to work to pay off the debt of traveling to the Americas.
England and France used indentured servants. Some indentured servants were
convicts who were brought to the Americas to work and pay their debt to society.
What European country had the best relationship with Native Americans and why?
France had the best relationship with the Native Americans because their settlements
depended on trade with the Native Americans. This is why the Native Americans
fought with the French against the English in the French and Indian War.
What changes occurred as a result of the French and Indian War?
The English gained much of the French land claims and the power and influence of
France in the Americas began to decline.
What kind of political control did the Spanish and Portuguese have in their colonies?
Spain and Portugal ruled their colonies with viceroys. The monarchy kept close watch on
the colonies.
What kind of political control did the French and Dutch have in their colonies?
The French and the Dutch allowed their colonies to make their own decisions.
What kind of political system did the English colonies use?
England allowed the colonies to have a representative government system similar to the
one in England. Therefore, the colonists could participate in decision-making.
What European country had the most successful settlement colonies and where were
England had the most successful colonies along the eastern coast of what is now the
United States.
What part did religion play in the development of colonies?
Some English colonies were based on religious freedom. The Spanish and Portuguese
colonies spread the Roman Catholic religion in their settlements.
What was traded with tribal leaders in return for slaves?
Weapons, iron, cloth, and horses were traded for slaves.
What were the effects of the slave trade in Africa?
The slave trade led to increased tribal warfare, loss of population, and economic
How did some resist slavery?
Some Africans attacked the slave traders or revolted on the slave ships.