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Management Brief:
Striped Bass Predation on Bass and Crappie
Prepared by Brett Hobbs- Dist. 8 (Hot Springs)
Ralph Fourt & Ron Moore- Dist. 1 (Rogers)
Striped bass are a open water species preferring the deep portions of our
reservoirs. Reservoirs capable of sustaining a healthy striped bass population
must have sufficient thermal refuge areas for the striped bass to survive high
summer water temperatures. The striped bass also must have access to a
plentiful forage base of threadfin and gizzard shad or other closely related
species (alewife or herring). Landlocked striped bass have been found to be very
sensitive to temperature variations within stocked waters and will sacrifice food
requirements to remain in areas with cool water during the summer months
(Moss, 2001).
Ever since their introduction into inland lakes, striped bass have been suspected
of preying directly on popular sportfish. In response to this concern, numerous
food habit studies have been conducted in several Southeastern reservoirs.
Repeatedly these studies indicate striped bass are extremely unlikely to eat black
basses (Miranda, et al. 1998). A nine-year study (Nash, et al. 1987) dealt with the
establishment of a striped bass population in Lake Wateree, South Carolina.
Largemouth bass growth, abundance, and condition were not detrimentally
affected by the striped bass. The largemouth bass length-weight relationship did
not change after striped bass were introduced.
During a Lake Texoma study (Harper & Namminga, 1986) it was determined
after establishment of a striped bass population, changes in the abundance of
several other species, including black basses and crappies, appeared to be the
result of periodic strong year classes of those species. Also, striped bass
predation did affect the size distribution of the gizzard shad population but had no
apparent influence on native predator or prey species other than shad.
Another Lake Texoma analysis of striped bass interaction with black bass
(Matthews and Hill, 1986) included the analysis of 250 striped bass stomachs.
The diet of these stripers was mostly shad. The second most abundant food item
was found to be inland silversides. In parts of spring and early summer stripers
also fed heavily on insect larvae as they were abundant at that time.
A study on Lake Powell, Arizona (Gustaveson, et al. 1985) indicated a virtual
absence of a threadfin shad forage base. Under these adverse conditions striped
bass in Powell were observed to barely feed (many documented with empty
stomachs) and their condition withered to near starvation levels. The recorded
condition for the striped bass collected was the lowest on record at that time.
Only the youngest stripers foraged affectivity and utilized zooplankton for their
diet. During 1982-1985 on Lake Powell a self-sustaining smallmouth bass
population was established. There was no evidence of smallmouth fingerling
predation by the starving striped bass. This could be attributed to the fact the
smallmouth are a littoral (shallow water) species.
Here in Arkansas, two studies have shown that striped bass predation on
sportfish is insignificant. On Beaver Lake, Fourt (1985) examined 104 striped
bass stomachs and found approximately 95% of the content was shad. Most of
these shad were 1-4 inches in size. Seventeen hybrid stripers were also
examined for stomach content. These also contained about 93% shad. Filipek
(1984) found during a food habit study of Lake Hamilton, Arkansas, the striped
bass diet consisted of 92.8 percent shad with the remainder of the diet consisting
of rainbow trout, sunfish, minnows, and crayfish. During this period of study (2years) Lake Hamilton was under a winter drawdown of 9-feet which further
concentrated prey species with the stripers. Sample size consisted of 116 adult
striped bass which were all examined for stomach contents. The same study
documented the hybrid striped bass also prefers mainly shad with a slightly more
diverse diet including crayfish and minnows. Shad accounted for nearly 82% of
the hybrid diet.
A more recent study (Smollen, 1999) investigating striped bass food habits was
conducted on Norris Reservoir, Tennessee. This study was also conducted
during a winter drawdown period. In this study stomach contents of 85 striped
bass were examined. Over 99% of the striped bass stomach content was
alewives and threadfin/gizzard shad.
A study by the Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit (Miranda, et al.
1998) assessed if the predation of forage species by striped bass limited the
native game fish population. Results of this study indicated striped bass in Norris
Reservoir, Tennessee could potentially compete with coexisting game fishes for
food if the prey-supply-to-predator-demand ratio is low. Miranda estimated by
discontinuing stocking of striped bass, the remaining predator population
biomass could increase by 5-10% total weight.
Striped bass reproduction has only been documented in the Arkansas River as
the striped bass eggs must stay suspended in flowing water until hatching. The
Commission must stock fingerlings at interval to keep year-classes present in our
Viable striped bass fisheries exist in Arkansas in Lakes Hamilton, Greeson,
Catherine, Ouachita, Beaver, and Norfork. Important to note is these fisheries
also have strong black bass populations. Smallmouth bass have been
successfully re-introduced into Beaver Lake while sustaining the stocking of
striped bass.
As stated in the draft AG&FC Striped Bass Management Plan (Fourt, et al.,
2000) of vital importance is the accurate evaluation of shad densities in our
striped bass waters. The shad prey base should be regularly monitored for trends
as there can be competition for the same prey species between striped bass and
black basses .
Filipek, S. & L. Claybrook, 1984. Stripers and Hybrids, What Do They Really Eat?
Arkansas Game and Fish Magazine. Volume 15, Issue 4. September/October
1984. pp 8-9.
Fourt, R., D. Brader, & S. Wooldridge, 2000. Arkansas Game and Fish
Commission, Striped Bass Management Plan, November 20, 2000 (Draft).
Fourt, R.A., 1985. Age, Growth, Food Habits, Angler Harvest, Tournament
Catches, and Stocking of Striped Bass and Hybrid-Striped Bass in Beaver
Reservoir, 1985. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, In-House Report.
Gustaveson, W.A., B.L. Bonebrake, S.J. Scott, and J.E. Johnson 1985. Lake
Powell Fisheries Investigations. Publication No. 86-8. Utah Dept. of Nat. Res.
1596 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116.
Harper, J.L. and H.E. Namminga 1986. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
Conservation. P.O. Box 53465 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Pages 156-165 in
G.E. Hall and M.J. Van Den Avyle, editors. Reservoir Management Strategies for
the 80's. Reservoir Committee, Southern Division American Fisheries Society,
Bethesda, Maryland 1986.
Matthews, W.J. and L.G. Hill, 1986. Annual Report For Year 1 for the Project
"Potential Interactions Between Striped Bass and Black Bass in Reservoir
Environments". Sponsored by the Bass Research Foundation. University of
Oklahoma Biological Station, Kingston, Oklahoma 73439.
Miranda, L.E., M.T. Driscoll, and S.W. Raborn 1998. Competitive Interactions
Between Striped Bass and Other Freshwater Predators. Sport Fish Restoration.
Final Report October 1996- September 1998. Mississippi Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Research Unit. Mississippi State University. Mail Stop 9691 Mississippi
State, Mississippi 39762.
Moss, J.L. 2001. Cool Striped Bass. Fisheries Section News Article. Alabama
Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries.
Nash, V.S., W.E. Hayes, R.L. Self, and J.P. Kirk, 1987. Effect of Striped Bass
Introduction in Lake Wateree, South Carolina. Proceedings of Annual
Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 41: 48-54.
Smollen, Mary 1999. Food Habits of Adult Predators in Norris Reservoir during
winter drawdown. M.S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 47pp.