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Name: ____________________ Period: _____ Date: ______ Assignment #: ______
Using Blood Tests to Identify Babies and Criminals
Answer all numbered questions on a separate piece of paper
Were the babies switched? Two couples had babies in the same hospital at the same time. After being home for
a few days, Michael and Danielle were convinced that she had the wrong girl. There must have been a mix-up at
the hospital. At Michael and Danielle's insistence, blood types were taken for her family and for the other family:
Denise, Earnest and their daughter. In order to interpret the results of the blood type tests, you will need to
understand the basic biology of blood types…
Blood group A
Type A
If you belong to the blood group A, you have ___
antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and
______________ antibodies in your blood.
Type A protein
on their red blood
Blood group B
If you belong to the blood group B, you have ___
antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and
______________ antibodies in your blood.
Type B
Type B protein
on their red blood
Type A and B
on their red blood
Blood group AB
If you belong to blood group AB, you have both ___
and ___ antigens on the surface of your red blood
cells, and NO ________ or ________ antibodies in
your blood.
Type O
Neither A nor B
on their red blood
Blood group O
If you belong to blood group O, you have neither
___ nor ___ antigens on the surface of your red
blood cells, but you have both
_____ and ______ antibodies in your blood.
These blood types refer to different
versions of proteins which are present on
the surface of red blood cells.
Antibodies are one example of the body’s “fighting tools.” Antibodies are special proteins that travel in the blood
and help our bodies to destroy foreign viruses or bacteria that may have infected our bodies
Test your understanding of blood groups by completing the table below.
Blood Group
Antigens on red
blood cells
Antibodies in
Can receive
blood from
Can give
blood to
A and O
A and AB
A and B
2. ****Which blood type would be considered a universal donor (someone who can give blood to anyone)?
3. ****Which blood type would be considered a universal acceptor (someone who can accept blood from anyone)?
The blood type gene has three different versions or alleles:
The “A” gene results in A antigen on the red blood cells
The “B” gene results in B antigen on the red blood cells
The “O” gene does not result in either antigen.
Everyone has two copies of these genes (one from mom and one from dad), so there are six possible combinations of alleles (called genotypes):
AA or AO = Type A blood,
BB or BO = Type B blood,
AB = Type AB blood,
OO = Type O blood.
4. In a heterozygous AO person, which allele is dominant, A or O? Explain your reasoning.
5. In a heterozygous AB person, which allele is dominant, A or B? THINK ABOUT IT  Is either one really dominant? Explain your
Codominance refers to inheritance in which both alleles of a gene affect the phenotypes of an individual. Thus, in codominance, neither allele is
recessive—both alleles are dominant.
6. ****Which one of the genotypes shown above results in a phenotype that provides clear evidence of codominance? (Is it AA, AO, BB,
BO, AB, or OO that PROVES that we have codominance? _________________
7. Now, suppose that a mother has blood Type A and genotype AO and the father
has blood Type B and genotype BO.
(Type AB)
(Type O)
Draw a Punnett square to show the possible genotypes and blood types for
their children.
8 a. Draw a PUNNETT SQUARE that crosses an AA mom with an AO dad
Mom’s genotype: _______
Dad’s genotype: ________
Probability of AA child: ______%
Probability of AO child: ______%
Probability of BB child: ______%
Probability of BO child: ______%
Probability of AB child: ______%
Probability of OO child: ______%
Probability of Blood Type A child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type B child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type AB child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type O child: ______%
b. Draw a PUNNETT SQUARE that crosses an BO mom with an OO dad
Mom’s genotype: _______
Dad’s genotype: ________
Probability of AA child: ______%
Probability of AO child: ______%
Probability of BB child: ______%
Probability of BO child: ______%
Probability of AB child: ______%
Probability of OO child: ______%
Probability of Blood Type A child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type B child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type AB child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type O child: ______%
c. Draw a PUNNETT SQUARE that crosses an AO mom with an BO dad
Mom’s genotype: _______
Dad’s genotype: ________
Probability of AA child: ______%
Probability of AO child: ______%
Probability of BB child: ______%
Probability of BO child: ______%
Probability of AB child: ______%
Probability of OO child: ______%
Probability of Blood Type A child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type B child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type AB child: _____%
Probability of Blood Type O child: ______%
d. Is it possible to have a Blood Type A parent and a blood type B parent with a blood type O child? EXPLAIN!
9. What would be the blood type of a person who inherited an A allele from one parent and an O allele from the other?
type A
type AB
b. type B
d. type O
10. If a child belonged to blood type O, he or she could not have been produced by which set of parents?
Type A mother and type B father
b. Type A mother and type O father
Type AB mother and type O father
d. Type O mother and type O father
11. Susan, a mother with type B blood, has a child with type O blood. She claims that Craig, who has type A blood, is the father. He claims that he cannot possibly be the
father. Further blood tests ordered by the judge reveal that Craig is AA. The judge rules that
Susan is right and Craig must pay child support.
b. Craig is right and doesn't have to pay child support.
Susan cannot be the real mother of the child; there must have been an error made at the hospital.
d. it is impossible to reach a decision based on the limited data available.
none of these
12. If a child has an AB blood type, the parents
must both have different blood types.
b. must be A and B, but not AB.
must both be AB.
d. can be any blood type.
can have different blood types, but neither can be blood type O.
13. Dante has type “A” blood. What will happen if he donates his blood to someone with type “B”? [Hint:” use the word “anti-bodies” in your answer].
Were the babies switched?
Now you are ready to decide whether Earnest and Denise's baby girl was switched with Michael and Danielle's baby girl. The following family
tree shows the blood types for both families.
14. Is it possible for Michael and Danielle to have a child who is type O? EXPLAIN!! [HINT: Michael is AB and Danielle is B, so Danielle’s genotype is either
BB or BO. Is it possible for them to have a baby that is OO?]
Based on your answer to #14, could Michael and Danielle have had a child like Tonja (with blood type O)? Were the babies switched or are they correct
right now?
16. How could fraternal twins be as different in appearance as Michelle and Michael, Jr., including one having light skin and the other having dark skin? [Hint”
Explain how two parents can sometimes have a child with light skin and other times have a child with dark skin]