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1. Tetralogy of Fallot arises from what primary malformation?
A. Pulmonary stenosis
B. Muscular outlet septum malalignment
C. Ventricular septal defect
D. Overriding aorta
E. Right ventricular hypertrophy
2. Which of the following is correct?
A. Venous inflow to the heart is initially bilateral, but then shifts to the left side of the heart.
B. Venous inflow to the heart remains bilateral throughout heart development.
C. Venous inflow to the heart is initially bilateral, but then shifts to the right side of the heart.
D. The sinus venosus gives rise to the smooth wall of the right atrium.
E. C & D
3. The proepicardium originates within the
A. Septum transversum
B. Sinus venosus
C. Splanchnopleuric mesoderm
D. All of the above
4. The septation of the left and right atrium is completed
A. prior to birth via the cardiac neural crest
B. at birth independent of the cardiac neural crest
C. prior to birth independent of the cardiac neural crest
D. at birth via the cardiac neural crest
E. None of the above.
5. What is the origin of the definitive endocardium (endothelium) of the adult heart?
A. Ectoderm
B. Endoderm
C. Somatopleuric mesoderm
D. Splanchnopleuric mesoderm
E. Hypoblast
6. In the fetal heart, the foramen ovale connects the
A. pulmonary artery and the aorta.
B. right and the left atria, permitting the flow of blood from right to left.
C. right and the left atria, permitting the flow of blood from left to right.
D. right and the left ventricles, permitting the flow of blood from right to left.
E. right and the left ventricles, permitting the flow of blood from the left to right.
7. The supporting stroma of the liver develops from
A. somatopleuric mesoderm
B. splanchnopleuric mesoderm
C. endoderm
D. A & B
E. B & C
8. Each of the following develops as an outpocketing of the gut tube EXCEPT one. Which one is the
A. lung
B. liver
C. spleen
D. pancreas
E. gallbladder
9. All of the following are major sites of hematopoiesis EXCEPT the
A. outer layer of the yolk sac wall
B. kidney
C. spleen
D. liver
10. The midgut loop normally herniates through the primitive umbilical ring
into the extraembryonic coelom during week 6 of development. The
intestinal loops return to the abdominal cavity by week 11, but later re-herniate, causing a
A. omphalocele with an amniotic covering
B. gastroschisis
C. anal agenesis
D. ileal diverticulum
E. omphalocele with an amnioperitoneal covering
11. A 3 month-old baby girl presents with a swollen umbilicus that has failed to heal normally. The umbilicus
drains secretions, and there is passage of urine through the umbilicus at times. What is the most likely
A. Omphalocele
B. Gastroschisis
C. Anal agenesis
D. Meckel’s fistula
E. Patent urachus
12. Gastroschisis usually occurs on the
A. on the right side of the ventral abdominal wall.
B. on the left side of the ventral abdominal wall.
C. in the middle at the level of the umbilicus.
D. A & B
E. A & C
13. Reversed rotation of the midgut causes the duodenum to become
A. secondarily retroperitoneal.
B. intraperitoneal.
C. retroperitoneal.
D. interperitoneal.
E. None of the above.
14. The paramesonephric ducts in males regress because
A. sertoli cells produce AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone)
B. leydig cells produce AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone)
C. sertoli cells produce Testosterone
D. leydig cells produce Testosterone
E. None of the above.
15. Each of the following is characteristic of testicular feminization syndrome EXCEPT
A. a female phenotype
B. lack of a uterus
C. ovaries
D. 46, XY genotype
E. testes
16. What hormone induces the formation of the prostate gland and what is the embryological origin of the
glandular portion of the prostate?
A. Testosterone, endoderm
B. Testosterone, mesoderm
C. SRY, endoderm and mesoderm
D. Dihydrotestoterone, endoderm
E. Dihydrotestoterone, mesoderm
17. What expanding cavity helps to create the umbilicus?
A. Yolk sac cavity
B. Chorionic cavity
C. Amniotic cavity
D. A & C
E. None of the above
18. Which of the following arteries supplies the anorectal canal superior to the pectinate line?
A. Celiac trunk artery
B. Superior mesenteric artery
C. Inferior mesenteric artery
D. Right umbilical artery
E. Internal iliac artery
19. Which of the following is true regarding the developing nephric systems?
A. The pronephros is functional, but regresses shortly after formation.
B. The mesonephros is never functional.
C. During fetal development the metanephros mainly supplements the production of amniotic fluid.
D. Nephrons differentiate from the uteric bud.
20. The mesonephric ducts in males continue to develop into the genital duct system because
A. sertoli cells produce AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone)
B. leydig cells produce AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone)
C. sertoli cells produce Testosterone
D. leydig cells produce Testosterone
E. None of the above.
21. Which of the following structures is derived from the midgut?
A. appendix
B. stomach
C. liver
D. pancreas
E. sigmoid colon
22. From what tissue or cells are the simple columnar and stratified columnar epithelia lining of the inferior
part of the anal canal derived?
A. mesoderm
B. endoderm
C. ectoderm
D. neuroectoderm
E. neural crest cells
23. The uterine tubes of the adult female are derived embryologically from which of the following?
A. the mesonephric duct
B. the mesonephric tubules
C. the paramesonephric duct
D. the paramesonephric tubules
E. the uterovaginal primordium
24. All of the following are secondarily retroperitoneal viscera EXCEPT the
A. Duodenum
B. Transverse colon
C. Descending colon
D. Pancreas
E. B & D
25. During surgery for a benign cyst on the kidney, the surgeon notes that the patient’s right kidney has two
ureters and two renal pelves (plural for renal pelvis). This malformation is
A. an abnormal division of the pronephros.
B. an abnormal division of the mesonephros.
C. formation of an extra mass of intermediate mesoderm.
D. a premature division of the metanephric mesoderm.
E. a premature division of the ureteric bud.