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Muscular System
Poudre High School
Human Anatomy/Physiology
Mr. Bradley
The Muscular System
 Muscles are responsible for all types of
body movement
 Three basic muscle types are found in
the body
 Skeletal muscle
 Cardiac muscle
 Smooth muscle
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Characteristics of Muscles
 Muscle cells are elongated
(muscle cell = muscle fiber)
 Contraction of muscles is due to the
movement of microfilaments
 All muscles share some terminology
 Prefix myo refers to muscle
 Prefix mys refers to muscle
 Prefix sarco refers to flesh
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Skeletal Muscle
striated, voluntary
 Multi-nucleated – fibers in bundles
 1-40 mm long, 10-100 microns thick
 42% of male body weight, 36% in females
sarcoplasm – cytoplasm of muscle fibers
 2. sarcolemma – plasma membrane covering the
muscle fibers
 3. location – any muscle attached to bones as
well as in the tongue, the pharynx, and certain
muscles of the eye
 4. functions – locomotion, posture, transport of
blood and lymph, and heat production (85% of
the body’s heat)
 1.
Cardiac Muscle
heart muscle, involuntary
branched fibers & striated
Similar to skeletal muscles
 Involuntary control
purkinje fiber (conduction myofiber)
Stimulate actual contraction of the ventricles
innervation – autonomic nervous system
Move blood through the heart and through the
Smooth Muscle
Involuntary – maintenance of the body’s internal
Spindle shaped
15-500 microns long
contractions are slow
Location – in the walls of internal organs such as
digestive organs, trachea, gall bladder, blood
vessels, urinary and genital ducts, and the iris of the
Functions – propulsion,expulsion, regulation of
openings, and regulation the diameter of tubes /
blood vessels
Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
Excitability – ability to receive and respond to
Contractility – ability to shorten and thicken
Extensibility – ability to stretch
Elasticity – ability to return to the original
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Connective tissue components
Fascia – sheet or broad band of fibrous
connective tissue
superficial – under the skin
 deep – holds the muscles together thus
forming functional groups
Epimysium – fibrous connective tissue
surrounding an entire muscle
 Perimysium – covers a bundle of fibers called
 Endomysium – surrounds each muscle fiber
 Aponeurosis –
the tendon that extends as a broad, flat layer
around the skull or as a part of the abs – figure
Connective Tissue Wrappings of
Skeletal Muscle
 Endomysium –
around single
muscle fiber
 Perimysium –
around a
(bundle) of
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 6.1
Connective Tissue Wrappings of
Skeletal Muscle
 Epimysium –
covers the
entire skeletal
 Fascia – on the
outside of the
Figure 6.1
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Nerve and Blood supply
Action Potential – the electric current stimulation
necessary for contraction
Nerve impulse – causes the stimulation
Muscle action potential – the result
Blood to bring nutrients and oxygen, as well as to
carry wastes
 Generally
there is one artery along with 1 or 2
veins to accompany each nerve
Structure – Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Sarcolemma – coverings
Sarcoplasm – “stuff” inside – many nucleii, and
Sarcoplasmic reticullum – network of tubules
similar to E.R.
Transverse tubules – Perpendicular to the S.R. –
open to exterior of the muscle fiber
Myoglobin – reddish pigment similar to
hemoglobin that carries 02
Fibers - continued
Myofibrils – Cylindrical structures that run
longitudinally through the fibers and contain:
thin myofilaments – Made mostly of actin
(protein) and small amounts of tropomyosin and
 thick myofilaments – made mostly of myosin
 Shaped
like a golf club
 Heads are called cross-bridges
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal
 Organization of the sarcomere
 Thick filaments = myosin filaments
 Composed of the protein myosin
 Has ATPase enzymes
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal
 Organization of the sarcomere
 Thin filaments = actin filaments
 Composed of the protein actin
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
More - fibers
Sarcomeres – Basic compartments of
myofilaments – functional unit
“A” bands – dark area composed of overlapping
actin and myosin
“H” bands (zone) – narrow area in the center of
the A band that contains only myosin
“I” bands – contains only actin
“Z” bands – (discs) – dense material between
sarcomeres where the myofilaments attach
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal
 Myofibril
 Bundles of myofilaments
 Myofibrils are aligned to give distrinct bands
 I band =
light band
 A band =
dark band
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal
 Sarcomere
 Contractile unit of a muscle fiber
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal
 Myosin filaments have heads
(extensions, or cross bridges)
 Myosin and
actin overlap
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal
 At rest, there is a bare zone that lacks
actin filaments
 Sarcoplasmic
(SR) – for
storage of
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Muscle Contraction
Sliding filament mechanism –
 The
myofilaments slide inward towards the
center of the sarcomere so the sarcomere
shortens but the myofilaments DO NOT!
Ca2+ and adequate energy are
required (ATP)
 Sufficient
The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle
 Activation by nerve
causes myosin
(crossbridges) to
attach to binding
sites on the thin
 Myosin heads then
bind to the next site
of the thin filament
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle
 This continued
action causes a
sliding of the myosin
along the actin
 The result is that the
muscle is shortened
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Neuromuscular Junction
(Motor-end plate)
Consists of a motor neuron and the muscle fibers
it stimulates
Precise movements require 10:1 or less fiber to MEP ratio
Gross movements may have as many as 2000:1 ratio
Synaptic vesicles – Sacs at the end of the axon of a
Synaptic cleft – The space between the axon and the
sarcolemma of the the muscle fiber
Acetylcholine(ACh) – A neurotransmitter that is released as
a result of Ca2+ from the interstitial fluid
 Changes the permeability (especially to Na )
 Carries the impulse to receptors on sarcolemma
Cholinesterase(AChE) – found in the synaptic cleft
 Deactivates ACh within 1/500 of a second by breaking it
into acetate and choline thus preventing continuous
Neuromuscular Junction – cont.
Physiology of contraction
1. The relaxed muscle is low in Ca2+ because the S.R. has
calcium active pumps to remove it from the sarcoplasm.
2. When the action potential travels along the sarcolemma
Ca2+ channels open in the S.R. and a flood of Ca2+ move
into the sarcoplasm around the thick and thin myofiliments
3. Ca2+ combine with troponin changing it’s shape thus the
troponin –tropomyosin complex move away from the
bonding sites on actin (exposed)
4. ATP attaches to the myosin crossbridges
5. A portion of each myosin head acts as ATPase (enzyme)
which splits ATP into ADP+P
6. The myosin head becomes energized
Physiology of contraction – cont.
7. This causes the myosin heads to bind to the binding sites on
the the troponin- tropomyosin complex
8. Now the heads pivot causing the “power stroke” of muscle
9. As the thin filaments draw past the thick filaments they
release ADP
10. ATP reforms and returns to the myosin crossbridges and the
myosin detaches from the actin . ( about ½ of the crossbrides
are bound and ½ are preparing to bind at any one time)
* * As long as ATP is available and the Ca2+ is high the
contraction will repeat.
2 changes permit the muscle to relax
ACh is broken by AChE which prevents the action
potential by stopping Ca2+ release
Calcium active transport pumps remove the Ca2+
from the sarcoplasm rapidly
death Ca2+ leaks and causes rigor mortis – no ATP
to release the actin from the myosin
 At
Energy for muscle contraction
ATP is the immediate energy source but the muscle only
contains enough for 5-6 seconds of sustained activity.
Creatine Phosphate – high energy molecule found in
muscles that can break down into creatine, phosphate, and
energy to form enough ATP to last for 15 more seconds.
Now we must access glucose for energy - respiration
 Glucose is stored as glycogen in the muscle
 Glycogen
is broken into 2 pyruvic acids(glycolysis)
anaerobically (no O2 needed) – this requires 2 ATP but it
produces 4 ATP – 30-40 seconds of energy 29
Energy for muscle contraction
 Pyruvic
acid enters the
mitochondria to be catabolized
into C02 and water – Aerobic (02
 This
is called the Krebs cycle or
the citric acid cycle
 This
will occur 100,000
times/second as long as there is
pyruvic acid and O2 available
 Each
cycle will produce 36 – 38