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Human Growth Hormone
Synonyms: HGH, GH, somatotrophin
Hormone supplementation with HGH is very controversial. It is however, a very powerful tool, if safely
and wisely used, in the fight against aging. "The normal aging process" is caused, at least in part, by HGH
HGH was named for its ability to promote growth in subadults. It has many other vitally important actions,
and a deficiency results in catastrophic effects. Its decline in production contributes significantly to the
process of aging. "Normal aging" is the result of growth hormone deficiency. Perhaps a better name for
HGH is "Youth Maintaining Hormone"? Essentially this hormone promotes tissue repair and regrowth, by
enhancing cell function.
There is no evidence to suggest that HGH affects the risk of cancer adversely. Cancer is least likely to
occur at the time of our lives when the secretion of HGH is at its peak, and this unassailable fact implies
that it plays a protective role against cancer and many other diseases.
HGH is produced by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain, and is made up of 191 sequentially joined
amino acids, linked together to form a large and complicated 3 dimensional molecule. This molecule is too
large to be absorbed through the skin or across mucous membranes. HGH cannot therefore be given orally,
only by injection. HGH needs a prescription. Beware those products that claim to be HGH and do not
require a prescription or those that are taken orally. There are no plants that produce HGH.
In 1986 Eli Lilly in the USA developed the first 100% identical recombinant HGH molecule using gene
splicing, protein cloning and then harnessing e. coli to produce this bio-identical molecule. The gene for the
production of HGH was inserted into the DNA of e.coli, which was then used to manufacture HGH by
what is termed a recombinant DNA technique. This hormone is then purified and introduced into the body
by subcutaneous injection. HGH cannot be taken orally as it is denatured and its properties destroyed by the
process of digestion.
Every hormone has a "pause", a state of ever worsening underproduction by the body, and the somatopause
is the name given to HGH's "pause". This starts when you are 25 years of age! The obvious decline in the
human body is only really noticed for the first time in the mid thirties. This is accompanied by an increase
in body fat by 50%, a decrease in lean body mass of 30%, and a gradual shrinkage of vital body organs of
about 30% by the time late middle age sets in. This coincides with the slowed release of HGH by the aging
pituitary gland. Only DHEA and melatonin have been shown to have similar anti aging effects.
A bit of history:
 HGH first discovered in the 1920's
 First used in 1958 to treat HGH deficient children, obtained from the brains of cadavers, but children
developed Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (mad cow disease) in 1980's from viral contamination and the
FDA stopped its use. This would account for the bad reputation this hormone may have in certain
circles. There is no chance that HGH made by the recombinant DNA technique will cause this disease.
 The average human life span has increased by over 25 years in the last century
 Jeanne Calment in France celebrated her 121st birthday in 1996
 Scientific knowledge about aging doubles every 3.5 years
 July 1990 - a Dr Daniel Rudman published his study of the use on HGH in the elderly, stunning those
who read his report with the results, and his conclusions about its multiple benefits
 1992 Researchers at Stanford University concluded that "it is possible that physiological GH
replacement might reverse or prevent some of the 'inevitable' sequelae of aging"
 November 1993 - Society of Anti Aging Medicine had its first meeting in Cancun, Mexico
August 1996 America's notoriously finicky FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved HGH for
long term replacement therapy in adults with GH deficiency
 At age 60 HGH levels are at less than 20% of that produced by healthy 20 year olds
 HGH deficiency is now recognised as a specific clinical syndrome typified by decreased muscle mass,
increased body fat (predominantly at intra-abdominal sites), decreased exercise capaci5ty, osteopenia,
abnormal lipid profiles and diminished well being
 Most dread diseases are diseases that begin once HGH secretion starts to decline
 HGH improves both the quantity and the quality of life. It has many actions that have hitherto
remained unrecognised and unacknowledged. A significant side effect of treatment is an increased
feeling of well being
 HGH has some actions in children that will not extend into adulthood. Once the growth areas of bones
close, no further growth in stature will occur at physiological doses
 HGH therapy has the potential to significantly help the treatment outcome in many diseases, and as a
potent means of preventing many diseases
Benefit List:
 9% increase in muscle mass without exercise
 14% loss of fat without diet, reduction of cellulite
 higher energy levels, exercise performance and mood elevation
 improved sleep and memory
 sharper vision
 stronger bones and better wound healing
 enhanced sexual performance and libido, general feeling of well being and optimism
 improved lipid profile, lower BP and less insulin resistance (insulin resistant people tend toward
 younger tighter thicker skin, loss of wrinkles, hair regrowth; it has been called "plastic surgery from
the inside" - it does to the rest of the body what you can see it do to the skin
 better immune function
 regrowth of internal organs (the thymus gland in particular is a shriveled remnant of its former self)
 insulin resistance (the tendency to diabetes) is decreased, diabetic control improves
Things that increase HGH secretion include
1. Exercise. The more strenuous the exercise, the more likely this is to produce a meaningful surge of
HGH production. The nausea that may be produced after a particularly grueling physical session is
probably due to HGH secretion in high doses
2. Sleep. HGH peaks may routinely be seen approximately 2 hours after we go to sleep. Only deep sleep
(stage 3 and 4) will cause HGH to be produced. Poor sleep quality in older people further decreases
their HGH production
3. Starvation, or better, a decreased caloric intake. Life span studies on animals showed that subjects
whose caloric intake was reduced by 30-50% far outlived those who were allowed to consume any
quantity of food.
4. HGH secretagogues. The HGH producing cells of the anterior pituitary will usually produce HGH
when stimulated to do so. Certain nutrients will increase HGH production many times. This is a cheap
and effective method of stimulating your own pituitary gland to produce HGH bursts when you need or
want them
5. HGH injections
7. IGF-1. Insulin-like growth factor 1 is produced by the liver and is the substance measured in the
bloodstream to ascertain if HGH level are correct
Things that decrease HGH secretion include
Obesity. There is an inverse relationship between body fat and HGH secretion. Obese people secrete
25% less HGH than their age-matched peers with a normal BMI. The presence of intra-abdominal fat
is especially detrimental to HGH secretion. Central obesity is a sign of an endocrine system that is out
of order. HGH reduces the size and number of fat cells. HGH triggers a series of reactions in the cell
that cause the breakdown of fat, called lipolysis. Insulin on the other hand promotes lipogenesis, the
formation of fat, and the storage of fat, by allowing glucose, amino acids and fat into the cells.
Youthful levels of HGH keep the cells fat free.
Fatty meals
The Hayflick Limit is named for the scientist who discovered it. Cells may normally only undergo a finite
number of divisions. After each division the protective piece of DNA at the end of each chromosome called
the telomere gets shorter, and once the telomere's length is reduced to a certain size, the cell loses its ability
to divide. Once a cells stops dividing, its metabolism slows down, and it ages and dies. Telomerase is an
enzyme, which can relengthen the telomere and allow the cell to divide indefinitely. Most cells contain
telomerase, but it is in the "off" position so that the cell has a limited life span. Cancer cells and
haemopoeitic cells (produce our blood) are considered ageless, as they produce this telomerase which keeps
the telomere intact.
Cross linking of intracellular proteins and DNA occurs when sugar molecules become attached to them (the
process of glycosylation or glycation). This protein-glucose complex formation leads to the accumulation
of useless intracellular garbage with age, and this interferes with normal cellular functioning and promotes
cell aging. Disease and accelerated aging result. This process is speeded up in the presence of oxidising free
radicals, and slowed by limiting DNA damage with the use of antioxidant vitamins and minerals, diet,
exercise, actively limiting toxin intake and excretion, and HGH. DNA repair is usually outstripped by DNA
damage. If this situation is reversed, so is aging.
Dosages: obviously these vary according to individual needs. 1 mg of HGH is the equivalent of 3 i.u.
(International Units). HGH should be given subcutaneously on a daily basis, but this can vary according to
your anti aging specialist. Its effects are measured and the dosage varied according to blood levels of IGF1. Dosages will vary from 0.5 to 2 units per day
Possible side effects include oedema, paraesthesiae (numbness and tingling) and swelling of extremities,
joint aches and the carpal tunnel syndrome have been noted. These are very rare unless high doses of HGH
are used, which is not recommended anyway. All hormones should be used in a bio-identical form, in
natural physiological doses.