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Song Yang
 Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Ph.D.
August 2002. Dissertation: “Four Contingent Models of Company Job Training in US
 Department of Electric and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Master in Computer Engineering. Expected Summer 2003
 Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R.China Master in Economics. August 1997
Thesis: “On Development of Human Capital In Modern Firms”
Dan Martindale Award for excellent scholarship in the Department of Sociology,
University of Minnesota
First prize winner for graduate paper competition 2000 awarded Sociologists of
Minnesota (SOM)
Research Excellence 2000 awarded by Department of Sociology, UMN
Honorable Mention 2000 awarded by General Social Survey (GSS) for graduate paper
Ph.D. Qualify Test Excellent Pass 2000 awarded by Department of Sociology, UMN
Excellent Master Paper 1997 awarded by Institute of Population Economics, Nankai
University, Tianjin, China
Scholarship awarded by NanKai University in 1996 based on excellent scores in
economic courses
Yang, Song. 2003. “A Contextual Analysis of Organizational Commitment.”
Sociological Focus Feb: 49-64
Yang, Song. 2003. “The Contextual Analysis of Company Job Training.” Research in
the Sociology of Work (Vol:12), edited by Bills, David. JAI Press.
Knoke, David. and Song Yang. 2003. “Fattenin’ Frogs for Snakes? Company
Investments in Job Skills Training.” Research in the Sociology of Work (Vol:12), edited
by Bills, David. JAI Press.
Yang, Song and David Knoke. 2001. "Optimal Connections: Strength and Distance in
Valued Graphs." Social Networks 23/4: 285-295
Yang, Song. 1996. “On Collective Behavior” Encyclopedia 1996/4:21. (in Chinese)
Yang, Song. 2002. “The Contingent Impact of Occupation on Company Job Training.”
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Chicago August 16-19th 2002
Yang, Song. 2002. “The Determinants of Company Job Training: Evidence from the
1996 National Organizations Survey.” The 28th Annual Meeting for Mid-south
Sociological Association in Memphis Tennessee Oct. 16th to 19th.
Knoke, David and Song Yang. 2002 “General, Social, and Technical Skills in
Company Training Programs.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in
Chicago August 16-19th 2002
Knoke, David, Song Yang, and Francisco J. Granados 2002 “Dynamics of Strategic
Alliance Networks in the Global Information Sector, 1989-2000” European Group for
Organizational Studies (EGOS) 2002 Annual Conference at Barcelona, Spain.
Feldman-Savelsberg, Flavien T. Ndonko, and Song Yang. 2002. “Managing the
Repertoire of Memory: Reproduction, Generation, and Social Networks in Cameroon.”
The 101st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association from
November 20th to 24th at New Orleans, Louisiana.
Yang, Song. 2000. “Workplace Transformation and Work Attitude” Presented at
Sociologist of Minnesota 2000 Annual Meeting
Yang, Song. 2000. “Which Organization Gets More Employee Loyalty?” Presented at
Sociology Research Institute (SRI) University of Minnesota
Yang, Song. 2000. “A Multi-Level Analysis of Organizational Commitment.” Presented
at American Sociological Association Methodology Section Winter Meeting in Los
Knoke, David and Song Yang. 2000. “Implications of Network Structures for Managing
Strategic Alliances in the Global Information Sector.” Presented at EGOS Colloquium
in Helsinki, Finland
Assistant Professor on tenure track, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice,
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. Starting from August 2002 Instructor for “Soc. 1001: Introduction to Sociology” for Department of Sociology,
University of Minnesota in Summer 2001
Research Assistant (RA) in Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, from
Feb 1999 to June 2002
Teaching Assistant (TA) in Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, from
September 1997 to February 1999.
SOCI 5013 Advanced Research Methods, Department of Sociology and Criminal
Justice, University of Arkansas, Spring 2003.
SOCI 3303 Introduction To Social Statistics, Department of Sociology and Criminal
Justice, University of Arkansas, Spring 2003.
SOCI 5113 Applied Social Statistics, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice,
University of Arkansas, Fall 2002.
SOCI 3303 Introduction To Social Statistics, Department of Sociology and Criminal
Justice, University of Arkansas, Fall 2002.
SOC 1001 Introduction to Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of
Minnesota, Summer 2001.
SOC 3811 Social Statistics, Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, winter
Summer Stipend award by Fulbright College of Arts and Science at University of
Arkansas in the amount of $5000.00 for summer research in 2003
Travel funds awarded by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the
University of Arkansas in the amount of $400.00 for conference attendance in 2002
Travel funds awarded by the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of
Arkansas in the amount of $800.00 for conference presentation
GRPP (Graduate Research Partnership Program) award by College of Liberal Arts at
University of Minnesota in the amount of $7000.00 during summer session 2002
Faculty start-up funds by Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of
Arkansas at Fayeteville. Starting from August 2002 in the amount of $5000.00
Travel Funding award jointly by the Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota
and life course center, University of Minnesota in the amount of $1000.00.
CITIZENSHIP: Citizen of China, People’s Republic of.
H1-B visa.