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The changing therapeutic landscape
of castration-resistant prostate cancer
Timothy A. Yap, Andrea Zivi, Aurelius Omlin and Johann S. de Bono
Abstract | Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) has a poor prognosis and remains a significant
therapeutic challenge. Before 2010, only docetaxel-based chemotherapy improved survival in patients with
CRPC compared with mitoxantrone. Our improved understanding of the underlying biology of CRPC has
heralded a new era in molecular anticancer drug development, with a myriad of novel anticancer drugs for
CRPC entering the clinic. These include the novel taxane cabazitaxel, the vaccine sipuleucel‑T, the CYP17
inhibitor abiraterone, the novel androgen-receptor antagonist MDV‑3100 and the radioisotope alpharadin.
With these developments, the management of patients with CRPC is changing. In this Review, we discuss
these promising therapies along with other novel agents that are demonstrating early signs of activity in
CRPC. We propose a treatment pathway for patients with CRPC and consider strategies to optimize the use
of these agents, including the incorporation of predictive and intermediate end point biomarkers, such as
circulating tumor cells.
Yap, T. A. et al. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 8, 597–610 (2011); published online 9 August 2011; doi:10.1038/nrclinonc.2011.117
Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy, and the
second leading cause of cancer mortality among men.1,2
Approximately 10–20% of patients with prostate cancer
present with advanced-stage disease, while others develop
disease progression to castration-resistant prostate cancer
(CRPC), which has a poor prog­nosis and is a therapeutic
challenge.3,4 Strategies developed to counter­act androgendeprivation therapy (ADT) resistance have had only modest
clinical benefit.5–8 Indeed, before 2010, only docetaxelbased chemo­t herapy improved overall survival in
patients with CRPC compared with mitoxantrone.9,10
Improved understanding of the biology underlying
CRPC has heralded a new era in molecular-targeted anticancer drug development.11 Many novel anticancer drugs
are currently in clinical studies, and several promis­ing
agents are nearing completion or have recently completed
late-phase clinical trials. It is likely that the treatment
landscape for patients with CRPC will change inextri­
cably in the near future. In this Review, we focus on these
promising therapies, propose a treatment pathway for
patients with CRPC and suggest strategies to optimize
the application of these agents. Finally, we detail promising novel targets, against which future agents in CRPC
Competing interests
T. A. Yap, A. Zivi, A. Omlin and J. S. de Bono declare an
association with the following organization: The Institute of
Cancer Research. J. S. de Bono also declares associations with
the following companies: Amgen, Astellas, AstraZeneca,
Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cougar
Biotechnology, Dendreon, Enzon, Exelixis, Genentech,
GlaxoSmithKline, Medivation, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche,
Sanofi-Aventis, Supergen, Takeda. See the article online for full
details of the relationships.
may potentially be developed, and consider paradigms
for modern clinical therapy for CRPC.
Targeting the AR
The development of CRPC is characterized by a rise in
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and subsequent prog­
ression of disease despite castrate blood levels of testo­
sterone (<50 ng/dl or 1.7 nmol/l).12 There is a growing
body of evidence of the continued dependence of
CRPC on androgen-receptor (AR) signaling and related
under­lying mechanisms.13 Androgens from the adrenal
glands account for 10–30% of serum androgens and
are an important source of continued AR activation.14
Importantly, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and
other precursor steroids secreted by the adrenal glands
can be converted into potent androgens.15 Recurrent
prostate cancer might be able to synthesize testicular
androgens through intracrine production from adrenal
androgens and chol­esterol.16 Maintained AR signaling
that leads to CRPC can be explained by a number of
mechanisms (Box 1).
Current AR antagonists in CRPC
Translocation of the AR into the nucleus and subsequent
receptor activation is mediated by androgen binding.17
Available AR antagonists have agonistic properties
in advanced-stage CRPC, either by increased sensiti­
vity and activity caused by AR mutation, or through
AR overexpression.18,19
Antiandrogens can be divided into steroidal and nonsteroidal agents and compete with endogenous androgens for the AR binding site.12 The steroidal compounds
(mifepristone, spironolactone and cyproterone acetate)
The Royal Marsden
NHS Foundation Trust
and The Institute of
Cancer Research,
Downs Road, Sutton,
Surrey SM2 5PT, UK
(T. A. Yap, A. Zivi,
A. Omlin, J. S. de Bono).
Correspondence to:
J. S. de Bono
VOLUME 8 | OCTOBER 2011 | 597
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Key points
■■ Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) is associated with a poor prognosis
and remains a significant therapeutic challenge
■■ Before 2010, there was an urgent unmet clinical need for more-effective and
well-tolerated therapies for CRPC
■■ Improved understanding of the underlying biology of CRPC heralded a new era
in molecular anticancer drug development
■■ New treatments for CRPC imparting an overall survival benefit include
cabazitaxel, sipuleucel‑T, abiraterone and alpharadin
■■ The management of patients with CRPC is changing; therefore, we propose
a novel treatment pathway including the incorporation of predictive and
intermediate end point biomarkers
Box 1 | Mechanisms of maintained androgen-receptor signaling leading to CRPC
■■ Increased androgen-receptor (AR) copy number is found in 25–30% of patients
with CRPC.19,164,165 AR amplification is significantly higher in CRPC tumors
compared with androgen-dependent disease (20% versus 2%; P = 0.0085).166
■■ AR point mutations decrease the binding specificity of AR, allowing activation
through related molecules, such as endogenous steroids and antiandrogens,
in up to 20% of locally advanced tumors and 50% of patients with distant
metastasis.167–174 AR mutations are the most likely explanation for the
antiandrogen withdrawal syndrome observed in patients with CRPC on
maximum androgen blockade (gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and AR
antagonist), where prostate-specific antigen declines following discontinuation
of the AR antagonist.8,175,176
■■ Activation of the AR can occurr through alternative signaling pathways such as
the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway, or tyrosine kinases Src and Ack1.177–182
■■ HER2 activates AR through the PI3K/AKT pathway; inhibition of the PI3K
pathway in PTEN-negative prostate cancer results in feedback signaling to
HER2/HER3, resulting in AR activation. Conversely, AR blockade leads to
activation of AKT through decreased levels of FKBP5 impairing the stability
of the phosphatase PHLPP.183–185 Insulin-like growth factor‑1 is associated
with androgen-independent AR activation;182,186,187 and the AR represses the
expression of c‑Met in a ligand-dependent manner.188
■■ Altered levels of co-factors, especially proteins that co-activate AR, include
nuclear receptor co-activator 1, 2 and 4, steroid receptor co-activator 3,
melanoma-associated antigen 11 and nuclear factor κB p100 subunit.177,189–192
■■ Intratumoral enzymes involved in androgen biosynthesis, such as cytochrome
P450 (CYP)17 (steroid 17α-hydroxylase/C17,20 lyase) and CYP19A1, are
frequently unregulated in CRPC.165
■■ Constitutively active AR splice variants, which lack the ligand-binding domain,
can be expressed alone or as a heterodimer with full-length AR.193
have variable levels of androgenic activity; therefore,
they are not frequently used for CRPC treatment.15,18
The nonsteroidal antiandrogens flutamide, nilutamide
and bicalutamide are used either alone or in combination
with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists
as neoadjuvant therapy, with radiation therapy, and in
intermittent androgen suppression; the clinical benefits
of these agents are modest at best.20
Corticosteroids including prednisone, hydro­cortisone
and dexamethasone suppress adrenal androgens and have
PSA response rates of 20–25%.21 However, in most cases,
these therapies are associated with a short median timeto-disease progression (<5 months with prednisone and
5–7 months with dexamethasone).7,22–28 In vitro studies
have shown agonistic effects of endogenous steroi­ds and
dexamethasone on the Thr877Ala-mutant AR; the clinical
significance of this finding has not been demonstrated.29
598 | OCTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 8
Synthesized 20-aminosteroids inhibited both wild-type
and Thr877Ala-mutant AR‑mediated transactivation,
indicating AR antagonistic function; these agents are the
first steroids that are complete AR antagonists and may
represent promising novel anti­tumor compounds.30
AR antagonists in development
In preclinical studies, the second generation AR antagonist MDV3100 (Medivation, CA, USA) had fivefold to
eightfold increased affinity for the AR compared with
bicalutamide, reduced the efficiency of AR nuclear translocation and prevented co-activator recruitment of the
ligand–receptor complex.31 In a multicenter phase I–II
trial, 140 patients with metastatic CRPC received daily
oral MDV3100 (30–600 mg).32 This trial established a
maximum-tolerated dose of 240 mg daily after seizures
were observed in patients receiving higher doses. The
most common grade 3 or 4 toxic effect was dose-dependent fatigue. Antitumor activity was observed at all doses,
and included PSA responses of ≥50% in 56% of patients.32
MDV3100 is being assessed in multinational phase III,
randomized double-blind placebo-controlled studies in
chemotherapy-naive patients with CRPC (PREVAIL)
and patients with CRPC who have been previously
treated with docetaxel-based chemotherapy (AFFIRM).
A concern for all the ongoing clinical trials in this disease
setting is that there is likely to be crossover of patients to
other—potentially highly efficacious—experi­mental or
novel therapies after disease progression on the original
trial. This could confound the results for the efficacy of the
trial drug. Other novel AR inhibitors currently in earlyphase clinical trials include the small molecules ARN‑509
(Aragon Pharmaceuticals, CA, USA) and BMS‑641988
(Bristol-Myers Squibb, NY, USA).33
CYP17 inhibitors
Abiraterone acetate is a small-molecule inhibitor of cytochrome P450 (CYP)17.34–37 CYP17 is a key enzyme with
dual functions of 17α-hydroxylase and C17,20-lyase acti­
vity, which are necessary for both adrenal and intratumoral
de novo biosynthesis of androgen hormones.38 Abiraterone
is highly potent and selective and is 10–30 fold more potent
against CYP17 than ketoconazole.4 Ketoconazole—a
weak, reversible and nonspecific inhibitor of CYP17—is
associated with toxicities that result in early treatment
discontinuation in up to 20% of patients.4 Despite this,
ketoconazole has antitumor activity in prostate cancer,
with PSA response rates of 20–62% and a median duration of response of 3–7 months; however, it has never been
demonstrated to improve overall survival.38
Although initial clinical studies of abiraterone in
patients with non-castrate prostate cancer showed
suppres­sion of testosterone to castrate levels, this was
followed by a gonadotropin surge, which restored
serum testosterone levels.39 Therefore, a phase I study
was conducted to assess a continuous dosing schedule of abiraterone in patients with CRPC, administered with a GnRH analog to overcome the feedback
gonado­tropin surge; abiraterone was well tolerated with
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
promis­ing antitumor activity.40 Phase II clinical trials
in patients with CRPC in both chemotherapy-naive
and post‑docetaxel settings reported a PSA response of
≥50% in 67% and 51% of patients and a median timeto-PSA progression of 225 days and 169 days, respectively.41,42 A separate trial of abiraterone in patients with
docetaxel-naive CRPC showed PSA responses of ≥50%
in nine of 19 ketoconazole‑pretreated and nine of 14
ketoconazole-naive patients.43 A further phase II trial of abiraterone in combination with prednisone in patients with
docetaxel-treated CRPC demon­strated PSA responses of
≥50% in both ketoconazole-pretreated (seven of 27) and
ketoconazole-naive (14 of 31) patients.44
The early-phase studies confirmed the safety and tolerability of abiraterone, with the main (expected) toxic
effects of mild-to-moderate hypertension, hypokalemia
and fluid retention, which are class effects and effectively
managed with treatment with the mineralo­corticoid
antagonist eplerenone and/or a low dose of steroids
to blunt the secon­dary adrenocorticotropic hormone
feedback loop.41,42
A phase III multinational, multicenter, randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 1,000 mg of
abiraterone plus 5 mg twice daily of prednisone versus
placebo plus prednisone was conducted in 1,195 patients
with docetaxel-treated CRPC.45 Abiraterone improved
median overall survival compared with the placebo arm
(14.8 months versus 10.9 months; P <0.001). Importantly,
the survival benefit was similar between patients who
had received one or two previous lines of chemo­therapy
and across all patient subgroups studied, including
age, performance status and the presence of visceral
disease. All secondary end points achieved signifi­cance
in favor of abiraterone, including time-to-PSA progression (P <0.001), radiological-progression-free survival
(P <0.001) and confirmed PSA response rate (P <0.001).
Adverse events were similar in both arms of treatment.
Of note, grade 3 or 4 mineralocorticoid toxic effects were
only seen in less than 4% of patients. Based on this trial,
abiraterone was approved by the FDA for the treatment
of CRPC in the post-docetaxel setting.46
A separate phase III trial of abiraterone plus prednisone in patients with chemotherapy-naive and ketoconazole-naive CRPC has completed patient accrual
(NCT00887198);33 this trial will address the efficacy in
treatment-naive patients. Future trials will be required
to determine the optimum use of steroids in combination with abiraterone and the efficacy of abiraterone in
the first-line treatment of patients with prostate cancer.
Abiraterone has the highest chance of having an impact
by increasing cure rates in high-risk disease. However,
the potential adverse effects associated with long-term
administration of prednisone and the castrating effects of
abiraterone, especially with regards to potential increased
cardio­vascular effects and bone health effects of protracted
ADT, will need to be considered.
In a phase I–II trial, 26 patients with CRPC received the
selective 17,20-lyase inhibitor orteronel (100–600 mg
twice daily) as monotherapy and six patients received
orteronel (400 mg twice daily) in combination with prednisone (5 mg twice daily).47 Drug-related toxic effects
included fatigue (including three patients with grade
≥3 fatigue at 600 mg) and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Pharmacokinetics were dose proportional. Following
4 weeks of orteronel treatment, median testosterone and
DHEA levels decreased from 5.5 ng/dl to 0.6 ng/dl
and 50.0 μg/dl to below quantifiable levels, respectively.
All patients treated at doses ≥300 mg had a reduction in
PSA levels; in 12 patients the reduction was ≥50% and in
four it was ≥90%. The phase II expansion of the study and
a randomized, double-blind, phase III study evaluating
orteronel plus prednisone versus placebo plus prednisone
in both chemotherapy-naive patients and post-docetaxel
patients with CRPC are ongoing.33
TOK‑001 (Tokai Pharmaceuticals, MA, USA) is an oral
small-molecule inhibitor of AR and CYP17.48,49 It is being
assessed in a phase I–II study (ARMOR) and results
are expected soon. Although inhibition of the AR by
TOK‑001 may enhance its CYP17-mediated anti­tumor
activity, the binding of the inhibitor to the AR might
result in an agonistic effect on AR signaling if genetic
aberrations of the AR result in ligand promiscuity.4
Chemotherapy in prostate cancer
In a phase III study, the combination of type II topoiso­
merase inhibitor mitoxantrone with predisone was
signifi­cantly more efficacious than prednisone alone for
palliative symptom management.22 When these palliative benefits were confirmed in the CALGB 9182 study,23
regu­latory approval for mitoxantrone was obtained from
the FDA. No significant differences in median overall
survival were found between the treatment arms, probably because of small patient numbers (242 patients).
Prostate cancer was considered to be predominately
insensitive to chemotherapy until results from two
key phase III clinical trials assessing docetaxel chemo­
therapy (TAX327 and SWOG9916) were published in
2004 (Table 1).9,10
Docetaxel and docetaxel combinations
The TAX327 phase III clinical trial enrolled 1,006 men
with chemotherapy-naive metastatic CRPC to receive
prednisone (5 mg twice daily) and were randomly
assigned to weekly docetaxel for 5 out of 6 weeks or
mitoxantrone or docetaxel every 3 weeks (Table 1).9
Compared with the men in the mitoxantrone group
(overall survival 16.5 months), patients in the 3‑weekly
docetaxel group had an increased overall survival of
18.9 months with a hazard ratio (HR) for death of 0.76
(95% CI 0.62–0.94; P = 0.009). A total of 45% of patients
had a ≥50% decline in their serum PSA levels (P <0.001);
35% had predefined reductions in pain (P = 0.01),
and 22% had improvements in their quality of life
(P = 0.009).9 The updated extended follow-up survival
data from this study showed an absolute median overall
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Table 1 | Completed clinical trials in patients with CRPC*
n (setting)
PSA RR >50%
Median OS
Median PFS
Prednisone + 3-weekly docetaxel
vs prednisone + 1-weekly docetaxel
vs prednisone + mitoxantrone9
1,006 (CT-naive)
45% vs 48%
vs 32%
18.9 vs 17.4
vs 16.5
Docetaxel approved as first-line
therapy for CRPC
Docetaxel + estramustine
vs mitoxantrone + prednisone10
770 (CT-naive)
50% vs 27%
17.5 vs 15.6
6.3 vs 3.2
Estramustine increased side
effects without enhancing efficacy
Prednisone + satraplatin
vs prednisone + placebo106
950 (post-CT)
25.4% vs 12.2%
(overall PSA RR)
15.3 vs 15.4
2.8 vs 2.4
No statistical improvement of OS
(P = 0.8)
Sipuleucel‑T vs placebo78
512 (CT-naive)
2.6% vs 1.3%
25.8 vs 21.7
3.7 vs 3.6
Sipuleucel‑T approved for CT‑naive
patients with asymptomatic or
mildly symptomatic CRPC
Prednisone + abiraterone
vs prednisone + placebo45
1,195 (post-CT)
29.1% vs 5.5%
14.8 vs 10.9
5.6 vs 3.6
Abiraterone approved for
post-docetaxel setting
Docetaxel + prednisone vs docetaxel + prednisone + bevacizumab53
1,050 (CT-naive)
69.5% vs 57.9%
22.6 vs 21.5
9.9 vs 7.5
No significant improvement of OS
(P = 0.181)
Prednisone + cabazitaxel vs prednisone + mitoxantrone61
755 (post-CT)
39.2% vs 17.8%
(overall PSA RR)
15.1 vs 12.7
2.8 vs 1.4
Cabazitaxel new standard
second-line chemotherapy
140 (CT-naive [46%]
and post-CT [54%])
10.8 (TTrP)
Phase III trials ongoing
Docetaxel + prednisone vs docetaxel + prednisone + oblimersen107
115 (CT-naive)
37% vs 46%
4.4 vs 6.2
Primary end point of PSA
response not met
36 (post-CT)
Phase III trial halted for lack
of efficacy
Cetuximab + docetaxel109
38 (post-docetaxel)
Combination was well tolerated
Atrasentan vs placebo84
809 (CT-naive)
20.5 vs 20.3
Primary end point (TTP, radiological
and biochemical) not met
*The alpharadin phase III trial data were not fully available at the time of publication; however, in June 2011 a press release reported that this trial had met its primary end point of improved
OS, improving OS by 2.7 months. Abbreviations: CRPC, castration-resistant prostate cancer; CT, chemotherapy, NA, not available; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival;
PSA, prostate-specific antigen; RR, response rate; TTP, time to progression; TTrP, time to radiological progression.
survival of 19.2 months (95% CI 17.5–21.3 months) in
the 3‑weekly docetaxel arm versus 16.3 months (95% CI
14.3–17.9 months) in the mitoxantrone arm.50
Since the absolute advantage in overall survival in
patients receiving docetaxel was only approximately
3 months, several docetaxel-based trials were designed
with the goal of improving these results (Table 1).
Particularly interesting are studies evaluating the combination of novel molecular therapies with the docetaxel
and prednisone regimen in the first-line chemo­
therapy setting. These include two large randomized
phase II trials of high-dose calcitriol (ASCENT‑1 and
ASCENT‑2).51 Docetaxel and prednisone were also combined with a vaccine (GVAX) and a monoclonal antibody
against VEGF (bevacizumab).52,53 Unfortunately, all of
these trials failed to meet their respective primary end
points. Other trials are currently ongoing (Supplementary
Table 1 online) and we are cautiously optimistic that with
the large range of agents undergoing trials, we will ultimately be able to improve the survival benefit for patients
using docetaxel-based treatments.
A recent small study suggested that docetaxel clearance is raised approximately twofold in patients with
CRPC when compared with patients with non-CRPC,
due to increased hepatic drug uptake and thus decreased
systemic exposure. Therefore, patients with CRPC might
have altered docetaxel dose requirements. 54 These
600 | OCTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 8
findings might explain the low incidence of neutropenia
in patients with CRPC following docetaxel treatment.
A key challenge in CRPC is the management of
patients with disease progression during or following
docetaxel-based chemotherapy. Since docetaxel is the
gold-standard treatment for CRPC, mitoxantrone is
often used as a second-line treatment. However, there
have been no data that show an improvement in overall
survival with this treatment. A number of new treatments
are in late-phase trials, with the intent of improving the
outcomes of patients with CRPC who have developed
disease progression on docetaxel-based chemotherapy
(Table 1 and Supplementary Table 2 online).
Several small retrospective studies have shown that
patients with advanced-stage CRPC who responded
to first-line docetaxel-based chemotherapy continue to
be sensitive to retreatment, with favorable toxicity profiles.55,56 It should, however, be noted that the extent
and duration of response to docetaxel decreases with
each consecutive line of retreatment, and docetaxel
retreatment has not been demonstrated to result in any
survival benefits.57
The SPARC phase III trial was conducted in patients with
metastatic CRPC who had received at least one line of
chemotherapy,58 to evaluate satraplatin, the first orally
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
available platinum compound.59 A total of 950 patients
with CRPC were randomly assigned to receive prednisone
(5 mg twice daily) with or without satraplatin (80 mg/m2)
for 5 days every 4 weeks.58 Despite significantly higher
PSA declines (P <0.001), pain responses (P <0.005),
time-to-pain progression (P <0.001) and median
progression-free survival (PFS; P <0.001) in the satra­platin
arm, the primary end point of significantly improved
overall survival was not achieved (HR = 0.98) and the
drug was not approved. Despite this result, satraplatin
might have a role in patients with BRCA1 and/or BRCA2
mutated CRPC—or in those who display a ‘BRCAness’
phenotype—since BRCA-mutated tumors are exquisitely
sensi­tive to platinum-based chemotherapies.60
Cabazitaxel has also been investigated in the postdocetaxel setting in patients with CRPC.61 Cabazitaxel is
a taxane that is as potent as docetaxel in tumor cell lines,62
and exhibits antitumor activity in preclinical models
resistant to paclitaxel and docetaxel.63,64 A phase I clinical study established neutropenia as the dose-limiting
toxi­city and 20 mg/m2 as the recommended dose.65 A
higher dose (25 mg/m2) was examined in the phase II
trial of cabazitaxel in patients with taxane-resistant metastatic breast cancer in patients who did not experience
significant toxicity during the first cycle.66
Cabazitaxel was progressed from phase I directly
to a randomized open-label phase III trial (EFC6193;
TROPIC); 755 patients with docetaxel-treated metastatic
CRPC were treated with prednisone (5 mg twice daily)
and either mitoxantrone (12 mg/m2; n = 377) or cabazitaxel (25 mg/m2; n = 378).61 The median overall survival
was 15.1 months (95% CI 14.1–16.3) in the cabazitaxel
group and 12.7 months (95% CI 11.6–13.7) in the mito­
xantrone group. The HR for death of men treated with
cabazitaxel compared with those taking mitoxantrone
was 0.70 (95% CI 0.59–0.83; P <0.0001).
The most common grade 3 or worse toxic effects
included neutropenia and diarrhea.61 In addition, 8% of
patients in the cabazitaxel group and 1% in the mito­
xantrone group had febrile neutropenia, suggesting
that cabazitaxel treatment will require close surveillance; prophylactic granulocyte-colony-stimulating
factors (G-CSF) and a low threshold for dose modifi­
cations should be considered in high-risk patients.
These high-risk patients might be identified based
on pharmaco­g enomic factors such as mutations in
CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, which are associated with slow
cabazitaxel clearance.62
Cabazitaxel is the first drug to improve overall survival
in patients with metastatic CRPC who had developed
disease progression during and after docetaxel-based
therapy. 61 As a result of these data, cabazitaxel was
recently approved by the FDA as the new standard of
care for the second-line treatment of CRPC following
failure of docetaxel chemotherapy.67
Although the cabazitaxel phase III trial was a ‘success’,
several criticisms have been made against this study.
For example, one has to question if it is reasonable to
bypass conducting a phase II trial with a potentially
toxic agent. In addition, despite exclusion of patients
who had extensive prior radiotherapy or concurrent
serious illness, the treatment-related death rate was 5%,
with no data demonstrating improved quality of life.
Further studies evaluating drug safety in this patient
population and assessing the quality-of-life benefits
imparted by cabazi­taxel are warranted. Finally, would
the results of this phase III trial have been significant
if the comparator arm was docetaxel retreatment,
especially given the lack of a standardized definition
of docetaxel progression or resistance? The superiority of
cabazitaxel versus docetaxel is being addressed by a randomized, open-label, multicenter phase III study comparing cabazitaxel (25 mg/m2 and 20 mg/m² 3‑weekly)
with docetaxel, both in combination with prednisone;
however, this study is being conducted in patients with
chemotherapy-naive CRPC.33
Other novel chemotherapies
Apart from cabazitaxel, other microtubule stabilizers,
including third-generation taxanes (TPI‑287 [Tapestry
Pharmaceuticals, CO, USA]) and the epothilones
(ixabepilone and patupilone) are currently in phase II
clinical trials in patients with CRPC and are showing
promising antitumor activity.33,68,69 It is likely that they
will need to be compared head-to-head with cabazitaxel
in a phase III post-docetaxel trial setting.
The concept of immune modulation—aimed at generating a clinically meaningful antitumor immune response
—has been extensively evaluated in melanoma and renal
cancers.70 This principle has since been extended to prostate cancer because it can be a slow-growing, indolent
disease, allowing sufficient time for the generation of
an effective antitumor immune response. 71 Moreover,
recent data have demonstrated that prostate cancer is
more immunogenic than previously appreciated, with
evidence of prostate cancer-specific auto­antibodies in
blood samples of patients.72
The challenges in the successful development of
immunotherapy for prostate cancer are multifold. First,
prostate cancer is not a homogenous disease, implying
that there are several antigenic targets that could have a
role in the development of an immune response. Second,
defining clinical responses and demonstrating a clear
relationship between the induction of antigen-specific
immune responses and clinical outcomes is challenging.
Third, there is a mismatch between the need to have a
rapid and realistic drug development timeline and the
selection of patients with a low likelihood of immunosuppressive mechanisms—that is, enrolling patients with
minimal disease burden, but in whom time to clinically
meaningful events such as disease progression or death
can be prohibitively long. The most promising immuno­
therapies are sipuleucel‑T and ipilimumab (Table 2) and
antibodies to the immune checkpoint programmed
death‑1 (PD‑1) protein, of which only sipuleucel‑T has
received FDA approval for CRPC.73–75
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Table 2 | Immunotherapy clinical trials in patients with CRPC
mechanism of action
n (setting)
Docetaxel (q3w) + GVAX
or prednisone33
2 prostate cancer cell lines
(engineered to secrete
G‑CSF) to increase DC
antigen presentation
1,006 (CT-naive)
Trial halted early because of negative futility analysis
Docetaxel + prednisone
vs GVAX33
2 prostate cancer cell lines
(engineered to secrete
G‑CSF) to increase DC
antigen presentation
770 (CT-naive)
Trial halted early because of increased rate of death in the
experimental arm (NCT00089856)
Ipilimumab (3 mg/kg
q4w × 4) ± docetaxel
(75 mg/m2 × 1)110
Anti-CTLA‑4 monoclonal
43 (CT-naive)
3 patients in each arm had PSA decrease >50%; most
frequent adverse events were fatigue (44%), pruritus (26%),
nausea (19%), rash (12%), constipation (12%) and weight
loss (12%); 6% experienced an immune breakthrough
event—phenomenon correlated in other studies with efficacy;
no enhancement of activity by co-administration of docetaxel
Ipilimumab vs placebo111
Anti-CTLA‑4 monoclonal
Estimated 600 (CT-naive,
Primary end point overall survival (NCT01057810)
Ipilimumab vs placebo112
Anti-CTLA‑4 monoclonal
Estimated 800 (post-CT)
Primary end point overall survival (NCT00861614)
Leuprolide + bicalutamide
± ipilimumab113
Anti-CTLA‑4 monoclonal
Estimated 108
(advanced-stage or
post-surgery for
recurrent cancer)
Primary end point PFS; patients treated with
ipilimumab + hormonotherapy were more likely to have an
undetectable PSA by 3 months (55% vs 38%); some
patients treated with ipilimumab experienced a significant
clinical response and disease downstaging; the most
common severe (grade 3 or 4) immune-related (ipilimumab
arm) adverse events were colitis (4.5%) and diarrhea
(4.5%); 15 patients (27.7%) treated with ipilimumab
experienced cutaneous changes (NCT00170157)
Ipilimumab + leuprolide114
Anti-CTLA‑4 monoclonal
Estimated 20
In 12 patients treated, the combination seems to facilitate
a profound local tumor response; trial ongoing and
recruiting (NCT01194271)
Ipilimumab + sargramostim
+ PROSTVAC115,116
Anti-CTLA‑4 monoclonal
antibody + pox-virus based
vaccine expressing PSA and
3 co-stimulatory molecules
30 (CT-naive, metastatic
No dose-limiting toxicity found; 20 grade ≥2 immune-related
adverse events and no grade >2 adverse events attributed
to PROSTVAC; this combination has clinical activity in this
patient population
Ipilimumab + sargramostim117
Anti-CTLA‑4 monoclonal
Estimated 36 (CT-naive)
3 of 24 patients experienced a >50% decline in PSA; 1
patient had PR by RECIST criteria on liver metastasis at
week 12 confirmed by a follow-up scan 12 weeks later, 1
patient had grade 3 pan-hypopituitarism, 1 patient had
grade 3 temporal arteritis, 1 patient had grade 3 stroke
(unlikely related), 1 patient had grade 3 diarrhea and 1
patient had grade 3 rash; trial ongoing (NCT00064129)
vs placebo118
Pox-virus based vaccine
expressing PSA and 3
co-stimulatory molecules
125 (post-docetaxel)
Overall survival: 25.1 vs 16.6 months (HR = 0.56 [95% CI,
0.37–0.85]); PFS: 3.8 vs 3.7 months (HR = 0.88 [95% CI,
0.57–1.38]); primary end point PFS
ONY‑P1 vs placebo33
3 irradiated cancer cell
Estimated 54 (CT-naive,
Trial ongoing (NCT00514072); primary end point
Abbreviations: CRPC, castration-resistant prostate cancer; CT, chemotherapy; DC, dendritic cell; G‑CSF, granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor; HR, hazard ratio; PFS, progression-free survival;
PR, partial response; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; q3w, every 3 weeks; q4w, every 4 weeks.
Sipuleucel‑T is an immunotherapeutic comprising the
reinfusion of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear
cells, including antigen-presenting cells (APCs) activated
ex vivo with the recombinant fusion protein PA2024.74
PA2024 is formed by prostatic acid phosphatase fused
to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor
(GM-CSF). The vaccine is created by harvesting white
blood cells from patients, then dendritic cell precursors
are enriched and incubated with PA2024 before being
infused back into the patient.
Following two randomized, placebo-controlled
phase III clinical trials involving sipuleucel‑T in patients
602 | OCTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 8
with CRPC that did not show significant effects on the
time-to-disease progression,76,77 a double-blind, placebocontrolled, multicenter trial (IMPACT) involving
patients with metastatic CRPC was conducted (Table 1).
A total of 512 asympto­m atic or minimally sympto­
matic men were randomized to receive sipuleucel‑T or
placebo. There was a relative reduction of 22% in the risk
of death in the sipuleucel‑T group (HR = 0.78; 95% CI
0.61–0.98; P = 0.03) representing an absolute 4.1 month
improvement in median overall survival (25.8 months
versus 21.7 months). Toxic effects observed more frequently in the sipuleucel‑T arm included chills, fever,
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
and headaches.78 Based on these results, sipuleucel‑T was
approved by the FDA for the treatment of asymptomatic
or minimally symptomatic metastatic CRPC, representing the first therapeutic cancer vaccine in prostate cancer
to receive FDA approval.79
Alpharadin (Bayer Schering Pharma, Berlin, Germany) is
a radioisotope containing an α‑particle emitting nuclide,
which was recently assessed in a randomized, placebocontrolled phase III trial (ALSYMPCA) in 922 patients
with symptomatic CRPC with bone metastases. 33,80
Alpharadin targets bone metastases with high-energy
α radiation of extremely short range that spares bone
marrow and, therefore, limits toxic effects. Based on a
recommendation from an Independent Data Monitoring
Committee following a pre-planned interim analysis,
the phase III study was stopped and patients on the
placebo arm were offered treatment with alpharadin.81
The primary end point of the study, overall survival, was
signifi­cantly increased in the alpharadin arm (two-sided
P value = 0.0022, HR = 0.699); the median overall survival
was 14.0 months for patients in the alpharadin arm and
11.2 months for those receiving placebo.80
Key issues for drug development
There is now an impressive range of targeted therapies being assessed at different phases of clinical trial
develop­ment (Tables 1–3 and Supplementary Tables 1
and 2 online). These include novel agents against a
wide array of rational targets involving multiple key
biological mechanistic drivers of CRPC, ranging from
anti­angiogenic agents to MET inhibitors (Figure 1 and
Table 3).
Multiple compounds have proceeded to phase I–II
trials following promising preclinical data, although
not all have been assessed in CRPC-specific studies. It
is important to note, however, that despite this myriad
of agents making the transition to phase II trials, many of
these studies are failing to correctly predict phase III
trial outcomes.38 Examples of these include zibotentan
and atrasentan.82–84 These expensive and late-stage failures cause a major impact and strain on patient care, the
pharmaceutical and health-care industry and academic
institutions. Therefore, to optimize the development of
molecular therapies for CRPC, several key issues need
to be considered, such as combinatorial studies and
biomarkers, including predictive and intermediate end
point assays.
Combination studies
Given the selective nature of targeted molecular therapeutics, it is likely that combinatorial regimens will be
key to the future of drug development in CRPC. The
increased number of novel compounds being tested and
new high-throughput technologies available for the generation of molecular data have facilitated the study of
the most promising combinations.85 In theory, ‘vertical
combinations’—drugs that act along the same pathway
—or ‘horizontal combinations’—drugs that target
parallel pathways—seem rational approaches (Figure 1).
However, the likely reality is one that involves complex
interplay and crosstalk between signaling networks,
and feedback loops within individual pathways, rather
than simple linear pathways. Nonetheless, a combinatorial strategy will be key to the future development of
effective regimens in CRPC management.
Patient stratification
A cancer biomarker is a molecule that can be objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal
bio­l ogical, pathogenic, or pharmacologic responses
to a therapeutic intervention. 86 Predictive and intermediate end point biomarkers should be scientifically
sound and analytically validated to ensure robust and
reproducible results.
Predictive biomarkers
Predictive biomarkers to define the appropriate patient
population for molecular therapies are likely to be essential for the development of novel agents for CRPC. Such
an approach will not be applicable to all therapeutics (for
example, chemotherapies such as docetaxel and cabazitaxel); however, in a heterogeneous disease such as CRPC,
a strategy using predictive biomarkers will help define
antitumor responses to selective targeted agents.87
A recent example is that of the TMPRSS2–ETS gene
fusion, which can be detected by fluorescence in situ
hybridization in tumor cells and circulating tumor
cells (CTCs) of patients with CRPC and might predict
antitumor responses to abiraterone.88 The ERG gene (a
member of the ETS family of oncogenes) was identified
as the most commonly overexpressed proto-oncogene in
prostate cancer—present in about 72% of cases89—and
TMPRSS2 (which codes for a serine protease secreted
in response to androgen exposure) was observed to be
fused to ERG.90 This TMPRSS2–ETS fusion leads to overexpression of ERG, initially under the control of androgen and the AR but androgen dependence may be lost
in advanced-stage disease; activation of this pathway
might be central to prostate oncogenesis.91,92 Clinical
trials assessing abiraterone have indicated that the presence of an ERG rearrangement was associated with the
magnitude of PSA decline following abiraterone treatment (P = 0.007).88 This association is being prospectively evaluated in the phase III trial of abiraterone and
prednisone versus placebo and prednisone and results
are expected soon.
Intermediate end point biomarkers
One of the main hurdles for studies assessing the efficacy
of agents in the post-docetaxel setting remains the lack of
a standardized definition for docetaxel progression or
resistance. This issue does not just belie docetaxel treatment, but is a wider challenge in patients with metastatic
CRPC. Current strategies to evaluate disease response
and progression employ a combination of parameters,
including rising serum PSA levels using the prostate
working group criteria, 93 RECIST radiological cri­
teria94 and worsening clinical symptoms. 95 However,
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Table 3 | Novel targets in prostate cancer
Clinical data
Phase II trial of 17-AAG in CRPC: closed prematurely owing to lack of response119,120
Phase II with OGX‑011 trial in chemotherapy-naive PC: improved PFS and OS121
Phase I of oblimersen and mitoxantrone: good tolerance122
Phase I of oblimersen plus docetaxel in CRPC: PSA response in 7 of 12 taxane-naive patients, no
response in taxane-treated patients123
Randomized phase II trial of oblimersen and docetaxel vs docetaxel in CRPC: similar response
rates but increased toxicity in the combination arm107
Phase I–II trial of AT‑101 in CRPC: PSA declines124
Phase I and II trials of YM155 in CRPC: PSA responses125
Combination of YM155, docetaxel and predisone: well tolerated with antitumor activity observed126
Phase I trial of olaparib in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutated CRPC: activity reported127
DNA methyltransferase
Phase II trial with azacitidine in CRPC: promising results128,129
Phase II trial of vorinostat in CRPC: limited activity and considerable toxicity130
Phase I trial of vorinostat and docetaxel in solid tumors: poorly tolerated, no objective responses131
Phase II trial of romidepsin in CRPC: minimal activity and high toxicity132
Phase II trial of docetaxel, estramustine and bevacizumab in CRPC: ≥50% PSA response in 75%
of patients with median OS of 24 months133
Phase III trial of docetaxel and prednisolone with or without bevacizumab: no improvement in OS53
Phase II trial of bevacizumab, thalidomide, docetaxel and prednisolone: PSA decline of ≥50%
in 90% of patients and a median OS of 28.2 months134
Phase II trial of sorafenib in CRPC: no objective responses and no PSA responses, regression
of bone disease was seen135
Two phase II trials of sorafenib in chemotherapy-naive CRPC: limited activity136,137
Sunitinib in CRPC after docetaxel failure: 12% of patients had >50% PSA decline, 11% of patients
with measurable disease had a partial response and, median PFS of 19.4 weeks138
Phase I–II trial of aflibercept in solid tumors: well tolerated with early signals of activity139
Phase II trials of cediranib in post-docetaxel CRPC: promising activity140
Vandetanib in CRPC: no activity compared with placebo141
Trial of imatinib and zoledronic acid: no response and the trial was closed prematurely142
Trial of imatinib plus docetaxel vs docetaxel: closed prematurely owing to gastrointestinal toxicity
in the combination arm143
Phase I trial of saracatinib in solid tumors: well tolerated144
Phase II trial of dasatinib in chemotherapy-naive patients with CRPC: lack of disease progression
achieved in 21 (44%) patients at week 12 and in 8 (17%) patients at week 24145
Two placebo-controlled phase III trials of atrasentan in CRPC: no reduction in risk of disease
Phase III trial of atrasentan plus docetaxel: ongoing following results of phase I–II trial146
Randomized phase II trial of zibotentan vs placebo in CRPC: promising survival results82,147
Phase Ib–IIa trial of doxorubicin and cetuximab in CRPC: minimal activity148
Several trials of gefitinib in CRPC: minimal activity as single agent,149–151 and no added efficacy
in combination with docetaxel152
Trastuzumab in CRPC: very limited activity153
Small study of docetaxel, estramustine and trastuzumab: 9 of 13 patients had a ≥50% PSA
Single-agent lapatinib in advanced-stage hormone-naive PC: no antitumor activity155
Everolimus, temsirolimus and OSI‑027: undergoing clinical trials in CRPC33
Phase II trial of enzastaurin: very limited activity, will be tested with docetaxel156
IGF pathway
Phase II trials of cixutumumab: ongoing157
Phase II trial of preoperative figitumumab in localized prostate cancer: 31% of patients had >50%
PSA decline158
Phase II trials of figitumumab and docetaxel in solid tumors: 3 of 18 patients with CRPC showed
PR, 41% (9/22) patients had ≥50% PSA response159
Phase II trial with figitumumab and docetaxel in CRPC ongoing33
Phase II trial of siltuximab in post-chemotherapy CRPC: PSA response rate of 3.8% and stable
disease in 23%160
Phase II trial of cabozantinib in CRPC with measurable soft-tissue disease: 56 of 65 patients with
bone metastasis from CRPC achieved either complete or partial resolution of lesions on bone
scan; evidence of tumor shrinkage in 84% of patients with measurable soft-tissue disease161
Phase I trials of specific MET inhibitor ARQ 197: CTC declines and RECIST PR in CRPC162,163
Abbreviations: CRPC, castration-resistant prostate cancer; CTC, circulating tumor cell; HDAC, histone deacetylase; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; OS, overall
survival; PARP, poly(ADP) ribose polymerase; PC, prostate cancer; PDGFR, platelet-derived growth factor receptor; PFS, progression-free survival; PR, partial
response; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.
604 | OCTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 8
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Therapy resistance
Ribosomal protein synthesis
DNA repair
Cell-cycle progression
ER ligand
AR ligand
Figure 1 | Key signaling cascades involved in prostate cancer. A wide range of agents, both approved and under
development, target pathways that are involved in prostate cancer (Table 3). Abbreviations: AR, androgen receptor; BIM,
BLC2-interacting mediator of cell death; DNMT, DNA methyl transferase; ER, estrogen receptor; ET A, endothelin receptor
type A; HDAC, histone deacetylase; HSP, heat-shock protein; IGF-1R, insulin-like growth factor receptor 1; IL, interleukin;
mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; NF‑κB, nuclear factor κB; PARP, poly(ADP) ribose polymerase; PDGFR,
platelet derived growth factor receptor; STAT, signal transducers and activators of transcription.
with improved technologies and reduced costs, it is
likely that the use of novel analytically validated and
clinically qualified intermediate end point biomarkers
will become more commonplace. These are likely to
include the use of CTCs and functional imaging, such as
diffusion‑weighted MRI techniques.87,96
With multiple novel agents for CRPC, new approaches
for clinical trials are also essential. Overall survival is the
only robust end point, but this means greater chances
of treatment crossover as multiple new drugs are being
evalu­ated, which can jeopardize successful trial outcomes.
PFS is a poor surrogate for overall survival in prostate
cancer, with overall associations between PFS and overall
survival at best moderate (0.4 for radiographic PFS and
0.33 for PSA PFS).95 Therefore, it is essential that inter­
mediate end point biomarkers that are robust surrogates
of overall survival are developed to accurately reflect
treatment benefit at earlier time points.98
Historically, the biomarker associated with prostate
cancer for screening, and patient stratification at diagnosis and following primary local therapy is PSA. 99 To
improve the specificity and sensitivity of this biomarker,
several PSA algorithms have been described (such as
PSA doubling time);100 however, PSA level is not always
representative of the disease, especially in the advancedstage phases when CRPC may modify its phenotype.101
In addition, PSA fluctuations during the first 12 weeks
of treatment for CRPC are not indicative of early therapy
failure.95 Several studies have been conducted or are
ongoing to evaluate potential new markers that are able
to better represent the complexity of CRPC, including intact CTCs, CTC fragments or exosomes, circu­
lating plasma DNA, protein multiplex plasma assays
and metabolomics.102,103
The FDA has approved the CellSearch® CTC System
as a prognostic indicator for patients with metastatic
breast, colorectal and prostate cancers.104 The molecular
characterization of CTCs may potentially offer a ‘liquid
biopsy’ for patient selection, monitoring of treatment
efficacy and the identification of drug-resistant mechanisms. Recently, the relationship between post-therapy
CTC counts and overall survival was demonstrated
in patients with CRPC.98 A total of 231 patients were
stratified into predetermined ‘favorable’ or ‘unfavorable’ groups, based on the number of CTCs (<5 and
≥5 CTCs/7.5ml of blood). Patients with unfavorable
pre-treatment CTC levels had a shorter overall survival
than those in the favorable group (11.5 months versus
21.7 months; HR = 3.3; P <0.0001). CTC counts were
better at predicting overall survival than PSA algorithms
at all time points assessed (P = 0.0218). The prognosis for
patients with unfavorable baseline CTC counts who converted to favorable CTC counts improved (6.8 months to
21.3 months), while patients with favorable baseline CTC
count who converted to an unfavorable count worsened
(>26 months to 9.3 months). Based on these data, CTCs
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Treatment paradigm in 2011 and beyond
Beyond 2011
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
+ bicalutamide
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
+ abiraterone + low-dose steroids
Low-dose steroids
■ Reassessment with conventional imaging
and intermediate end point biomarkers
(e.g. CTCs and functional imaging)
■ Patient molecular stratification with
analytically validated biomarkers
■ Reassessment with PSA and CT
or bone scans
Figure 2 | Treatment paradigm for CRPC in 2011 and beyond. The gold standard for
CRPC remains docetaxel; however, positive results with cabazitaxel, sipuleucel‑T and
abiraterone provide a range of agents, and stilbestrol and low-dose steroids should
also be considered. In the current treatment pathway, cabazitaxel and abiraterone
are in the post-docetaxel setting and sipuleucel‑T is in the pre-docetaxel setting in
line with FDA approval. In the future, this pathway will inevitably change substantially,
as factors including resistance to prior therapies and drug availability determine the
sequence of drugs. In addition, efforts should be made to molecularly stratify
patients to match targeted therapies (Figure 1 and Table 3). The decision for
treatment transition should incorporate standard clinicopathological measures, novel
biomarkers (such as CTCs and circulating plasma DNA) and imaging modalities (such
as diffusion weighted-MRI and F18 PET). Abbreviations: CRPC, castration-resistant
prostate cancer; CTCs, circulating tumor cells; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.
are an accurate and independent predictor of overall survival in CRPC and are likely to predict prognosis and
monitor the antitumor effects of treatment in CRPC in
the future (Figure 2).98 Using CTCs as an intermediate
end point for overall survival is being assessed in ongoing
clinical trials (NCT00638690; NCT01084655).33
New CRPC therapeutic landscape
First-line therapy for CRPC is docetaxel; however, with
positive results now available from phase III trials of
cabazitaxel, sipuleucel‑T and abiraterone, and data for
MDV‑3100 expected soon, we now have a cocktail of
agents to choose from. Although survival gains are measured in months for each agent, careful deliberation must
be given to the rational use of these agents to optimize
their administration (Figure 2).
Factors such as drug-related toxicities and the acquired
cross resistance to individual agents after exposure to a
prior therapy have to be considered. For example, it was
606 | OCTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 8
recently shown that chemotherapies such as doce­taxel
not only inhibit cell division, but also impair AR signaling through significant AR translocation.62,105 Therefore,
it might be possible that by affecting the AR with docetaxel, cross resistance to other AR antagonists may arise.
It is likely that the novel agents currently approved or
being assessed for use following docetaxel treatment will
have an eventual role in the pre-docetaxel setting. Since
taxanes modulate AR signaling, it will be important to
consider if taxanes are as active in patients with CRPC
following treatment with agents such as abiraterone or
MDV‑3100, or if these agents will negatively impact
taxane benefit.
Transition from one treatment to the next should be
initiated based not just on a combination of clinical, biochemical and radiological measures, but also on novel
biomarkers and functional imaging modalities.87,96 It is
crucial that such biomarkers are analytically validated
and clinically qualified, before their wider use as decision
end points.87 Key questions about the biology of prostate
cancer remain; for example, does advanced-stage CRPC
ever truly become nuclear-steroid receptor independent?
The reality is that unless we start seeing patients developing disease progression without a rising PSA, we should
not assume this to be the case.
These are exciting times for the treatment of advancedstage prostate cancer, but much remains to be done,
particu­larly in the introduction of novel treatments in
the adjuvant setting where it is envisioned higher cure
rates may be achievable. Overall, we are entering a new
era in CRPC management surrounded by a very different treatment landscape. In 2010 and 2011, there
were four positive phase III trials for CRPC—although
the alpharadin data have not yet been fully reported;
along with docetaxel, these therapeutics have demonstrated survival benefits in CRPC, with three obtaining
FDA approval (Figure 2). It is now critical that these
agents are appropriately applied to the CRPC treatment pathway to maximize benefits for patients with
advanced-stage prostate cancer. Such an approach will
require the incorporation of novel functional imaging
modalities and predictive and inter­mediate end point
biomarkers. Despite these recent advances, efforts
should continue to develop novel agents through intelli­
gent trial designs that involve molecular therapeutics in
selected patient populations.
Review criteria
Data for this review was compiled using the PubMed, ASCO
abstract and ESMO abstract databases published before
30 June 2011. The search terms included “castration
resistant prostate cancer”, “docetaxel”, “abiraterone”,
“CYP17”, “androgen receptor”, “cabazitaxel”,
“sipuleucel‑T”, “alpharadin”, “MDV‑3100”, “circulating
tumor cells” and “biomarkers”. Data on clinical trials were
obtained from: Only articles
published in English were considered.
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
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Author contributions
All authors contributed to the research, discussion of
content, writing, editing and reviewing of this
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