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NAME ___________________________ Due:______
Standard 8: The Atmosphere
As you go up in the atmosphere, the molecules
become ______ (more/less) dense.
1. less
Give a reason why water IS NOT listed as one of the 4
major gases of the atmosphere.
2. It can vary from almost 0%
to 5%
How did bacteria and plant life change the
atmospheric makeup of the Earth?
3. Removed CO2 and added O2
to Earth’s atmosphere through
How does temperature change as you go up in the
4. It depends on the layer
Troposphere  down
Stratosphere  up
Mesosphere  down
Thermosphere  up
How has modern society changed the ozone layer?
5. Release of CFCs has
caused thinning – especially in
the Antarctic.
In what part of the atmosphere is ozone considered
bad? Why?
6. Troposphere – a component
of smog
Standard 8: The Atmosphere
In what part of the atmosphere is ozone considered good?
7. Stratosphere – protects us from
99% of UV rays from the Sun
List the top 4 gases in the atmosphere in order from most
to least and list the % of each.
8. Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%,
Argon, .93%, Carbon Dioxide .03%
Name one gas that humans have added to the atmosphere
in significant quantities.
9. Carbon dioxide
What chemical is destroying the ozone layer and how is it
doing this?
10. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
– interferes with the formation
of ozone.
What do scientist use to divide the atmosphere into
11. Temperature gradient (does
the temperature increase or
What effect did solar wind have on the early atmosphere
of the Earth?
12. Ions from solar wind blew
away the primordial (mostly H)
What event(s) contributed to the early atmosphere of the
Earth (before plants)? Mostly gases such as nitrogen,
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.
13. Outgassing, volcanic
eruptions, asteroid impacts
What is the % of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
14 .03%
Standard 8: The Atmosphere
What layer of the atmosphere contains ozone?
15. Stratosphere
When oxygen interacts with high energy in the
stratosphere it forms the molecule ________ or “O3”
16. Ozone
Where in the atmosphere does weather occur?
17. Troposphere
Which layer of the atmosphere contains life and
temperature decreases with altitude?
18. Troposphere
Why is 600 million years ago a major milestone in the
history of Earth’s atmosphere?
19. The current atmosphere
of the Earth was established
Why is ozone an important gas to monitor in the
20. Protects life from harmful
ultraviolet rays
Standard 4: Energy in the Earth’s System ANSWERS:
Check the electromagnetic wavelengths that arrive on
Earth from the Sun in the greatest amount.
21. Gamma Rays
Ultraviolet 
Visible 
Infrared 
Standard 4: Energy in the Earth’s System
Energy sources that take thousands of years to form such as oil,
natural gas and coal are classified as…
22. Non-renewable
Gases that absorb heat (infrared energy) are called ____ gases.
23. Greenhouse
How might advances in energy technology help us deal with the
eventual shortage of fossil fuels?
24. It could make renewable
energy sources (like solar)
more common.
How much of infrared (IR), visible and ultraviolet (UV) are
absorbed by the atmosphere?
25. IR and UV  some,
visible  most
How much of the energy from the Sun is reflected back into
26. 35%
How much of the Sun’s energy is absorbed by the Earth?
27. 65%
If we could capture all the solar energy that falls on Earth (and
only use that source) would it be enough for our needs?
28. Yes!
Standard 4: Energy in the Earth’s System
List 6 greenhouse gases
29. Water vapor, CO2, CH4, O3,
CFCs, nitrous oxide
Name a natural source of greenhouse gases….
30. Forest fires
What is the process called in which light energy is converted into
chemical energy (glucose)?
31. Photosynthesis
Where did the energy we use in our cars, to heat our homes, etc.
(fossil fuels) come from?
Where does most of the energy we use come from?
33. The Sun (a little comes from
the Earth-geothermal)
Why are plants green?
34. Chlorophyll reflects green
and yellow wavelengths
Why do carbon dioxide levels change throughout the year?
35. More plants in summer 
CO2 drops; fewer plants in
winter  CO2 rises
32. Solar energy stored in the
Earth’s crust through plants.
Standard 5: Climate Phenomena
How many large air circulation cells exist around the
36. 3 on either side of the
equator (6 total)
The air circulation cells around the globe are related
to the Sun’s energy. How?
37. The angle of the Sun’s
rays on different parts of the
Earth creates a heat
What kind of climate conditions exist at 0 and 60
degrees latitude N/S? Why?
What kind of climate conditions exist at 30 and 90
degrees latitude N/S? Why?
What is created in the ocean when unequal heating
of the Earth causes changes in salinity and surface
temperatures at different latitudes?
38. Rainy  rising air
39. Dry  sinking air
40. Density currents
Standard 5: Climate Phenomena
Ocean currents, wind and
evaporation/condensation of water is a mechanism
41. Distributing heat around
the Earth
At different times during the year, the amount of
solar energy that reaches different parts of the
globe changes. What is the result of this?
42. Seasons
In a high pressure system or “anti-cyclonic” flow
you would expect what kind of weather?
43. Fair (few clouds)
In a low pressure system or “cyclonic” flow you
would expect what kind of weather?
44. Rainy/cloudy
What direction does air move in a low pressure
45. Up
What direction does air move in high pressure
46. Down
Standard 5: Climate Phenomena
Deflection due to the Coriolis effect cause storms
(“cyclones”) in the northern hemisphere to…
In the northern hemisphere, the Coriolis effect cause
free-flowing substances to be deflected to this
Fluids (air and water) follow a curved path around the
Earth due to…
49. The Earth’s rotation (the
Coriolis effect)
How does the curvature of a fluid change (due to the
Coriolis Effect) move if it is moving fast vs. slow? At
the equator vs. poles?
50. Fastermore curvature
and at the Poles  more
In the troposphere, how does temperature usually
51. Temperature decreases
as you go up.
In a temperature inversion, how does temperature
change in the troposphere?
52. Temperature increases
as you go up.
47. Rotate counter clockwise
48. Right
Standard 5: Climate Phenomena
In Southern California warm air from the ____ moves
in over cooler air from the ___ and prevents the
cooler air from rising.
Temperature inversions cause the air to stay in place
for days, collecting ______ and creating smog.
54. Pollutants
When we are not in a temperature inversion, air is
heated by the ground and eventually ________ by
the process of convection.
55. rises
In a density current, salty and cold water at the poles
sinks and returns to the equator along the ___
56. Ocean bottom
What property of water helps transport heat around
the globe and buffer the Earth against severe daily
and seasonal weather changes?
53. Desert, coast
57. High specific heat
Standard 5: Climate Phenomena
How is the top of the ocean different in nutrients
and oxygen from the bottom?
58. Top has fewer nutrients
but more oxygen.
What process brings cold, nutrient rich waters up to
the surface for marine animals?
59. Upwelling
Major bands of climate around the world such as
deserts and rainforests are mainly created by….
60. Air circulation cells
At 30 and 90 degrees latitude, what is the air doing
(on a large scale) to create dry conditions?
61. Sinking
What kind of climate would you normally find at 0
and 60 degrees latitude?
62. Rainforest (tropical at O,
temperate at 60)
Cool, rainy air rising on the windward side of a
mountain and dry, warm descending air on the
leeward side creates a phenomenon called the ___.
63. Rainshadow effect
Periodic climate change may be caused by the
warming of ocean waters off the coast of Peru and
is known as…
64. El Nino
Standard 6: Weather & Climate
High pressure in one area and low pressure in
another area creates…
65. Wind
Humidity is a measure of what component of the
66. Water vapor
_____ and _____ of water help move energy in and
out of the atmosphere.
67. Evaporation, condensation
The long term average of a region’s weather is…
68. Climate
____ is what you expect and ____ is what you get.
69. Climate, weather
As air rises and expands it _____ which explains
high altitude climates.
What geographic feature tempers climates –
causing less change from summer to winter?
What is the name of the current off of our
coastline? Is it cold or warm?
Yucaipa’s climate differs from Palm Springs in large
part because of this phenomenon.
Why is water so good at moderating (tempering)
70. Cools
71. Large bodies of water
72. California current, cold
73. Rainshadow effect
74. High specific heat
Standard 6: Weather & Climate
In general, currents on eastern coastlines of
continents are ____ while currents on western
coastlines are ____.
75. Warm, cold
Would the climate history of the Earth be considered
static or dynamic?
76. Dynamic
Antarctica has fossils showing that ferns (a
temperate or tropical plant) were once plentiful.
What geologic force may have caused this dramatic
climate change?
77. Plate tectonics
78. Angle of tilt of the Earth
towards the Sun and the shape
of the Earth’s orbit around the
What two astronomical processes are thought to
have influenced Earth’s climate history?
Two geologic events that might change climate for
long periods by blocking the amount of sunlight that
reaches Earth is…
79. Asteroid impact, volcanic
What is the primary way in which humans may be
impacting climate?
80. Adding CO2 to the
atmosphere from human