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Mr. Santeramo
Midterm Chapter 3
Vocabulary – some (not all) words will appear
Chapter 3
Many early civilizations formed in the valleys of major river systems. People used the river water for drinking, cooking,
bathing, and fishing. The land in river valleys was good for farming and raising livestock. (pg. 95)
Analyze a Map Question
One of the earliest civilizations formed in Sumer in an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers called Mesopotamia.
Sumer arose in southern Mesopotamia.
Why do you think an early civilization first formed in southern Mesopotamia instead of northern Mesopotamia? (pg. 96)
The hot, dry climate of Mesopotamia made farming a challenge, and rainfall was unreliable. Farmers in southern
Mesopotamia solved this problem by developing increasingly sophisticated systems of irrigation. Access to water from
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers allowed permanent settlements to thrive in the south.
How did the climate in southern Mesopotamia affect how early people farmed? (pg. 97) (stored water, protected lands
from floods by digging dikes, sandbars, walls of dirt, etc.)
By 3500 BC, some farming villages in southern Mesopotamia had grown into cities. Soon, the Sumerians formed one of
the world’s first civilizations.
How does better farming techniques help transform farming villages into cities?
Land and Products Map Questions
The world’s first city-states developed in Sumer. Each city-state had its own government, but all shared a writing
system, language, and religion. The city-states marked the development of early civilization in Sumer. (pg. 103)
The Sumerian city-states need for strong leaders led to the development of a monarchy. Religion was important to the
Sumerians, who practiced polytheism, or the belief in many gods.
How was the government in Sumer connected to religion?
Sumerians practiced polytheism, they believed that each natural event had its own god and htat one god protected each
different city-state. They held ceremonies to please the gods, especially those connected to agriculture (pg. 105).
How did food surpluses change life in Sumerian city-states? What was the bustling economy like in Sumer? (pg. 105)
(caravans, trade, etc.)
The Sumerians were the first to attach wheels to carts. Traders led caravans of donkeys across established trade routes.
Sumerians also traveled in various kinds of boats.
How do you think innovations in transportation helped cities gain power? (pg. 112)
What were some of the things recorded by scribes at the city of Uruk? (pg. 112-3)
Sumerians lived in mud-brick houses. The tallest structure in each Sumerian city-state was the ziggurat, a temple that
served as a center of religious and economic activity.
To keep records of their rapidly growing society, Sumerians developed standard measurements of land, weight, and
volume as well as a number system based on the number 60. They also measured time, using a calendar.
Sumerian laws gave people certain rights but property rights were sometimes taken away in times of war. The oldest
known record of ancient laws was carved into stone about 2000 BC.
Why was it necessary for officials in city-states to collect taxes? (pg. 117)
Why was the marketplace a central part of Sumerian city life? (pg. 117)
How did carpenters contribute to trade in Sumer? (pg. 117)
Sumerians worshipped the forces of nature as gods or deities. The gods of air and water were among the most
important. (pg. 118) How did they try and please their gods?
Hammurabi, king of Babylon, ruled the Babylonian Empire, which included most of Mesopotamia. He compiled a set of
laws known as the Code of Hammurabi. (pg. 122)
What are some of the laws that the Code covered? (pg. 122)
Hammurabi, see pg. 125 for further notes