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9th Grade Semester Two
Unit Three: European Renaissance
Stage 1: Desired Outcomes
Topic / Unit Title: European Renaissance
NYS Content Standards
Standard 2, key idea 1
Standard 2, key idea 2
Standard 2, key idea 4
Standard 3, key idea 1
Common Core Skills
 R 1, 2
 SL 1
 L1
Essential Questions:
Compare and contrast the values, ideas, beliefs of the
Renaissance and Middle Ages
Renaissance produced new ideas such as humanism,
secularism, naturalism were reflected in the arts and
A growing merchant class and wealthy patrons, sponsored
works of art.
New artistic techniques developed that included linear
Machiavelli produced guidelines for the acquisition and
maintenance of power by absolute rule.
Compare and contrast the values, ideas, beliefs
of the Renaissance and Middle Ages
 Renaissance produced new ideas such as
humanism, secularism, naturalism were
reflected in the arts and literature
 A growing merchant class and wealthy patrons,
sponsored works of art.
 New artistic techniques developed that included
linear perspective.
 Machiavelli produced guidelines for the
acquisition and maintenance of power by
absolute rule.
Stage 2: Assessments and Tasks
Common Core Literacy Task
Performance Task(s) – Other Evidence
Quote analysis and response: students will then write a 2
sentence analysis of the quote, and 2 more sentences
showing whether they agree or disagree with Machiavelli’s
 Personal Journal: students will imagine they are one of the
Artists of the Renaissance, and create a piece of writing
that the artist would have written about their masterpiece
(ex. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa). The writing can be a personal
journal that explains what they were thinking when they
made the piece of art. 4-5 sentences and 3 facts about the
 Role Plays: students will write role plays to prepare for a
mock-debate about the status of women during the
Renaissance. Characters include famous women and men
of the time period (Sofinisba Anguisolla, Giovanni
Boccaccio, Queen Elizabeth I.)
 Exit ticket: students will write a detailed answer to the aim,
for the Renaissance Man lesson using 3-5 facts and details.
Describe what made the Renaissance a “rebirth”
Compare and contrast the European
Renaissance to the Middle ages and modern
times (Venn diagram)
Students will discuss the status of women and
men during the Renaissance
Discuss the impact that Machiavelli’s advice had
in the political philosophy of the Renaissance
Accommodations: Scaffolds and Differentiation
Modify primary source texts (variety, complexity, length)
Incorporate alternative materials (visual, video, audio, internet)
Provide supplementary resources for supports
Group with a purpose
Model skills, task and/or product
Utilize graphic organizers / note taking template
Provide individual or group intervention and support
Re-enforce vocabulary / concept development
Provide choice / variety of activities or tasks
Group with a purpose
Assign specific, purposeful assessments to individuals or groups
Allow students to choose from a variety of assessments
Provide scaffolds / supports (outlines, templates, models)
Provide extension activities to expand thinking or understanding
Group with a purpose
How will students reflect upon and self-assess their learning?
Handouts will contain self-assessment quizzes such as 5-7 true false questions about the topic, 2-3 multiple choice
questions related to the topic. Students will take the quiz toward the end of class, the quiz will only be based on that
days lesson. The instructor will spot check individual students responses and provide feedback to individuals as well
as the whole class. Rubrics specified for all common core literacy tasks.
Stage 3: Learning Plan
Aim: Was the Renaissance a bridge to modern times? OR Was the Renaissance more medieval or modern?
 Describe a typical medieval person and a typical Renaissance person with at least five concerns/priorities each
person would have.
 Identify the following significant terms that are associated with the Renaissance; humanism, individualism,
secularism, realism, classicism, scientific inquiry.
 Analyze if the Renaissance was a bridge between the ancient and modern worlds.
 Evaluate the extent to which the Renaissance was a bridge to modern times and whether the changes from
medieval to Renaissance life relate to and resemble life in modern United States.
Aim: Do art and architecture reflect the times in which they are created? OR Can you learn about a society’s
values from cultural achievements?
 Identify/define: arch, architecture, cathedral, fresco, flying buttress, Gothic, Romanesque, “The Last Supper,”
“Mona Lisa,” “David,” “ Moses, “ and the Sistine Chapel.
 Explain the relationship of medieval and Renaissance art and architecture to the philosophy, interests, priorities,
and values of the people living during those eras.
 Describe and analyze the changes in art from a religious to a humanistic orientation which occurred during the
 Evaluate the degree to which art and architecture reflect the times in which they are created.
Aim: Was the Renaissance concept of man and his world revolutionary?
 Describe the major characteristics of people who lived during the Renaissance by analyzing and discussing “On
The Dignity of Man” by Pico della Mirandola and “The Courtier” by Bladassare Castiglione.
 Evaluate if man’s view of himself and his world significantly changed during the Renaissance.
Aim: Did women’s status improve during the Renaissance?
 Analyze various art works, literary works, and historical documents to determine the status of women during the
Renaissance, such as Jan Van Eyck’s portrait “Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride”, Robert Campin’s alterpiece of the
Annunciation, “The Merode Alterpiece”, and Eramus’ “The Abbot and the Lady.”
 Compare and contrast the status of the medieval woman with the Renaissance woman.
 Assess the extent to which women’s status changed during the Renaissance period.
Aim: Should people today follow Machiavelli’s advice?
 Analyze Machiavelli’s advice to the rulers of the Italian city-states in order to stay in power: “It is much safer to be
feared than to be loved”; “the end justifies the means”; etc.
 Read and interpret excerpts from Machiavelli’s The Prince and evaluate if today’s political and business in the
world should follow Machiavelli’s advice and philosophy.
Teacher Reflection for Future Planning
Evaluate student work and response to questions during discussion
Will explore test results and essay writing skills on class exams to shape future writing lessons
Related Thematic Essay Tasks
August 2012
Theme: Technology
Throughout history, existing technology has been modified or replaced by new technological innovations. These new
technological innovations have had various effects on societies and the world.
Task: Select two technological innovations and for each
o Describe the new existing technology that was replaced by this new technological innovation and how this new
innovation changed the existing technology
o Discuss the effects this new technological innovation has had on a society or the world
You may use any technological innovation from your study of global history and geography. Some suggestions you might
wish to consider include aqueducts, gunpowder, printing press, caravel, steam engine, factory system, nuclear power, and
internet communications.
June 2010
Theme: Change—Ideas
The ideas of individuals have had a significant influence on groups, nations and regions.
Task: Select two individuals and for each
o Explain a specific idea developed by the individual
o Describe the historical circumstances that surrounded the development of the idea
o Discuss how the idea influenced a group or a nation or a region
You may use any individual whose ideas had a significant influence from your study of global history. Some suggestions
you might wish to consider include Confucius, Niccolo Machiavelli, Galileo Galilei, John Locke, Simon Bolivar, Karl Marx,
Kemal Ataturk, Nelson, Nelson Mandela, Deng Xiaoping, and Mikhail Gorbachev.
June 2004
Theme: Turning Points
Turning points are major events in history that have led to lasting change.
Task: Identify two major turning points in global history and for each:
o Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the turning point
o Explain how each turning point changed the course of history
You may use any example from your study of global history. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the
Neolithic Revolution, the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Encounter, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution of
1917, World War I, creation of the modern state of Israel, Nelson Mandela elected president of South Africa, and the fall of
the Berlin Wall
Multiple Choice
1 Which term is defined as a Renaissance movement characterized by independent thought and a renewed interest in
classical Greek and Roman culture?
(1) multiculturalism
(2) humanism
(3) nationalism
(4) monasticism
2 A key feature of European Renaissance culture was
(1) an outlook emphasizing classicism, secularism, and individualism
(2) a reliance on the Pope and his knights to maintain political stability
(3) a shift in production from the domestic system to the factory system
(4) a way of thinking stressing humility and Christian faith
3 Which philosophy that was developed during the Renaissance is associated with a shift in focus away from religious
subjects toward more secular subjects?
(1) humanism
(2) absolutism
(3) communism
(4) scholasticism
4 A reason the Renaissance began in the Italian city-states was that they
(1) rejected the power of the papacy
(2) were unified by Garibaldi
(3) had wealth gained from trade with Constantinople
(4) prevented guilds from functioning
• The world view shifted from other-worldly to secular.
• Greek and Roman ideas were revived.
• Improvements were made to the printing press.
Which occurrence is most closely associated with these aspects of the Renaissance?
(1) Gothic cathedrals became the focal point of town activities.
(2) Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope.
(3) Galileo Galilei published information about a heliocentric universe.
(4) Emperors used the Twelve Tables to bring about Pax Romana.
6 During the Renaissance, humanist philosophers emphasized the importance of
(1) individualism
(2) absolutism
(3) religious salvation
(4) technological advancements
7 Which statement best expresses the philosophy of humanism?
(1) God selects those to be saved.
(2) The pope expresses the ultimate word of God.
(3) People have potential and can improve themselves by learning.
(4) A person’s life on Earth is merely preparation for the afterlife.
8 Which statement is consistent with the ideas of Niccolò Machiavelli?
(1) Democratic principles should be followed faithfully.
(2) The law should be subject to the will of the leader.
(3) Human rights should be respected in all countries.
(4) Markets should operate with little govern- mental interference.
Base your answer to question 9 on the statement below and on your knowledge of social studies.
... I conclude, then, returning to being feared and loved, that since men love at their convenience and fear at the
convenience of the prince, a wise prince should found himself on what is his, not on what is someone else’s; he should only
contrive to avoid hatred, as was said.
9 This statement is taken from the written work of
(1) John Locke
(2) Niccolò Machiavelli
(3) Adam Smith
(4) Ignatius Loyola
10 Which writer opposed political absolutism?
(1) Niccolò Machiavelli
(2) James I
(3) Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
(4) John Locke
11 Niccolò Machiavelli wrote The Prince as a guide to success in
(1) family life
(2) politics
(3) economic undertakings
(4) scholarship
12 In The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli was most concerned with
(1) the use of political power
(2) the expansion of church authority
(3) government regulation of the economy
(4) equality and justice for all