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Solar System Formation
Terrestrial Planets
Terrestrial Planet Atmospheres
Terrestrial Planet Characteristics
Jovian Planets
Trans-Neptunian Objects
Solar System Formation
Solar System
Solar system – consists of six basic categories:
1. Sun (typical small star)
 99.9% of the solar system’s mass
2. Planets and their moons (~ 0.1% of the Sun’s mass)
3. Planetesimals (remainder of the planet-forming debris)
 Asteroids
 Comets
4. Small debris (includes meteoroids and micrometeoroids)
5. Dust (small particles)
6. Gas
 Dominated by hydrogen and helium
Solar System
Solar system composition
Solar system composition is the contents of gas
cloud that collapsed to form the Sun and other
nearby stars
70% H
25% He
5% other stuff
 Ices
 Dust grains
 Gases
Solar System
Early universe composition consisted of only
75% H
25% He
<0.001% other stuff
 3He
 2D (deuterium, or heavy hydrogen)
 4Li
Solar System
Planet formation sequence is actually the sequence f the
formation of a star and its disk of gas and dust
1. Gas cloud collapse and rotation
2. Condensation and crystallization
3. Pre-solar heating
4. Planetary core formation
5. Gas dispersion and transparent disk
6. Planet stabilization
7. Outer solar system remnants
Solar System
Solar system (star) formation
Star (Sun) forms early but requires time to stabilize
Rotating disk around star shapes the position of the planets
Planets form from debris in disk
Planet formation halted by several mechanisms
Some planets change position and energy by dynamical
Remnants (leftovers) still orbiting the Sun
Solar System
Solar system segregation (as star forms and stabilizes)
Star isolated from planets that begin forming due to intense
energy, gravitational inflow, and particle wind and radiation
Small and large clumps that will make up larger
planetesimals are created in roughly three zones
Interior – hot, dense materials remain
Exterior – cold ices and gas remain
Distant – bound by gravity but relatively unaffected by solar heat
Planets build (accrete) from smaller planetesimal material
Interior – rock and metal planets (terrestrial)
Exterior – giant gas and ice planets (Jovian)
Distant – ice bodies and comets
Solar System
Final solar system structure
Star dominates entire solar system in mass and energy
Planets are created in violent collisions between small and
large bodies
 Segregated due to star/Sun heating
 Natural accretion of disk material in rotating star
 Planets are common
Chaos produces varying size and composition
 High temperature materials near star
 Ices and gases beyond “ice line” located between Mars
and Jupiter
Solar System
What was responsible for creating the three planetary zones?
The Sun’s T-Tauri stage created a hot zone nearest the star
 High radiation and high-velocity outward winds swept most
of the inner solar system clear of material
 The remainder fell inward, or was left behind as dense, hightemperature (refractory) debris
 T-Tauri phase named after the 19th brightest star (Tau) in the
constellation Taurus (Tauri) now going through a similar
phase as our Sun passed through 4.6 billion years ago
This created solid planets in a temperate region of the stable
 Venus
 Earth
 Mars
Solar System
Outside this region was the “ice line” sometimes
referred to as the frost line or freeze line
Temperatures are well below water ice temperature
and ices accumulate on the solid bodies
Located in asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
Asteroids inside the ice line have a number of
different surface characteristics than those beyond
Outside the Jovian planets are even colder objects
that have had only minor heating from the Sun over
the 4.6 billion year history of the solar system
Jovian or Giant planets formed with large cores and
huge gas atmospheres
 Surroundings were not depleted by the Sun’s
strong T-Tauri winds
Composed mostly of hydrogen and helium
 Inner two (Jupiter, Saturn) are closest to the Sun
and composed of 80-95% gas
 Outer two (Uranus, Neptune) are rich in ices
Rock/metal %
Ices %
Gas %
Terrestrial planets (approximate)
Asteroids (approximate)
Comets, Pluto
Jupiter (gas planet)
Saturn (gas planet)
Uranus (ice planet)
Neptune (ice planet)
Terrestrial Planets
Terrestrial Planets
Inner solar system
Terrestrial means “Earth-like”
Composed of rock and metals
These are refractory (hightemperature) materials
Similar orbit planes with slight
orbital eccentricity
Smaller rock-metal bodies
include many of the asteroids
and our Moon
Terrestrial Planets
Formation of terrestrials was by violent collisional
heating from impacting planetesimals
 Planetesimals are asteroids and comets
 Collisional accretion and impact heating
 Liquid metal cores
 Liquid rock mantle
After major formation events that included the
heavy bombardment phase, cooling created a thin,
solid crust
Terrestrial Planets
In the early formation stages, the crust was
still very hot, but allowed gas and liquids
(atmosphere and oceans) to begin
Cooling increased from accumulating water
primarily from cometary impacts on the
Liquid mantle remained molten because of its
high temperature, and the insulating
properties of the light, thin, solid crust
Terrestrial Planets
Materials that remained closest to the hot Sun were the most dense
and lowest in abundance → a simple hypothesis
Hypothesis test:
 Terrestrial planets farther from the Sun should be larger (closest
should be smallest)
 Terrestrial planets farther from the Sun should be lower in density
(closest should be the most dense)
 Terrestrial planets farther from the Sun should have a smaller
core/mantle ratio (closest should be largest)
Terrestrial Planets
Highest density (except for Earth which is gravitationally
compressed) → supports hypothesis
Smallest terrestrial planet → supports hypothesis
Lower density than Mercury → supports hypothesis
Larger than Mercury → supports hypothesis
Highest density, but because of gravitational compression
Larger than Venus → supports hypothesis
Lowest density → supports hypothesis
Smaller than Earth x does not support hypothesis
Terrestrial Planets
Liquid rock and metal interior allowed segregation of
the materials by density (differentiation)
 Heat from impacts and gravitational compression
melts rocky planets and larger moons
 Molten planets differentiate in density
 Gravity produces buoyancy that floats lighter
materials in the liquid state
Liquid metal core is hot and dense, but circulates in a
large rotating planet because of low viscosity (low
resistance to flow)
Terrestrial Planets
Geodynamo magnetic field theory:
Circulating, conductive liquid metal core generates
magnetic fields
First initiated by surrounding magnetic field of Sun
Induced electric current in conductive metal core
generated by a weak external magnetic field
strengthens planet’s internal magnetic field
Increased magnetic field further increases current
Strong geomagnetic field generated in what is known
as the geodynamo process
Terrestrial Planets
Magnetic fields
Liquid metal core must be significant in size (mass
larger than the Moon)
Planet must rotate rapidly enough to circulate
conductive liquid metal core
The exception to this simple geodynamo theory is
Mercury which has a very small mass (6% of the
Earth's mass) and a slow rotation rate of 59 days
Mercury’s small residual magnetic field is most
likely induced by the nearby strong magnetic field
of the Sun, with a core kept liquid by the Sun's
tidal flexing
Terrestrial Planets
Thicker crust-to-radius ratio for smaller planets
because of their faster cooling
 Earth's crust about 0.5% of radius
 Mars' crust 1% of radius
 Moon's crust about 5% of radius
Thin crust can fracture on larger terrestrial
planets if the rotation is fast enough to circulate
the liquid mantle that supports the thin crust
Terrestrial Planets
Hypothesis: Fast rotation and the exchange of
heat/mass create a continuous and active surface
geology, including:
 Quakes
 Volcanoes
 Mountain and elevated plateaus
 Crustal motion in broad fragments, or plates
(plate tectonics)
Terrestrial Planets
Geological activity from rapid rotation and thin crust
Earth – yes, fast 24 hr rotation period → supports
Venus – no, too slow (240 day rotation period)
 Large mountains and plateaus formed by different
mechanisms → almost supports hypothesis
Mars - no (rapid rotation, but mass is too small)
 Large mountains and plateaus formed by different
mechanisms → almost supports hypothesis
Mercury - no (slow rotation and too small) → supports
Terrestrial Planets
Between the light, thin crust and the dense metal core
of the terrestrial planets lies the molten rock mantle
Composed of various types of rock under tremendous
pressure from the overlying mass
Tremendous pressure can force the liquid mantle
(called lava when it reaches the surface) through
cracks or fissures in the crust
Terrestrial Planets
For rapidly rotating planets, the movement of the
dense mantle can stretch and/or fracture the thin
overlying crust
Any break or weakness in the crust allows upward
flow of the liquid rock mantle to the surface =
Terrestrial Planets
Semi liquid (plastic) or liquid molten rock between core
and crust
Transfers heat from core to the surface
Thin crust on larger planets allows volcanic activity
Thicker crust and/or slow rotation allows broad, longterm volcanic buildup because the crust has little or
no motion
Terrestrial Planets
Volcanic shields and plateaus found on both Mars
and Venus, but for different reasons
Mars - rapid rotation
 Relatively rapid crustal motion and active
 Produced volcanoes on Mars in its early history
(1st billion years)
 Volcanoes are still active on the Earth
Venus - slow rotation
 Large volcanic buildup possible such as the large
plateaus on Venus (e.g., Maxwell Montes) and
volcanic shields
Terrestrial Planets
Part of the Earth's solid crust is connected to the upper
portion of the mantle, forming the major surface plates
that move in an irregular fashion known as plate tectonics
Defining the crust, lithosphere, and mantle is not by the
structure but by the type of flow
Upper mantle which includes the lithosphere deforms until
Layer below the lithosphere known as the asthenosphere
has a semi-liquid (plastic) deformation mode
Terrestrial Planets
Earth’s internal structure
Terrestrial Planet
Terrestrial Planets
 Created during the planets’ formation
 H, He, plus some other atomic gases
 Dispersed by heat since H and He have low escape
Secondary added by:
 Volcanism, impact deposition from comets, asteroids
 Comets – N2, O2, CH2
 Volcanoes - CO2, SO2, H2S, H2O
Long-term atmospheric gas buildup and retention
 Lighter gases retained according to planetary mass
(escape velocity) and planet temperature
Terrestrial Planets
Secondary atmospheres remained permanently for
Venus and Mars because of their surface inactivity
(Mars is small, Venus has slow rotation)
H2O lost in Venus' hot atmosphere and from its
lower mass (gravity)
H2O lost from Mars because of its small mass
Terrestrial Planets
CO2 absorbed in Earth's rock crust, mantle, and oceans
O2 was generated by some H2O breakdown, and early
biological life
Results of the evolution of the three terrestrial planet
Venus 96% CO2, 4% N2
Mars 95% CO2, 3% N2
Earth 78% N2, 21% O2, 0.04% CO2
Terrestrial Planets – Retained Gases
While the four Giant
planets can retain
any gas in their
including hydrogen
and helium, the
Moon and Mercury
cannot retain even
the heaviest
common gas CO2
Gases retained for a
specific planet or
moon are
represented by the
diagonal lines that
appear below the
Terrestrial Planet
Mercury which is the closest planet to the Sun
is also the smallest terrestrial planet
Mass 3.302x1023 kg (0.0553 MEarth)
Radius 2,439 km
Mean density 5.43 g/cm3
Orbital eccentricity 0.2056
Orbit inclination 7.0o
Semimajor axis 5.791 107 km (0.387 AU)
Orbit period - 88.0 days
Rotation period - 58.6 days (3:2 orbit to
rotation resonance period due to nearby Sun)
Magnetic field - 0.0033 gauss (1% of Earth)
Albedo - 10.6% (Earth = 37%, Moon = 12%)
Atmosphere - trace (approx. 1,000 kg total,
composed of K, Na, Ar, O, O2, He and other
trace gases)
Venus is the next planet from the Sun and often
called the sister planet of the Earth since it is only
5% smaller
Mass - 4.87x1024 kg (81% of Earth)
Radius - 6,052 km (95% of Earth)
Mean density - 5.24 g/cm3
Semimajor axis - 0.723 AU
Orbit period - 224.7 days
Rotation period - 243.0 days
Magnetic field - Not significant (~10-5 x Earth)
Albedo - 75% (Earth = 37%)
Atmosphere - 92 bar (92 Earth atmospheres)
96.5% CO2, 3.5% N2
The surface geology of Venus includes
volcanic features that include large
elevated plateaus, large and small
volcanic cones and shields, and
pancake-shaped formations of lava
Features on the surface of Venus
indicate an age of only 300-500 million
This relatively new surface is thought
to be from the periodic remelting of the
lower crust
Magma would then flow through the
cracks, fissures, and craters to cover
much of the lower elevations
Mass - 5.974x1024 kg (1/333,000 MSun)
Radius - 6,378 km (equatorial)
Mean density - 5.52 g/cm3
Semimajor axis - 1.00 AU
Orbit period - 365.24 days
Rotation period - 23 hr 56 min (sidereal)
Magnetic field - 0.308 Gauss
Albedo - 37%
Atmosphere - 1 bar (1 atmosphere)
78.1% N2, 20.9% O2, 0.9% Ar
Mars has a small CO2 atmosphere, but a
distant past that had similar
characteristics to Earth including a
magnetic field, liquid surface water, and
active volcanoes
A thick crust and solidification of the
interior of the planet halted most of its
geological activity after the first billion
years as a planet
Mars does contain permanent polar ice
caps of water and CO2 ice and
subsurface ice discovered on recent
exploration missions
Mass - 6.421x1023 kg (0.11 MEarth)
Radius - 3,397km (equatorial) (0.53
Mean density - 3.93 g/cm3
Semimajor axis - 1.52 AU
Orbit period - 1.88 yr
Rotation period - 24.62 hr
Magnetic field - No dipolar field, but
weak, localized magnetization of the
iron-rich crust
Albedo - 15%
Atmosphere - 0.007 bar 95.2% CO2,
2.7% N2, 1.6% Ar
Jovian Planets
Jovian Planets
Jovian planets are the giant gas and ice planets formed
beyond the terrestrial region
A number of common features exist in the Jovian
planets, including:
Large mass
Innermost rock and metal core
Outer envelope of hydrogen and helium gas
Rapid rotation
Strong magnetic fields
Jovian Planets
Jovian planets began as large ice and rock
(planetesimal) cores
Large, dense gas regions accelerated the process
These cores were large planets in themselves, and
could attract ice and gas unavailable to the terrestrial
 This allowed them to rapidly gain mass because
there was more gas and ices in their neighborhood
Jovian Planets
Jovian Planets
A comparison of the interiors of the Jovian planets shows a distinct
difference between the two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, and the
two smallest, Uranus and Neptune
The largest two, Jupiter and Saturn, are called giant gas planets
because of their principal gas composition, although little is
actually in the gas state
The two smallest are the giant ice planets Uranus and Neptune
 Both Uranus and Neptune do contain a significant hydrogen
and helium atmosphere, but they are dominated by ices in
liquid form
The term "ice planet” should not be confused with the dwarf ice
bodies and planets similar to Pluto, its moon Charon, and a host
of other comet-like planets much smaller
 These have a distinctly different composition than Uranus and
Jovian Planets
Jovian Planets
One of the brightest planets in the
night sky because of its tremendous
size (11 x REarth) and light-colored
upper cloud layers (high albedo)
First to observe and document
Jupiter's features and four nearby
moons was Galileo, for which the
four Galilean moons are named
Rapid rotation (9.93 hr) and high
mass (318 x MEarth) generates a huge
magnetic field
Jovian Planets
Largest magnetic field of the planets (11-14 Gauss)
Atmosphere – 90% H, 10% He
Interior composed of liquid H, He, and H
Deep interior included hydrogen under
tremendous pressure and temperature that forces
the atoms into a degenerate state – metallic
Jovian Planets
Metallic hydrogen mantle is superconducting
which is thought to circulate magnetodynamo
currents to flow without resistance and generate
Jupiter’s enormous magnetic field
Stretches beyond the orbit of Saturn 5 AU away
 11.86 yr
 5.2 AU
Rotation period – 9.925 hr (fastest of all planets)
Jovian Planets
Mass – 318 x MEarth
Albedo (reflectance) – 52%
Moons – 63 (as of 2007)
Exploration spacecraft
 Pioneer 10
 Pioneer 11
 Voyager I
 Voyager II
 Ulysses (gravity assist to Sun’s
 New Horizons (gravity assist to Pluto)
 Galileo (dedicated orbiter)
Jovian Planets
Four largest moons called the
Galilean moons (named after
Galileo Galilei) who
discovered the moons
Closest, and undergoes
highest tidal forces
Tidal flexing heats the
interior to a molten state
and generates the most
geologically active
celestial body in the solar
Jovian Planets
Next moon out is covered
with an icy crust that
overlays a liquid water
 Conditions may be
sufficient to support
primitive life
Weak magnetic field
measured by the Galileo
 Indicative of conductive
water ocean beneath icy
Two possible structures
shown on the right
Jovian Planets
 Largest moon in the solar system
 Weak magnetic field may be made possible by a conductive
water layer beneath the icy crust
 3rd largest moon in the solar system
 Interior 40% ice and 60% rock/metal
 Also has a conductive water ocean below the icy surface that
influences Jupiter’s magnetic field
Jovian Planets
Jovian Planets
Second largest planet in the solar system
Lowest density planet in the solar system (0.69
g/cm3, water is 1.00 g/cm3)
Rapid rotation (10.78 hr) and high mass (95x MEarth)
generates a large magnetic field, but significantly
smaller than Jupiter’s
24.86 yr
10.8 AU
Jovian Planets
Allbedo – 47%
Also contains a metallic hydrogen mantle
Moons – 60 (as of 2007)
Largest ring system of the planets
Exploration spacecraft
Pioneer 11
Voyager I
Voyager II
Cassini (dedicated orbiter)
Jovian Planets
Hydrogen and helium atmosphere
with trace amounts of methane,
water, ammonia, and hydrogen
Most prominent feature is its ring
 Extends approximately 67,000
km to 480,000 km
 Saturn's rings composed
primarily of small ice particles
that have been charged
 Allows the orientation and
position of the particles to
change slightly when the
Saturnian magnetic field passes
Saturn and its rings in UV
Saturn’s rings
Saturn’s surroundings
Saturn’s largest moon is Titan
 Larger than both Pluto and Mercury
Only moon with a significant atmosphere
found in the solar system
Similar to several of Jupiter's moons
 Rocky core overlayed with a mantle
composed of water and ammonia ice
Roughly 2/3 of the moon is
rock/silicate/metal that remains warm, or
perhaps hot
 Likely creates conditions for a liquid
water layer in the upper ice mantle
High atmospheric pressure (1.5
x Earth’s) and cold temperature
(94 K, -290oF) creates a triplepoint environment for methane
and ethane on Titan’s surface
 Solid, liquid, and gas, like
water on Earth
Ammonia’s low abundance
and variable concentration is
also like water in Earth’s
Rain composed of ethane and
methane erode Titan’s surface
which form large lakes
 Located near poles because
of seasons
 Identified by imaging radar
on Cassini (see image on
Lakes are small in comparison
to Earth’s
Alcohol and ammonia rains create river
channels and broad, flat basins that
appear to be ocean beds
Methane is not stable and not retained on
 Must be replenished, probably from
porous sands in “ocean” beds
Small, cold volcanoes (cryovolcanoes)
possible source of methane & ethane
Thick haze that prevents direct
observation is due to solar energy
producing hydrocarbons from ethane
and methane
Images of Titan’s surface show
rocks littering flat plateau at the
landing site
Origin of rocks likely from
cryovolcanoes releasing liquid
water that freeze into hard clumps
that persist for a very long time
Water ice is too cold to sublimate
at 94 K
Liquid water interior also
responsible for a different rotation
of its crust compared to its interior
(measured accurately during
Cassini flybys)
Close similarity between Titan’s
and Earth’s geology and
Smaller and more distant than
Titan is Enceladus which has
a tortured, icy outer surface
Located in the dense region
of the Saturn's diffuse outer
Two different surface
characteristics in northern
and southern hemispheres
 Sparsely-cratered northern
 Young, uncratered
southerly zone
Tidal heating of the interior by
Saturn generates liquid
cryovolcanoes near the south
polar region which spew frozen
particles into Saturn’s E-ring
Light-colored surface indicative
of active ice formation (celestial
Water ice from Enceladus
contributes significantly to
Saturn’s E-ring
Tidal heating by Saturn
generates continual
Discovered during Cassini
flybys with backlighting from
the Sun
Source of tidal heating?
Tidal flexing requires slightly
elliptical orbit, but tides
gradually reduce eccentricity
(Enceladus’ orbit should be
circular by now)
Enceladus’ eccentric orbit due
to perturbation from 2:1 orbital
resonance with Saturn’s moon
Jovian Planets
Jovian Planets
One of two Jovian giant ice
Discovered in 1781 by
William Herschel
 First planet discovered by
a telescope
 Previous discoveries were
of large asteroids (minor
planets Ceres and Vesta
were the two largest)
Rotational axis is offset 98o
from the normal
Jovian Planets
Structural model consists of three layers
Rocky core
 Small in comparison to giant gas planets
Ice mantle
 Contains the majority of the mass
 Consists of water, ammonia and other
volatiles in liquid form
Outer gaseous hydrogen/helium envelope is a
dull green-blue due to methane
Jovian Planets
Mass – 14.5 MEarth
 84.32 yr
 19.23 AU
Moons – 27 (as of 2007)
 Aligned with equator (nearly
Exploration spacecraft
Voyager II
Jovian Planets
Small ring system
discovered in Voyager II
False-color image from
Voyager on the right
shows circulation bands
and the storm regions
near the polar band
Jovian Planets
One of the most unusual moons in
the solar system is Uranus’ moon
Chaotic features include deep,
long canyons 10 times deeper than
the Grand Canyon
Violent collision between moon
during Uranus catastrophic
formation likely broke up the
original moon and reformed it with
jumbled surface features
Jovian Planets
Jovian Planets
The largest Jovian ice planet
Discovered 1846 by French
astronomer Urbain Le Verrier
Similar to Uranus, the
structural model consists of
three layers
 Rocky core
 Ice mantle
 Outer gaseous
hydrogen/helium envelope
Jovian Planets
Mass – 17.2 MEarth
164.79 yr
30.10 AU
Moons – 13 (as of 2007)
Small ring system discovered
in Voyager II data
Exploration spacecraft
Voyager II
Jovian Planets
Lowest temperatures in upper
atmosphere of all the planets
 Highest wind speeds
measured at approx. 1,500
Circulation bands are visible,
along with giant dark spot
similar to Jupiter’s and highaltitude clouds travelling at
extremely high speeds
Neptune’s largest moon is
Triton’s diameter is 78% of the
Earth's moon, but only 28% of
its mass
 Density 2.05 g/cm3 (lunar
density is 2.05 g/cm3
Surface shows complex
features with few craters which
indicates a relatively young
Cryovolcanoes of
liquid nitrogen from
beneath the ice crust
indicate tidal heating
and subsurface liquid
nitrogen and possibly
water oceans
Spectral imaging data
shows Triton's
surface covered with
nitrogen ice, water
ice, carbon dioxide
ice, methane ice, and
ammonia ice
Beyond Neptune
Trans-Neptunian objects are small icy bodies scattered
by the massive planet Neptune which itself was
scattered outward by Jupiter in its early history
Beyond Neptune
Trans-Neptunian objects are small icy bodies scattered
by the massive planet Neptune which itself was
scattered outward by Jupiter in its early history
Pluto, the most distant of the
original nine planets has the
largest moon-planet mass
ratio in the solar system
Discovered in 1930 by Clyde
Pluto’s largest moon
Charon was discovered in
 The large mass of
Charon compared to
Pluto makes them more
of a binary pair than a
planet-moon system
(both orbit around a
center of mass outside
Pluto’s surface)
Pluto’s two other moons
Nix and Hydra are 2
and 3 times the
distance of Charon
from Pluto, but much
smaller (also orbit
around the PlutoCharon barycenter)
Exploration spacecraft
 New Horizons (2006
launch for a July 2015
Mass 1.305×1022 kg (0.2% MEarth)
1,195 km
Mean density
2.03 g/cm3
Orbital eccentricity
Orbit inclination
Semimajor axis 39.48 AU
(5.91x109 km)
Orbit period
248.09 yr
Rotation period 6d 9h 17m 36s
Rotational axis tilt
Magnetic field Unknown
methane, and carbon monoxide
(surface ice sublimation)