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1. ? consist of hot, salty water forming a powerful solvent; these are frequently the source of significant ore
deposits. A.pegmatites B.hydrothermal solutions C.diorites D.peridotites E.migmatites
2. The most important way in which igneous magma composition can be changed is by A.convective overturn
B.volatile streaming C.crystal fractionation D.decompression E.magma expansion
3. Bituminous and anthracite are types of A.oil shale B.tar sand C.clathrates D.petroleum E.coal
4. Directed pressure is especially important in the formation of ? metamorphic rocks. A.foliated B.nonfoliated
5. ? are made of ?., minerals B.minerals, rocks
6. ? are clouds of volcanic ash and gas that rush down slopes of volcanoes. A.cinder cones B.volcanic necks
C.calderas D.ignimbrites E.batholiths
7. The Cascade Range consists primarily of A.cinder cones B.volcanic necks C.composite volcanoes D.shield
volcanoes E.ash flows
8. Tephra is found in A.pillow lava B.aa lava C.pahoehoe lava D.volcanic necks E.pyroclastic rocks
9. Schist and gneiss are types of ? rocks. A.igneous B.sedimentary C.metamorphic
10. ? texture consist of large crystals; granite and gabbro have this texture. A.aphanitic B.porphyritic
C.pyroclastic D.phaneritic E.amygdaloidal
11. ? is a fine-grained rock that contains kerogen. A.migmatite B.oil shale C.tar sand D.clathrate E.coal
12. Another name for a "stratovolcano" is a A.cinder cone B.volcanic neck C.composite volcano D.shield
volcano E.caldera
13. ? lava has a smooth, ropy appearance. A.pahoehoe B.pillow C.aa D.all of these types of lava have a
smooth, ropy appearance
14. Basalt magmas have ? viscosity and ? explosiveness versus rhyolite-rich magmas. A.lower, less B.higher,
greater C.lower, greater D.greater, less
15. Plutons are ? igneous structures. A.extrusive B.intrusive
16. The Hawaiian Island volcanoes would most likely be classified as A.cinder cones B.volcanic necks
C.composite volcanoes D.shield volcanoes E.ash flows
17. The process which turns sediment to rock is termed A.weathering B.erosion C.metamorphosis
D.metasomatism E.lithification
18. The OPEC countries have about ? percent of the World's petroleum reserves. A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 E.60
19. ? economic deposits are formed by accumulation of sediment due to mechanical concentration of heavy
mineral particles by currents. A.clastic B.detrital C.placer D.evaporite E.biogenic
20. ? refers to the size, shape and arrangement of igneous particles. A.structure B.texture
21. ? metamorphism is typically associated with orogenies. B.regional C.impact
22. Halite and gypsum are ? sedimentary rocks. A.chemical B.biochemical C.clastic
23. ? was formed from buried remains of plants. A.tar sand B.oil shale C.coal D.natural gas E.crude oil
24. Hydrothermal mineral deposits are associated with ? activity. A.igneous B.sedimentary C.metamorphic
25. ? metamorphism results from heating by an igneous intrusion. B.regional C.both contact and
regional metamorphism results from heating by an igneous intrusion
26. Obsidian has a ? texture. A.aphanitic B.porphyritic C.pyroclastic D.phaneritic E.glassy
27. ? rocks crystallize from a magma. A.igneous B.sedimentary C.metamorphic
28. ? are hollow, subspherical structures that form around water-filled pocket by crystals growing inward.
A.nodules B.ripple marks C.geodes D.concretions E.schists
29. Stratification is most characteristic of ? rocks. A.igneous B.sedimentary C.metamorphic
30. Siltstones, sandstones and conglomerates are ? rocks. A.biogenic B.evaporite C.foliated D.nonfoliated
31. Basalt and gabbro are composed of ? magma. A.sialic/felsic B.mafic C.intermediate D.ultramafic
32. ? are icelike compounds composed of water and natural gas; they are very common in low-temperature deep
ocean sediments. A.tar sand B.crude oil C.oil shale D.clathrates E.migmatites
33. Most rocks on the Earth's surface are A.igneous B.sedimentary C.metamorphic
34. Acid mine drainage often occurs due to the weathering of ? minerals. A.sulfide B.oxide C.silicate
D.halide E.carbonate
35. Halite, gypsum and borax are ? minerals. A.clastic B.detrital C.placer D.evaporite E.biogenic
36. A ? is a large, bowl-shaped summit depression in a volcano. A.cinder cone B.volcanic neck C.composite
volcano D.shield volcano E.caldera
37. ? are tabular discordant plutons. A.batholiths B.stocks C.laccoliths D.sills E.dikes
38. The greater the silica content of magma, the ? the explosiveness of the volcano. A.less B.greater
39. Lava tubes and tunnels would most often be associated with ? lava. A.pahoehoe B.aa
40. ? volcanoes are mostly formed from andesite. A.composite B.shield C.both composite and shield
volcanoes are made from andesite
41. ? are mushroom-shaped plutons. A.batholiths B.stocks C.laccoliths D.sills E.dikes
42. A stock is ? than a batholith. A.smaller B.larger C.the difference between a stock and batholith are in their
composition, not their size
43. ? are tabular concordant plutons. A.calderas B.stocks C.batholiths D.sills E.dikes
44. Peridotite is a ? igneous rock. A.felsic B.mafic C.ultramafic
45. Glassy igneous textures were formed due to ? cooling of magmas. A.slow B.rapid
46. ? igneous rocks are rich in silica and aluminum. A.felsic B.mafic C.ultramafic
47. Marble is a ? rock. A.extrusive igneous B.intrusive igneous C.clastic sedimentary D.carbonate
sedimentary E.metamorphic
48. ? are 2.6 to 1.6 billion year-old layered oxides and silicates; they probably formed due to bacteriogenic
activity. A.phosphorites B.evaporites C.placers D.banded iron formations E.tar sands
49. Lignite is a type of A.tar sand B.oil shale C.coal D.natural gas E.crude oil
50. ? textures have crystals of microscopic size. A.aphanitic B.porphyritic C.phaneritic D.amygdaloidal
51. The United States uses about ? percent of the World's oil. A.4 B.8 C.15 D.20 E.25
52. Phenocrysts are found in ? igneous rocks. A.aphanitic B.porphyritic C.phaneritic D.amygdaloidal
53. Chemical sedimentary structures are formed ? deposition. A.before B.during C.after
54. ? may be used to determine ancient current direction. A.nodules B.geodes C.concretions D.migmatites
55. The most abundant rocks within the Earth are A.metamorphic B.sedimentary C.igneous D.all of these
rocks are equally abundant
56. ? is of intermediate igneous composition; it often forms along island arcs. A.peridotite B.granite
C.andesite D.rhyolite E.obsidian
57. The United States has ? reserves of natural gas versus oil. A.fewer B.more
58. The association of salt domes and basin faults with hydrocarbons is especially characteristic of A.the Texas
Panhandle B.the Permian Basin C.West-Central Texas D.the Gulf Coast E.salt domes and basin faults are
found in all of these areas
59. Which of the following would not typically be considered a parent magma? A.granite B.basalt C.obsidian
60. ? is composed primarily of methane. A.tar sand B.oil shale C.coal D.natural gas E.crude oil
61. Which of the following metamorphic rocks experienced the greatest temperatures and pressures? A.schist
B.slate C.phyllite D.gneiss E.granite
62. Natural gas ? a greenhouse gas. not
63. ? rocks are formed in a solid state due to changes in temperature, pressure and the chemical environment.
A.igneous B.sedimentary C.metamorphic
64. Bowen's Reaction Series has been especially utilized in the interpretation of the formation of ? rocks.
A.metamorphic B.igneous C.sedimentary
65. ? have especially large crystals due to the presence of magmatic water. A.migmatites B.kimberlites
C.pegmatites D.xenoliths E.peridotites
66. ? environments are lake environments. A.fluvial B.eolian C.deltaic D.lacustrine E.karst