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Cooper University Hospital Integrative Behavioral Med Research (CUH IBM Research)
Research Lab Team:
Kelly L. Gilrain, Ph.D. – Director of Inpatient Behavioral Medicine Services & Assistant Professor of
Medicine, CMSRU
Anna Morfe, Psy.D. – Psychologist Inpatient Consultation Service & Assistant Professor of Medicine,
Florencia Pahl, Psy.D. – Assistant Professor of Medicine, CMSRU; Department of Infectious
Disease/Early Intervention Program – focus in diversity and management of chronic disease
Philip Fizur, Psy.D. – Post-Doctoral Fellow in Behavioral Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center at
Cooper & Project Manager Inpatient Consultation Service – focus in use of technology in
healthcare and Psycho Oncology
Alex Jaffe, BS – Research Assistant, Body Image Clinic Study, Janet Knowles Breast Cancer Center,
MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Jocelyn Elderton, MA – Research Assistant, Early Intervention Program/Department of Infectious
Lexi Muench, MS – Research assistant, MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Sleep focus
Summary of CUH IBM Research:
The Cooper University Hospital Integrative Behavioral Medicine Research Team maintains
interest in a few arms of research based in areas of Health Psychology relevant to our clinical
practice foci. First, we are interested in management of chronic disease, specifically in oncology
and HIV/AIDS. Current research focus is in adherence to medical regimen, the management of
treatment side effects and psychological outcomes and in the utilization of technology (mHealth
or digital health) in healthcare for health behavior change, to improve health literacy, and to
improve doctor-patient communication. Secondly, we are interested in the patterns of
consultations in integrated Behavioral Medicine programs in our academic medical center, with
focus on enhancing interdisciplinary communication and patient care. Finally, we have been
working on establishing a standard of care for evaluating and intervening with patients who are
admitted to the Trauma service with elevated blood alcohol levels. We are interested in the
impact of brief, bedside MI and referral for treatment (SBIRT).
Open active trials include:
1) emPOWER: Engagement via Mobile-Assisted Polaris Oncology Wearables and Reporting
system – a feasibility study evaluating the utility of a mobile app used via the Apple ™ watch and
2) Evaluating the Utility of a Brief Psychoeducation and Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Body
Image Issues in Patients Undergoing Surgical Intervention for Breast Cancer
3) Group intervention for sleep problems during cancer treatment
4) Leveraging Technology for Psychosocial Screening and Dynamic Referral
5) Patterns of Consultation Liaison Referrals in an Inpatient Urban Academic Medical Setting
6) Examining the Behavioral Medicine Standard of Care for ETOH Consultations within Trauma
7) Integrated Behavioral Medicine in HIV care: Improving health literacy and engagement in
medical regimen through interdisciplinary consultation.