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The War to End all Wars, Again
Fast Forward to 1945
Most of _________ and Japan lie in ruins after the war.
Millions of__________ are dead or displaced.
_____________ is spreading from the Soviet Union to Eastern Europe, and the rest of the
In a matter of 6 years, the US goes from a depression, to the undisputed _____________
of the world.
Germany, Italy, and Japan are left at the ______________ of the conquerors.
____ million people_________ of the total population of the world are killed by the war.
We will be looking at how these things came to be.
Berlin before WWII
•Things are lousy in many European countries.
•Germany devastated by _______________and Treaty of Versailles-____________ takes
total power.
•_____________________ have weak leaders and are still scarred from WWI.
•_____________ is building a huge Military under Stalin-who is also ________________
his people. Along with ___________________ Leaders
•____________ is ravaged by depression-Falls under _________________
•New countries like ____________ and _______________________ are weak militarily.
•_____ is sick of dealing with Europe, and ________________ itself-also stricken with
Germany After WWI
•Completely ruined by the treaty of Versailles
•Force to pay war reparations_________________________ US dollars (1919).
–Germany _____________ extra money
–Causes massive _______________and depression
•Were forced to give ______________________________ Back to France.
•Military Restrictions
–NO __________________
–Only have an ____________________ of 10,000.
–Were not allowed to have any military presence in the Rhineland.
The rise of Hitler and Fascism
•Things were pretty lousy in Germany.
•Hitler was a _________________ speaker who promised to get Germany out of the
_________________ and to get ________________ for the Treaty of Versailles.
•Because of these promises and the desperate situation in Germany, Hitler is elected
__________________ of Germany.
–The ________________shares ________________ power with the president.
Hitler’s Power
•Hitler is able to ______________his power when the ____________ of Germany dies.
–Through a political deal, Hitler is able to become both Chancellor and President.
–__________________ must give up seats in German Legislature.
–Hitler is now an all powerful __________________.
•In 1933, the German Legislature _______________ itself in favor of the Nazi’s success.
•Hitler is now an _______________ all powerful ______________.
Hitler’s solutions
•Problem-Germany is in a depression
•Solution-create jobs building a ________________________.
–This was not allowed by the __________________________, but France and England
do nothing.
•Problem- Germany _________________ after WWI
•Solution- Germany first annexes _______________.
–Germany takes over the Sudetenland from ____________________ - England France
make threats but do nothing
–Germany then completely occupies ___________________ , causing England and
France to once more make threats- any more and there will be war
•The problem is, Germany now has a ______________________
The outbreak of war in Europe
•Early in 1939, Germany makes a pact with ____________ where each country promises
not to ________________ the other.
–Divide __________________ Between them.
•On Sept. 1st, 1939 Germany invades ______________.
•Soviet Union will also attack _______________ from the East as well as
•______________________________ declare war on Germany on Sept. 3rd.
•Poland falls in 3 weeks, and the war stalls until after _______________.
American Neutrality Efforts and Isolationism
•Most Americans desire __________________ to avoid entering another European war
•Neutrality Acts (1935-37): prohibit sale of ________________s to combatants, attempt
to limit foreign travel, and create “____________________” policy
–Cash and Carry: US will only sell __________________ goods and nations must use
their own __________________
Neutrality cont
•After invasion of Poland, FDR has “Cash and Carry” changed to
•After fall of France to Germany, FDR asks for ____________________, allowing
weapons to be lent or leased to countries vital to protection of US (i.e. ____________) in
•Atlantic Charter-FDR and Churchill (British PM) issue open trade declaration and right
to choose your own government
•Germany sinks ________________ and US has policy to________ German submarines,
but US will not enter WWII in Europe until after Pearl Harbor
German (Axis) Aggression in the European Theatre
•War starts in Poland
–Germany uses ____________ “lightning war” in its 1939 invasion of Poland
–Surprise attack using planes, then tanks, then infantry
–Soviets seize part of Poland and ____________________
–Germany seizes __________________________
Invasion of France
•France creates the ___________________ as a series of defenses on the border with
•Spring of 1940, Germany pushes ___________hoping to take over ________________
•Germany sweeps through _____________________ and goes around the
_________________ line
•Allied forces flee to Britain at __________________
•Germany marches into _____________ and seizes ______________
•Germans pour across French/Belgian border and sweep south.
–Both sides attempt to _________________ each other
–________________ succeeds, and traps __________________ allied troops at Dunkirk
•German attack _________________
–Must wait for tanks to _____________ tanks/consolidate forces
–________________ counter attack
•The ___________ halt gives England a chance to plan a ______________
•England ___________ every single ___________ owner in UK to go to Dunkirk
and ______________Soldiers.
•Because of halt, England able to rescue 330,000 British troops
Attacks against Britain
•Germany wants to invade _______________ (Operation Sea Lion), but needs to knock
out _________________ (RAF)
•RAF could easily ____________German _________________
•Germany begins attacking __________________, but turns to direct attacks on
___________ and civilian targets (aerial Blitz)
•Britain turns back German planes during Battle of___________ (Oct. 1940-May 1941)
•Uses new weapon _______________
•Germany determines to turn focus to Eastern ___________ and North ______________
Attacks against North Africa
•_____________ begins attacking French colonies in _______________
•Germany and Italy attempt to takeover______________ from Britain to gain control of
the __________________
•British able to prevent Germany from taking_____________
Attacks against Eastern Europe
•Germany and Italy begin seizing lands in the_____________, including Yugoslavia,
Greece, and ________________
•Germany needed bases in SE Europe for ___________________ plans against USSR
German Invasion of USSR (Operation Barbarossa)
•Although Germany had ____________________ pact with USSR, Hitler uses blitzkrieg
attack to_____________ in 1941
•Germany gets _________________ into USSR, but Russians retreat and
_______________ as they go
•Germany surrounds ____________________ during winter of 1941, with more than 1
million _______________ but not surrendering
•Hitler attacks _________________ in October 1941, but forced to pull back from city
during Russian winter
•Hitler refused a complete ______________, losing 500,000 men in the USSR and
creating a ___________________ for Germany
Allies Counter-Attack in European Theater
•Operation Torch (North Africa)
•US and Britain first attack North Africa to _______________ German control
•________________ attack Germans westward from _________________
•US attacks eastward from____________ under _________________
•German forces destroyed in May 1943
Operation Thunderbolt
•Allied forces attack ________________ in July 1943
•_________________ temporarily toppled from power, but _____________ reinstate
after seizing northern Italy
•Allies eventually enter Rome in June 1944
•Most of Italy would be under ____________- control, but fighting would continue until
the fall of______________ in May 1945
•Mussolini was caught by ___________________ troops in April 1945 and _________
Stalingrad and Soviet efforts against Germany
•USSR wanted US and UK to attack_____________ directly to create a more direct twofront war
•Soviets forced to hold off ________________ German forces at_________________
•Germans take over most of __________________ in 1942, but Russians trap them in the
city and cut ________________ in winter of 1942
•Soviets force ______________________ forces in USSR and begin attacking westward
from this point
Invasion of France (Operation Overlord)
•Allies prepare for attack on________________ in NW France
•Large sea invasion launched on June 6, 1944 (D-Day)
•British, US, French, and Canadian troops secure 60 miles of coastline while suffering
heavy casualties
•Use this beach to bring in ___________________
Battle of Normandy Beach (D-Day)
•Only a _______________________ of the fighting was like Saving Private Ryan, and
the fighting had started the _______________________
–Dropped _____________________behind lines to take out _________________-early
jump triggered by pilots
–____________________ to make Germans think attack was coming at
______________ closest beach to UK
•Because of brilliant planning, deception, and bravery, D-Day was a
___________________ , and put Germany on the ___________________
Invasion of Germany
•Allies free France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg
•_________________: US and British begin attacking eastward from _____________,
USSR attacks westward
•Hitler is desperate, and makes one last attempt to ________the war, throwing everything
he has left at _________________ at Battle of the ______________.
Politics of Invading Germany
–Americans and British initially give ______________, creating a
“____________” in the lines. *
–Allies turn back German attack, creating ____________________ German
casualties-most of what’s left of _____________________
Politics of Invading Germany
•Stalin wanted USSR to ____________________________________
–He wanted the ________________ to go to USSR
–___________________ happy to let USSR take brunt of the __________________
•Instead of waiting around, ______________________ decides to try to liberate
–Eisenhower cuts off his ______________-was afraid Patton and USSR might start
–CZ eventually liberated and _________________ by USSR.
bombing: Allies begin large-scale bombing of German cities
•Short on soldiers, Hitler lowers ______________ to ____ and raises it to ____.*
–These new “soldier” just ______ in the ________
–Were also poorly ______________ due to weapons produced at ________________*
•_______ dies on April 12, 1945, placing _________________ as the new president
•Soviets surround and __________________
•_______________ commits suicide and Germany formally _________________ on
May 7, 1945 (V-E Day)
•Warfare formally ends in Europe
American Home Front*
Almost everything that was ___________ of the home front in _______________ was
true in ___________________
US _______________ food and materials like meat, gas, leather, _____________, and
US produces _______________________
US sells massive amounts of _______________________
Women take to the ____________________
American military units ____________________ nearly all of the war (Truman end it)
There was ________ major ___________________……..and it wasn’t pretty
Japanese Internment- The American Holocaust
• Widespread __________ existed in the US that ___________________ Americans
were working against the US.
• Solution- Japanese Americans were sent ________________ by the government,
forcing them to ____________ property quickly, and report to
– Little better than ___________________
– Were _____________________ from leaving, and visitation severely monitored.
– Over _____________________ Japanese Americans were “______________” to
camps from 1942-1945
– In ______________, US Government issues former ___________________
reparation check.
Triangles are Camps
Colorado Camp
Japanese Expansion
Conquest goals in Asia
Raw materials for _________________________ (oil, rubber, steel, etc)
Living space
Racial _____________________
_________________________: mostly Korean, kidnapped into
___________________ for Japanese military
Rape of __________________: 200,000 dead; 20,000 raped
Wars and Expansion plans in Asia
Japanese attempt to maintain control of _______________________ lands won in
Russo-Japanese War (1905)
Invades __________________ in N China in 1931
Expands warfare against ___________________ in 1937
Japan enters into defensive _____________________with __________________ and
Italy in Tripartite Pact in September 1940
Japan Cont.
Seizes French territory in ______________________ in 1941
Plans attack on _______ and resource rich _________________________ (Indonesia)
__________ discovers plan and puts ____________________________ on Japan,
including -_________
To ___________________ the U.S. power in the Pacific, the Japanese attack the
United States Navy at ______________________ on December 7, 1941
– Attacks came while ______________ talks were going on.
– While it was a devastating _________ for the US, America’s three
_____________________ are not damaged by the attack.*
USS Yorktown
Japan Cont.
The US ______________________ after FDR’s “Day of Infamy” speech, ending
US Response-Doolittle Raid
FDR and many high ranking Americans determined to strike at
Air force officer Colonel James ____________________ came up with a plan. Ironic
– Launch heavy B25 bombers from _______________________________.
– Too ______ and too _______ to land on Carrier, so they would land in _________
– ___________ B25 bombers make it to Japan, and bomb ______________ targets
on mainland.
Results_________________ actual damage done, but proved to both US and Japan
that Japan was not _____________________
_____________ US Airmen lost their lives (3 executed by Japan) and one crew lands
in USSR, and are __________________ for 1 year.
B25s on Deck of USS Hornet
Pacific Theatre
Japanese Expansion throughout Asia
Seizes ___________________, Malaya, Dutch East Indies, and ____________ in
early 1942
Shuts down “____________________” from India to ________________, crippling
supplies headed to _______________________ resistance
Seizes ___________________ from US in January 1942, with ______________
Death March occurring in May 1942
Japan attempts to win over _________________from territories with idea of “Asia
for the ______________” but treatment of conquered territories leads to
Battle of the Coral Sea May 1942
US first attempt to ______________ Imperial Japan at _____________
First ever ______________ battle where opposing navies never made
______________ contact with each other.
US gets its __________ kick in terms of planes __________ and ships ___________,
but stops Japanese a______________.-Damage two _____________=can’t take part in
Battle of _____________________.
US Loses 69 planes shot down 3 ships sunk (USS Lexington) and 1 ______________
(Yorktown) Badly damaged.
– Left only one carrier, USS ________________ to defend US Coast
Battle of Coral Sea
The Battle of Midway-US Catches a Break
Battle of _______________ (June 1942) : Japanese attempt to attack US
_______________ and destroy remaining _________________
– US intercepts and ______________ plans for attack on ______________ Island
– US commits all three ________________ to a ___________________
• Risk= Japan could be attacking ________________, no protection.
– Japanese fail to discover presence of ______________ until its too late
– US sinks __ of 5 Japanese ______________ in one day
• _____________ Japanese fleet.
– US only _____________ one The ____________________
__________________-from this point on, the US will be on the _____________, and
Japan the _______________.
Battle of Guadalcanal November 1942
• Japan had been advancing ____________ in the Pacific and threatened
• Japan tries to take Solomon Island, the location of Henderson ________________=
vital to _____________________ Protection.
– US uses ____________________ to defend Airfield
• While the US gets the worse of the fighting again, Japan is prevented from taking the
Reach of Japanese Empire
Plans for attacking Japan
With the Japanese in _____________ the US employs a plan of ____________
– Goal-take key, less _______________ islands on the way to Japanese
– Use the _______________ controlled island as a ____________ to take another
island _____________ to Japan.
• Focus on ____________________ islands, and those _____________ defended.
Iwo Jima and Okinawa
• The ______________ the US got the Japan, the more ________________ the
Japanese fought.
– Fought to the ________________ on both Islands
– Began the use of __________________ attacks
• ___________________ American Casualties at Iwo Jima
– ______ day island battle
– Of 17,000 Japanese on the island-_____________ prisoners-the rest killed/missing
• ___________________ Allied casualties at Okinawa
– _______ day long island battle
– _______________ Japanese soldiers killed- 7-10,000 captured
– _______________ deaths range from 42,000-_________________
• _____________ allegations
A No-Win Situation
• With _______________ under control, the US could now focus on
• President _______________ gathers his advisors to discuss an _____________ of
– Was told it would about ________ months to take Japan.
– 1-1.5 _______________Americans would be Killed/wounded if we went ________
• Believed fighting would be ___________________ of the war
• ____________ had offered help with Germany defeated
– ______________bombing seemed to do no good.
• Killed ________________ Japanese when ________________ was
Firebombed-fighting ____________ not broken
– Could ________________ and ______________Japan out
• Brutal-might mean the ___________ of all Japanese
Truman Had __________ alternative…….
The Manhattan Project
August 1939 ____________________ writes a letter to FDR warning him about
________________ intent to develop ________________ power.
Not wanting to fall _____________, the US enters the _______________ to develop
nuclear power into a ____________________ in 1942.
– So ______________ Vice President Truman was _______________ about it
– Cost ____ Billion Dollars-___________ Billion 2012.
Develop ______________, successfully _______ the first in May 1945 while Truman
was at ______________
Truman hoped using the bomb would prevent an I_____________ of Japan, and gave
the ___________________
“I have become the Destroyer of Man”
On August 6 , 1945, the US uses the first ever Nuclear weapon, bombing
_________________ Japan.
– Japan did not have industrial or military _____________ like ________________
– Uranium bomb produces force of ___________ kilotons of ________-Kills 70,00080,000 _______________. 4.7 miles
Army Drops a second bomb on __________________ __ days later _____________
presidential permission.
– ___________________ bomb explodes with force of ____ kilotons of TNT. Kills
35,000 instantly-destroys 44% of the city. AND IT MISSED
– Truman __________ the use of the bomb the next day
All the while, the ________________ were discussing __________________
The wars end
• The Japanese seek peace, and a _________________ is signed Sept. 2nd 1945,
officially ending WWII.
– Treaty signed on USS ________________
– Not _________________- Japan allowed to keep ________________
– “If they want to keep their _______________, then we will tell them __________
to keep him.” Harry Truman
• _______________ did not get into the war quickly enough, so the US would have the
________________ in developing ______________
– Japan gets _________________
– ______________ must admit he is not __________________
– US will ______________
•____________ immerges as world power
–Least ________________ among conflicting nations
–Only country with ________________ weapons
•New technology develops
–V2 __________=space, jet engines, _____________, nuclear power
•The world becomes ______________ by the winning countries and
their systems of ___________________
–US/UK= democracy USSR=Communist
–Iron Curtain in Europe, North/South Korea/Vietnam in Asia.