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Chapter 10 Outline
Understanding and Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer
I. Introducing Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease, or disease of the heart and circulatory system, is the number one
killer of women in the United States. Additionally, it imposes a heavy financial burden on
the U.S. economy, and it is a major cause of death and disability worldwide.
A. Epidemiology
B. Economics
C. Global impact
II. The Heart
Survival is dependent upon the heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body.
A. Biology of the heart
B. Biology of the blood and circulatory system
C. Problems with heartbeat
III. Diseases (Pathophysiology) of the Heart
Many diseases or conditions can impair heart function or circulation. Behavioral and
lifestyle factors affect a woman’s risk for developing cardiovascular disease. In the U.S.,
patterns of CVD rates differ along gender and ethnic lines.
A. Coronary heart disease (CHD)
1. explaining CHD
2. treatment
B. Acute coronary syndrome
C. Congestive heart failure (CHF)
D. Rheumatic heart disease
E. Angina pectoris
F. Peripheral artery disease
G. Metabolic syndrome
H. Cerebrovascular disease (stroke)
1. what happens during a stroke
2. warning signs
3. treatment and recovery
IV. Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
Behavioral and lifestyle factors play a large part in determining a woman’s risk for
developing CVD.
A. Cigarette smoking
B. Hypertension
C. High blood cholesterol
1. cholesterol’s effects on arteries
2. kinds of cholesterol
3. cholesterol levels
4. related blood substances
D. Diabetes
E. Overweight and obesity
F. Sedentary lifestyle
G. Other factors
1. menopause
2. oral contraceptives
3. alcohol and illicit drug use
4. stress
H. Compounding risk factors
V. Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in CVD
Women have milder symptoms of CVD and experience CVD at a later age then men.
Large disparities in CVD rates exist in the U.S., in large part because of different
behavioral and environmental risks.
A. Gender differences
B. Racial and ethnic differences
VI. Introducing Cancer
Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cellular growth. Cancer is the secondhighest cause of death for women in the United States, and a leading cause of death
worldwide. In the U.S., most cancers disproportionately affect women of color.
A. The biology of cancer
1. malignant and benign tumors
2. carcinogens
B. Epidemiology
C. Racial, ethnic, and class disparities
D. Economic costs
E. Global perspectives
VII. Breast Conditions
Breast cancer is a relatively common and relatively serious form of cancer for women,
especially as they age. Screening and early diagnosis greatly improve a woman’s chances
of receiving easier treatment and of recovering fully.
A. Benign breast diseases
B. Stages of breast cancer
C. Breast cancer risk factors
D. Screening and diagnosis
E. Treatment and reconstruction
VIII. Gynecological Conditions
Both benign and malignant (cancerous) growths can appear in the female reproductive
system. Cervical cancer can be easily diagnosed with screening and treated, while ovarian
cancer is usually silent and deadly. Uterine cancer is somewhere in between.
A. Benign cervical changes
B. Cervical cancer
1. stages
2. risk factors
3. screening and diagnosis
4. treatment
C. Benign uterine conditions
1. symptoms
2. treatment
3. different benign conditions
D. Uterine cancer
1. stages
2. risk factors
3. screening and diagnosis
4. treatment
E. Benign ovarian growths
F. Ovarian cancer
1. stages
2. risk factors
3. screening and diagnosis
4. treatment
IX. Other Important Cancers
Women are susceptible to cancer anywhere in their bodies. Lung cancer, colorectal
cancer, and skin cancer, however, all have especially important impacts on women’s
A. Lung cancer
1. risk factors
2. diagnosis
3. treatment
B. Colorectal cancer
1. risk factors
2. screening and diagnosis
3. treatment
C. Skin cancer
1. kinds of skin cancer
2. risk factors
3. screening and diagnosis
4. treatment
X. Informed Decision Making
Women can best protect themselves from cardiovascular disease and cancer through
prevention. No time is too early to start. Proper prevention for these chronic conditions
includes adopting healthy living behaviors and receiving proper health screening.