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Physical Sciences 130; 12 - 1:45 PM TuTh
This is a one-quarter course on stars, stellar evolution, and topics
known collectively as ``high energy astrophysics'' as it applies to stellar
phenomena. Thus the subject matter includes, in addition to the study
of the stars themselves - their observed properties and their formation
and evolution - such topics as novae, supernovae, nucleosynthesis (the
origin of the elements), x-ray sources, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts,
neutron stars, and black holes. We shall also discuss basic astrometry
and celestial mechanics and the application of stars and supernovae to
distance determination
Cosmology and extra-galactic astronomy will be touched on in several
lectures in Ay 12, though not in nearly as great depth as in Ay 13,
which will be offered in spring quarter by David Koo. This and other
courses being offered by the Astronomy Department this year are
posted at
Ay 12 is especially intended for science majors and counts toward
satisfying requirements for the astrophysics minor. It is heavily physics
oriented. However, it should also be accessible to highly motivated
non-science majors with some background in math and exposure to
physical principles (see below). Our studies in Astronomy 12 will
require knowledge of simple mechanics and some basic ideas about
radiation theory, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics which we
shall develop as we go along, using astrophysical applications as
examples. The second half of the quarter deals with the evolution of
stars, beginning with their formation on the "main sequence",
continuing their lives as bright celestial objects, and ending as the star
collapses to a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. Various
phenomena associated with star death (such as supernovae and
nucleosynthesis) will be discussed as will energetic phenomena
associated with collapsed stars and binary stars.
While this course will be taught at a higher level (more math and
physics) than the other introductory courses offered this quarter, the
material is mostly self-contained. No previous college level math,
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physics, or astronomy is required, though it certainly will help. It will
be assumed however that the student has mastered elementary algebra,
including logarithms, simple trigonometry, and fractional powers, and
has some familiarity with basic scientific concepts and reasoning.
Elementary calculus will some times be used in classroom derivations
because, for those understanding calculus, it is the easiest and clearest
way of obtaining results. It is not expected, however, that the student
will need to use calculus on homework assignments or tests. There will
be considerable emphasis on the physical processes believed to be
operating in stars and the development of basic physical concepts will
form a core part of the course. A background in math (at say the
pre-calculus level, Math 3) and physics (5AB or 6AB) will definitely
make the course much easier.
Performance in this course will be judged on the basis of i) an in class,
graded mid-term exam (roughly 25%); ii) a similar final exam (roughly
30%); iii) 4 graded homework sets (roughly 35%) and in class
participation (up to 10%). Questions and class-room discussion are
encouraged, both for your benefit and to aid me in properly pacing the
course. This course also counts toward the astrophysics minor.
The recommended text (but not required) for this course is Voyages to
the Stars and Galaxies: Third Edition by Fraknoi, Morrison, and Wolff
(FMW). It is reasonably modern, but far too superficial mathematically
for my liking. It does give many interesting links on the web for further
study though. Another book that I would recommend especially for the
second half of the course is An Introduction to the Sun and Stars by
Simon Green and Mark Jones (Barnes and Noble, 2004). This is better
than the Fraknoi book at what it covers, but lacks most of the material
treated in the first few weeks of the course. Somewhat harder and too
mathematical to be our main textbook is Introductory Astronomy and
Astrophysics, fourth edition by Zeilik and Gregory. Despite its opacity,
some of the physics discussions and equations presented there will be
useful in this course.
Specific readings in our recommended text Fraknoi, Morrison, and
Wolff, and in Green and Jones will be suggested below. Both books will
be on reserve at the Science Library.
Increasingly, large amounts of useful information are available on the
internet. We will maintain a current website for the course at
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There you will find copies of the slidess used in class, homework
assignments, course syllabus, constant sheet, and reviews for the
mid-term and final, and many other interesting links. Unless there are
problems with access, some exercises and homework may involve
using the web. A good starting point with lots of links is the website for
our textbook
Click on the ``Free Materials'' underneath the image of the book - or go
to the class site and click on the link in the syllabus given there. (Go to
``Astronomy Links''; ``Links directly related to lectures''; and click on
``Textbook site'').
Another very interesting website is the ``hypertext'' astronomy textbook
by Nick Strobel at
Click on -Jump to detailed listing- I strongly urge those of you with
web access (everybody?) to follow the topics of our class at these sites.
Because not all the material to be presented in this course is contained
in any one book, your attendance is strongly encouraged. Taking
accurate detailed notes is also strongly advised as you will need them in
order to do the homework and to study for the two exams.
Class will meet twice weekly (TuTh 12 PM) in the Physical Sciences
Building, Room 130. There will be a Graduate Teaching Assistant,
Jerome Fang. His office is in Interdisciplinary Sciences, room 131 and
his phone number is 9-3259. Students can stop by his office by making
an appointment, but he will definitely be present for official Office
Hours which are Wednesdays from 12:30 - 2:00 PM in Interdisciplinary
Sciences 126. Jerome has set up a class website at
There will also be a weekly Discussion Section that Jerome will run.
This section is ``optional'' in the sense that if you are doing well in the
course and don't need help with the homework, you don't have to
attend, but if you do poorly in the class and have not attended Section,
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it will be held against you, i.e., you will not get the ``extra credit'' that
comes from participating in Section. Section is on Tuesdays from 4:00 5:10 PM in Thimann Labs 101.
I will also be available during office hours (2:00 - 3:30 PM Tu, IDS
259) or at other times by appointment, though Jerome should be the one
you first turn to with questions regarding course material. It will be
advisable to purchase a small inexpensive calculator, if you do not
already own one. Be sure to get one that does powers, roots, trig, and
A general outline of topics and relevant page numbers in the text
follows. The actual material covered will vary somewhat and the topics
near the end will depend on our rate of progress. Roman numerals do
not correspond to the lecture number, but do indicate the approximate
sequencing of topics. The references are based on the 3rd edition of
Voyage to the Stars and Galaxies (FMW), Green and Jones An
Introduction to the Sun and Stars (GJ), and Nick Strobel's
hypertextbook (NS). You may also want to begin by looking at NS
``Appendix B: Quick Mathematics Review''.
The scope of the Universe and the place of the stars in the grand
scheme of things. Overview of course material. FMW Prologue;
Chapter 1, 9.1; NS ``Astronomy as a Science and a Sense of Scale''.
The location of the sun in the sky. Right ascension, declination,
longitude, and latitude. The celestial sphere and coordinates.
FMW 1, 3; NS ``Astronomy Without a Telescope''
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1. Newtonian physics, fundamental forces, gravitation.
2. Kepler's Laws
3. Energy: kinetic, gravitational, electrical, thermal, nuclear.
4. Weighing the galaxy. Evidence for dark matter.
FMW 2, 16; NS ``Newton's Law of Gravity''
1. Luminosity, flux, magnitude definitions
2. Parallax's and proper motions; distance determinations
3. Cepheid variables; P-L relations; distances to local groups
4. Other standard candles - brightest stars, H II regions, supernovae
5. The Tully-Fisher relation.
6. Hubble's law
FMW 10; NS ``Stellar Properties'' (first half) and last part of ``Other
Galaxies and Active Galaxies'' - Steps to the Hubble Constant; GJ 3
1. General properties
2. Transparency of Earth's atmosphere
3. Black body radiation and the greenhouse effect
4. Stellar temperatures
5. Quantum physics - the Bohr atom
6. Emission and absorption of radiation
7. Doppler shift
8. Stellar spectra
FMW 4, 5; NS ``Electromagnetic Radiation''; GJ 1, 3
1. Determination of stellar radii, surface temperatures, mass,
composition, etc. 2. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 3. Star clusters;
distances, ages 4. Stellar populations; history of the Galaxy.
FMW 8, 9; NS ``Stellar Properties'' (second half); GJ 3, 4
1. The viral theorem
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2. The Jean's mass
3. The interstellar medium and molecular clouds
4. Observational evidence for star formation
FMW 11, 12; NS ``The Interstellar Medium'' and the first part of
``Lives and Deaths of Stars''; GJ 4, 5
1. Concepts of pressure and equation of state
2. Kinds of pressure
3. Hydrostatic equilibrium
4. The sun, a typical star
5. Degeneracy pressure and the minimum mass of a star
6. Nuclear physics
7. Hydrogen burning and the main sequence of the HR diagram
8. The solar neutrino ``problem''
FMW 6, 7; NS ``Our Sun and Stellar Structure''; GJ 1, 2, 6
1. Helium burning in stars
2. Red giant stars
3. The s-process: making tin and lead from iron
4. Planetary nebulae
5. Formation and properties of white dwarf stars
FMW 13; NS ``Lives and Deaths of Stars'' (middle part); GJ 7, 8, 9
1. Advanced stages of nuclear burning. The role of neutrinos
2. Observed properties of supernovae
3. The gravity bomb: How supernovae of Types II and Ib work
4. Supernova 1987A
5. Nucleosynthesis of elements up to nickel
6. The r-process: Making gold and platinum from iron.
5. Supernova remnants
FMW 14; NS ``Lives and Deaths of Stars'' (last part); GJ 7, 8
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1. Mass exchange in binary star evolution
2. Novae
3. Type 1a supernovae
FMW 14; GJ 9
1. Properties of neutron stars and black holes
2. Accreting x-ray sources
3. Pulsars
FMW 14, 15; GJ 9
FMW 15, 18-interlude
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