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Экзаменационный билет (бакалавриат/ специалитет) №1
Инструкция для абитуриентов
Тест состоит из частей A, B, C и D. на его выполнение отводится 155 минут. Задания
рекомендуется выполнять по порядку, строго следуя инструкциям, сформулированным к
каждому из них. Если задание не удается выполнить сразу, перейдите к следующему. Если
останется время, вернитесь к пропущенным заданиям.
Пользование словарями во время выполнения теста воспрещается!
Часть А. Аудирование.
Задание А1 – А7. Задание выполняется непосредственно во время звучания текста. Вы
услышите фрагмент беседы, которая прозвучит два раза. Во время прослушиваний заполняйте
пропуски в предложениях словами и фразами, прозвучавшими в тексте. Если после первого
раза у вас остались незаполненными пробелы с недостающей информацией из текста, в ходе
второго прослушивания сосредоточьтесь на оставшихся пропусках.
A 1. The nursery is in a_____________ in southern England.
A 2. Children spend most of their time_____________ , even in the__________.
A 3. They learn about the world by_______________.
A 4. Sue thinks children today don’t have enough_______________.
A 5. They need to be allowed to____________ when they play.
A 6. She thinks that schools are obsessed with eliminating risk because if children_______
their parents will sue the school.
A 7. Parents at her school are_____________
about what the school is doing.
Часть B. Лексика и грамматика
Задание В1 – В20. Дополните следующие ниже предложения, выбрав один из
предложенных вариантов ответа. Обведите кружком свой ответ на бланке.
1. … polar bear is in … trouble for different reasons: … global warming … … Arctic ice
pack, … it needs for hunting.
a) A; the; 0; is reducing; 0; which
b) The; 0; the; reduces; the; what
c) A; the; the; is reduced; 0; that
d) The; 0; 0; is reducing; the; which
2. You know she doesn’t eat meat? She … a vegetarian for five years. And I … she … schools
… year for the … six years.
a) is; hear; has changed; each; last
b) has been; have heard; has been changing; every; last
c) has been; heard; had changed; every; latest
d) is; have heard; is changing; each; latest
3. I wish you … and get … business!
would stop chatting; down to
stopped to chatter;
should stop chatting; on
should stop to chatter; to
4. You will fail the test … you … … … the whole weekend.
a) if; will study; hardly; for
b) in case; study; hardly; during
c) unless; study; hard; for
d) in case; will study; hard; during
5. If Bill Gates … Microsoft, he … one of the richest people in the world.
a) hadn’t set up;
wouldn’t be
b) set up; wouldn’t be
c) wouldn’t have set up; wouldn’t have been
d) hasn’t set up; won’t be
6. In the fifteenth century Columbus was thought … … passage to India.
a) to have found; a
b) to find; the
c) to have founded; 0
d) to find; 0
7. I wondered what … she … for Paul … his birthday.
a) did; buy; for
b) has; bought; on
c) 0; had bought; for
d) 0; has bought; on
8. The minister … that voters were not well informed about the … … .
a) accused; government;
b) suggested; government’s; politics
c) wondered; government; politics
d) observed; government’s; policy
9. I hoped … … the office earlier but the boss made me … overtime.
a) leaving; from; work
b) to leave; 0; work
c) to be leaving; from; working
d) leaving; 0; to work
10. … Minister of Foreign Affairs denied … … the corruption scandal.
a) The; being involved; in
b) 0; having been involved; with
c) The; to have been involved; in
d) 0; to be involved; with
11. While tea is … … national drink in Britain, it … the modern qualities … to attract young
a) yet;
lacks; necessary
b) still; the; lacks; needed
c) much; the; is lacking;
d) as yet; a; is lacked;
12. Spaniards are mostly self-assertive and sociable and used … childhood to … their voices
to make … .
themselfs hear
them heard
themselves heard
themselves hearing
13. … next month’s European Union Summit in Nice, France, the government … the Prime
Minister and the Foreign Secretary in defence of … powers for the EU.
a) As a result of; have wheeled out; increasing
b) Had it not been for; wheeled; increasing
c) In preparation for; has wheeled out; increased
d) In an attempt to; have wheeled; increased
14. I was surprised … my dog Rex … … tail … Ann’s approaching.
a) to see; wag; it’s; on
b) at seeing; wagging; its; at
c) seeing; to wag; its; by
d) on seeing; wagged; it’s; on
15. How … interfere … his own investigation?!
a) dare Jack; with
b) does Jack dare; in
c) dares Jack; with
d) dares Jack to; in
16. … holiday resorts … popular … British are … Mediterranean Coasts, or … further south.
a) The; most; with the; on the; yet
b) 0; more; with; at the; more
c) 0; much; at the; in; still
d) The; much; by the; on; much
17. But more … northern land area is … country, where the bleak moors of ... Pennines have
… fine scenery and … valleys have picturesque villages.
a) than a half of; sheep’s; 0; a; the
b) half of the; sheepy; the; a; 0
c) a half of; sheep’s; 0; a; 0
d) than half the; sheep; the; 0; the
18. … was plenty of time so we … a taxi.
a) It; didn’t need to take
b) There; needn’t have taken
c) It; didn’t need take
d) There; needed not take
19. I’m sure this wasn’t a poisonous snake.
a) couldn’t be
b) mustn’t have been
c) mayn’t have been
d) can’t have been
It … a poisonous snake!
20. … you … your suitcase? I have … room for my bag.
a) Could; remove; a little
b) Can; move; little
c) May; take away; few
d) Would; replace; not enough
Часть C. Чтение
Задание С1 – С5. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы по существенным
деталям его содержания, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Обведите кружком
ваш ответ на каждый из пяти предложенных вопросов на бланке.
It is one of the most evocative phrases in the lexicon of science: artificial intelligence, ‘AI”, the
creation of machines that can think. Just the mention of it conjures up images of HAL, A Space
Odyssey, the chatty robot from Star Wars.
For over half a century, computer scientists have been working towards creating such
machines, spending billions of pounds in the attempt. The challenging effort was made by a British
mathematician, Alan Turing. He showed, in theory a ‘universal machine’ could be built, capable of
performing all the tasks of any special-purpose computing machine. Turing also believed that
computers could mimic the action of the human mind.
Today’s computer scientists divide into two broad camps on the issue of AI. The pragmatists
see AI as a means to creating machines that do for thinking-taking on tasks we humans would prefer
not to do. Then there are the visionaries, for whom AI is all about computerised ‘assistants’ that solve
your printer problems.
In fact AI technology has got successful applications: the neutral network cooking controls of
microwave ovens, or the export system that vets credit card transactions. However, the results can be
more irritating than impressive; witness Microsoft’s Paperclip Assistant, and the AI-based ‘help desks’
of high-tech companies. Even now, 50 years after work began on intelligent machines, only the bravest
customers trust the automated telephone ticketing system at their local cinema.
All researchers have pulled off some striking achievements. Herbert Simon’s 1957 prediction
that a computer would make a mathematical discovery came to pass 20 years later, when a logic-based
program named AM, developed by Douglas Lenat, discovered that every even number greater than
four seemed to be the sum of two odd primes. In fact, AM had been pipped to the discovery by the
Prussian mathematician Christian Goldbach in the 18th century. Nevertheless the rediscovery of
‘Goldbach’s Conjecture’ by AM caused a stir within the AI community.
C1. Ассording to the writer, the term ‘artificial intelligence’
a) implies that computers can be too clever;
b) is overused among computer scientists;
c) makes us think of machines from sci-fi films;
d) is missing from some scientific dictionaries.
C2. Turing believed that
a) computers could copy human thought processes;
b) computer research needed more funding;
c) computers would eventually replace human being;.
d) computers might be used for immoral purpose.
C3. Computer scientists today
a) are making our dreams come true;
b) do not distinguish between sci-fi and reality;
c) are spending far too long on AI research;.
d) do not agree about the aims of AI development.
C4. What is the writer’s view of the Microsoft Paperclip assistant?
a) it is a very helpful device;
b) it is not to be trusted;
c) it is rather annoying;
d) it is an impressive development.
C5. The discovery made by Lenat’s computer program
a) showed predictions about AI to be false;
b) was greeted with excitement by AI researchers;
c) went against 18th century mathematical theory;
d) enabled it to win games like chess.
Задание С6 – С10. Прочтите текст: установите соответствие текста или абзаца
предложенным рубрикам (заголовкам или обобщающим выводам), к которым они могли быть
отнесены. Из списка A, B, C, D, E, F выберите подходящую рубрику для каждой части текста,
обозначенной цифрами 6, 7, 8, 9 и 10. В задании есть одна лишняя рубрика.
C6. Never give up. When times are hard, keep plugging away towards your goal. If you have a
dream, inch your way to it and mark off mini goals on the way. A lot of it depends on your own mental
will to succeed. There was a time in my career when I matured from a little girl to a woman and I
experienced a huge dip in my confidence. My coach encouraged me to keep going, and it was the best
advice I could have been given.
C7. I used imagery and visualisation a lot when I was competing and it helped a great deal in
my success. Imagine you are experiencing success. Mentally transfer yourself to the place where you
can see, hear and smell what is going on around you. Then, run through the possible permutations of
what could happen. This way you will be prepared for everything and afraid of nothing.
C8. Be concentrated. Concentration will make you feel more in control of your like and it will
boost your confidence and self-belief. Occasionally, I use key words that help me stay focused. When I
am stressed, it helps to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’. This habit can become second
nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological tool.
C9. Be organised and disciplined. Make lists of what you want to do and what you want to
achieve and then plan your progress towards your goal. Just by writing down your goals for the day,
however small they are, you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.
C10. Don’t underestimate yourself. I didn’t have the confidence to believe I could be a
winner until the last Olympics. I misjudged my race and only took fourth place, but it taught me more
than I could have imagined, that I could have done it. Now, having achieved way beyond what I
expected, I have no barriers in my mind. Push yourself beyond your limits, work your way up and
enjoy yourself while you do it.
Kirsten Best repeats things to herself in order to relax.
The age affected Ann’s self-assurance.
Denise Lewis needed to overcome health problems.
Roger Black thinks about success in order to make it happen.
Donna Fraser believes that you should try to surpass yourself.
Karen White tries to manage her time effectively.
Часть D. Письменное творческое задание.
Задание D1-D5. Письменно завершите предложенные высказывания так, чтобы они
имели смысл.
D1. If I hadn’t kept late hours, __________________________________________________________
D2 I wish __________________________________________________________________________
D3. To make me happy, you should_______________________________________________________
D4. Friendship is _____________________________________________________________________
D5. There is no point in ________________________________________________________________
Задание D6
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nick who writes:
…I’m going to do a project on reading in different countries. Could you help me? Do young people
read as much as old people in your country? Do you prefer to read E-books or traditional books? Why? How
much time do you and your friends spend reading daily?
As for the latest news, I have just joined a sport club…
Write a letter to Nick.
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about Nick’s sport club
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
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О.И. Милованова
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