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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Е.Ф. Ней, А.К. Кайролдина
Методические указания и контрольные работы
для студентов заочной и дистанционной форм обучения ФИТЭ
ВКГТУ им. Д. Серикбаева
1.1 Цель выполнения контрольной работы
Выполнение контрольной работы способствует закреплению навыков
работы с текстами по специальности, умений работать со справочной
литературой и другими источниками информации, знанию основной
профессиональной терминологии по специальности.
Защита контрольных работ является частью рубежного контроля или
допуском до экзамена, и включает в себя проверку усвоения материала,
вошедшего в контрольные работы.
1.2 Выбор темы контрольной работы
Каждая контрольная работа предлагается в пяти вариантах. Вы должны
выполнить один из пяти вариантов в соответствии с последними цифрами
студенческого шифра (номера зачетной книжки): студенты, шифр которых
оканчивается на 1 или 2, выполняют вариант № 1; на 3 или 4 - № 2; на 5 или 6 № 3; на 7 или 8 - № 4; на 9 или 0 - № 5.
1.3 Требования, предъявляемые к контрольной работе
Контрольные работы должны выполняться и сдаваться на проверку
вовремя, до начала сессии.
Если вы сделали ошибки в контрольной работе, необходимо сделать
работу над ошибками в той же тетради, что и контрольная работа. Работа над
ошибками проверяется преподавателем на практическом занятии во время
сессии и является частью защиты контрольной работы.
При получении от рецензента проверенной контрольной работы
внимательно прочитайте рецензию, ознакомьтесь с замечаниями и
проанализируйте отмеченные в работе ошибки.
Руководствуясь указаниями рецензента, проработайте еще раз учебный
материал. Все предложения, в которых были обнаружены орфографические и
грамматические ошибки или неточности перевода, перепишите начисто в
исправленном виде в работе над ошибками после данной контрольной работы.
Материал следует располагать так же, как и при выполнении контрольной
документами, которые необходимо сохранять.
1.4 Порядок оформления контрольной работы
Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует в отдельной
тетради. На обложке напишите свою фамилию, номер контрольной работы,
вариант, шифр специальности, наименование группы и шифр студента (номер
зачетной книжки). Контрольные работы должны выполняться пастой синего
или черного цвета, аккуратно, четким почерком через строку.
Если работа выполняется в компьютерном варианте, следует выбрать
альбомную раскладку страницы и междустрочный интервал равный 1,5.
При выполнении контрольной работы оставляйте в тетради широкие поля
для замечаний, объяснений и методических указаний рецензента.
Материал контрольной работы следует располагать в тетради по
следующему образцу:
Развернутый лист тетради
левая страница
правая страница
поля (5 см)
Предложения на
английском языке
Перевод на русский
поля (5 см)
Обязательно переписывайте саму формулировку задания и выполняйте
все задания и в той последовательности, в которой они даны в методичке.
1.5 Образцы выполнения заданий к контрольной № 1
Некоторые предложения в тексте пронумерованы, чтобы студенту было
проще ориентироваться при выполнении заданий. Номер стоит в начале
1.5.1 Образец выполнения задания 1.
Задание 1.
Перепишите предложение. Выпишите сказуемые
и определите
видовременную форму и залог. Предложение переведите.
We shall analyse these samples in
оur laboratory.
Мы проанализируем эти образцы
в нашей лаборатории.
shall analyse – Future Simple Active от глагола to analyse
1.5.2 Образец выполнения задания 2.
Задание 2.
Выпишите из предложения инфинитив, причастие и герундий.
eliminating - герундий
created - причастие
to be used – инфинитив
1.5.3 Образец выполнения задания 3.
Задание 3.
Перепишите предложения. Укажите главное и придаточное предложения.
Предложение переведите.
Although less force is used, the amount Хотя прикладывается меньше
of work remains the same.
усилий, количество работы остается
тем же.
1.5.4 Образец выполнения задания 4.
Задание 5.
1. hazard
a. place or fix in position ready for
b. a danger or risk
2. install
2 –b
3 –a
1.6 Образцы выполнения заданий к контрольной № 2
1.6.1 Образец выполнения задания 1.
Assignment 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
a) place or fix in position ready for
b) a danger or risk
1 –b
2 –a
1.6.2 Образец выполнения задания 2.
Assignment 2. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1.___T___ This process did not start with Benjamin Franklin.
1.6.3 Образец выполнения задания 3.
Assignment 3. Match heads and tails of the following sentences.
1.I have been waiting
2.The firemen have been trying
a) to put out a big forest fire in
b) for you for two hours.
1.6.4 Образец выполнения задания 4.
Assignment 4. Fill in the gaps using the given words.
_________(1) engineers check _______(2) all the equipment
1 - maintenance
2 - regularly
Вариант 1
Electricity became a subject of scientific interest in the late 17th century with
the work of William Gilbert. (1) Over the next two centuries a number of important
discoveries were made including the incandescent lightbulb and the voltaic pile.
Probably the greatest discovery with respect to power engineering came from
Michael Faraday who in 1831 discovered that a change in magnetic flux induces an
electromotive force in a loop of wire. (2) That principle known as electromagnetic
induction helps explain how generators and transformers work.
(3) In 1881 two electricians built the world's first power station at Godalming
in England. (4) The station employed two waterwheels to produce an alternating
current that was used to supply seven Siemens arc lamps at 250 volts and thirty-four
incandescent lamps at 40 volts. However supply was intermittent and in 1882 Thomas
Edison and his company, The Edison Electric Light Company, developed the first
steam-powered electric power station on Pearl Street in New York City. The Pearl
Street Station consisted of several generators and initially powered around 3,000
lamps for 59 customers. (5) The power station used direct current and operated at a
single voltage. (6) Since the direct current power could not be easily transformed to
the higher voltages necessary to minimise power loss during transmission, the
possible distance between the generators and load was limited to around half-a-mile
(800 m).
That same year in London Lucien Gaulard and John Dixon Gibbs demonstrated
the first transformer suitable for use in a real power system. (7) The practical value of
Gaulard and Gibbs' transformer was demonstrated in 1884 at Turin where the
transformer was used to light up forty kilometres (25 miles) of railway from a single
alternating current generator. Despite the success of the system, the pair made some
fundamental mistakes. Perhaps the most serious was connecting the primaries of the
transformers in series so that switching one lamp on or off would affect other lamps
further down the line. (8) After the demonstration George Westinghouse, an
American entrepreneur, imported a number of the transformers along with a Siemens
generator and set his engineers to experimenting with them in the hopes of improving
them for use in a commercial power system.
One of Westinghouse's engineers, William Stanley, recognised the problem
with connecting transformers in series as opposed to parallel and also realised that
making the iron core of a transformer a fully enclosed loop would improve the
voltage regulation of the secondary winding. Using this knowledge he built a much
improved alternating current power system at Great Barrington, Massachusetts in
1886. Then in 1887 and 1888 another engineer called Nikola Tesla filed a range of
patents related to power systems including one for a two-phase induction motor. (9)
Although Tesla cannot necessarily be attributed with building the first induction
motor, his design, unlike others, was practical for industrial use.
Задание 1. Перепишите предложения 1, 2, 3, 5, выпишите глаголы и
определите их видовременную форму и залог. Предложения переведите.
Задание 2. Выпишите из предложений 4, 8 инфинитивы, герундии,
причастия. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
Задание 3. Перепишите предложения 6, 7, 9. Укажите главное и
придаточное предложения. Предложения переведите.
Задание 4. Подберите определения к следующим 5 терминам.
1. electromagnetic induction
2. voltage
3. alternating current
4. direct current
5. transformer
a. an electric current that always
flows in the same direction
b. an electric current that continually
changes direction as it flows
c. an electromotive force or potential
difference expressed in volts
d. a piece of electrical equipment
which changes a voltage to a
higher or lower voltage
e. a change in magnetic flux inducing
an electromotive force in a loop of
Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.
1. What were the early discoveries related to electricity?
2. Who developed the first steam-powered electric power station?
3. Why was the possible distance between the generators and load limited?
4. What was the most serious mistake in Gaulard and Gibbs' transformer?
5. What idea helped improve the voltage regulation?
Вариант 2. The Evolution of Electronics
(1) It is hard to imagine what our lives would be like without electronics. Everything
would be more expensive, we would be bored, and a lot colder and dirtier to boot.
Even products which don't require electrical components to work, such as winged
keels, were likely made with the assistance of electronics in the factories where
they were produced. Not to mention, their proper function is also likely aided by
advanced electronics as well.
So what are some of the most important steps in the evolutionary history of
electronics? Obviously, harnessing the power of electrons was the first step down the
road to the electronics world that we see around us today. Believe it or not, this
process did not start with Benjamin Franklin. (2) In fact, the famous scientist did not
even actually discover electricity, as is popularly believed. He did, however, figure
out a way to harness it.
(3) That harnessing was further expanded upon in the early 20th century, when
scientists began to use controlled movements of electrons to transmit signals over
radio and other devices. The device which made this possible was known as the
triode, and it is still being used in many electronic applications today, including the
technology found in a vacuum truck as well as radios.
A more popular way to move electrons along a focused path for in our devices
today is through the semiconductor. Semiconductors power almost all of the
electronic components in homes and franchises in Canada and all over the world. (4)
They include several different parts, such as the diode, the solar cells, and different
kinds of transistor.
(5)Semiconductors are considered the basis for most of our modern electronics,
and are becoming ever more efficient. (6) For example, the quick access to an
efficient supply of hot water through a tankless water heater in the modern home is
made possible by a very efficient semiconductor, which heats the water on demand,
and quickly. The efficiency of a semiconductor is dependent on the materials the
components are constructed from as well as the quality of the components
Of course, the means of transfer alone is not what has changed our modern
electronics into the efficient machines we see all around us today. Streetsville homes
equipped with iPods, computers, and smart technology are also aided by the inclusion
of other inventions of the past couple decades.
Chief among these inventions are laser and digital technology. (7) Both advances
have helped create more compact and efficient electronics.
(8)All electronics also depend on systems which can dissipate heat generated
during the transfer. Advancements in cooling systems have thus also been very
important in the evolution of modern electronics.
Задание 1. Перепишите предложения 2, 4, 5, 7, выпишите глаголы и
определите их видовременную форму и залог. Предложения переведите.
Задание 2. Выпишите из предложения 3 инфинитивы, герундии,
причастия. Предложение переведите на русский язык.
Задание 3. Перепишите предложения 1, 6, 8. Укажите главное и
придаточное предложения. Предложения переведите.
Задание 4.Подберите определения к следующим 5 терминам.
1. electronics
2. harness
3. triode
4. semiconductor
5. transmit
a. utilize, use
b. cause (something) to pass on from
one place to another
c. a solid substance that has a
conductivity between that of an
insulator and that of most metals,
either due to the addition of an
impurity or because of temperature
d. a vacuum tube having three
e. the technology of using transistors
and silicon chips
Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.
1. What was the first step down the road to the electronics?
2. Name the device which made using controlled movements of electrons
3. What is considered the basis for modern electronics?
4. Name some more achievements of modern electronics.
5. Why are cooling systems important?
Вариант 3. Applications and Programming Languages
(1)Applications are programs written to carry out a specific task or set of tasks,
for example: word processors, spreadsheets, accounting packages, media players and
Applications come in several different types:
 Utility programs – examples include virus scanners, disk defragmenters and
backup utilities.
 Generic – general purpose software that is not written for any particular
type of business. Examples of this include word processors and
 Integrated – a collection of software that has a common set of
commands/icons. Usually they include word processors, spreadsheets and
graphics software, but they can contain databases as well. (2) They tend to
be cheaper than purchasing each application separately.
 Specific – software written for a defined purpose. Accountancy software is
a good example of this that can be bought by anyone.
 Bespoke – bespoke software is written when a company requires a piece of
software to perform a very specific task or function and there’s no existing
software that does what they need. It can be very expensive.
Programming languages
(3)A programming language is a specially written code which is used for
writing applications. C++ and Java are examples of programming languages. (4)
These are known as high level languages because they have been developed to be a
little like a human language. High level languages are much easier to use than a low
level language such as Machine Code, or Assembly Language. (5) The advantage of a
low level language is that it runs very fast on the computer.
Purpose of high level languages
(6)High level languages are programming languages that are easier for humans
to write programs in than the computer’s own language, machine code. Some high
level languages are better than others for writing programs for specific tasks, such as:
 creating games
 controlling robots
 mathematical solutions
Common features of high level languages
All high level languages:
 look a little like English
 must be translated into binary before they can be run
 are intended to help the programmer solve problems
 are easier to edit than machine code
Examples you may know: C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, Comal, Prolog.
The need for translation
(7)A translator changes a computer program from a high level language to
machine code. (8) By loading different translator programs, a computer can seem to
“understand” different high level languages such as BASIC and Pascal. (9) Translator
programs are a very important part of the computer/s systems software.
Задание 1. Перепишите предложения 2, 4, 7, 9, выпишите глаголы и
определите их видовременную форму и залог. Предложения переведите.
Задание 2. Выпишите из предложений 1, 8 инфинитивы, герундии, причастия.
Предложения переведите на русский язык.
Задание 3. Перепишите предложения 3, 5, 6. Укажите главное и придаточное
предложения. Предложения переведите.
Задание 4. Подберите определения к следующим 5 терминам.
1. application
2. word processor
3. software
4. programming language
5. spreadsheet
a. a specially written code which is
used for writing applications
b. programs and other operating
information used by a computer.
c. program written to carry out a
specific task or set of tasks
d. a computer program that is used
for displaying and dealing with
e. a computer program or a computer
which is used to produce printed
Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.
1. Name the types of applications.
2. What are the examples of integrated software?
3. Why is some software called specific?
4. What is the advantage of high level languages?
5. What does a computer need translator programs?
Вариант 4. The Role of Sensors in our Daily Life
A sensor is a piece of equipment that determines a physical quantity and
converts it into a signal that can be read by an instrument or an observer. (1) For
instance, a thermometer converts the measured temperature into the contraction and
expansion of a liquid, which can then be read on a calibrated glass tube. (2) On the
other hand, a thermocouple converts the temperature into an output voltage which can
be read by a voltmeter. (3) For precision, all sensors are calibrated against their
known standards.
As a considerable physical change involves the transfer of energy, sensors can
further be classified depending on the type of energy transfer they detect. (4) Thermal
sensors include temperature sensitive resistors, thermocouples, thermometers and
thermostats. Mechanical pressure sensors comprise of things like a barometer,
altimeter, pressure gauge etc.
Sensors are used in everyday objects like lamps that brighten or dim by
touching the base, and ovens. (5) However, there are countless applications of
different sensors which not many people are aware of. (6) Sensors are widely used in
machines, cars, robotics, aerospace and manufacturing.
Oxygen sensors are employed in industry to monitor and control processing
atmospheres and also in automobiles to monitor and control the air-to-fuel (A/F) ratio
in the internal combustion engine. The primary function of the oxygen sensor there is
to control the A/F ratio through appropriate feedback circuitry to the fuel injection
system. (7) Control is necessary to protect the catalytic converter elements from
being poisoned at A/F ratios that are too high or too low.
Basically, a sensor is a device that obtains and responds to a stimulus and
signals. Here, the term stimulus means a quantity or property that is to be converted
into an electric form. (8) The sensitivity of a sensor indicates how much the output
changes with the change of measured quantity. For example, in the case of a
thermometer, if the mercury level rises by 1 cm with 1°C change in temperature, the
sensitivity of the sensor is 1 cm/°C. Sensors that measure very small changes must
have very high sensitivities.
Any sensor is a type of transducer. Direct-indicating sensors, for example, a
mercury thermometer, are human-readable. Other sensors, such as a thermocouple,
only produce an output voltage or other electrical output which must be interpreted
by another device (such as a computer). (9) Most sensors are electrical or electronic,
although other types exist.
Technological progress allows more and more sensors to be manufactured on a
microscopic scale as microsensors using MEMS technology. In most cases, a
microsensor reaches a significantly higher speed and sensitivity compared with
macroscopic approaches.
Задание 1. Перепишите предложения 3, 4, 6, 9, выпишите глаголы и
определите их видовременную форму и залог. Предложения переведите.
Задание 2. Выпишите из предложений 1, 7 инфинитивы, герундии, причастия.
Предложения переведите на русский язык.
Задание 3. Перепишите предложения 2, 5, 8. Укажите главное и придаточное
предложения. Предложения переведите.
Задание 4. Подберите определения к следующим 5 терминам.
1. voltmeter
2. transducer
3. output
4. sensor
5. MEMS technology
a. a device that detects or measures a
physical property and records,
indicates, or otherwise responds to
b. a device that converts variations in
a physical quantity into an
electrical signal, or vice versa
c. microelectromechanical
systembased technology
d. power, energy, or other results
supplied by a device or system
e. an instrument for measuring
electric potential in volts
Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.
1. What is a sensor?
2. Name some types of sensors.
3. What does the sensitivity of a sensor indicate?
4. Where are oxygen sensors used?
5. What is the advantage of a microsensor?
Вариант 5. Robots in Manufacturing
Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations; the applications can
be divided into three categories: material handling, processing operations, and
assembly and inspection.
(1) Material-handling applications include material transfer and machine
loading and unloading. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move
materials or work parts from one location to another. Many of these tasks are
relatively simple, requiring robots to pick up parts from one conveyor and place them
on another. Other transfer operations are more complex, such as placing parts onto
pallets in an arrangement that must be calculated by the robot. Machine loading and
unloading operations utilize a robot to load and unload parts at a production machine.
(2) This requires the robot to be equipped with a gripper that can grasp parts. Usually
the gripper must be designed specifically for the particular part geometry.
(3) In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to perform a
process on the work part. Examples of such applications include spot welding,
continuous arc welding, and spray painting. (4) Other operations in this category
include grinding, polishing, and routing, in which a rotating spindle serves as the
robot's tool.
The third application area of industrial robots is assembly and inspection. (5)
The use of robots in assembly is expected to increase because of the high cost of
manual labour common in these operations. (6) Since robots are programmable, one
strategy in assembly work is to produce multiple product styles in batches,
reprogramming the robots between batches. An alternative strategy is to produce a
mixture of different product styles in the same assembly cell, requiring each robot in
the cell to identify the product style as it arrives and then execute the appropriate task
for that unit.
The design of the product is an important aspect of robotic assembly.
Assembly methods that are satisfactory for humans are not necessarily suitable for
robots. (7) Using a screw and nut as a fastening method, for example, is easily
performed in manual assembly, but the same operation is extremely difficult for a
one-armed robot.
(8)Inspection is another area of factory operations in which the utilization of
robots is growing. (9) In a typical inspection job, the robot positions a sensor with
respect to the work part and determines whether the part is consistent with the quality
In nearly all industrial robotic applications, the robot provides a substitute for
human labour. There are certain characteristics of industrial jobs performed by
humans that identify the work as a potential application for robots: the operation is
repetitive, involving the same basic work motions every cycle; the operation is
hazardous or uncomfortable for the human worker (e.g., spray painting, spot welding,
arc welding, and certain machine loading and unloading tasks); the task requires a
work part or tool that is heavy and awkward to handle; and the operation allows the
robot to be used on two or three shifts.
Задание 1. Перепишите предложения 1, 3, 5, 8, выпишите глаголы и
определите их видовременную форму и залог. Предложения переведите.
Задание 2. Выпишите из предложений 2, 7 инфинитивы, герундии, причастия.
Предложения переведите на русский язык.
Задание 3. Перепишите предложения 4, 6, 9. Укажите главное и придаточное
предложения. Предложения переведите.
Задание 4. Подберите определения к следующим 5 терминам.
1. manufacture
2. robot
3. assembly
4. batch
5. manual
the action of fitting together the
component parts of a machine or other
make (something) on a large scale using
relating to or done with the hands
a machine which is programmed to move
and perform certain tasks automatically
a quantity of goods produced at one time
Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.
1. Name the three categories of robots application.
2. Give some examples of transfer operations.
3. Why is the use of robots in assembly increasing?
4. What does a robot do in a typical inspection job?
5. Name the characteristics of industrial jobs giving a potential application for
Вариант 1. Evaluation of Software and Hardware
All computers are made up of hardware, software and data. You will need to be
able to explain how and why particular hardware or software is suitable for a
particular task; and list and discuss criteria which can be used to evaluate or judge the
suitability of hardware and software.
Main types of software
 Generic – general-purpose software, such as word processors and spreadsheets
 Specialised packages – sold for specific uses, e.g. managing the accounts of a
large organisation.
 Bespoke software – written specially for the end user by a team of people
within the company or by external consultants; for example the software which
manages London’s congestion-charging system.
System weaknesses
All computers are a part of a system made up of:
 hardware
 software
 the data being used
A system like this can fail if any of the parts do not fit together, but there are ways to
fine-tune the system:
 Train and re-train people as the system changes. Training is often needed due
to a decision to change either the hardware or software.
 Keep the data as accurate as possible.
 Upgrade software and hardware and replace it as new versions and types
become available.
 Add new input and output devices if they will improve efficiency.
 Use evaluation criteria to decide what software and hardware to buy and how it
will be used.
Software evaluation
Evaluation is performed to ensure the most suitable piece of software (or hardware) is
purchased. Typically evaluation criteria will include:
 End User Needs – what does the user of the software want to do, what are their
present skills and how do they intend to use the software? It is important to be
very clear about the problem that is to be tackled by the software. For example,
a disabled person who wants to write letters but cannot type might strongly
consider software with lots of ready-made letter templates that can then be
added to using voice recognition.
 Functionality – does the software perform the functions required? Does it have
specific facilities? For example, someone buying a spreadsheet application
might need to produce graphs and charts.
Assignment 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
1. hardware
2. software
3. spreadsheet
4. accurate
5. output
a)the programs and other operating information used
by a computer
b) the machines, wiring, and other physical
components of a computer or other electronic system
c) the power, energy, or other results supplied by a
device or system
d) information, measurements, and statistics are
correct to a very detailed level
e) a computer program in which figures arranged in
the rows and columns of a grid can be manipulated
and used in calculations
Assignment 2. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)
1. ______ All computers are made up of hardware, software and data.
2. ______ All computers are a part of a system made up of:
 Generic – general-purpose software, such as word processors and spreadsheets
 Specialised packages – sold for specific uses, e.g. managing the accounts of a
large organisation.
3. ______ A system like this can fail if any of the parts do not fit together, but there is
one way to fine-tune the system.
4. ______ Evaluation is performed to ensure the most suitable piece of software (or
hardware) is purchased.
5. ______ You will not need to be able to explain how and why particular hardware
or software is suitable for a particular task.
Assignment 3. Match heads and tails of the following sentences.
1. All computers are made up of
a) how and why particular hardware or
software is suitable for a particular task;
and list and discuss criteria which can
be used to evaluate or judge the
suitability of hardware and software.
2. You will need to be able to explain
b) such as word processors and
3. Generic – general-purpose software,
4. Bespoke software – written specially
for the end user by a team of people
within the company or by external
c) hardware, software and data.
d) the software which manages
London’s congestion-charging system.
consultants; for example
5. Evaluation is performed to ensure
e) the most suitable piece of software
(or hardware) is purchased.
Assignment 4. Fill in the gaps using the given words.
All computers are made up of _______(1), software and data. You will need to
be able to explain how and why particular hardware or software is suitable for a
particular task; and list and discuss criteria which can be used to evaluate or judge the
_______(2) of hardware and software. A system like this can fail if any of the parts
do not fit together, but there are ways to ______(3) the system. Evaluation is
performed to ensure the most suitable piece of software (or hardware) is _______(4).
For example, someone buying a ______(5) application might need to produce graphs
and charts.
Вариант 2. Power Engineering
Power engineering is a network of interconnected components which convert
different forms of energy to electrical energy. Modern power engineering consists of
three main subsystems: the generation subsystem, the transmission subsystem, and
the distribution subsystem. In the generation subsystem, the power plant produces the
electricity. The transmission subsystem transmits the electricity to the load centers.
The distribution subsystem continues to transmit the power to the customers.
The power grid is an electrical network that connects a variety of electric
generators to the users of electric power. Users purchase electricity from the grid so
that they do not need to generate their own. Power engineers may work on the design
and maintenance of the power grid as well as the power systems that connect to it.
Such systems are called on-grid power systems and may supply the grid with
additional power, draw power from the grid or do both. The grid is designed and
managed using software that performs simulations of power flows.
Power engineers may also work on systems that do not connect to the grid.
These systems are called off-grid power systems and may be used in preference to
on-grid systems for a variety of reasons. For example, in remote locations it may be
cheaper for a mine to generate its own power rather than pay for connection to the
grid and in most mobile applications connection to the grid is simply not practical.
Today, most grids adopt three-phase electric power with alternating current.
This choice can be partly attributed to the ease with which this type of power can be
generated, transformed and used. Often (especially in the USA), the power is split
before it reaches residential customers whose low-power appliances rely upon singlephase electric power. However, many larger industries and organizations still prefer
to receive the three-phase power directly because it can be used to drive highly
efficient electric motors such as three-phase induction motors.
Transformers play an important role in power transmission because they allow
power to be converted to and from higher voltages. This is important because higher
voltages suffer less power loss during transmission. This is because higher voltages
allow for lower current to deliver the same amount of power, as power is the product
of the two. Thus, as the voltage steps up, the current steps down. It is the current
flowing through the components that result in both the losses and the subsequent
heating. These losses, appearing in the form of heat, are equal to the current squared
times the electrical resistance through which the current flows, so as the voltage goes
up the losses are dramatically reduced.
For these reasons, electrical substations exist throughout power grids to convert
power to higher voltages before transmission and to lower voltages suitable for
appliances after transmission.
Assignment 1. Match the words with their definitions.
1.power grid
2. transmit
3. alternating current
4. three-phase power
5. electrical resistance
a) an electric current that continually
changes direction as it flows
b) the degree to which a substance or
device opposes the passage of an electric
c) supplying simultaneously three
separate alternating currents of the same
voltage, but with phases differing by a
third of a period
d) an electrical network that connects a
electric generators to the users
e) cause (something) to pass on from one
place to another
Assignment 2. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. ______ Modern power engineering consists of five main subsystems.
2. ______ Users need to generate their own electricity.
3. ______ Power engineers may work on systems that do not connect to the grid.
4. ______ Transformers allow power to be converted to and from higher voltages.
5. ______ As the voltage steps up, the current steps down.
Assignment 3. Match heads and tails of the following sentences.
1. Modern power engineering consists of
2. Power engineers may work on the
a) as well as the power systems that
connect to it.
b) the power to the customers.
design and maintenance of the power grid
3. Many larger industries and
c) to deliver the same amount of power.
organizations still
4. Higher voltages allow for lower
d) the generation subsystem, the
transmission subsystem, and the
distribution subsystem.
5. The distribution subsystem continues
e) prefer to receive the three-phase power
to transmit
Assignment 4. Fill in the gaps using the given words.
The distribution system ______ (1) the power from the transmission system to
the customer. The distribution systems are typically ______(2) because networked
systems are more expensive. The equipment associated with the distribution system
includes the substation _______(3) connected to the transmission systems, the
distribution lines from the transformers to the customers and the protection and
control _______(4) between the transformer and the ______(5). The protection
equipment includes lightning protectors, circuit breakers, disconnectors and fuses.
The control equipment includes voltage regulators, capacitors, relays and demand
side management equipment.
Вариант 3. Transmission
The electricity is transported to load locations from a power station to a
transmission subsystem. Therefore we may think of the transmission system as
providing the medium of transportation for electric energy. The transmission system
may be subdivided into the bulk transmission system and the sub-transmission
system. The functions of the bulk transmission are to interconnect generators, to
interconnect various areas of the network, and to transfer electrical energy from the
generators to the major load centers. This portion of the system is called "bulk"
because it delivers energy only to so-called bulk loads such as the distribution system
of a town, city, or large industrial plant. The function of the sub-transmission system
is to interconnect the bulk power system with the distribution system.
The transmission system is a highly integrated system. It is referred to the
substation equipment and transmission lines. The substation equipment contain
the transformers, relays, and circuit breakers. Transformers are important static
devices which transfer electrical energy from one circuit with another in the
transmission subsystem. Transformers are used to step up the voltage on the
transmission line to reduce the power loss which is dissipated on the way.
A relay is functionally a level-detector; they perform a switching action when
the input voltage (or current) meets or exceeds a specific and adjustable value.
A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an
electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. A change in the
status of any one component can significantly affect the operation of the entire
system. Without adequate contact protection, the occurrence of undesired electric
arcing causes significant degradation of the contacts, which suffer serious damage.
There are three possible causes for power flow limitations to a transmission
line. These causes are thermal overload, voltage instability, and rotor angle
instability. Thermal overload is caused by excessive current flow in a circuit causing
overheating. Voltage instability is said to occur when the power required to maintain
voltages at or above acceptable levels exceeds the available power. Rotor angle
instability is a dynamic problem that may occur following faults, such as short
circuit, in the transmission system. It may also occur tens of seconds after a fault due
to poorly damped or undamped oscillatory response of the rotor motion.
Assignment 1. Match the words with their definitions.
2. circuit
3. overload
4. voltage
5. exceed
a) an automatically operated electrical
switch designed to protect an electrical
circuit from damage
b) put too great a demand on (an
electrical system)
c) passing or sending of something to a
different place
d) be greater in number or size than (a
quantity, number, or other measurable
e) an electromotive force or potential
difference expressed in volts
Assignment 2. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. ______ The functions of the bulk transmission are to interconnect generators,
to interconnect various areas of the network, and to transfer electrical energy.
2. ______ The electricity is transported from a railway station to a transmission
3. _____ This portion of the system is called "bulk" because it delivers energy
only to bulk loads.
4. ______ With adequate contact protection, the occurrence of undesired electric
arcing causes significant degradation of the contacts.
5. ______ Voltage instability occurs when the power required to maintain
voltages at or above acceptable levels exceeds the available power.
Assignment 3. Match heads and tails of the following sentences.
1.We may think of the transmission
a) to interconnect the bulk power system
with the distribution system.
2.The function of the sub-transmission
system is
b) to reduce the power loss which is
dissipated on the way.
3. Transformers are used to step up the
voltage on the transmission line
4. Thermal overload is caused by
c) as providing the medium of
transportation for electric energy.
d) excessive current flow in a circuit
causing overheating.
e) a dynamic problem that may occur
following faults in the transmission
5. Rotor angle instability is
Assignment 4. Fill in the gaps using the given words.
Transmission circuits may be built either ______(1) or overhead. Underground
cables are used predominantly in urban ______(2) where acquisition of overhead
rights of way are costly or not possible. They are also used for ______(3) under
rivers, lakes and bays. _______(4) transmission is used otherwise because, for a
given voltage level, overhead conductors are much less ______(5) than underground
Вариант 4. Systems Engineers
Systems engineers design and coordinate large and complex projects known as
systems. There are many kinds of systems, and although all are large, they vary in
their complexity. A system has many parts that all interact extensively with one
another. Often small systems can be part of larger systems. For example, a jet airliner
can be a system. So, too, can all of the airplanes owned by one airline. All of the
airplanes in a country make up a more extensive system. An even larger and more
complex system includes all of a nation's transportation facilities. Systems engineers
can work at various levels in the design and coordination of these systems.
Some other examples of systems are water and food distribution networks,
experimental manned space flights, and military defense programs. Systems
engineers also work on telephone systems, electric power systems, and sewage
Systems engineers are responsible for coordinating the work of many
engineers, each of whom is an expert in one part of a system. For instance, in the
building of a jet airliner, electronics specialists are responsible for the guidance and
control systems. Structural engineers design the body of the plane. Other experts
decide on a power source for the jet. Still others design landing and takeoff methods.
Each specialist concentrates on one area. The systems engineer coordinates all of
these specialized efforts in order to produce the jet airliner.
Both government and private industry employ systems engineers to solve
complex scientific and engineering problems, such as the development of new
transportation systems, the design of rockets, or the improvement of communications
systems. Systems engineers first gather all the necessary information about what is
needed in a system. They select several possible ways of designing the system. Then
they use a problem-solving method called systems analysis to break down the
possible solutions into smaller parts.
Systems engineers use systems analysis to make a diagram of all the parts of a
system. They use computers and such mathematical methods as algebra, probability
theory, and statistics to convert their diagrams into mathematical equations. They
develop theoretical models that will help them choose the best way to design a
system. They can use a computer to test these models. For example, systems
engineers may want to know whether a mass-transit system will meet future needs.
They can feed information on population growth and other data into a computer. The
computer will process the data and provide the engineers with information about the
usefulness of the system.
Systems engineers can also test a possible system by using small-scale models
or actual-size models of parts of a system. Once a system has been designed, further
testing is done. Systems engineers generally stay with a system and coordinate all
parts of it until it is working smoothly. They coordinate the work of many specialists
during the development of a system. Sometimes systems engineers are called on to
make improvements in existing systems.
Assignment 1. Match the words with their definitions.
a) the technology of using transistors
and silicon chips, especially in devices
such as radios, televisions, and
b) act in such a way as to have an effect
on another; act reciprocally
c) a set of things working together as
parts of a mechanism or an
interconnecting network; a complex
d) a mathematical statement saying that
two amounts or values are the same
e) gradual growth or formation of
Assignment 2. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1._____ A system has many parts that all interact extensively with one another.
2. _____ Systems engineers cannot work on telephone systems, electric power
systems, and sewage systems.
3. ______ Both government and private industry employ systems engineers to solve
complex scientific and engineering problems.
4. _____ Systems engineers use maps to make a diagram of all the parts of a system.
5. _____ Systems engineers rarely use computers and mathematical methods.
Assignment 3. Match heads and tails of the following sentences.
1. A larger and more complex system a) at various levels in the design and
coordination of these systems.
2. Systems engineers are responsible
b) all of a nation's transportation
3. Systems engineers first gather all the c) about what is needed in a system.
necessary information
4. Systems engineers can work
d) further testing is done.
5. Once a system has been designed,
e) for coordinating the work of many
Assignment 4. Fill in the gaps using the given words.
Systems engineers work for government agencies, computer companies, and
many ______(1) that need to solve large and complex ______(2) problems. Large
research projects sponsored by government, industry, or universities also employ
teams of scientists and engineers, including ________(3). Sometimes these
researchers ______(4) new theories that can be used as the basis for systems and
analysis. Workers who use systems ______(5) to solve business problems rather than
engineering problems are usually called systems analysts.
Вариант 5. The Internet
The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks.
When you connect your computer to the Internet via your Internet Service Provider
(ISP) you become part of the ISPs network, which is connected to other networks that
make up the Internet.
The World Wide Web (WWW or Web for short) is the part of the Internet that
you can access using a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. It consists
of a large number of web servers that host websites. Each website will normally
consist of a number of web pages. A web page can contain text, images, video,
animation and sound.
You can access a website or web page by typing its URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) into the address bar of your browser. An example of a URL is URLs will have the format ‘http’ and a domain (such as .uk).
What goes in between is arbitrary, but often has the term “www”, e.g., but it doesn’t have to, e.g.
Https is the secure version of http. When you use https, any data you send or
receive from the web server is encrypted. For example, when banking online, https is
used to keep your account details safe.
Most sites have a page that links the user to the other main areas of the site.
This is called the homepage.
Web pages are connected by hypertext links. When a link is clicked you will be
taken to another page which could be on another server in any part of the world.
What is an intranet?
An intranet is a network that works like the Internet but is only available within
a particular organisation, not to the public. An intranet may have web pages used to
share company specific data within that company, such as internal telephone numbers
or details of employee benefits.
Assignment 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
a) the means or opportunity to approach or enter a
2. access
b) if one thing is connected with another, there is a
link or relationship between them.
c) convert (information or data) into a cipher or
code, esp. to prevent unauthorized access
d) a local or restricted communications network,
especially a private network created using World
Wide Web software
e) is the main page of information about them,
which often contains links to other pages about
3. homepage
4. encrypt
5. intranet
Assignment 2. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)
1. ______ The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer
2. _______ When you connect your computer to the Internet via your Internet Service
Provider (ISP) you become part of the ISPs network, which is not connected to other
networks that make up the Internet.
3. ______ The World Wide Web (WWW or Web for short) is the part of the Internet
that you can access using a web browser such as Opera and Mozilla Firefox.
4. ______ A web page can contain messages, poems, songs, and dictionaries.
5. ______ An intranet may have web pages used to share company specific data
within that company, such as internal telephone numbers or details of employee
Assignment 3. Match heads and tails of the following sentences.
1. When you connect your computer to
the Internet via your Internet Service
Provider (ISP)
2. The World Wide Web (WWW or
Web for short) is the part of the Internet
3. You can access a website or web page
by typing its URL (Uniform Resource
4. When you use https, any data you
send or receive from the web server is
encrypted. For example,
5. An intranet may have web pages used
to share company specific data within
that company
a) that you can access using a web
browser such as Internet Explorer or
b) into the address bar of your browser.
c) you become part of the ISPs network,
which is connected to other networks
that make up the Internet
d) such as internal telephone numbers or
details of employee benefits.
e) when banking online, https is used to
keep your account details safe.
Assignment 4. Fill in the gaps using the given words.
The Internet is a ______(1) system of interconnected computer networks.
When you connect your computer to the Internet via your Internet Service Provider
(ISP) you become part of the ISPs _______(2), which is connected to other networks
that make up the Internet. Web pages are connected by ______(3) links. When a link
is ______(4) you will be taken to another page which could be on another server in
any part of the world. An intranet may have web pages used to share company
specific data within that company, such as internal telephone numbers or details of
employee _______.