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Hypertension (HTN)
What Is Hypertension
Persistent blood pressure that is higher than the
recommended blood pressure range
About 60% of all Americans have some form
of high blood pressure (pre-hypertension or
HTN means the heart is working harder than
normal putting extra strain on the heart and
Blood Pressure Ranges
Normal blood pressure range < 120/80
Pre-Hypertension >120/80 but <140/90
Hypertension - >140/90
Both systolic and diastolic pressures do not have
to be out of range
Only Systolic or Diastolic must be out of range
to qualify as hypertension
Two Stages of HTN
Stage 1 HTN >140/90 but <160/100
Stage 2 HTN >160/100
What Causes HTN
90%-95% of the time hypertension is elevated
blood pressure without an identifiable cause.
Exact cause is unknown
Many contributing factors have been identified
as predisposing factors to HTN
Predisposing Factors for HTN
Hereditary Predisposition (Family History)
Sodium intake
Diabetes Mellitus
Alcohol Consumption
Serum Lipid Levels (Cholesterol and LDL)
Sedentary Lifestyle
Socioeconomic Status
Signs and Symptoms
Known as the Silent killer
If BP is very high, you may experience:
-decreased activity tolerance
How HTN is diagnosed
Based on the average of
2+ seated BP
measurements at the
MD’s office
Must be averaged
Must be seated BP
Must be in the MD’s
Complications Related to HTN
Heart Failure
Enlarged Left Side of the Heart
Coronary Artery Disease
Cerebrovascular disease (Brain)
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Kidney Failure
Retinal Damage (Eyes)
Treatment of HTN
Different types require different treatments
Pre-Hypertension – Lifestyle modifications
Stage I Hypertension – Lifestyle modifications
and a thiazide-type diuretic
Stage II Hypertension – Lifestyle modifications,
thiazide-type diuretic and one another
antihypertensive drug
Not definitive
Treatment is personalized
How to Prevent HTN
Lifestyle modifications prevent HTN and include:
-Maintaining a Healthy Weight
-Reduce Salt/Sodium Intake
-Increase Physical Exercise
Smoking Cessation
Limit Alcohol Consumption
Limit Fat Intake
Control Diabetes
Stress Relieving Techniques
Take BP Meds as Ordered
Home Monitoring of BP
Lewis, S. L., Heitkemper, M. M., Dirksen, S. R.,
O’Brien, P. G., & Bucher, L. (2007). MedicalSrugical Nursing: Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problems. Missouri: Mosby.