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Science 10 Review Assignment
Name: ________________
Due Date: ____________
Read each question carefully. Circle the BEST answer and fill in the blanks.
1. Which statement describes an object travelling with uniform velocity?
A. An object moves with constant speed along a straight path.
B. An object moves with constant speed along a curved path.
C. An object moves so that an imaginary line segment from the object to a reference
point changes in length.
D. An object moves so that an imaginary line from the object to a reference point changes
in direction.
4. What does the area under the line of a speed–time graph represent?
A. acceleration
B. average speed
C. elapsed time
D. distance travelled
5. What is the slope of the graph?
A. 4.4 cm/s
B. 8.8 cm/s
C. 9.0 cm/s
D. 13.5 cm/s
6. What does the slope of the graph indicate about the object’s motion?
A. average speed
B. direction of motion
C. distance travelled
D. average acceleration
8. Which statements are correct?
A. statement I only
B. statements I and IV
C. statements II and III
D. statement IV only
9. Which quantities of motion are vector quantities?
A. speed and displacement
B. speed and distance travelled
C. velocity and displacement
D. velocity and distance travelled
10. Which vector in the diagram on the right corresponds to 2 m [E 20º S]?
A. vector 1
B. vector 2
C. vector 3
D. vector 4
12. What was the average speed of the ball?
A. 1.25 m/s
B. 0.250 m/s
C. 1.25 m/s [E]
D. 0.250 m/s [E]
13. What was the average velocity of the ball?
A. 1.25 m/s
B. 0.250 m/s
C. 1.25 m/s [E]
D. 0.250 m/s [E]
14. An airplane travelled at an average velocity of 250 km/h [E]. The resulting
displacement was 625 km [E]. How long did the trip take?
A. 2.50 h
B. 3.75 h
C. 4.25 h
D. 4.50 h
15. In which of these ways would the car be moving with positive acceleration?
A. I only
B. IV only
C. II and III only
D. II and IV only
16. The position–time graph given describes the motion of an object. During which of the
intervals (I to IV) is the object undergoing acceleration?
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III only
D. II and IV only
19. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
A. speed
B. weight
C. distance travelled
D. mechanical energy
20. Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
A. work
B. velocity
C. acceleration
D. displacement
22. Suppose there is no unbalanced force acting on a moving object. How will the
object’s motion continue?
A. The speed of the object will decrease.
B. The speed of the object will increase.
C. The speed of the object will remain the same.
D. The direction of the object’s velocity will change.
24. Complete the following statements by filling in the blanks.
a. A(n) ____________________________ is a push or a pull on an object.
b. The application of a force through a distance is called __________________________.
25. Match each type of energy with the description that BEST suits it. Place your answer
in the blank space given.
i. energy due to an object’s motion and position
ii. energy of motion
iii. energy due to an object’s position above Earth’s surface
iv. energy due to fusion of hydrogen nuclei on the Sun
v. potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of compounds
vi. potential energy stored in the nuclei of atoms
_____a. gravitational potential energy
_____b. kinetic energy
_____c. nuclear energy
_____d. solar energy
26. A car on a hilltop, a fresh battery, a stretched elastic band, and a tank of gasoline each
have energy. What kind of energy do they all have in common?
A. kinetic energy
B. potential energy
C. elastic potential energy
D. chemical potential energy
27. Pemican is a concentrated food traditionally used by First Nations peoples. What
specific kind of potential energy does pemican have that makes it a source of dietary
A. kinetic energy
B. elastic potential energy
C. chemical potential energy
D. gravitational potential energy
28. A moving body has energy due to its motion. This energy is called
A. kinetic energy
B. dynamic energy
C. physical energy
D. potential energy
29. In the formula Ek=1/2 mv2, the left side of the equation is in joules. Based on the
expression on the right side of the equation, Ek=1/2mv2, which of the following correctly
shows the joule derived from the fundamental units kg, m, and s?
A. m2/s2
B. kg•m/s
C. kg2•m/s2
D. kg•m2/s2
Use the following information to answer the next four (4) questions! (Sorry… )
What is the work done in compressing the spring?
A. 0.350 J
B. 3.50 J
C. 35.0 J
D. 350 J
33. Suppose the spring launches the ball sideways along a track. When the spring is
released, what is the kinetic energy of the ball the moment it leaves the end of the spring?
A. 1.23 J
B. 1.75 J
C. 2.49 J
D. 3.50 J
34. What is the speed of the ball the moment it leaves the end of the spring?
A. 13.3 m/s
B. 26.5 m/s
C. 85.7 m/s
D. 700 m/s
35. Suppose the ball is launched straight up into the air. How high will the ball go?
A. 0.100 m
B. 10.1 m
C. 17.8 m
D. 35.7 m
36. Which flowchart BEST represents the energy conversions in a
coal-burning power station?
A. chemical energy  thermal energy  kinetic energy  electrical energy
B. chemical energy  kinetic energy  thermal energy  electrical energy
C. thermal energy  chemical energy  kinetic energy  electrical energy
D. kinetic energy  chemical energy  thermal energy  electrical energy
37. Of the energy conversions that occur in a coal-burning power station, which
conversion produces the greatest amount of waste thermal energy?
A. kinetic energy  electrical energy
B. thermal energy  chemical energy
C. chemical energy  thermal energy
D. thermal energy  kinetic energy
38. Match each description with one of the following terms.
i. combustion
ii. photosynthesis
iii. respiration
a. a reaction in which light energy, carbon dioxide, and water yield carbohydrates and
b. a reaction in which flammable hydrocarbons combine with oxygen to yield thermal
energy, carbon dioxide, and water
c. a reaction in which carbohydrates and oxygen yield energy, carbon dioxide, and water
39. Which BEST expresses the first law of thermodynamics?
A. The total energy, including thermal energy, in a system and its surroundings remains
constant over time.
B. The total amount of kinetic energy and gravitational energy of a system and its
surroundings remains constant.
C. An object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same velocity unless acted upon
by an unbalanced force.
D. The total amount of mechanical energy of a system and its surroundings remains
40. Which statement represents the second law of thermodynamics?
A. Thermal energy always flows naturally from a cold object to a hot object and never
naturally from a hot object to a cold object.
B. There are some processes that can remove thermal energy from a source and convert it
entirely into mechanical energy.
C. Some mechanical processes can have an efficiency of 100% with no loss of thermal
D. Work is needed to make thermal energy move from a cold substance to hot substance.
41. Which device is a heat pump?
A. a fan
B. a jet engine
C. a wall heater
D. an air conditioning system
44. Technological devices are designed to convert one form of energy into another form
of energy to complete a certain task. The energy that can complete the task is called
A. excess energy
B. useful energy
C. waste energy
D. input energy
45. Technological devices are designed to convert one form of energy into another form
of energy to complete a task. The converted energy not used to complete the intended
task is called
A. mechanical energy
B. useful energy
C. waste energy
D. input energy
46. The efficiency of a device is the
A. difference between the useful work output and the total input energy
B. ratio of the useful work output to the total input energy
C. ratio of the total input energy to the useful work output
D. sum of the waste energy and the useful work output
47. A hoist lifts a car with a total energy input of 6.73 X 104 J. The car gains 2.35 X 104 J
of gravitational potential energy during the process. What is the efficiency of the hoist?
A. 7.00%
B. 17.5%
C. 25.0%
D. 34.9%
49. Globally, which energy resource provides the most energy each year?
A. conventional oil
B. hydro-electric power
C. wind power
D. coal
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