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Modern World History
Name: _______________________________
HW: Columbus & Conquistadors
Part 1: Background
The Christian Crusades (1095-1291) brought Europeans into contact with Middle Eastern culture, and more
Europeans became aware of the rich variety of foods and spices available in the Middle East. Marco Polo made
his famous journey to Asia in 1271. He wrote of the many places where he had seen spices grown, which Arab
traders had tried to keep secret in order to protect their supply sources.
During the Middle Ages, only the wealthiest Europeans could afford spices. Prices were expensive because the
overland trade route from Asia to the Middle East allowed only small quantities to reach the Middle East and the
trade route took a long time to travel. Middle Eastern traders controlled the spice trade, and could set prices very
high. Demand continued to grow among Europeans because food was very plain and difficult to preserve. In
addition, many spices were used as medicine. Pepper was so prized it was counted out by the peppercorn. In
England in the 11th century, many towns kept their accounts and paid taxes with pepper.
Toward the end of the Middle Ages, a growing European middle class wanted spices. This caused prices to rise
even higher. These higher prices, along with increasing demand and an inadequate supply, were some of the
reasons for European exploration later in the century – including Christopher Columbus’ quest to find India. The
Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and other European powers all searched for new trade routes to Asia to take part in
the profitable spice trade.
1. Read the background above and then list 3 bullet points that explain how and why Europeans
became interested in spices and why they wanted to seek out their own trade routes to get more spices
by the end of the Middle Ages.
Part 2: Columbus
NOTE: The reading you need for this is posted on the HW page of the website.
2. Throughout the article (and more specifically in paragraphs 4-6), the author comments on some of the
positive and negative consequences of Columbus’ voyages. Briefly describe some of the positive and negative
consequences in the chart below (aim for 3 of each).
3 In paragraphs 11 and 12, the author makes some comments about what was happening in Europe that fueled
the desire for voyages. What were some of the conditions and ideas in Europe that might have led some to join
voyages of expedition?
4. Summarize the main point the author is trying to make in this article.
Part 3: Who were the Conquistadors of Mexico?
Now let’s learn about what Spain hoped to gain from its conquest of the Americas and more about the
Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés. Click on this link to get started and begin reading the LEFT
COLUMN of text.
The Promise of the New World
1. What were some of the reasons why the explorers set out for new lands?
2. What were some of the hardships or difficulties explorers might face?
(click on “more” to continue)
3. What specific mission did the conquistadors have that would benefit their country?
Please finish reading this selection, then look for menu above and click on “Cortes and the Spanish” to read more about
Hernán Cortés.
Cortes the Conquistador
4. Where did Cortés first live when he sailed to the Americas? What did he do there? Where did he
move in 1509?
5. Why did the Spanish decide to explore the Yucatan peninsula of modern-day Mexico?
6. Cortés was chosen to lead this mission. What did he promise to the Spanish soldiers who joined
him on his expedition?
7. Why was Cortés’ battle with Mayan people along the coast important? Click on the icon labeled
Malintzin to read more about a key member of Cortés’ mission. Why was she important to Cortés’
exploration and eventual conquest of the Aztec people?