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Content Benchmark E.8.B.3
Students know characteristics of the planets in our solar system. I/S
Sample Test Questions
1st Item Specification: Describe general planetary motions.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
1. When viewed from above the orbital path of planets, it can be seen that
A. all planets revolve in a clockwise direction.
B. all planets revolve in a counterclockwise direction.
C. the inner planets revolve clockwise while the outer planets revolve counterclockwise.
D. the inner planets revolve counterclockwise while the outer planets revolve clockwise.
2. Which statement regarding the amount of time it takes planets to complete one revolution is
A. All planets take the same amount of time to make one complete revolution.
B. Gas giants require less time than rocky planets to make one complete revolution.
C. The further a planet is from the sun, the less time required to complete one revolution.
D. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the shorter the time required to complete one revolution.
3. The accompanying diagram shows the direction of rotation of the planets and from which
direction the sun rises. CCW is counterclockwise rotation and CW is clockwise rotation.
Which planet, when viewed from north, has a clockwise rotation which causes the sun to rise
in the west and set in the east?
A. Venus
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Neptune
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
Use the diagram below to answer the following question.
The accompanying diagram depicts the axial tilt of the planets of our Solar System. Which
three planets have axial tilts closest to that of Earth?
A. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter
B. Jupiter, Mars and Uranus
C. Uranus, Pluto and Venus
D. Mars, Saturn and Neptune
2nd Item Specification: Explain the relationship between moons and planets.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
5. Besides Earth, one planet and two moons are believed to be volcanically active. Which of
the following statements regarding such volcanic activity is INCORRECT?
A. Venus appears to have active volcanoes as evidenced by gases in its atmosphere.
B. Mars has the largest active volcano in the solar system.
C. Io is a volcanically active moon of Jupiter, spewing forth sulfurous lava.
D. Triton is a volcanically active moon of Neptune, erupting plumes of liquid nitrogen, dust
and methane.
6. When comparing moons to the planets they orbit,
A. the Moon is closer in size to Earth than any other moon is compared to its planet.
B. the inner planets are found to have far more moons in orbit than the outer planets.
C. all moons are observed to orbit their planet is a counterclockwise direction.
D. Mercury has been discovered to be the only inner planet which has no moons.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
7. The photograph below displays the two moons of Mars.
(From and
Careful observation of these two moons suggests that, like some planets, they have
A. life which mined rock from the surface.
B. a dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide.
C. been impacted by meteorites.
D. a composition mostly of gases.
8. Which of the following is a reasonable explanation for the existence of volcanoes on
Jupiter’s moon, Io?
A. Friction between Io and Jupiter’s atmosphere cause portions of Io’s crust to melt.
B. Tidal forces due to Jupiter’s gravity cause heating and melting of Io’s interior.
C. Io is the escaped core of the planet Jupiter, so it is still extremely hot.
D. The strong magnetic field of Jupiter attracts Io’s lava to the surface.
3rd Item Specification: Understand the characteristics of rocky (terrestrial) and gaseous
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
9.Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system because it
A. is the closest planet to the sun.
B. radiates more energy than it receives from the sun due to gravitational forces.
C. has a thick, CO2-rich atmosphere which holds most of the energy received from the sun.
D. has a very rapid rate of rotation which induces a high degree of friction.
10. Which statement concerning properties of planets is INCORRECT?
A. All of the gas giants have rings.
B. The rocky planets are more massive than the gas giants.
C. Atmospheres have been found both on rocky planets and on gas giants.
D. The gas giants have far shorter periods of rotation than do the rocky planets.
11. Each statement about the characteristics of planets is correct EXCEPT
A. rocky planets have higher densities than the gaseous planets.
B. gaseous planets have thicker atmospheres than the rocky planets.
C. all the rocky planets and all the gaseous planets have solid surfaces.
D. craters are found on all the rocky planets but not on the gaseous planets.
12. One of the planets has a core which appears to be at least 30,000C. This planet radiates
more energy back into space than it receives from the sun. The planet is
A. Jupiter.
B. Mercury.
C. Pluto.
D. Venus.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
13. The diagram below displays the average density of planets in our solar system.
When compared to the density of Earth,
A. Mars is the inner planet with the least difference in density.
B. Mercury is the inner planet with the most difference in density.
C. Uranus is the outer planet with the least difference in density.
D. Saturn is the outer planet with the most difference in density.
14. The photograph below shows a portion of the surface of Mars.
The photo provides evidence suggesting Mars once had
A. aquatic life.
B. extensive glaciation.
C. flowing surface water.
D. a system of canals.
15. The table below has values comparing several properties of the planets in our solar system.
From this table, it is apparent that
A. the inner planets have more mass than the outer planets.
B. the outer planets have longer days than the inner planets.
C. the inner planets have a longer solar revolution than the outer planets.
D. the outer planets have greater diameters than the inner planets.
16. Terrestrial planets are composed mainly of rock and metal. Gaseous planets are made up
mostly of hydrogen and helium. Which of the following is an accurate statement?
A. Terrestrial planets are denser even though they are smaller than gaseous planets.
B. Gaseous planets are less massive because of the lower density of their materials.
C. Terrestrial planets are smaller than gaseous planets, but both have the same mass.
D. Gaseous planets are more likely to float out of their orbit than are terrestrial planets.
Constructed Response E.8.B.3
1. Use the following table and information to answer the questions below.
Distance in AU
(from Sun)
Period of Rotation
(compared to Earth) (compared to Earth)
25.4 days (equator)
36 days (poles)
59 days
Period of Revolution
(compared to Earth)
243 days
0.62 years
1 day
1.00 years
1.025 days
1.91 years
0.408 days
11.86 years
0.445 days
29.46 years
0.718 days
84.01 years
0.671 days
164.79 years
0.24 years
(Derived from
A. Obtain a sheet of graph paper. Construct a scale model depicting the distance of each planet
from the Sun. Next to each planet on this model, indicate its distance, period of rotation and
period of revolution. Include a key indicating the units and scale used for distance.
B. Obtain a sheet of butcher paper. Construct a scale model comparing the size of the Sun and
eight planets. The model should use a circle for the Sun which takes up the majority of the
butcher paper; label this circle as Sun. Within the circle you drew for the Sun, draw and label
circles for each of the planets. Include a key indicating the units and scale used for diameter.
Content Benchmark E.8.B.3
Students know characteristics of the planets in our solar system. I/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. C, DOK level 1
2. B, DOK level 1
3. D, DOK level 2
4. B, DOK level 1
5. D, DOK level 1
6. A, DOK level 1
7. A, DOK level 2
8. D, DOK level 2
9. B, DOK level 1
10. A, DOK level 1
11. C, DOK level 2
12. B, DOK level 2
13. C, DOK level 1
14. A, DOK level 1
15. D, DOK level 2
16. A, DOK level 2
Constructed Response E.8.B.3 Score Rubric:
3 points
2 points
Response addresses all parts of the question clearly and correctly.
A. Student graph has been constructed at a suitable scale with a key
including the units and scale used. Each of the eight planets is present
at the correct distance, and each is appropriately labeled with its
distance in AU, period of rotation and period of revolution.
B. The diagram on the butcher paper must include the Sun and eight
planets all properly scaled in diameter. Each should be labeled, and the
planets are to be located within the Sun. The key will tell the units and
scale used.
Response addresses all parts of the question and includes only minor
Response does not address all parts of the question.
1 point
The response is totally incorrect or no response provided.
0 points