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Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: _____
Chapter 10.4: Metamorphic Rock
1. Metamorphic Rock
a. __________ formed from other rocks as a result of intense ________,
_________________, or ___________________ processes.
b. _________________________ is the changing of one __________ of
rock to ___________________ by heat, pressure, and _____________
c. Most metamorphic __________ is formed ____________ beneath the
surface of the ____________ and consists of existing ____________,
___________________, or _____________________________ rock.
2. Formation of Metamorphic Rock
a. ______ types of _______________________ occur in the _______ of
the earth. They are ______________ metamorphism and
__________________ metamorphism.
i. Contact ____________________ occurs when hot __________
pushes through _________________ rock and the heat from the
magma _______________ the structure and _______________
composition of the _______________________ rock.
1. In this type of __________________ only the rocks near
or _________________ the magma are changed by its
2. Hot ________________ fluids working through
__________________ may also cause changes in the
__________________ rock during contact
ii. _______________ metamorphism occurs over an ________ of
thousands of ____________ kilometers during _____________
of _______________________ activity.
1. The ______________ of one tectonic _________ against
another creates _________________ heat and pressure in
the ___________ at the plate ___________ which causes
chemical ____________ in the __________________ of
the rock.
2. Most _________________ rock are created by this type
of _________________________.
Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: _____
3. Classification of Metamorphic Rocks
a. ___________________ rocks are classified by their ______________.
b. There are _______ types of textures a metamorphic ______________
may have. They are _________________ and
_________________________ textures.
i. ____________ rocks are formed with _____________ bands of
________________ and can form in one of two ways.
1. _______________ pressure may ________________ the
mineral _________________ in the original rock and
_____________ them into parallel ______________ or…
2. ________________ can also occur when _____________
of different ____________________ separate into bands,
producing a series of _________________ dark and
_______________ bands.
ii. Examples of ___________________ rock with _____________
textures include ________, __________, and ______________.
iii. ____________________ rocks are formed without
__________________ bands.
1. Nonfoliated ___________ are formed when __________
and ______________ cause the mineral ___________ to
___________________ so that the spaces between them
a. Examples of nonfoliated rocks include
__________________ (original rock is
____________________) and ________________
(original rock is __________________________.)